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Posts posted by Taril.8619

  1. @Liewec.2896 said:

    @"Taril.8619" said:It'd end up facing the issues that current Racial Skills face.

    Which is they're intentionally bad so that people can play what race they like rather than what race is objectively the best for their class/game mode.

    but i don't call that an issue, i call that good design!

    It's an issue because the devs don't want racials to dictate gameplay.

    As it goes counter to their "Play how you want" ideology (Though, many balance changes and powercreep and introduction of Holy Trinity in Raids have corroded this anyway)

    Which is why racial skills are really awful and not usable in sPvP entirely.

    @Liewec.2896 said:like in WoW you'd see plenty of night elf rogues because night elves had racial skills and traits that work perfectly for stealthy classes,while if you were wanting to play a warrior you could check out a race like tauren, who's higher health and pbaoe stun ability made perfect for a frontline bruiser.

    it'd be great if choice of race actually made a difference in gw2, i wanna see norn and charr warriors being better warrior and guardians than asuras,but asuras being better casters than norn and charr.

    i found it exciting in the early days of gw2 when people were actually thinking about what race to play because racial skills were actually being used!(and they worked in spvp, i had fun theorycrafting stuff, played a sylvari warrior using the racial root combined with 100b!)

    The issue is that it ends up with everyone playing the same race, due to the best bonuses.

    In WoW this was every PvPer playing Undead back when Will of the Forsaken didn't share a cooldown with PvP trinkets and so was an extra stunbreak, later it became Human when their Racial was literally the PvP stunbreak trinket allowing them to equip 2 stat boosting trinkets instead. For PvE it has always been Troll and Orc due to their actives that grant Attack/Cast speed and Attack/Spell power respectively based on class availability between these two races.

    For GW2 it manifested itself with PvP/WvW players picking Norn for the stealth skill on Wolf Transformation.

    One could argue that this would be fine, since not everyone cares that much about min/maxing or PvP/WvW. As well as the fact that Human is by far the most played race anyway (Approximately 40% of all characters are human. With the second most popular race being a tie between Asura, Sylvari and Norn at 15% each)

  2. Ahh yes... Medium armour AKA "Everythings a bloody trenchcoat!"

    As far as armour sets that fit the theme you're going for, the closest I can find are the Triumphant set from WvW and the Viper's set from the gem store.

    Also, as far as I know, the Vigil chestpiece is pretty much just a tunic, which can then be combined with one of various pairs of pants that are not so flashy (Most sets have standard pants to be honest, it's mostly the chestpieces all being trenchcoats that's the problem)

  3. Druid is good in raids, it's the best healer in the game.

    Boon Chrono has started to fall to the wayside in favour of the "Firebrigade" combo (Guardian Firebrand and Revenant Renegade) which provide the same boons as Chrono, but have an easier time doing so.

    Really, most classes can provide decent support for Raids. Though the primary ones are Druid (For healing), Firebrand (For Quickness boons), Renegade (For Alacrity boons) and Warrior (For Banners)

    Other classes can support pretty well though, Elementalist Tempest can heal decently, Necromancer Scourge can assist with healing via Barriers, Engineer Scrapper can provide some healing and Chronomancer can provide Quickness and Alacrity boons.

  4. @"juno.1840" said:The "throwing" part doesn't make sense :)The more deadly I believe due to the more efficient transfer of energy though a more solid medium.

    Well, lets put it this way, a heart in Wayfarer Foothills shows that PC's can throw a snowball hard enough to kill a rabbit.

    Tossing some grenades a few feet underwater should be possible ;)

  5. @Obtena.7952 said:

    @Obtena.7952 said:These changes have NOTHING to do with being "efficient" in instanced team content ... so if you want to be influential it affecting them before they go live ... better make some arguments that are inline with how Anet thinks when they make them.

    @Obtena.7952 said:Does it occur to anyone how strange it is to claim how much better a healing skill is because it does more DPS? :astonished: You realize how backwards that is right?

    This is why you have no clue when it comes to group content.

    This is why you have no clue when it comes to PVE class changes ... it's not only about group content.

    @Obtena.7952 said:Does it occur to anyone how strange it is to claim how much better a healing skill is because it does more DPS? :astonished: You realize how backwards that is right?

    It's backwards, until you realize that due to how enemy mechanics work in this game as well as how healing mechanics work, you don't really care about your personal healing skill in instanced PvE.

    OK ... but PVE in this game isn't JUST about instanced content ... so the answer here isn't what heal is the best (or consequently why some change might be 'bad') ... it's what heal is more appropriate for the content a player is doing ... or how they want to play.

    Instanced PvE is the only PvE where ability efficiency is worth noting.

    That might be relevant if Anet ONLY made class changes because of instance PVE because of efficiency ...

    Here we go again...

    Dont you guys find it weird?
    "No not really, its why we are on about it and this is why"
    ...you're wrong for this thinking...

    Way to confuse my question with these replies ... completely unrelated.

    Its perfectly related.

    You asking if people found it weird and they explicitly told you no and why they don't find it weird to be discussing that at all, the reason their discussing it and why it matters to them, only to be dismissed because of your usual tirade of "this is not how Anet works", "what youre talking about isn't the only thing that matters" and some overwhelming need to start arguments, derail conversations and be right all the time.

    Their chat, completely relative to their own context of endgame/ instanced/ organised content, isn't "this isn't going to be useful so it shouldn't be put in", its "its going to be put in so is it going to be useful to me". Very different . Asking for something to be useful is very different to asking if something is going to be useful, again completely within their own context to what matters to them.

    That STILL doesn't change the fact that class changes aren't put in or not put in because of 'useful' in a specific game element. Unless the skill was split for the different elements, the consideration has to be for ALL game elements.

    And this has nothing to do with why it was being discussed. If people want to discuss if a change that is being put in is useful
    to them within their own context
    you have no right to tell them they are wrong for assessing something based on
    their own requirements.

    I don't think i'm telling them that they are wrong as much as I'm telling them that they need to expand their scope of consideration. I mean, if they WANT to narrow their assessment on skill usefulness to JUST instanced PVE content played in the most efficient way, OK ... but we already know that's not the whole story right.

    We aren't narrowly assessing on JUST instanced PvE content though.

    PvP: Signet of Vampirism < Consume Conditions and thus Trash, same as now.WvW: Signet of Vampirism < Sand Flare and thus Trash, same as now.Instanced PvE: Depends on if new Signet of Vampirism passive damage can out perform Blood Fiend (Including the fact that it will be inactive due to Shroud since Signets of Suffering continues to be trash) but most likely will be Trash, same as now.Open World PvE: Who cares, this mode is faceroll no matter what you use.

    The Class changes are mainly thematic

    Wait what? Do you seriously think that the devs make changes based on class themes rather than performance?

    For real?

    If that was even remotely close to true, not only would they do considerably less number tweaking, but also Necro's minions wouldn't be so gosh darn awful...

    Not to mention, the devs themselves in their patch notes mentioned that they are changing the Signets trait because it's not strong enough...

    @Fire Attunement.9835 said:The necromancer traits for signets and wells have long occupied a difficult place in most builds since they exist on the grandmaster tier and typically have not provided enough power to warrant taking over other grandmaster traits.

  6. @"juno.1840" said:That's a good idea -- not sure why it didn't cross my mind. I try and use my land skills for underwater so I have a gyro loadout. Also grenades underwater doesn't make sense in RL, so pre-built assumptions lol.

    Grenades underwater isn't that hard to believe. Depth charges are a thing in real life. Also real grenades still work underwater (And can be more deadly due to the shockwaves they create in the water causing internal damage without external signs)

    Bombs on the other hand... With actual fuses for detonation... Also, Fire Bomb functioning underwater... But ehh, at least it kills stuff, unlike Har-poop Gun.

    Also Elixir Gun works underwater too for some reason and Tool Kit still has "Box of Nails" which works using magic or something I guess all those fishies taking damage from walking on them nails lul.

    But yeah, Engie's underwater weapon is pretty bad. But at least they can bypass it with kits that give them ground skills to use instead which is a small comfort.

  7. @Black Storm.6974 said:I think discussing with @Taril.8619, @Josiah.2967 and @"Shadowmoon.7986" will “only” hide the comments that are really worth reading. Their idea of the game has clearly nothing to do with what Guild Wars 2 is for most players.

    Again, you keep talking about "Most Players"

    But still haven't noticed that most players play only Open World. With most Necro's in OW PvE playing Minion Master.

    Thus meaning most Necro players will be running Blood Fiend due to the synergy with Minion Master builds.

    Even looking at build sites like metabattle that feature a lot of casual builds, literally just one build exists that runs Signet of Vampirism (A WvW Signet build)

    At the end of the day, Signet of Vampirism is not worth picking over other options, but since the game doesn't require optimal play, it can still be used if someone wants to. Just like they can use the Signets of Suffering trait despite that also being not worth taking over other options.

    The main reason this is an issue, is ANet are probably listening to people like you who have no clue why Signets of Suffering and Signets in general aren't used. Hence why they think nerfing it and pushing it down a trait tier to compete with Awaken the Pain will make it more attractive.

    Instead of realizing that Signet effects are just bad and would need some adjustments to make them worthwhile. Just to highlight the issues with Signets;

    • Signet of Vampirism - Life Siphon cannot crit so it does not scale well with Power builds. Its ally healing output is far outmatched by Well of Blood and Sand Flare in heal builds.
    • Plague Signet - Uncontrolled transferring of conditions to self is not good especially with limited ways to cleanse conditions (Or transfer). Transferring conditions to an enemy is weak due to low durations (And if your plan is to self condition via Blood is Power and Corrupt Boons with high duration increases and then transfer... It means you're not running Epidemic which is a super important skill for Condi Necro)
    • Signet of Spite - Cooldown is way too long for the active to warrant a Condi build bothering to pick it up and use Signets of Suffering especially given the lackluster number of damaging conditions (2 Bleed, 2 Poison, 2 Torment...)
    • Signet of the Locust - 25% movement speed is not a particularly big deal (Not when Swiftness is handed out like candy and 25% movement speed rune bonuses are not too hard to get). The damage from the active does not scale well at all. Though, I admit, the healing from this skill in OW PvE can be nice, essentially a second heal skill. It's possible that the addition of boonrip might make this usable in PvP/WvW for Bunker builds wanting more sustain with a side benefit of some boonrip.
    • Signet of Undeath - Buffs to LF generation on weapons makes the passive less necessary, with only Scourge really getting much from it due to their ability to expend LF at a high rate constantly. Having Signets of Suffering to reduce the cooldown of the active is unnecessary as allies shouldn't be getting downed that often (Except in PvP... But then again, it's really easy to revive people in PvP, especially if running revive traits like Ritual of Life, given the damage nerfs from the major patch a while back)

    With again, mention that Signets of Suffering is in a heavily damage focused specialization and competing with strong damage increasing traits. Meaning, people who are picking Spite are doing so because they want damage, not utility.

    If Signets of Suffering was in Blood Magic, say, instead of Unholy Martyr or was in Soul Reaping, say, instead of Vital Persistence, it might see a better pick rate even with Signets not being that great. Since then it's a utility trait in a specialization where people will be looking for some utility traits.

  8. @Armen.1483 said:Mirage and chrono both have fast shatter playstiles you get 3 clones and immideatly press shatter.

    Condition builds actually want to have 3 clones up at all times, meaning they only shatter when they can quickly get back to having 3 clones active.

    This is due to the conditions that clones will apply from auto attacks and Sharper Images procs.

    Only Power builds will shatter immediately upon reaching 3 clones (They also don't wait around for 3 sources of clones to line up at the same time and will use clone generation skills on cooldown to maximize their usage, meaning they can spend periods of time with just 1-2 clones up waiting for a 3rd clone. Especially Power Chrono that has to wait for Phantasms to attack twice and have that 1.5s of daze between casts before getting the Clone)

  9. @Obtena.7952 said:

    @Obtena.7952 said:These changes have NOTHING to do with being "efficient" in instanced team content ... so if you want to be influential it affecting them before they go live ... better make some arguments that are inline with how Anet thinks when they make them.

    @Obtena.7952 said:Does it occur to anyone how strange it is to claim how much better a healing skill is because it does more DPS? :astonished: You realize how backwards that is right?

    This is why you have no clue when it comes to group content.

    This is why you have no clue when it comes to PVE class changes ... it's not only about group content.

    @Obtena.7952 said:Does it occur to anyone how strange it is to claim how much better a healing skill is because it does more DPS? :astonished: You realize how backwards that is right?

    It's backwards, until you realize that due to how enemy mechanics work in this game as well as how healing mechanics work, you don't really care about your personal healing skill in instanced PvE.

    OK ... but PVE in this game isn't JUST about instanced content ... so the answer here isn't what heal is the best (or consequently why some change might be 'bad') ... it's what heal is more appropriate for the content a player is doing ... or how they want to play.

    Instanced PvE is the only PvE where ability efficiency is worth noting.

    That might be relevant if Anet ONLY made class changes because of instance PVE because of efficiency ...

    Here we go again...

    Dont you guys find it weird?
    "No not really, its why we are on about it and this is why"
    ...you're wrong for this thinking...

    Way to confuse my question with these replies ... completely unrelated.

    Its perfectly related.

    You asking if people found it weird and they explicitly told you no and why they don't find it weird to be discussing that at all, the reason their discussing it and why it matters to them, only to be dismissed because of your usual tirade of "this is not how Anet works", "what youre talking about isn't the only thing that matters" and some overwhelming need to start arguments, derail conversations and be right all the time.

    Their chat, completely relative to their own context of endgame/ instanced/ organised content, isn't "this isn't going to be useful so it shouldn't be put in", its "its going to be put in so is it going to be useful to me". Very different . Asking for something to be useful is very different to asking if something is going to be useful, again completely within their own context to what matters to them.

    That STILL doesn't change the fact that class changes aren't put in or not put in because of 'useful' in a specific game element. Unless the skill was split for the different elements, the consideration has to be for ALL game elements.

    And this has nothing to do with why it was being discussed. If people want to discuss if a change that is being put in is useful
    to them within their own context
    you have no right to tell them they are wrong for assessing something based on
    their own requirements.

    I don't think i'm telling them that they are wrong as much as I'm telling them that they need to expand their scope of consideration. I mean, if they WANT to narrow their assessment on skill usefulness to JUST instanced PVE content played in the most efficient way, OK ... but we already know that's not the whole story right.

    We aren't narrowly assessing on JUST instanced PvE content though.

    PvP: Signet of Vampirism < Consume Conditions and thus Trash, same as now.WvW: Signet of Vampirism < Sand Flare and thus Trash, same as now.Instanced PvE: Depends on if new Signet of Vampirism passive damage can out perform Blood Fiend (Including the fact that it will be inactive due to Shroud since Signets of Suffering continues to be trash) but most likely will be Trash, same as now.Open World PvE: Who cares, this mode is faceroll no matter what you use.

  10. @Kodama.6453 said:And even if you consider it garbage, having another weapon to provide you support qualities if your intention is to be a full fledged support is beneficial when your other weapon set is on cooldown.

    I kinda doubt that these 2 weapons will really make thief a competitive support. They are core, yet thief didn't manage to get into that niche now.

    You're missing the part where the Elite Specializations themselves could provide things that allow other weapons to provide things for these roles too.

    Just like how Ranger's Warhorn provides Regeneration from the trait in Nature Magic.

    So too could any other existing weapon for either of these classes end up providing some measure of additional supportive capacity from a Trait in the E-Spec.

  11. It could be quite possible to have both Clones and Phantasms be not only untargetable and invulnerable, but also reliable.

    Phantasms can easily just become skill effects. I.e;

    • Illusionary Berserker - Instead of throwing out an illusionary greatsword at the target and then having the Berserker spawn... Just wind up a spinning throw and have the Berserker be the projectile that flies out. Simply make it a line target skill and voila.
    • Illusionary Mage - The cast time now consists of making the Mage appear and do its animation for the flame blast.
    • Illusionary Warden - Cast animation throws an illusionary axe which then makes the Warden materialize and do its thing (Simply acting like any other Field)
    • Phantasmal Duelist - The tri-shot materializes into the Duelist who then shoots its load on your target.
    • Phantasmal Swordsman - As you do the stab animation for the strike, the Swordsman appears in front of you, as you finish the strike the Swordsman teleports to your target and does his combo.

    Clones, could be reworked to no longer be persistent. With of course changes to certain traits and skills (To account for the loss of Condition application). Instead, you simply gain your Clone Pips whenever you'd normally generate a clone.

    Then activating a Shatter could simply spawn 1-3 clones (Depending on how many pips you had) that spawn a set distance away from your target and then leap at them and explode. Thus allowing them to land reliably, but with the double edge that it means dodging can more reliably negate shatters too.

    This needn't even mess with certain skill effects either, such as Axes of Symmetry, Mirror Images and Illusionary Ambush, which could create untargetable "Clones" for the skill that simply do the animation then disappear with the classic bufferfly effect 1 second later.

    With both of these changes, Mesmer's Illusions no longer would be a clunky and unreliable mechanic.

    As far as "Not receiving boons" go... Well, they'd simply utilize the boons you have on yourself. Persistence of Memory trait could disappear and all those "Your Phantasms get X boon" traits simply become "Gain X boon when you use a Phantasm skill"

  12. @Kodama.6453 said:Look at druid, for example. Clearly designed as a support spec, since core ranger is strongly lacking in the ability to support their allies in a meaningful way. They got the celestial avatar and all, but outside of the celestial avatar, ranger doesn't really have alot of weapon sets to make them able to support.


    I actually use Axe/Warhorn over Staff on my Druid because Druid Staff is total garbage.

    @Kodama.6453 said:Daredevil is another one. Designed as a bruiser spec for thief, a class which doesn't have any real weapons for the bruiser playstyle.


    It has been the defacto Bruiser setup for Thief since the games release. Sword offering cleaving auto attacks which have historically been the highest DPS of their available weapons, while Pistol off-hand is reknown for its ability to plop down smoke fields and laugh as everything nearby gets perma-blinded.

    @Kodama.6453 said:This is why adding new weapons is needed. You say you want a support elite spec for the thief (I do, too), but which weapons should that spec wield if we don't add a new support focused weapon for them?

    Sword/Pistol + Shortbow

    Sword provides access to Shadowsteps on skill 2 which can proc Shadow Saviour for AoE healing.Pistol provides CC to help with breakbars in lieu of DPS classes having to sacrifice damage to do so.Pistol also provides Smoke field which can be used to provide Stealth to allies if able to access Blast finishers, allowing healing from Merciful Ambush.Shortbow provides Blast finisher spam.

  13. @Obtena.7952 said:

    @Obtena.7952 said:Does it occur to anyone how strange it is to claim how much better a healing skill is because it does more DPS? :astonished: You realize how backwards that is right?

    It's backwards, until you realize that due to how enemy mechanics work in this game as well as how healing mechanics work, you don't really care about your personal healing skill in instanced PvE.

    OK ... but PVE in this game isn't JUST about instanced content ... so the answer here isn't what heal is the best (or consequently why some change might be 'bad') ... it's what heal is more appropriate for the content a player is doing ... or how they want to play.

    Instanced PvE is the only PvE where ability efficiency is worth noting.

    As I mentioned, Open World PvE you can meme around with whatever you want and enemies will still fall over in seconds.

    As such, when analysing things for PvE it's done with the assessment of being utilized in Instanced PvE.

    Thus, unless Signet of Vampirism deals more passive damage than Blood Fiend, it's still not going to be used in optimized PvE builds.

    It will continue to be usable in Open World PvE because no matter what it'll be usable in Open World PvE because anything can work there. You can probably also say the same about Dungeons and low tier Fractals too.

    P.s. "Which heal is more appropriate" and "Which heal is best" are the same thing. The most appropriate heal is the one that is best. Hence why Consume Conditions is best for PvP and Sand Flare best for WvW because they are most appropriate for the game mode where Condition Cleansing is worth more than a few extra healing points in PvP and AoE sustain is worth more than a few extra self healing points in WvW. Which leaves Blood Fiend for PvE because the extra damage is worth more than potentially some more healing points (Since it's not always applicable that you'll need to self heal if your Healer is putting out the heals)

  14. @Obtena.7952 said:Does it occur to anyone how strange it is to claim how much better a healing skill is because it does more DPS? :astonished: You realize how backwards that is right?

    It's backwards, until you realize that due to how enemy mechanics work in this game as well as how healing mechanics work, you don't really care about your personal healing skill in instanced PvE.

    Since you're either not taking damage, or you're being topped off by a plethora of AoE healing and AoE Regen applications.

    It's a symptom of the Holy Trinity that exists in Instanced PvE where, so long as your Tank is the one being hit and your Healer is healing through unavoidable AoE then DPS's personal sustain skills are not needed.

    Open World PvE has more of an emphasis on self sustain due to lacking the Trinity balancing, but it's also mostly faceroll meaning you can do whatever meme build you want and be fine and several classes can even solo Champs while wearing full Zerker gear.

  15. @Kodama.6453 said:

    Don't need Hammer for Scrapper, just give Hammer skin for Rifle!

    Don't need Axe for Mirage. Just give Axe skin for Scepter!

    Don't need Greatsword for Reaper, just give GS skin for Staff! (Heck, in this case, Scythe skins for Staff already exist which are thematically appropriate!)

    These make no sense. What the guy you replied to meant was that you can easily get the weapon archetypes you are asking for here by giving other weapons a fitting skin and then
    give a kit fitting for this weapon type you request to a class that doesn't wield the weapon yet

    It makes perfect sense.

    ANet doesn't NEED to give new weapon kits and by extention, new access to weapons for classes.

    They can simply give out thematic skins for their existing weapons to get the aethetics of that new E-Spec.

    However, they choose to give more access to existing weapon types to increase the number of weapon sets available.

    The same thing can be said about new weapon types too, if they plan on releasing a bunch more E-Specs then classes will start to end up being able to use every weapon in the game (I.e. As I mentioned, Warrior only has 5-6 weapons left they can't already use. If we want to look beyond weapon types given GW2's nature of not really caring about weapon types (I.e. Ranged Hammer and Greatsword) then Warrior only has 2x 2H weapons left, 2x MH weapons and 2x OH weapons) to which new weapon types will allow for more to be done.

    This pool of available weapons for classes can shrink quite fast if they also choose to do what they did with Spellbreaker and add a MH and OH weapon together at once.

  16. @ollbirtan.2915 said:

    @"MisterDapper.5984" said:What are you on? Have you seen the benches?

    Have you?

    If you look at Snow Crows benchmarks:

    Unless you're talking about the small hitbox golem benchmarks... But if we're going to look at that, why not look at actual boss benchmarks to see how many have small hitboxes as well as performance in actual fights when played well:

    I don't know about you, but I see a lot of blue here. With only 2 fights having Elementalist featured (Sabetha and Conjured Amalgate)

    Which, if they were going on benchmarks, would suggest a nerf to Guardians...

    Since when are we 'balancing' the game after a handful of try -hards? Not saying that the patch is good --- it's kitten garbage, but your way of thinking is really not helping.

    They're not. That's literally the point I was making.

    Someone said they were balancing around benchmarks, but the benchmarks clearly point at Guardian being the top dog for DPS and have received little in the way of nerfs.

  17. @"MisterDapper.5984" said:What are you on? Have you seen the benches?

    Have you?

    If you look at Snow Crows benchmarks:

    Golem DPS

    Unless you're talking about the small hitbox golem benchmarks... But if we're going to look at that, why not look at actual boss benchmarks to see how many have small hitboxes as well as performance in actual fights when played well:

    Vale GuardianGorsevalSabethaSlothasorMatthiasKeep ConstructXeraCairnMursaatSamarogDeimosSoulless HorrorDhuumConjured AmalgateTwin LargosQadimCardinal SabirCardinal AdinaQadim the Peerless

    I don't know about you, but I see a lot of blue here. With only 2 fights having Elementalist featured (Sabetha and Conjured Amalgate)

    Which, if they were going on benchmarks, would suggest a nerf to Guardians...

  18. I dunno... Most of the time I've actually done Stampede, I just show up, slap a few enemies at 1 Holoprojector and end up with Gold participation for the entire thing (Even as a lowbie level 10 I was using to do a keyrun at the time)

    Surely it's not THAT hard to get to a single projector before the entire event is completed?

    Also, getting stopped by enemies when without a mount? I'm sorry what? If these events happened in the Crystal Desert where there's tons of Jacaranda that spam immobilize and Forged that spam knockdowns and Cripple sure. But it's just Shiverpeaks, literally nothing there can hit you if you just press W... Let alone actually having any sort of CC to slow you down (Unless you sit around waiting for a Wurm to burrow its way to you)

  19. @"Moradorin.6217" said:No go look at how jaunt works as a ground target leap finisher, it would become like that. You and I both know it.

    Technically, the issue you're describing doesn't come from being a ground targetted leap finisher.

    Since, Revenant's Call to Anguish, Daredevil's Vault and Engineer's Jump Shot are all ground targeted leap finishers that work when used either inside of or landing into a combo field.

    The particular issue with Jaunt and what would be the issue with a ground targeted Phase Retreat, is that they're Teleports. So the game doesn't always factor in their starting position.

    That said, personally, I wouldn't want a ground targetted Phase Retreat because ground targets in this game are janky af. Not activating when I click them on the ground multiple times, or coming up with that bs "No valid path" crap (Especially when they're teleports... Meanwhile, during Long Live the Lich when you've got Blish's arm the game has 0 problem teleporting wherever the heck you want to go. Teleport across gaps, teleport onto the roof of a building, teleport past a bunch of rocks etc. Not a single issue of "No valid path")

  20. I'm still hoping that Thief will get a support E-Spec at some point.

    With stolen skills being party buffs along the lines of Detonate Plasma (All of them, not just a handful. I.e. Detonate Plasma, Time in a Bottle and Blessing Seed)

    It's not like Thief can't even make a full build with support in mind. Thrill of the Crime and Bountiful Theft from Trickery allows you to apply Might, Fury, Swiftness and Vigor to allies. While Merciful Ambush, Shadow Saviour and Leeching Venoms from Shadow Arts allows you to provide some healing for allies.

    It just needs a 3rd spec that can back up this support, providing something like Alacrity/Quickness (More consistently than stealing Detonate Plasma or Time in a Bottle from Raids/Strikes) and/or being able to push out some more healing.

  21. @DNSshadow.4167 said:Again the necromancer loses a support option = /bye bye protection for allies = (welcome to Grand Master property useless blood bankHow should one turn healing into barrier when healing is also a Grand Master trait?

    Better yet, how should one turn healing into Barrier, when the entire class is pushed into being in Shroud for as long as possible and you literally cannot get healed while in Shroud (Which is actually one of the concerns for PvE balance due to there being times when being healable is important. It also completely kills any potential for current Necro to be used as a Tank, even if Death Magic can provide a ton of free Toughness)

  22. @VocalThought.9835 said:

    @Taril.8619 said:While it's very unlikely for new weapon types to be added, since they'll most likely just end up as skins for existing weapon types because that's less work (But also less interesting due to the incredibly limited nature of the visual customization, being limited to whatever handful of skins ends up existing. But also limits the potential of said weapons)

    Things I'd love to see;

    - Greataxes
    (Could be interesting to see it for Warrior + Guardian in addition to their current Greatsword and Hammer)
    - Fist weapons
    (Brass knuckles, claws, push daggers etc. I wanna punch a dragon in the face.)
    - Scythes
    (Not just Staff skins, but actual Scythes. However, if they didn't do it for Reaper of all specs, they're not going to do it in general...)
    - Rocket Launchers
    (We have Charrzooka skins for Rifles... But the closest we have to a Rocket Launcher is Engie's Mortar Kit... Imagine Engie running around with an actual Rocket Launcher though!)
    - Glaives/Swordstaffs
    (Twin bladed weapons)
    - Chakram
    (Thrown blades)
    (Kama on chains)
    (Poleaxes, Halberds, Bardiches, Partisans, Fauchards, Corsques, Naginata etc. Vastly different to in-game staff animations by being far more tip focused combat)

    They can easily use dagger, staves, and great swords and make skins for them or utility skills as a means to create weapons.

    "skins for existing weapon types because that's less work (But also less interesting due to the incredibly limited nature of the visual customization, being limited to whatever handful of skins ends up existing. But also limits the potential of said weapons"

    @VocalThought.9835 said:They really don't need to make another weapon.

    They really don't
    to do anything.

    They don't need to give new weapon access to E-Specs, just give everyone skins for their already usable weapons.

    Don't need Hammer for Scrapper, just give Hammer skin for Rifle!

    Don't need Axe for Mirage. Just give Axe skin for Scepter!

    Don't need Greatsword for Reaper, just give GS skin for Staff! (Heck, in this case, Scythe skins for Staff already exist which are thematically appropriate!)

    Did you just get manic.


    I merely highlighted that there's more to "New weapons" than just cosmetics. It's additional possibilities for weapon skills (Which Warrior is getting close to running out of new additions for given that they're only missing 5 weapons - Staff, Scepter, Focus, Shortbow and Pistol. 6 if you count both MH and OH pistol as seperate weapons)

    Of course, for most other classes, there is still unused potential for many current weapon types (Longbow, Shortbow, Pistol and Rifle are not used by many classes, there's much more focus on everyone using Sword/Axe/Greatsword)

    Making more weapons needs to serve a better purpose than cosmetics. I can see if it was something new like mounts. They proved that you don't need an actual weapon to give players the ability that a particular weapon could bring because they can make anything happen.

    Ironically, with mounts there's very little they could do to actually add something to the game. There's underwater mounts and... That's about it. Even with the current mounts we have stuff like Jackal and Raptor or Griffon and Skyscale that do the same thing. Outside of gimmick stuff that's on the level of Masteries (I.e. Sand Portals for Jackal).

    We have horizontal travel (Raptor/Jackal being general use. Roller Beetle being speed). We have vertical travel (Skipper). We have water travel (Skimmer). We have flying (Griffon/Skyscale)

    Anything new here would be just skins or masteries.

    @VocalThought.9835 said:I'm not saying that they shouldn't, just there's other ways to add weapons and their no real purpose.

    There are other ways to add weapons, which I pointed out in the first paragraph of my initial post. It's also the way that will most likely be used, since it's less work and can be directly monetized (I.e. Sell the skins in the cash shop)

    However, that doesn't stop someone from being able to desire something like a full on weapon type addition to the game.

    Just like someone is able to desire other equally unlikely things, such as balance patches that make any sense within the game's current climate.

  23. @Hannelore.8153 said:If you think the PC is the hero all the time you haven't been keeping up with the story. They're a military leader who has made many mistakes and lead many people (hundreds, if not thousands) to their deaths. And that's just in the Pact & Dragon's Watch storylines, in open-world you also do alot of very questionable things even just for regular hearts and events here and there.

    At best, the PC is an anti-hero, especially after commiting a warcrime in No Quarter.

    Even in Orr, there's literally a quest where you end up doing something bad - Depending on the option you pick when talking to the Pale Tree. You either kill a civillian scientist (You push the button to detonate the bombs), you take away the only thing preventing your comrade becoming Risen (Due to being adamant that you and only you can deliver it to Fort Trinity, leaving your comrade to be captured and then turned) or you give the order to shell a Vigil squadron (Albeit due to a mesmer illusion, though, it still underpins the fact that you were too trigger happy to bother scouting... Heck, what if there was an Eye of Zhaitan there to incur a massive counter attack?)

    @"Cynder.2509" said:I don't know but I find myself wanting to be a supervillain in most RPGs and even though I enjoy the storyline of the game I sometimes feel that this isn't right for all my characters as I have backgrounds and canons for all of them and sometimes I just want to wreak havoc and watch the world burn.I hope that in the future we'll get choices that actually matter for the story.

    Some of the issues of being a villain in RPG's include:

    • The extra resources it would require to flesh out multiple story paths, which would depend a lot on choices you make. Which is why most RPG's with a moral choice system still just follow a single linear path but give you options to be a butthole or be nice when interacting with people.Which is why the best "Moral Choice" games are ones that simply allow you some freedom to ignore the narrative and create your own (Such as modding Skyrim or Fallout 3/NV to allow you to kill any character, though FO3 does actually include the option to nuke a town for money... Or games like Risen 1 which allow you to kill most NPC's anyway)

    • The more ambiguous nature of a villanous story. When being a hero, the story is easy to manipulate, since the goal is always to defeat the antagonist. It doesn't matter the scope of the antagonist, just that there is one. It could be something as inocuous as "Who's stealing the chickens from the farm?" to "The big bad trying to destroy the world"Meanwhile, being the antagonist, there's no similar drive for the narrative. Your goal as an antagonist isn't really to defeat the protagonist, it's to fulfil your personal desire with the protagonist just popping up every now and then to try and stop you. As such, it's much harder to progress a story and even harder to try and truly encapture a wider audiences desire for being an antagonist, since maybe some people want to just steal things and become rich? Maybe some people want to destroy the world? Maybe some people want to just corrupt world leaders and create anarchy? How would you create a story narrative that allows all these things and more to be the end goal?

    It's really hard to create a good narrative that enables a villanous PC, hence why such games are few and far between. At best you can get Anti-Heros or Vigilantes which do the right thing in morally questionable ways (I think the closest we've really seen to "Villain" is God of War series, where Kratos goes on a god-killing rampage fueled by the desire to kill the God of War, Ares after he killed Kratos' family)

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