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darren.1064's Achievements

  1. Stop lowering the skill floor and ceiling. Raise them.
  2. For thief that has absolutely no survavibility besides stealth, you just want to farm them or what? That is false. Do evade frames, blinds, ports and interrupts not count? Or is it the timing part you have an issue with? I think those are far more crucial and thematically satisfying to thief's gameplay than stealth is.aside from shadowsteps, none are nearly as important as stealth
  3. Whatever thief what's your profession? Go ahead and throw your ammy and rune in
  4. Sure here is a video I made recently. exactly 10 minutes into the video I ambushed by an high rank d/p thief. Although I did defeat the thief in both fights, I think its pretty clear that the thief lost almost by choice. What I mean is, the thief is able to reset over and over trying to get a burst. At the same time, on Mirage my clones run around and almost never actually make contact. The actual kill on the thief is very short using confusion, which is NOT easy. Most of the time these fights go to the thief. Exactly 10 minutes into the video my fight with a d/p DD starts. The clip right after is the DDs 2nd attempt which also fails. Are you sure this is the video you wanted to show? It seems to me like it shows that even against Thieves best matchup by a wide margin, condi mesmer (Plasma is OP), the thief had absolutely no hope of ever killing you. The best he could do is run away and survive, and if he stayed to fight, he would always have died, as he did in the end. And thats even against a player clicking their skills, which is highly inefficient to the point of giving the thief a massive advantage he usually wont have in a fight. Now of course, this is in WvW, not sPvP, so thieves advantage of being the fastest decapper and +1er is non-existent, and yeah, thief isnt any good in WvW, hence why despite the inherent popularity of rogue classes, nowadays you dont see a lot of thieves in WvW. I wish I could play the easy mode too but I don't like thief :( I get the feeling you replied to the wrong thing? I mean then again, it seems youre just the newest flavour of burnfall, blind hatred of thief while simultaniously having clearly no clue about thief whatsoever. Again: played thief, left it early on 'cause it was unpunishable and I was disgusted by how deeply easy and with no depth the gameplay was. Thief players on this forum act as if stealth into backstab for 15 minutes until someone dies is high skill cap, I renew my invitation to play a real class -any real class- and see if you can get away with the kitten thief lets you do. Mate I've not even been playing thief in over a year. Im an Engineer player (core engineer specifically, which I'd wager is one of the hardest builds around in general). Thief aint easy. Easier than Engineer, yes, but anything that isnt some ele builds is easier than Engineer. Someone has yet to explain in which universe stealth into backstab for 15 minutes is high skill cap, 'cause for the life of me I can't understand it. Because thats just one tiny thing of the many things thief does? Thats like saying "Someone has yet to explain in which universe Plasma Beam into Arcane Blast and Lightning Strike for 15 minutes is high skill cap, 'cause for the life of me I can't understand it." Or hell, Prestige into Cry of Frustration. Because its a stupid statement meant by someone who clearly fails to understand even the absolute fundamentals of thief. Try failing a burst with a d\p thief, then try failing a burst with a fresh air ele, come back to this forum and report to the rest of the community what happens when you fail and CAN'T reset 100 times. tRy FaiLiNg a BuRsT oN D/P tHiEF anD tHeN Go BuTtOn MaSH oN NeCRo foR 2000% MoRe DaMaGe aNd MoRe SurViVabIliTY, CoMe BacK To ThIs FoRuM aNd RePoRt To ThE ReSt oF the CoMMuNi... CoMmMuni... CoMmUniTttty WhaT HapPenS WhEn yoU faIl and CaN"T ReSet 100 TimEs how'd I do? Imagine thinking necro has better survivability than thief. Good times. You think the class with the biggest health pool + a second health pool doesn't have the highest survivability? Please hook me up with your plug.
  5. Damn, nobody can show that thief is ridiculously OP. That's wild.
  6. Shoutout to when no thieves are in the top 250 of that and everybody begins to question why
  7. dont play celestial.. well celestial is gone either way.. and nope.. thief shouldnt be able to kill a weaver in 1v1 ^^ I sure loved that thread when somebody else said that you're new and don't have any idea how to really play PvP and you couldn't reply. That should be our default reply to you newbie. i replayed unless the guy wasnt worth my replay such as you.. lets make it clear .. the balance changes constantly.. 2 years ago balance was entirely differnet .. infact why go this far.. on feb before the update balance was entirely different,.. i dont give a kitten how long you been in game.. you stayed stuck in the past ... im here on the present and future.. you seem to not know how to pvp your self.. despite how long you been in game.. and thats my prof that being new /old to game doesnt matter.. its either you have what needed or you dont.. you certainly dont.. and even if you somehow do.. your arrogance makes you very little to care about Imagine being here in the present and still asking how to play your class and fight others on forums lmfao. Just admit it little buddy, you aren't that good yet. never asked how to play my class. im doing fine ty ^^ and even if i would ask that wouldnt be you.. so give your big fake ego a glass of cold water .. and some cubes of ice.. it doesnt do you good or grace.. it only make you look.. well.. not so smart and not a grown up... arguing with kids is stressful https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/102842/help-understanding-tactic-traitline#latestCreated April 15, 2020 https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/102359/help-understanding-dual-wield-trait-pls#latestCreated April 12, 2020 https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/89025/advice-with-class-newplayer#latestCreated November 3rd, 2019! Just one year ago! Do I need to continue? yoiu are out of date :D this is old ^^ i take no shame in asking people opinon first of all .. so long they aint kids like you..and well these are old :D been a long while since then zzzz I sure loved that thread when somebody else said that you're new and don't have any idea how to really play PvP and you couldn't reply. That should be our default reply to you newbie.
  8. So your argument for thief being able to fight on sides is that they're able to kill another dead profession? and your indicator that thief cant be on side nodes is since it cant beat 1 specific prof? despite being able to beat other classes that are also meta?cought DH, holo cough both DH and Holo counter thief. If they're dying to a thief then it isn't because thief is superior, it's because the thief was just the better player. both DH and holo counter meta thief, if they are dying to META thief then its because META thief is supperiorBoth DH and Holo have a lower skill floor and ceiling than Thief. I would seriously bet that meta thief isn't superior, the thief player is just better. I used to be a hardcore top 100 player every season that played 400-500 games a season, but now I just casually play and i'm currently at 60 games this season. I beat holo and DH players in my gold games, but it isn't because thief is better than them. I simply know the tricks to kill them because I've fought a lot of them and I've fought the best of them. Going into gold and killing some average holos and DHs is lightwork, but if the holo/DH was on my level or better then they would utterly destroy me. That's how simple it is. PvP in GW2 functions like multi-dimensional rock, paper, scissors. The thing is that the second dimension is skill factoring in and so while DH and Holo were designed and are even currently maintained to counter thief-- the difference in experience factors in greatly.
  9. So your argument for thief being able to fight on sides is that they're able to kill another dead profession? and your indicator that thief cant be on side nodes is since it cant beat 1 specific prof? despite being able to beat other classes that are also meta?cought DH, holo coughboth DH and Holo counter thief. If they're dying to a thief then it isn't because thief is superior, it's because the thief was just the better player.
  10. So your argument for thief being able to fight on sides is that they're able to kill another dead profession?
  11. dont play celestial.. well celestial is gone either way.. and nope.. thief shouldnt be able to kill a weaver in 1v1 ^^ I sure loved that thread when somebody else said that you're new and don't have any idea how to really play PvP and you couldn't reply. That should be our default reply to you newbie. i replayed unless the guy wasnt worth my replay such as you.. lets make it clear .. the balance changes constantly.. 2 years ago balance was entirely differnet .. infact why go this far.. on feb before the update balance was entirely different,.. i dont give a kitten how long you been in game.. you stayed stuck in the past ... im here on the present and future.. you seem to not know how to pvp your self.. despite how long you been in game.. and thats my prof that being new /old to game doesnt matter.. its either you have what needed or you dont.. you certainly dont.. and even if you somehow do.. your arrogance makes you very little to care about Imagine being here in the present and still asking how to play your class and fight others on forums lmfao. Just admit it little buddy, you aren't that good yet. never asked how to play my class. im doing fine ty ^^ and even if i would ask that wouldnt be you.. so give your big fake ego a glass of cold water .. and some cubes of ice.. it doesnt do you good or grace.. it only make you look.. well.. not so smart and not a grown up... arguing with kids is stressful https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/102842/help-understanding-tactic-traitline#latestCreated April 15, 2020 https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/102359/help-understanding-dual-wield-trait-pls#latestCreated April 12, 2020 https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/89025/advice-with-class-newplayer#latestCreated November 3rd, 2019! Just one year ago! Do I need to continue?
  12. dont play celestial.. well celestial is gone either way.. and nope.. thief shouldnt be able to kill a weaver in 1v1 ^^ I sure loved that thread when somebody else said that you're new and don't have any idea how to really play PvP and you couldn't reply. That should be our default reply to you newbie. i replayed unless the guy wasnt worth my replay such as you.. lets make it clear .. the balance changes constantly.. 2 years ago balance was entirely differnet .. infact why go this far.. on feb before the update balance was entirely different,.. i dont give a kitten how long you been in game.. you stayed stuck in the past ... im here on the present and future.. you seem to not know how to pvp your self.. despite how long you been in game.. and thats my prof that being new /old to game doesnt matter.. its either you have what needed or you dont.. you certainly dont.. and even if you somehow do.. your arrogance makes you very little to care about Imagine being here in the present and still asking how to play your class and fight others on forums lmfao. Just admit it little buddy, you aren't that good yet.
  13. dont play celestial.. well celestial is gone either way.. and nope.. thief shouldnt be able to kill a weaver in 1v1 ^^ I sure loved that thread when somebody else said that you're new and don't have any idea how to really play PvP and you couldn't reply. That should be our default reply to you newbie.
  14. Why i proposed going back to the old system which would drastically reduce the PvP ranks for everybody.
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