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MajinSoul.4512's Achievements

  1. White Moa has been added to my Druid due to the frost aura. For my open world Untamed build I am now running Hyenas since I love having three of them even though it only lasts for a few seconds.
  2. It's a disaster. At least all the Mech haters got what they wanted ...
  3. You can get the WvW armour by camp flipping which is basically a "pure PvE" experience. The process is tedious but that's the trade off for not wanting to get into raids I suppose
  4. Does anyone really farm stuff for the chance of getting lucky? In my 3k hours of playtime I have never seen a single precursor or infusion drop. When they added the infusion to make DE more appealing I just thought to myself "I don't freaking care". Adding stuff that I will never see myself does nothing to make me excited. I'm all for adding ways to slowly but surely obtain these "super rare drops" (outside of farming gold which is the most boring way of obtain stuff ...)
  5. Yes, but you can only do this initially since the cooldown timer actually doesn't reset unless you are actively logged in with the character. I bought the item yesterday mostly because I want to get as many "convenience" items as I can but this one seems really lackluster. They should either lower the cooldown or make the cooldown reset even when you are not logged in. I feel like they are limiting this item way too much in order to prevent people who are botting/scripting from abusing it.
  6. I don't run a snowcrows meta build myself on my main (I am playing Power Soulbeast with Sword/Axe) yet I often find myself being top dps (instanced content and open world). Not once has anyone told me to switch to the Axe/Axe snowcrows build so arcdps existing definitely doesn't force you into anything. I recently geared my condi Specter and when I hit the golem I ended up at like 18k dps which is almost half of what is possible according to the benchmark. After some more research and practice I managed to get to 28k. That is one of the benefits of arcdps: to show you where you can improve. The other big advantage is that you can use it as an indicator as to whether it is worth sticking with a party or not. I have not once confronted anyone about their poor performance but I will ditch the party if arcdps is showing me that there are dps players competing with the healers' dps. The absence of arcdps doesn't suddenly make endgame more viable for all players. In fact, the opposite will happen. If players don't have a tool to identify people who are slacking off they will just raise the barrier of entry to minimize the chances of people slacking off. That means higher requirements for joining content e.g. more LI, KP, UFE, etc. which basically means it will be a lot more difficult for new players to get into endgame content.
  7. I just finished getting Conflux and I agree that the entire skirmish ticket system needs a major overhaul.
  8. I personally dislike Twitch and the only reason I am currently "watching" (it's running in my browser on mute) any GW2 streams are the drops. If the drops were to stay they'd need to be of similar quality as the ones right now as I am not going to open a GW2 stream just to get a repair canister or a revive orb.
  9. I definitely agree on Shadow Behemoth. The fight itself isn't too different except they increased its health way too much and now the fight feels like a massive drag with no increase in rewards. The boss fight went from "oh it's up, might aswell join it for a quick fight" to "I won't bother with this". Jungle Wurm is a nice overhaul and teaches new players about CC. Fire Elemental was also okay but it felt a bit hectic at times with all the AOE fields. I haven't tried Shaman yet so I can't comment on it.
  10. Nerfing Iboga is such a slap in the face when Mechanist exists. They should have buffed all the other pets to Iboga level, not the other way around ... It's nice to finally have access to some stability on Druid but putting it on a glyph is very limiting considering you always need to run 3 spirits for alac uptime ... They should have put the stability on CA 5 and/or Spirit of Nature. Spirits being immune to CC is a welcome change although spirits still need some more love. Them being stationary really hurts their usability in many PvE scenarios. Only took them half a year to fix the EoD pets ...
  11. Definitely agree that the LFG tool needs a lot of improvements. Simply remembering the tab you were last looking at would go a long way to improve the experience and should be relatively easy to implement I think. It's such a hassle to navigate to the specific tab everytime you close the LFG window.
  12. I really don't see the need for a Fervent Force nerf. It's the one thing that makes Untamed actually stand out since the Unleash mechanic is incredibly lackluster. Nerf Fervent Force and you basically have like a second core ranger spec
  13. I think it is relatively easy to maintain 100% alac uptime in most fights (haven't tried raids or cm strikes yet) but the process really isn't fun. You basically spam your sprits off cooldown for the alac without any thought. The active effect doesn't even matter when doing it (outside of maybe alac untime using storm spirit for Fervent Force) since you only do it for the alac. That's the stuff that happens when giving boons is an afterthought instead of being ingrained in the spec design. Like, I found playing HAM really boring but at least giving alac felt natural and you were able to use your utility skills depending on the situation. With druid it just feels like I am playing without any utility skills. At best you can use the water spirit to free up a space but that still feels lackluster and you lose a ton of condition cleanse
  14. I am very liberal when it comes to purchasing skins for stuff even when I won't use it much but a Jade Bot skin seems incredibly pointless. If it weren't for the occasional downed healing skill/personal waypoint I wouldn't even notice that I have a Jade Bot.
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