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Everything posted by Koensol.5860

  1. It didn't just get gutted. It also got powercrept by most other classes and is in a perpetual state of decay. Literally 50% of our abilities aren't worth using or there is no space on our bar to use them. Turrets are all trash, and even the somewhat useful rifle turret got nerfed even further. Most gadgets are trash/meme/not worth the slot except for slick shoes. Elixirs are a mixed bag. Elixir B is okayish, elixir C is decent in theory but has never been worth the slot, elixir R is a meme, elixir S got gutted with the cooldown reduction changes, elixir U is still decent but still often not worth the slot. Elixir X elite is an RNG meme. It could be good, but the random factor kittens it over. Kits are also a mixed bag. Nades are anets favoured child. Everyone SHALL AND MUST USE NADES! Bomb kit has always been a joke. Flamethrower is okay for condi, but condi engi is bad. Toolkit is still good/decent, but also got nerfed somehow and imo could still use a bit of an update. Egun is good but the builds it's good on are not in the meta atm. Mortar is good. So most of the core utility skills are either ancient, trash or not worth the slot. So whenever something gets nerfed, the problem is not just that, but that there's NO kittenING ALTERNATIVE. Anet keeps nerfing all forms of offense aside from nades. In both pvp and pve. And I don't kittening get it. Fix this class. Overhaul/buff the ocean of underused useless skills. It is so frustrating to be an engi main rn. Engi only having 1 weapon means we need to get both damage and survivability from our utility skills, whereas other classes get it from their weapon swap. This means we need to be extremely picky in our utility skills. Especially in this high damage meta, we are often forced to play with 1 stunbreak in order to do enough damage. There is never any place for utility picks like rocket boots, elixir R or C, because these things neither do meaningful damage, nor are stunbreaks. And the toolbelt skills hardly make up for it tbh, because some good skills have bad toolbelts and some bad skills have good toolbelts. It's a huge mess overall. On top of this our weapon choices are also limited. Hammer and sword/shield are the only viable picks. Rifle is just bad and is only played for the memes, shortbow is not viable since it has no defense, mace has potential but is not good enough yet, pistol offhand makes it so you don't have enough defense. Pistol mainhand is condi... So yea... that's it for engi. Tbh I'm afraid the new spear will also be purely offense focussed, making it a meme like shortbow where you just can't survive. A combination of many factors make any nerf to this class extra punishing. Between all the trash and outdated skills, it is so hard to find any combination of skills that give you both the damage to compete, and survivability to not insta die under focus/pressure. And then it just gets nerfed again like... Anet are you even in the kittening game??!
  2. This is an insane amount of copium. Engineer is going to be bottom of the barrel next patch. With the utility choices you made, you're gonna do a lot less damage than before. Trust me I've played similar variants before and it just doesn't cut it.
  3. You've always been able to cancel scrapper hammer 3. Just swap to a kit during the animation and then press the weapon swap button to go back to hammer. Easy. Most builds use at least one kit so it's not a problem at all. If I use hammer 3 for movement, I do it 100% of the time in pvp right before the animation ends, to remove the aftercast slowing me down. Makes it a lot smoother.
  4. It's not tho, the nodes are more often than not spammed with AoE circles. In the old burn dh era it was usually considered a death sentence to stand on the node in teamfights. It all depends on the situation. And why is it bad? Because you fail to understand it? Fair enough.
  5. What I said goes for unranked too, it makes no difference since randomness is again the factor. You say playing healer makes it easier to top stats. Maybe, but it will overall make your experience a lot more crappy for aforementioned reasons. But I'll agree with you that excessive complaining in unranked is uncalled for. But I also agree with the OP, that shouting "fight on point" is a huge noob trap. You should always adapt.
  6. You know that in higher tier matches getting kills is much more of a priority than capping. Guess what, capping is easier when the enemy is dead. And you get points for the kills as well. If your random ranked team happens to be a roamer comp, you can try and heal them on point all you want, but they will lose against a team with teamfight presence. This is what players like you don't get. You solo Q as support (which is generally a very bad idea because of this reason exactly) and cry when there is no one to support. A roamers job is literally to chase people around the map getting kills, in addition to getting decaps and the occasional full cap. Your job as a support is to try as best you can to rotate into the fight you think you could help best. The fact you had the experience isn't because of roamers chasing kills, it is because you chose to solo Q with the least flexible role (support) which got you into a suboptimal group comp. It's not all black and white. Some games you will get massacred if you keep going for teamfights, even if you have a support. In that case it is much better to try and rotate fast and try to pick off moving targets and winning points that way. So get off your high horse and be more flexible. A bit of advice, stop playing support in solo Q. It sucks most of the time as you can't take on any other role than that usually.
  7. Another day, another nerf thread from Eddie. No surprise literally no one takes the forums seriously. It's mostly just a bunch of self-serving crybabies trying to get their class buffed and getting every class that kills them nerfed.
  8. Fair enough, but "concentration per stack of might/boon" is different from getting concentration based on power (which works static for all similar traits like for example that ranger trait that grants healing power based on power) It is what it is. They don't want these things to become overinflated.
  9. That means you can save your cleanses for the more lethal condi's use resistance for dealing with the rest. Still not an ideal game design, I'll agree with that. But we will have to make due.
  10. Like others above have said, it works the same for all classes that have traits like this. Having constantly fluctuating boon durations is both unreliable to play around and a big strain on the server and maybe... you know... broken? Imagine having this on cele or other high boon duration builds in wvw with 25 might. Yea nope.
  11. Resistance isn't just for immob. It's also against weakness and blind and annoying stuff like cripple and chill spam from reapers, which is very valuable and it means that after a dodge it will be a great time to counterpressure for engi as you will have free movement, EE and a guaranteed full dmg hit unless enemy dodges/blocks/etc. I'm not a fan of losing the movespeed though, especially for core. Streamlined kits will now be the only source from traits which isn't a good thing. There's also other options for on demand resistance like from a relic, goggles utility (which is actually good now), and from first row of tools.
  12. Do the same for my core engi AoE moa please 😛 So I can throw the elixir X toolbelt into a reflect and moa myself and turn into an unstoppable pecking machine!
  13. Actually condi zerker with shield mastery is also gigabroken. If you for example use mace/shield + sword/sword, you have 3 blocks. Your mace and sword block is supposed to be consumed after 1 melee attack, and doesn't do anything with ranged atacks. That is, unless you take shield master. With shield master your mace and sword blocks reflect ALL ranged attacks for the full duration of the channel. So with all your blocks combined thats like 9 seconds of perpetual projectile reflect. And then you have sundering leap with 3 sec of aegis. And on top of that, the cooldowns are very short except for shield 5. Mace block has 7 sec cd. Sword block 15 seconds and sundering leap is also 15 seconds. And then you have 7 seconds of potential invulnerability if using endure pain and eternal champion, plus degen healing from mending and adrenal. I literally got ragewhispered multiple times by people because I didn't take any damage for a very long time. I can't imagine this interaction with shield master is intended. Its GIGA broken, especially since you also gain adrenaline from it.
  14. My biggest wish is, don't destroy any of the fun synergies that exist today. But instead rework only the very underpeforming traits, or add effects to them. Such as the majority of firearms and inventions traits. Please also bring back purity of purpose in pvp. A 2 sec icd is too much for small scale content. Its been useless ever since that change. But most of all please don't destroy the seemingly unused -but actually very cool and useful- stuff like streamlined kits (so many cool effects in there with niche uses like root trail, magnetic aura and drop gunk), elixir X (I love using this on core engi and meming people with the moa and tornado form) and static discharge's synergy with some instant cast short cd toolbelts. There's more to name ofc, but please don't streamline the entire class. Keep some of the weird stuff for us to theorycraft with.
  15. I have the same. I kittening hope they don't remove them. Chaining the evades is one of the great things about sword. I use it on literally ever condi build in pvp. They just need to increase the duration of the evade frame on sword 2 as the aftercast gets u killed, and they need to decrease cast time on sword 3 as it is too slow to use reactionary. Please Anet, keep the defensive part of this weapon intact. Don't force me to use the trash that is dagger mainhand in pvp....
  16. Lmao stop being idiotic. There's plenty of survival tools on tempest including mobility, projectile hate, invuln, healing, boons. Stop acting like stone heart is the only thing keeping it alive. Maybe now you have to git gud huh? Can't camp earth anymore for easy mode against power. Fr never seen this big of a cope from ele players. My god.
  17. Why can't these condi holo changes make it into pvp/wvw as well? It would actually make it a viable option, sort of
  18. Except they didn't cast maul. They'd cast hilt bash into the port which is much less obvious and makes sure you are instantly stunned after the port. Also it could be done through walls and other terrain, mind you. It was just cheese. It's really not that hard to see. Though I do think the port needs something else rn. It feels too low value to warrant a slot atm.
  19. About a specific class being nerfed. Stop dodging the bullet. You admitted to being clueless. Don't be surprised when people take your commebt with a grain of salt.
  20. Why even post when you literally admit you don't know what you're talking about. Great quality shitpost brother. Filled with fallacies btw.
  21. They nerfed the COEFFICIENT by half. The actual possible damage is nerfed by much more than half, because of how crit damage modifiers work. It's literally a wet noodle skill now. As a more bruiser oriented scrapper your burst options are now: hammer 2. That's it. Everything else is stationary or easily kited. You can't secure a kill on a moving target without function gyro. You literally end up spamming egun autos. Ofc toolkit still exists, but taking that it that means that you will probably need to drop the signature bruiser/duelist scrapper ability: bulwark gyro, in order to have 2 stunbreaks. Literally what's the point of playing a duelist if you have literally 0 killing potential left on top of other specs being far more durable. It's just dogtier trash now. Function gyro nerf is absolutely the WORST nerf to happen to scrapper overall in the past years. It is a nerf to an entire class, even for builds where it wasn't overperforming. Anet will hopefully realize this when scrapper becomes literally non existant in a while after the nade scrapper build inevitably dies. I literally just don't get it. How can you be so clueless about a class you designed yourself? Do you even think this stuff true Anet? Just like last time when you wanted to make gyro's stationary. It took an entire forum uproar for you to revert that idea. But just the fact you can come up with something so insanely kitten proved you have no idea whatsoever about this class and how it synergizes with utilities and traits. I will just stop playing this shitshow of a class and become a ranger main. At least that class has build options. Something engineer used to have.
  22. One day later and I still feel salty as kitten about the function gyro damage nerf. Do you want people stop playing nades Anet? Do you want other scrapper builds to become viable? Then revert this nerf and further adjust sneak gyro to add more counterplay. 1 sec stealth on 5 pulses with smoke field is still busted if you properly leap/blast it. Just remove the smoke field or smth. Function gyro was never the problem. At this point I'd honestly just prefer they delete nades, even though it isn't the root cause of the overperformance of this build (which are boon spam, insane modifiers and stealth). But engineer as a whole has seen so many nerfs because of this dumb button spam kit that I literally don't care.
  23. I'm actually fine with stealth nerf, it was one of the things that made the build dumb. Imo they didn't nerf that enough. Superspeed is fine too tbh, still more than plenty superspeed sources. The function gyro nerf is just totally unnecesarry, plus it will nerf every single scrapper build out there and not just the overperforming one. Typical short sighted lazy move from anet.
  24. I can't even begin to express what a stupid and ill thought out nerf this is. You can literally just garbage bin every scrapper build that doesn't use nades or spec for glass cannon dps. For real. Anet keeps wanting to make scrapper back into a bruiser, and now they nerfed one of the few burst options you have on a 'bruiser scrapper' outside of hammer 2. Ask yourself, how are you going to secure a kill now? Acid bomb is stationary, mortar is hard to land on kiting targets, you literally have nothing to burst a moving target anymore. Literally egun auto attacks are your best bet now. You don't have enough damage on a duelist build to compete with the other sidenoders already, and you just nerfed it even more. G kittening G Anet. In my 3 years of playing this is the biggest nerf I have seen yet for this class, even if it's just a nerf to 1 skill. As usual all it takes is one overperforming build for them to nerf another core scrapper class mechanic. I knew it would happen. I just don't get it. What does this solve? It doesn't solve jack kitten. Let's just nerf every damage option outside of nades. That will definately stop making people flock to grenade kit! Guess I will just keep playing core for fun and become a ranger main.
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