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  1. Ok thank you guys. In any case they are normal superior runes not legendary, so no problem if they will disappear...even if they are expensive ones, but I don't care at this point, I will buy them again or I will buy more extractors if I can. Thank you again ^_^
  2. Hello, I have my precursors for legendary armor set and I'm using the 6 pieces with runes. My question is, when I will make the legendary armor, what will happen to the runes in the precursor pieces? they will disappear or, idk, I will find them in my inventory? Thank you.
  3. Of course you can say whatever you want, but it's a forum so we are here to talk and discuss about things, sometimes one can agree, sometimes not so in that case one can try to give other points of view/possible solutions and so on, but it doesn't mean we are "scolding" (at least not me) or you have to change your mind.
  4. For black lion chest guaranteed rewards it's a rotation, sometimes there are minipets, sometimes other things. Someone could say same thing when there are things you like. In any case, you are not forced to open them when there are things you don't like, for example, I didn't like last guaranteed rewards so I saved my keys for later.
  5. Ok so I tried the cache thing and didn't do anything, now I tried the usecoherent thing and it seems to work, let's hope! Thank you so much again ^^
  6. Hello, ty even if the website says another thing, they say I need to clear the gw2 cache file, not things related to gpu.
  7. Trying to repair and now will try what you said, thanks. I'm reading how to clear cache in the gw2 website, but can't find the -usecoherent thing. I already did last time but I don't remember, so I searched in the forum and the website but I can't find it, do you have a link for this usecoherent thing? ty
  8. Hello, I'm having some issue with tp. It didn't open and loads like forever. After this neverending loading, I login again the game and the tp was working but only if I go to the tp guy! So it doesn't work if I click the tp icon. And now it doesn't work with the tp guy neither!! And I had this written (I will try to put an image). https://i.imgur.com/yKW016r.jpeg Help T_T Thanks.
  9. I agree with everything in this comment, especially the contemporary american teenagers way of talking (and not only talking) wich is irritating in a fantasy game context, the too much tech especially in the forest and nature and the lack of immersion like in the old Cantha, maybe also due to landscapes that are too saturated and "aggressive" or almost too aseptic like nk. And that's a shame imo, because I don't play much in Cantha in gw2 (even thought it was my favourite place in gw1) but I would like too. Also one positive thing is the general plot of the story (too bad it is developped in a way I don't always like, like dialogues as I said before.). Let's hope for the furute ^^.
  10. I agree with this comment, now I will say something in general. Some people just do it to trigger because even if you say "I love gw2" they will do it without commenting...thing is, why is a drawn face annoying, why do people really care about an emoji on a forum. Using this emoji just because, just to troll (so I'm not saying they are always wrong) is a kindergarten attitude and I say it in a neutral way no offense, it's a fact to me, so what's the point of being frustrated about a kindergarten attitude (also I find it funny because almost as a confirmation in this topic about that, basically almost every reply is full of this emoji😆) Anyway if you write on the forum is because you want to dialogue, so people should care more about the replies, tbh I don't care that much about likes and thanks either, I want to talk with people I suggest to try to focus on this, also because there will always be something people will use to annoy, so I'm not sure removing an emoji will do anything.
  11. Well idk I think it's a personal thing, I'm used to different alphabets so for me it's not an "ugly mess", but I can understand your point of view, thanks for sharing.
  12. I personally don't see the problem if they give the chance to type in other alphabets, it's just people writing in chats. I don't know in na, but in eu we often see lot of languages in chats and it's normal, so for me another alphabet is not a problem.
  13. I agree, I'm playing spectre and tbh spectre style (and also the "witchy" concept) is the one that I prefer with thief, I'm having so much fun, BUT spectre really needs to be improved. I agree with the alacrity thing (we need something to keep it up more easily), wells underwater and overall we need a more competitive profession.
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