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Posts posted by Vindicate.6951

  1. 3/5


    Due to recent balance patches and what happened to the Icebrood Saga ending I downvoted my score cause it shows me how out of touch ArenaNet is with the community and apparently classes in general.

    The game is great, there is a lot of stuff that you can do or not do, but the possibilities are there, I am just kinda sad that Raids got completely neglected aswell as dungeons, content which I like and still run regularly (raids that is) and I really hope Anet gives those modes another push with EoD.

    Besides that the game is ok, the class balance is mega weird but it cant be helped I guess, have to live with it till EoD drops.

    • Like 1
  2. Why changing a collection now thats like 6 years old.

    I for myself grinded the collection only recently and I totally agree that it is super annoying to get done and since I am a mastery point collector I had to have it.

    Some collections are just insane to finish completely, the luminescent armor on the silverwastes is literally the same long tedious grind but it makes the reward even more rewarding at the end 🙂


    Anyhow I doubt Anet will nerf the requirements for this collection, its way too old to change in my opinion, the only thing that you can do is either grind the map out or do wvw/pvp OR if you are rich on money, buy current BL keys and use the mist potions on maguma reward tracks, its not the smoothest option but it technically gets you there aswell 🙂

  3. 56 minutes ago, Witch of Doom.5739 said:

    Whatever the reasons and however grindy, I was happy to be playing Dry Top yesterday with big groups on the map, killing champions and so forth.  I expected and dreaded something much harder for achievements and don't mind easy.  If it's too easy for hard-core players -- which I certainly understand -- there are plenty of other things to do in-game.


    Pretty much this, I finished all the achievements on the same day but on the plus side I could finish my ambrite weapon collection aswell cause a map hit T6, was definetly a win for me and I dont mind going back to the map for more achieves 😄

    • Like 3
  4. The droprate is really weird on those things, you either get it in <10 keys or you are wasting 30+ for it, Ive seen both cases happen sooo often.

    That said, I got it on my 8th pretty much unintended, I try to avoid those bind on pickup special skins cause they get costly very quickly...

  5. A friend linked me an estimated golem dps sheet of all the classes pre and post patch and wow I did not expect that the 5% power nerf on elements of rage would be that insightful.

    After bashing on golems for quite a while I must agree though, the 38,5k with a fresh air build got replaced with an around 37,2k tops, thats really sad news for the power weaver on tops of the exposed state changes for bosses.....


    But on the plus side, condi weaver seems to have top notch numbers, lets get into an even more difficult rotation to soak the buff up 😄

  6. I play the regular fresh air sword weaver build and due to instant reset on air attunement, you have quite some cc options quick and easy ready

    Whenever an upcoming breakbar is ready to pop up I swap to dual Air, use my cc there and then swap to earth, use Gale Strike and then back to air to get Earthquake through, quick access thanks to fresh air and then you can immediately get back to your rotation with double air.


    Double Air cc:

    - Updraft (332 break bar damage)

    - Polaric Leap (100 break bar damage)



    - Gale Strike (125 break bar damage)



    - Earthquake (200 break bar damage)

  7. I honestly only play ele cause weaver is a ton of fun. Is the rotation hard to master? Maybe, but if you perform well and hit high dps scores on arcdps shows the others that you are performing well and know what you do.


    Sure we dont offer much utility in pve gameplay, but the rotation is so fun to play and quite enjoyable once you got the hang of it, I would never trade it for a 3 button boredom class 😄

  8. I am not up to date which achievements gave IBS mastery points except the recent ones since its been way too long since i did them but as far as I remember, you can get one mastery point from each dragon response mission by just interacting with it or?


    Besides the 3 mastery points locked behind dragonstorm can be actually done within a day. Granted you only get the jiggling chest once a day, you can still attempt the instance in a squad group as often as you want (Check central tyria - squad parties).

    The achievement with the dodging is a bit odd since Jormag's attack is super delayed and isnt in sync with his visual breath but you get used to it, same for the dodging on Primordus 🙂



  9. Did you really think they would launch an expansion without throwing in new legendaries?

    I remind you that going after legendaries and their flashy skins is one of the actual endgame goals for many people and I myself am hyped aswell and was really hoping they would throw in new ones to the bunch.


    Cant really say you made a bad investment but for me, farming the stuff for a legendary makes the last reward so much juicier rather than just clicking 3 times and buying it off the trading post.

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 5
  10. 2 hours ago, Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:

    I am pretty disappointed that they did nothing to help heal tempest in any game mode.  Instead, we got paltry quickness on scrapper and obtuse alacrity on mirage.  


    But didnt you read Anet's comment on Support Tempest still being a "strong" support role? Altough we cant buff alac or quickness and are outshined by a druid in terms of might stacking since druids have a ton of other utilities, but at least we can remove condis efficiently?

    No clue, apparently tempest is still top tier in the eyes of Anet, I cant see it though.

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 1
  11. As someone who actively plays every part of PvE (cm fracs, Raids etc...) as a Power Weaver I am kinda astonished why they decided to give weaver the power nerf.

    Altough it is a rather small nerf considering that in the power weaver rotation is still a % dmg done off of burning, its still not justified at all when we compare ourselves to condi revs or cfb doing a ton of dmg and I can only imagine this "adjustment" towards conditions will bottomline benefit every condi spec.

    But at least they realized chronos were just broken dps-wise, it only took them "several" months.


    And here I thought being the actual squishiest class ingame with one of the most difficult rotations to pull off during encounters would at least net you a top spot in most encounters, well we are viable in PvE aspects, but definetly got the short stick considering our survivability.

    • Like 2
  12. More awkward is the fact that only the WvW Reward Track offers a Volcanic Stormcaller Weapon Box while the PvP track only offers a regular one. Surely this must be a fault or is this really intended? Or my reward tracks are messed up :D

  13. Hi everyone,

    So I was wondering, I ran my usual daily fractals and threw in a metabolic primer and utility primer and alongside the right buffs for the run.After clearing them I went to tackle the Tribulation Mode in SAB and spend some time in there.

    And upon leaving the SAB instance I noticed that all my buffs are gone, both food effects and both primer effects aswell, is this actually intended or some kind of bug?Makes me kinda angry cause there were at least 8+ hours left on them...

  14. @Sobx.1758 said:

    @"Vindicate.6951" said:If the collections would be somewhat rewarding at the very least.I cannot understand how a "collect 16 recipes" achievement gives quite a sum of lodestones and prismaticite ores as tier rewards while the ENTIRE azure and crimson collection (which costs altogether 160 prismatium ingots) give 2 draconic amalgamated gemstones TOTAL (1 for each collection).

    At least throw in something nice thats worth going for but this right there is a ton of wasted time/gold to get those collections in specific especially since they are somewhat required for the 2nd meta achievement tier...

    Preeeeeeeeeeetty sure the skins you collect on the way are intended to be part of the reward of the whole thing. If you don't like the skins in the first place then why even bother.

    I am sort of a completionist and from what I see right now, the crimson and azure weapon sets are part of the 2nd meta achievement tier and altough it doesnt give any special reward since the emote is a tier 1 reward, I still want to have it as a completionist.The skins are terrible for what they cost, even 7y old weapons look better than these, but thats not why i want them done and it is pretty much outrageous to have such a costly collection tied to a meta achievement.

  15. If the collections would be somewhat rewarding at the very least.I cannot understand how a "collect 16 recipes" achievement gives quite a sum of lodestones and prismaticite ores as tier rewards while the ENTIRE azure and crimson collection (which costs altogether 160 prismatium ingots) give 2 draconic amalgamated gemstones TOTAL (1 for each collection).

    At least throw in something nice thats worth going for but this right there is a ton of wasted time/gold to get those collections in specific especially since they are somewhat required for the 2nd meta achievement tier...

  16. @Linken.6345 said:

    @lare.5129 said:one more thing for that tengu relic - no matter is you do all tengu events - impossible buy all weapons.

    You can get them as drops from the tengu supply boxes

    Being on the rare tab of said boxes, you are much better off buying the weapon skin directly cause the odds of hitting a rare item in 3 boxes (9 compared to 10 marks) is beyond low.

  17. @ScyeRynn.4218 said:These weps are ugly af. Why would anyone waste time and money on these when you can have a legendary?

    Pretty much this. The moment I checked out the fiery sword I was like what is this garbo, half the size of the shining blade (and yeah i like large 1h swords) and nothing fancy coming along with it. The glow is almost non-existant and the weapons have nothing mindblowing on them which would justify the ridiculous cost.Heck even volcanic stormcallers look MUUUUCH better and cost only a small finger compared to the dragon slayer sets.

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