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Posts posted by Vindicate.6951

  1. To be fair, even if people dont really care for the new weapon sets (and i admit the last set is just outright overkill in terms of cost), it makes DRM somewhat profitable considering that you get around 9 prismaticite a day with home instance, which is almost 16g if you combine them with the other stuff.I mean its not the biggest selling point if you wanna make gold, but eh its something. I did the dragon slayer collection for achievement purposes, but ill ignore crimson/azure for now and just hoard on prismaticite and maybe Anet does something towards it.

    I cant help it but I am a meta achievement grinder, so I have to get the 39/39 aswell on the current champions chapter, which means sooner or later i need that 2nd set of ridiculous pricy weapons :skull:

  2. Well Flame expulsion was a fail in terms of damage, why would I expect it otherwise. Full buffed against a full conditioned golem, the explosion crits for 8,8k, and that's what Anet calls "burst", oh boy.

    Lava font and fire fury generator got removed, but since we have a passive fury generator from air, I dont mind that one too much, the lava font though...But the 10% dmg buff from persisting flames is easy to keep up, with the regular power weaver rotation as a fresh air build, I could keep max stacks with buffs on the golem, so yeah, it might? be a slight buff, but pretty minimal to me, lava font added some damage aswell and was insane synergy with the down-ratio an ele has by default :astonished:

  3. @Nephalem.8921 said:It should work like symbolic avenger on guard so each tick of a firefield adds a stack. thats pretty much full stacks after one rotation for the full fight duration even vs single targets.

    If it really works like this its gonna be a flat 10% increase indeed, a rather big buff to be fair. In that case I get doubts that the other GM trait outshines in any way, but at least weaver would get rewarded with more competitive damage at the cost of really low hp, light armor and whatnot.

  4. @Nephalem.8921 said:You might have missed the part where power weaver gets another 10% mod. This would actually give players a reason to even touch that in raids. Should end in 38-40k golem dps but so should be on par with holo and dh on actual encounters since weaver is also really bursty.Pyromancers puissance on the other hand is something strange if flame expulsion is not affecting the ele itself but i see no reason except anet that it wouldnt.

    Well yeah, but the 10% mod applies in a perfect scenario, in terms of PvE content, specifically raids, how often do you hit 10 enemies with one fire field? For add phases it works great, but for a single target boss I doubt we will hit many stacks.But I guess its a damage buff anyway, fury gets provided by many classes and in the air trait, so its nothing that gets missed, at least for raids its not.

    Guess it will come down to which GM trait performs better overall at the end, but there is nothing that would change the general skill rotation in any way so its to wait and see :)

  5. Same here, the hype was there the first 12 hours, but then it pretty much bottled down to grinding the same map over and over again. I went all-in for 3 days to hit the meta achievement and getting all the recipes and stuff, but after this i never set foot on this map again.The same counts for the new strike mission, I do it once for the weekly and thats about it, takes way too long in my opinion :)

  6. Definetly agree that they should make the class more appealing than actually hitting it with the bat every couple of months. As mentioned above already the elementalist has among the least survivability, lowest hp, light armor class and even in terms of damage we cant outshine with complex rotations.

    Maybe, just maybe the change to pyromancers puissance might net a slight dps buff to power weavers, but since we dont know the actual skill damage of the skill, its only a guess. On the other hand I dont really see the logic in having a 1-10 might stack drop to share among the party/raid. I mean there are druids and other classes who have a much easier time stacking up might up to 25, giving the weaver a supportive component like this feels rather misplaced in my opinion, at least in raids, in fractals it might prove useful, who knows.I cant speak much for the condi version since Ive been on power for like ever, but they are even rarer to find than a power build and reading nerfs on durations doesnt change the problem to the better. :disappointed:

    I still think Anet solves this issue the wrong way. Alone the fact that most new players (as far as I am aware) start the game as a guardian or ranger mostly since they are easier to get used to, perform as well or even better as eles, have a wider selection of roles and are much tougher in terms of armor/hp makes me questioning their changes every time.

  7. I mean any type of compensation or free stuff is a huge bonus for us cause they do not have to do anything, server issues can happen and alone the fact that they managed to restore the server to monday morning in such a quick timeframe is impressive enough to me.Besides when Shadowbringer launched in FFXIV, the servers were down for an entire day to get the expac rolling, they didnt deliver anything to the customers over there and its a sub based game, so yeah I am good over here :D

  8. I am just glad that they did such a marvelous job at resetting the server back on the state before the rollback happened and that in a really quick way. Ive played games where a rollback like that took 2+ days and was the end of the world, but I could login today and had all my aurora progress restored and my gold and all I farmed over the weekend.I am just grateful for this already, Anet did a smooth job there, even if communication isnt their strength, but we saw results, positive ones!

  9. Honestly I though tthat PoF and Icebrood Saga exp requirements were far too low for my taste, but then again I dont mind doing meta grinds, which in HoT are quite awesome. A full mordremoth run nets you over 1,5mil exp with decent tagging, tarir is also easy to handle and nice in reward :)Besides HoT was the first expansion for 2? years, wouldnt make sense if people finished the mastery tracks in a week.

  10. Well I can hardly believe that this rollback would have been intentional because of their crap servers or anything.Especially during these times, where sitting at home is almost mandatory for many people due to the running virus, which means a lot of people had a lot of time to progress in the game and then everything just gets wiped without any statement? I for myself grinded 5 out of 6 parts of the Aurora Achievements, an annoying task and honestly I am not in the mood to replay this.

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