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Everything posted by Ascency.3580

  1. For ow go with zakiros relic for infinite sustain, dune cloak instead of infinite horizon for more ambushes, and take ilusionary ambush, for a 25m engage with ambush giving u the dmg buff at the start of a fight. make sure to shatter with at least two clones and spam ambush after every shatter. Infinite horizon is not worth it for power since clones do close to no dmg. Havnt done much testing in organised, but for ow it works great. If u feel u dont need the zakiros u can use wayfinder for great mobility.
  2. im sorry, but no. overll its nothing more then skill issue. the game is designed in a way that promotes certain builds in certain encounters, and punishes others. using a build with a lot of forced movement in a fight where it might get u killed is pretty much the same as going full power squad against VG. u have to adjust the group, not complain that ud rather have red boss not be vulnerable to condi dmg only. every single build in the game has strenghths and weaknesses when it comes to its efficiency in boss encounters. rifle deadeye is completely usesless in pve for the most part, but its s tier for certain mechanics at qadim fights as an example. i personally do not like some fights becouse of weird boss hitboxes that, while not cousing me to jump off the arena, make me loose a lot of dps, tho im not complaining cos id rather adapt, then complain about every boss not being the same training dummy scenario. edit: also experience, knowledge about the fights and knowing when not to use certain skills is part of the skill issue im talking about. ye chrono cs can get u killed, but using it randomly just as sabatha yells "burn burn" is asking for it.
  3. say u could get that skin from a vendor, what would u do then exactly? go back to logging in for afk octo farm daily? why bother logging in if u dont want to play the game?
  4. i would guess, since there is a lot going on with shaders lately, that clearing those could fix the issue. weak internet connection could also couse such issues. as some have pointed out using the debug option could help pinpoint the issue, or simply posting a regular support ticket would probably lead to faster and more accurate diagnosis then searching for help on the forums, since its better to talk to ppl who get paid for helping with technical issues specifically.
  5. why not make it so u can save wardrobe presets/dyes, similiarly to how u can save build templates. clicking on a saved template would preview all the saved parts with the ability to click the small cross to cancel specific parts being transmuted, and then u would ofc need to use transmutation charges untill u get legendary gear (same as when u click the randomize button). wouldnt mind if u get like 3 slots default for free, and unlock more via shop. it could be 100% skippable, giving absolutely 0 advantage in terms of gameplay. i wouldnt mind buying more since i tend to change the wardrobe A LOT, and usually combining specific parts together. guessing there would be quite a few players enjoying such functionality ^^
  6. i think most changes are good, but dont think condi mesmer changes are justified, or rather the scope of those nerfs, especially since targetting mirage virt is gonna get hit while it wasnt really overperforming that much. mirage from being a bit overtuned it gonna again become borderline useless , especially becouse of its complexity. also thx for changing the expertise values u get from the build, thank kitten ive got legendary gear. f in chat for ppl who will have to spend resources on changing their gear to accomodate. still cannot comprehand why fb is not getting any changes done to its spam-utility-to-upkeep-quickness nature. not getting any fixes for its abysmal ranges. 180 range on a kay boon? in 2023? and also having misleading tooltips, for theyr key mechanics (tome spells saying 600 range and not mentioning the fact its cone shaped). and its not the toltip that should get fixed but rather the fact its cone shaped. frustrating to not be able to affect allies standing right in ur face cos the cone was just a tad to the right. this couses fb to either overperform or underperform cos u cant get 100% uptime on key boons in any fight where u deal with any kind of mechanics and 2 ppl just decide to dodge in opposite dirtections. also what happend to moving key boons away from utility spam? fb has to cast potence mantra off cd, spam thru the charges, and recast asap off cd, while supplementing with heal mantra every 7 seconds cos even with alac it would not be enough while having 100% boon duration to upkeep quickness. while also praying ppl will stand still for 3 seconds while doing it, otherwise some might drop quickness for 20 seoncds cos of stupid 180 range
  7. this might not even be their fault, sometimes kitten just happens. also, be thankful this game is online all the time, play any other mmo and ull get 5h maintenance breaks each week that said, ive got the same issue atm, its a sign tho, should prolly catch some sleep
  8. there, u said it yourself. the issue is ur talking about optimal builds, overused becouse of their meta status, and nerfing those builds without addressing issues with their counterparts is not the solution. especially since most times the nerfs hit other specs for a specific class without compensation. the whole point of my original post was addressing this issue. weve got 27 classes now, and ur saying only 2 of them are worth playing. im guessling the 3rd would be ham, and uve got ur roles covered. now what if there are ppl who would like to enjoy the whole game, and have fun at the same time playing a class they like? weaver has no utility, has animation locks, is pure melee and is made of glass. those are the exact reasons why it should probably be able to deal the most dmg in the game if u and ur group are willing to work for that dps. scourge should not have the same status, given its range, survivability, utility, and ease of use. those are the exact things im talking about. there should always be an oportunity cost in choosing what to play, making the choice meaningful. look at what happend when mechanist was introduced. one button autoplay wonder dealing top dps in any situation. they nerfed it, as they should, brought it down to a point where we no longer see 10 mecha raids anymore, or at least not often, but guess what? there are still ppl playing it becouse its how they want to play. and i would agrue mech is in a good spot right now, becouse the cost of being the easiest class in the game, is the cost of dealing less dps. when ppl realise golem benchmarks, and raid viability arent the only denominators for a class worth is when we can start having meaningul discussions about balance.
  9. ok, so weapon training enabled some crazy builds. which show how imbalanced certain professions are, and how some of them were hard locked to their proffesion weapons. ill use ele as an example take tempest. warhorn is a powerhouse. giving it to weavers, and catalysts enabled them to do insane dmg, 20% overall dps increses. now the most recent nerf "to bring weavers and catas down since theyr overperforming" nerfed tempest even more, which even after getting insane buffs via tempestous aria and transcendant tempest traits (35% more dmg) is still weak. - this shows there is an issue with the class mechanic. overloads are weak as hell. have very limited cleave (3 targets) limited aoe (fire overload 180 units) and limited utility (stab costs 10% dps now, very limited boons) and actually locks u out of parts of your kit when used. plus u cant really use them on demand, since u need to wait for the singularity. 20 seconds cooldown, channeled, with only ur face to tank the dmg while ur doing so. if u get interrupted, which good luck not getting interrupted with how much cc mobs have these days u loose more then half of the dmg they would do, since after channeling u would place the aoe down, and yet u still get the full cooldown alongside being locked out of the attunement for whole 20 seonds. power dps tempest is also locked to using fresh air, becouse of this insane cooldown, and allowed to pretty much only use air overload, since going for any other overloadl is a dps loss. now that we established that the class mechanic is flawed we realise its subject to getting a pass on how it works. leave the fundamentals, but make them stronger, shorter cooldowns, bring stab back when channeling, half the cooldown if u get interrupted, allow for maybe placing it early? u trade ability to move the aoe for the ability to actually deal dmg while its down? there anet, im throwing ideas, just do something other then making transcendent tempest give 50% dmg increse next patch. after the mechanic is fixed, test, with the best weapon set ele can equip, do a pass on traits, compare to other ele specs using same weapons, if dps is comparable were golden. it IS doable, especially now with weapon training, since u can actually benchmark the class itself. and after this is done, u can even bring other weapons to similiar levels and allow for different playstyles. weapons do in fact have the most impact on how u play a specific class. noone uses most of them tho, since they are inferior to the one meta weapon set for the class. also i would argue a class like weaver should be balanced around doing any said dmg ceiling without having any % dmg incresing traits in its mastery line. since they do nothing other then limit your choices when it comes to traits. tempest on the other hand, sure, decide how much dps cost should be considered when going for alac or quickness providing. 20%? sure, make tempest choose between 20% dmg increse OR alac providing via traits, same for catalyst and quickness providing, and same for every other class when providing alac or quickness. after all this is done, make minor adjustments between classes, weaver should probably be able to deal like 5-10% more dps then other ele specs, since its harder to pull off and is complete glass and so on. base this final atjustments on class difficulty of execution.
  10. i dont mind the concept, but the execution is far from great. first off, they need better scaling. 50 ppl waiting 10 minutes for a tier 1 rift to open, becouse only 2 kryptis spawn, every like 20 seconds is definitely not intended, needs fixing. also the bosses need to scale to the number of players, since they get oneshot faster then elite mobs that spawn during opening of the rift itself. this makes rift hunting xtremely unfun. it takes too much time to locate a rift, kill all the mobs, to then be presented with a punchbag joke of a "boss" IS. NOT. FUN. also, something needs to be done about some of the mobs attacks. an elite spider type thing (during opening phase of the rift, tier 1) oneshot me several times times with no telegraph whatsoever. it just stood there and then i died 100%-0, no telegraph, no animation to look for. got up using jadebot, healed to about 90% health and poof, im dead again. also green circles need fixing. those will not work in an open world setting, ever. especially if u need more then 10 ppl inside to not die. been fighting tier 2 boss, got the green circle, had a coupleof ppl beside me so i tought, ye, im fine. then we all got oneshot. counted at least 9 bodies after this attack. so unless its a completely different mechanic then what green circles represent everywhere else in the game it needs fixing. especially since once ur downed on tier 2 boss u wont get up unless the group is organised, and do remember its OW were talking about. so ye, i got up by the waypoint, rushed back to the boss, and imidietly got the green again. guess what happenede next? everyone else learned form previous mistakes, and now ran away from me, since its a death sentance, at least i was the only casualty this time. its never going to work in OW. and being oneshot without being able to do anything about it is the worst experience a player can have. fix required.
  11. have u considered mechanists trades the toolbelt for a annoyiong summon that for whatever reason has a spammable autouse knockback which is stupid in itself that can litterally solo stuff for the mechanist while the player is afk? have u been to dragon bash arena lately? 5 mechs afk in the middle. supreme gameplay. and signets are part of the reason its immovabe. its like this was intentional for mech to be an afk class.
  12. few months back, when one of the most hated patches dropped, i saw a couple of posts saying that quickness and alacrity should get removed from the game altogether. and i honestly tought its a bad idea. but right now i do feel this is the only way to get out of this spiral of bad decisions being made regarding almost every class in the game. i mean, some classes just feel super bad when played solo, becouse of not having access to those boons. u always have to drop stats and dmg when taking those boons on classes that do have access. balancing around those is close to impossible, especially since, some classes can upkeep said boon with no concentration, and others have to gear up for it. condi and healer builds have it way more forgiving, since for power builds as soon as u start going for concentration u loose even more damage and crit chance, forcing u to compromise on runes and sigils, and as a result the boon providing classes vary hugely with their dps output. catalyst has to drop two traits in order to be able to provide quickness... id much rather have quicnkess and alac be baseline, especially since jade protocols now exist, and make trait choices actually allow for flexibility when building a class. id much rather have a list of traits to chose from that actually changes how a class feels when played (mesmers bountiful blades for example) rather then being forced to choose between 20% dmg incres or passive quickness providing. there could be a huge amount of personalization if traits allowed for modifying how certain weapons skills work (even if just a small boon aplication, range, target cap or we is concerned) between trait choices, choosing what passive effects u get when perforimg certain actions, and for elite specs choosing how certain aspects of the spec mechanic works. overall class theme could be left untouched. balancing would be a breeze, choices would be more about utility, thus more meaningful, allowing for crazy builds, instead of there being only one build for most classes. u could tailor ur favourite class to how u want to play it, instead of boring choices that for 99% of the time is blind picking flat dmg increse, ocasionally swapped for quickness/alac providing. (unless of going for healing) ps. flat dmg traits are among the worst in the game. they will almost always be prioritised over any other option, and still do nothing if u are a healer for example since u dont have stats for those to multiply anything, might aswell not exist and be replaced by something interesting. they are boring, and at the same time forcing players to drop some of them for quickness/alac providing is even worse.
  13. agree, ritualist gear should be removed.
  14. dont have a screenshot of that on hand, but might post one later. regarding a similiar issue as abovementioned with juggernaut, - the deldrimor stone infusion. with it activated, the z fighting still occurs, but whats funny is how broken the textures become. for example, theres a texturte of someones FACE clearly appearing on my female human characters chest, using the bestial tides variant, with deldrimor stone infusuion.
  15. yes, its clearly a z fighting issue, since the tattoo isnt a skin texture, like with norn tattoos, but rather a layer placed over the skin, very close to immitate the tattoo effect. z fighting becomes an issue becouse of that. and also having shaders set up anything higher then low makes the tattoo gloss, depending on the lighting, messing with the colours, and looking really weird/bad in most locations. i too really like the skins, and its great they are armor skins, not outfits - big props for that, but i too would really like those issues to be solved, becouse they are borderline unusable as they are right now.
  16. yes, chronophantasma does increse the healing output. what i feel would be most interesting way to get regeneration available to chrono, would be thru staff 4 chaos aura. if it was applied to the group, (and then regen scaling and boon duration based on the chaos aura caster) it would allow to stack perma protection and regen on ur group. or maybe let signet of inspiration share boons again like it did once. and if thats too strong then make it extend boons as it does but share regen.
  17. Ive played mesmer for quite a while, chrono specifically, and been toying with a concept of chrono healer. I know its been done, and ppl actually took this concept into endgame content, but while it is possible to heal as mesmer, it cant compete with any other heal build. And thats fine, im not saying mesmer should be able to do everything, however, i do think that one small change could enable chrono to actually be a viable healer, at least for some more specific fights - what if alls well that ends well gave couple of seconds of regen instead of flat healing? Overall heal output wouldnt really change much, but being able to upkeep regen, and with chaos/illusions chrono could in fact become a real good sustain healer with tons of great utility and dmg mitigation. edit: my post is basically not true at all. mesmer does have plenty of regen sharing capabilities, on top of most other boons, can go quick or alac, and provide either with ease, after giving it a bit more tought, and testing one simple change i didnt think of before ive come to realise chrono is actually an insanely good healer. might not be able to perform in every scenario, but oh boy can it heal if u think about it. will do more testing. so far it seems a very simple concept, but very fun and rewarding when done correctly.
  18. what i find annoying with most available outfits, and armors in gw is that almost every single piece is deforming the character. like when creating the character you are presented with a number of body types to choose from. u pick the one u like, how u want your character to look. then you see an outfit u like, u buy it, and realise your toon suddenly changed shape. this is clearly seen in most recent equinox outfit, where for human and i presume norn female the chest is shrunk considerably. or with one other outfit namely elegant canthan outfit the thighs are made thinner for some odd reason, not by much, but enough to notice, and it looks weird., which combined with the weird way the fabric on characters front is bulging outwards makes this outfic actually ugly once u actually take a look at it. and its a huge shame, the concept arts for this outfit looked AMAZING. also nightspeaker outfit - makes your charachter have completely different body type. same goes for shoes. no two pair of shoes in the game are for the same feet size. some make the feet look huge, some change the feet into hooves. i realise creating any outfit for gw is hard. u have 5 races for which the outfit will look different, and two of the races have extremely different body features. but id very much rather have new outfits rarer, but more polished, then getting more of them but at least some looking like they were rushed. (im mostly referring to human female characters, not even sure if similiar issues are present for other races/genders, but quite a lot of players choose human female for their toon so id like to know if im the only one who thinks this sux a little bit)
  19. thats becouse everyone thinks their class should oneshot everything else, be best in every scenario, have no counterplay, and also bring beer and pizza.
  20. or maybe some classes are in a good spot, and those getting changed needed the buffs/nerfs the most to allow for similiar performance? yes its not perfect, and i do think power tempest for example needs way more tuning, it can barely do 32k with perfect rotation which is stupid if u consider every quickness build can hit that benchmark pretty much. thats like 20% less than what ppl would expect from a pure dps build. it doesnt help that it can in theory get close to 40k dps on a huge hitbox, since theres barely any enemies that this is usefull at. i feel the dps should be balanced around single target small hitbox dps, same as with every other class. just an example, yes, but im willing to bet we will see those classes that still lack in some areas get tuned in the future. overall the balance is actually starting to finally make sense now. its definitely getting better then it ever was, and theres a promise of more.
  21. regarding mantra of pain, from a pve dps standpoint it wont affect ur dps in a noticable way (2 additional casts over the duration of a fight in cs at the start of the fight isnt going to be noticable), just use one charge, and leave the second one to not have to recast the whole mantra - pretty much identical dps output. in competetive, ull get might for prepping the mantra which u dont have now, and u can still use 2 charges quickly for bursting. currently after doing that u have to wait 10 seconds for every additional charge, and if the fight lasts this long ur most likely loosing, given how mesmer in pvp works. after the change/revert of mantras ull be able to recast mantra (while stealthed for example) and get BOTH charges instantly, while gaining might - this is a buff, not a nerf.
  22. a suggestion - hobotron into a jade bot skin with some cool new lines. would fit the game a ton better then fluffy pixie-cat-o-ghost whatevers;) (not a big fan of some of the new skin/mini/chair options added lately) i applauded anets consistancy in keeping the game meme free for a long time. i get stuff like this sells, and they already decided they put this consistency on the side some time ago. but im willing to bet theres gonna be quite a few players that would appreciate being given more options, some being more in line with the older style of the game, for making their toon unique without descending into this new trend.
  23. the mantra changes shouldnt really be a thing, if they didnt change them to what they are now some time ago. this change was the sole reason why the WHOLE GAME was dominated by firebrands. becouse it made a complex but extremely potent build into a spamfiesta-has-everything more potent build that requres no tought. this in turn led to numerous nerfs to the class, and the whole tome rework. becouse it was impossible to tone it down without deleting its core functionalities. with mantras requireing more tought, and alowing for dealing with oh kitten moments by expending the final charge fb by default was way more rewarding to play, and naturally blanced a bit more. becouse u could have found yourself without charges, and needing to prep the mantras while kitten was going down. this also made thinking about using final mantra charges vs going into f2/f3 tomes a thing. the mantra nerfs, specifically for firebrand (mesmer not so much) was one of the worst decisions anet made, that looked innocent at first, but led to a huge mess in the whole meta for more then a year now. its GREAT they are reverting this to where it is supposed to be, but do be prepared that combined with all the other nerfs that this has spawned in the past fb might feel weaker untill they bring it back up.
  24. what i feel would be a good solution to having multiple specs be able to deal with multiple roles would be to have one tier of elite specs traits be dedicated to selecting specific playstyle. be it adept master or grandmaster choice, would steer the spec into fulfilling a specific role, modyfying slightly what other trait tiers do. for example, selecting 'healing' subspec(?) trait on tempest would add several boons to specific skills, bump healing power a bit, and maybe completely change 1 or two skills to add some more powerful defensive tools while on this spec. it could also make other trait options work slightly differently, for example master stab trait for when overloading, while on 'healing spec' could apply this stab to the party instead of just the ele. on the other hand, going for 'dmg' trait would for example couse this same stab trait to add superspeed when overloading or whatever, increse the dmg, change them powerful heals into powerful attacks, so the roles would be more pronounced, and at the same time allow for more granular balancing, where changing one overperforming aspect of a class often times makes the whole class useless. like it was with warrior. which was being stomped into the ground for its much needed banners, and then when they took away the banners it became a meme. they could specify 3 distinct roles for every elite spec. for example mesmer chrono - quick support, alac support, dps. balance each individually by slightly tweaking each subspec(?). dps option could retain its decent solo uptime on quick and alac, and be easy to then balance around. while going support, could give more ammo on defensive mantras, more boons and so on. huge amount of work i know. but since after such system would be in place, players could see before investing in a class what roles they would be able to fulfil, and be sure those roles would perform, and not be overshadowed by other aspects of a class. like eles generally being nerfed to hell with their dmg, becouse they always have access to too much healing or we the reason is.
  25. becouse holding down 1 button is not easy - its braindead, and borderline cheating if u factor in how much u can do with that 0 apm. arguing it is ok is like saying botting is ok. u dont seem to understand how fundamentally flawed this class design is, how its negatively affecting class distribution, balance, and player to player dynamics in an mmo environment.
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