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  1. Hey! Thanks for the response! I can see that in general your package is still maintained from time to time and the structure has not changed much. There are obvious benefits to your package which is why I support it and depended on it for so long 😄 Lately, I have less performance needs and moved to tracking my time in steam, but wondering, if any of your tweaks could be ported to the steam/proton version somehow (via another script)? Even if only 50% of it, that would mean that the GW2 prefix would be slightly better optimized than the default. I know that steam has prefixes for each game/proton version, so there may be an entry point here for your performance tweaks for those new steam Linux users. (I play on -provider portal version, so there could still be benefits for those veterans who want to semi-migrate to steam regardless of the pure steam accounts) I guess there is not much to adjust here regarding your package embedded in my script. I will have a closer look later. I kinda abandoned the project, but want to get it a bit up to date. Not sure how far I'll get. I'm also not so familiar with wine as you are so not sure how much I would be able to contribute, but if ever opportunity arises, happy to help 🙂
  2. Hey everyone! It's nice to see this thread is still going and is a central hub for playing gw2 on linux! I have been investing some time in my old project for gw2taco on linux, and the previous major issue that prevented it from working was due to a shift in APIs in GW2TacO itself, and Vulkan's (apparent) lack of support for DirectComposition. After chatting to the original developer GW2TacO has a fallback to the old API, which I managed to access via disabling dcomp. I am currently focusing on v2.0.0 of gw2taco_linux which will (for now) focus on the old API and my fake transparency tweaks. From the feedback I gathered the main issues with my project were: 1. Unable to start TacO (swapchain creation failed) - fixed with the fallback tweak as of v2 2. Transparency worked but snapping GW2TacO & GW2 window was an issue - I will be experimenting with an automated solution for this. My current aims are: 1. To focus on stabilizing the transparency tweak (which actually works well, when it works lol). 2. To investigate the source code/vulkan to see if we can move to getting TacO to run on the DirectComposition API (in wine/linux)... and potential native wine support. 3. Steam/Proton Support @ArmoredVehicle.2849 I would just like to touch base as it has been a while, but at some point I saw your portable package was abandoned, and now there is once again traction. Can you give me a rough idea of the following so that I can update my project to match your projects current state: 1. Is the portable package still in demand/do you foresee continuing this project? 2. What are the benefits of the portable vs steam proton with some winecfgs/tweaks? (besides needing a steam account) (I am using the -provider Portal launch param) 3. Has any file paths/dirs changed since old releases that might affect my script? ----- I have been following a lot of other GW2TacO alternatives for a while and most focus on rebuilding native ports/using taco paths. I want to try build a compatibility layer for the original project, or at least cause a movement there, but not sure how far I get. From what I remember, the v1.0.0 release added the transparency support and worked for me, even though buggy, and I will try focus on that first, before moving to more native support. I just wanted to touch base here to understand what's been happening last few years since TLDR, haven't been following the threads 🙂 ----- Glad this thread is still alive and a hub for linux users! 😄
  3. yes, and only when using portable package wine binaries. :/I also get 0014:err:winediag:xrandr12_init_modes Broken NVIDIA RandR detected, falling back to RandR 1.0. Please consider using the Nouveau driver instead. thanks for your package btw, running gw2 straight via wine without tweaks runs gw2 at 15-25fps with stutters and with your latest package i get 70-200fps without any fuss :D EDIT: I got it to work by installing libnvidia-glvkspirv:i386 :smirk:
  4. Wondering if someone can help me figure this out. I recently got an upgrade \o/ and can now play gw2 properly and use dxvk. I'm trying to run taco using the portable package binaries but get a lib error. info: Game: GW2TacO.exeinfo: DXVK: v1.8-asyncinfo: Built-in extension providers:info: Win32 WSIinfo: OpenVRinfo: OpenXRwarn: OpenVR: Failed to locate moduleinfo: Enabled instance extensions:info: VK_KHR_get_surface_capabilities2info: VK_KHR_surfaceinfo: VK_KHR_win32_surfaceThe NVIDIA driver was unable to open 'libnvidia-glvkspirv.so.460.67'. This library is required at run time.warn: Skipping Vulkan 1.0 adapter: llvmpipe (LLVM 11.0.1, 256 bits)warn: DXVK: No adapters found. Please check your device filter settings and Vulkan setup.err: D3D11CreateDevice: No default adapter availablelibnvidia-glvkspirv is installed and it starts fine if I use native wine binaries. Wondering if there is a config or symlink I need for the portable package?
  5. I was following the previous messages, but tbh, im noob with git xD I still don't get how to properly work with branches, merges and don't even know what rebase is. However, as already mentioned, a good place to start is just create the repo and dump the contents with a README, License etc. The only thing is... if there are binaries/libraries that are not yours, I think you are suppose to link them in a special way like submodules. Not sure what the rules are for having WINE's binaries/third party libs in your repo without a clear statement/link to orginal dev/source?
  6. Thanks! ^^, It was a fun project and just evolved over time... I learnt a lot of cool bash skills lol! If you run into issues please create one on gitlab if you can, that way I can respond faster and keep track of issues, someone else might find it helpful too. Also I don't check the forums often, so I might respond slower than on gitlab. Lutris updateI have added lutris support and released gw2taco_linux_v1.1.0. It should be able to run via any of the wine versions you switch to. Also, if you use autostart=true and use run_taco.sh, it will start GW2 via the lutris runner. I have never used it before till now.... but from the previous posts of being unable to login, it seems I have the same issue on v6.0-rc1.
  7. Here's the new GW2Taco Linux v1.0.0 video. (I couldn't set a custom thumbnail QQ) To those who can test, please test and report any issues on GitLab. Enjoy
  8. Thanks, was an interesting/fun side-project :) ( I actually haven't really used gw2taco myself yet lol...) Thank you!! I really appreciate it... I am glad there are people that are interested, as most of the time I feel im working on projects that aren't recognized or followed. With that being said, here is the v1.0.0 release and read the README for updates. Lots of changes, probably going to need a lot of bugfixes, but I have tested it on KDE/Cinnamon and it works, however requires a few "Alt-Tabs" to get the windows synchronised. I hope to automate these minor window tweaks in the next releases. I think I might now actually start using gw2taco lol xD... I was a bit concerned with all the tests I was performing logging in/out into GW2, thought I might get a ban. The end result solution is relatively simple, however I spent a lot of time testing & investigating the issues/solutions.... glad I got to this point at least :P I will update here within the next few days the youtube video if I get to it ;) Including the previous post or two, seems like December is brining us lots of goodies :D
  9. Hey guys, Just a bit of an update for those who are interested about the development of gw2taco_linux. We are currently at v0.9 which includes support for Arch/Deb, KDE, GNOME, Cinnamon & Xfce. I have also added the ability to download & manage other tacopacks from within the installer, and switch between them seamlessly. However, the main reason I am making this post is to announce that I have begun work on implementing experimental transparency! Yes, now we no longer will have to depend on the opacity workaround with the diminished visibility, but rather use transparency as it was designed to be used. The solution was relatively simple, as always, but requires some work before I release an experimental option in v1.0. I did not bother looking for a way to use dwmapi from wine but instead use linux native window managers & compositors. This worked for opacity and also works for transparency. There are various ways this can be implemented (Wayland, OpenGL, Compton, etc) but for simplicity I will start work with compton. (I will probably be migrating the package to picom soon). Transparency: TacoMan: GitLab: https://gitlab.com/namoninja/gw2taco_linux
  10. By your logic, I could just buy a $200k PC and be rocking those FPS... I wonder who will be sub-optimal then. Surely you understand, what I meant by saying the game is inherently un-optimal... yes we can use all these tweaks and upgrade our rigs... but to me "optimal" means I don't have to mess around with all this, as the "optimal" part should be in the base code of the game. Everything else... is an "Enhancement" Furthermore, this is not as simple as choosing "this" because "my game runs xfps better", because you are focusing on 1 point "the game" and leaving out everything else that comes with the OS that runs the game. Which leads back to your optimal argument. Consider two islands. One has everything you would need, generally peaceful mobs running around... the problem is... it lacks Mangoes...Now the other island has TONS of Mangoes... but now... unfortunately... it lacks the other things and there are some dodgy mobs running around... might not sleep too well at night.. Now... if you love Mangoes so much, then yeah... go to that island... my "Optimal choice" however, is to stay on the first island.... couldn't care much for those extra mangoes ;)
  11. lol... I'm getting deja vu... this is oddly familiar to p18... And btw... I'm not sure there is such a thing as "experiencing an optimal experience with GW2." It is inherently un-optimal, no matter what system you are on.
  12. Most of the issues i've had with TacO not starting was:1) TacO starts before you are ingame, then it shuts down because it does not find a mumblelink (you have to be in a loaded map, then start TacO)2) When doing manual starts, the wine prefix is incorrect. it cant find its own resources and crashes (check taco logs)3) same as above, but finds it's resources, starts but cant see gw2 (mumblelink)4) because I was doing too many tests, there were some wine instances open (of taco or something else) and had to kill everything before taco would start5) some missing libs I apologise, this taco thing is a side project and I don't spend much time working on it. I just really wanted to use Taco when doing the skyscale and stumbled upon the workaround. The module was suppose to make it easier to use the workaround and support different Desktop Environments/conditions. However, its not very stable atm, still in the "alpha" stage. I appreciate the feedback and tests. If we can get it to a stable point then I'd be happy because I don't really want to make it too complex and dive too deep. Also don't want this forum to get flooded with "taco" talk lol... I didn't want to start an entirely new thread because it kind of fit well here, but I also don't want it to take over the main point of this thread which is the portable package and optimizations.
  13. It is suppose to include some other stuff like your DE etc. Which should explain why it fails to disable cinnamon. This is again probably because the cd command failed during install so it did not export the other settings. run ./install_taco.sh -> reset -> reinstall, but first edit install_taco.sh and change DIR= like you did for ./run_taco.sh (edit: or download v0.3a) Yip, looks like cd was failing because of the unescaped space in your path. I will patch this in the next version. Thanks for testing, let us know if it works after the fixes. :) So after fixing my wine installation and getting taco working again, I tried out those UI.css styles. Unfortunately I did not get far. It seems like the styles are only for the taco app(interface), and not the taco app(window). This is not managed by those stylesheets (but I guess by dwmapi or linux window managers). It was still fun to mess around though, and thought that maybe I could use it somehow but in general... there is not much we will be able to improve. As long as we are using the opacity workaround and not actual transparency, we will never get the bright & clear GW2/Taco. The best we can do is find the ideal gamma/contrast/opacity levels and maybe tweak the UI style colors a bit. gw2tacowhite.png EDIT: I have updated the installer to v0.3a, fixing the $DIR= path issue & added Arch support for XFCE, KDE & CINNAMON. However, I cannot test it, as im not on arch atm. The settings are all the same except for replacing compton with picom as @Ooops.8694 has pointed out. Needs testing tho.
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