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Everything posted by Etheriana.3487

  1. Why aren't most separate mining tools in the gemstore? I personally wanted to get the Glacial Mining Tool, but all that is in the gemshop is the full set, harvesting sickle and the logging axe from that set. And it's the same for several sets. Is there a particular reason why the mining tools are not being put in the store separately? 😞
  2. Just droppinmg by to add anothe "having the same problem" message... 😩
  3. I mean, the legendary trinket effects will ruin all the fashion war possibilities, which is one the main attractions in the game. Like, I have a character that is made of stone with stone weapons and all that - why would I want swirling light blobs around her? Or a inconspicuous thief with toned-down fashion? This really should be reconsidered... 😞 Other than that, it all does sound very exciting.
  4. No, you have to do the story for skyscale, so people are really stuck... "First, complete Descent, the final story step of the War Eternal episode. Once you're back at Lion's Arch, you'll receive mail from Gorrik, inviting you back to Dragonfall. Once there, you can find him next to the Skyscale Eyrie point of interest. Talk to him to begin the collection achievements."
  5. The following with pen thing worked miracles. Awesome! :smile:
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