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Posts posted by Evenge.4067

  1. Maybe I missed it, but did the OP mention what class they play? I mean many classes have abilities that can be considered cowardly.  Stealths, auras, blinks, dashes, reduced or no damage skills.

    Another thing is many people are new to WvW and don't know when to push or know their skills/build well enough yet to survive.  No point in giving the opposition satisfaction of a kill if you know that you will die.

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  2. To me, they seem to be putting one very strong alliance,  one medium strength, and one weak alliance in each tier. That is how the scores and KDR look. Why they would do this makes no sense.  This only allows the strong alliances in the low tiers to stomp their way up for weeks to Tier one where they should have been placed to start the relinks. It's not competitive. It only tends to discourage weak alliances. 

    Place strong against strong in Tier 1 to START the relink month! 

    • Like 3
  3. On 8/20/2024 at 7:43 PM, Twilight Tempest.7584 said:

    I may be a fringe case, but I used to be able to look behind while riding forward by holding down my mapped [look behind] key (left Ctrl), and press Space to Dash/dodge while doing so.  This is handy when someone is chasing and trying to Lance you.  With Dash separated from Space, my key for Mount Ability 2 1 (e) cannot be activated while holding left Ctrl, whereas Space could be.

    As OP said, changing mount ability 2 1 to Space will mess with preferred binds on other mounts.

    This is exactly what I do and my complaint with this new button change. Why kitten would they change it anyway!

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  4. On 8/16/2024 at 5:05 PM, SweetPotato.7456 said:

    You complain like this is new, when I was still on TC there were many players there who logs into their alt accounts to flip everything on TC and than logs back into their TC accounts to flip back what they just flip on their alt. /shrug. I call them out only to be labelled a troll.  

    KARMA  lmao

    You've always had a great imagination. 

    • Haha 1
  5. 5 hours ago, One more for the road.8950 said:

    You're honestly not trying to sell that some people having several alts for the same guild in different places is something new that happened with WR? Because that has been around for years on servers.


    Sure it's a new spin on it to take advantage of the alliance groupings.

    Not selling anything. Just pointing out how guilds can still bandwagon to more dominant links.

    • Like 5
  6. 3 minutes ago, Riba.3271 said:

    Yea, this flaw within Restructuring system was pointed out long time ago. The system was never going to balance the populations, just spread out experienced players a little: Something a decent infrastructural balance would have done anyways.

    With this scenario, the experienced players would have switched to their alternate accounts and probably lower ranked alts. Unfortunately, as we all know, you can't always judge a players abilities by their rank (experience). 


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  7. We have heard of a well known WvW commander (and Streamer), who has been known previously have spy alt accounts on every server, to be now exploiting alliance links with his guildies. 

    Here is what is happening:

    The core of this commander's main guild have also all made 3 or 4 alternate accounts on other servers and formed up 3 or 4 different alliance guilds. By doing this, each of these different alternate alliance guilds would mostly fall into different world links. Then they can pick or choose whichever link that they find most dominant and favorable and play their characters on that link. 

    By doing this they have exploited the "system " and bandwagoned to stronger worlds. This also leaves weaker worlds even less populated.  😡 

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  8. 17 minutes ago, Gop.8713 said:

    Well the new system is supposed to be balanced, so there shouldn't be teams that 'belong' in t1 or t4, there should be a lot of close matches and movement up and down week to week. That's not how it's working out so far, but the only solution I can see is stretching the matches out for more than a month before reshuffling. I think two months would give teams time to find their place and some weeks to actually compete there before getting rebuilt . . .

    Nah, I like the 1 month, but Anet should do the initial placement of alliances better to start the relinks. No low population (or skill) alliance should be fed to stacked alliances for the miserable few weeks until they sift down to similar play levels. 

    There must be enough data from alliances playtime, K/D, sheer numbers,  to arrange matchups with comparable competition to start each reshuffle.

  9. Why does it seem so hard to place teams in correct tiers to start relinks? Last week, in Tier 3 NA, we were against a red team that was so overwhelmingly stacked and dominant. Why weren't they put in Tier 1 to start the relink?

    The running joke in WvW is that a dartboard is used to randomly set relink matches. Seems no use of any previous month's numbers. No algorithm? It can't be that hard, yet it's so obviously broken to regular WvW players. 

    Many of us love this game mode, but it is so poorly managed. Constantly frustrating. 


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  10. 1 hour ago, Spadassin.4076 said:

    I am on an empty server because I didn't join any alliance. Why am I forced to join one, and listen to cringe people on Discord just so that I don't end up in an empty server?


    I thought the whole point of the new system was to prevent empty servers.

    You assume that every guild and alliance is cringe on Discord or even that all of them require you to be on Discord? 

    My guild has a lot of fun on Discord but we don't require you to be on it. We also let you play whatever build you like. You're not even demanded to be on tag.

    Sounds like you stay alone because you assume the worst in people. Terrible way to live your life. You will miss out on so much. Good luck with that. 

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  11. 1 hour ago, Cameirus.8407 said:

    I can only speak for my experience, but I've seen more spawncamping, and for much longer, since the changes, than for years of when we had servers.


    It's very obvious that Anet has been soft about allowing people to put in tickets and transferring them to stacked servers.

    The bandwagoning is just as bad as before. 

    • Like 1
  12. 20 hours ago, Zepoolpe.9217 said:

    I seriously doubt that a team has the n,umber, organisation and commitment to block all 3 exit for more than a few minutes if any.
    99% of the time they block the main exit, maybe also the closest side one is blocked by a small group; most likely a guild group but extremely rarely you have the farthest one blocked, because most people are just going to stay where the biggest group is (usually the main exit) because they are too afraid to fight in small groups.

    You've obviously never played against Mag. It's toxic and definitely ruins anyone's WvW experience. 

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  13. 1 hour ago, jul.7602 said:

    Fixed. There was a mistake on my numbers. The treb does about18433 to a paper wall with full mastery, compared to a catapult which does 15265. So about 20% more damage, for 10% more supply. Charged catapult damage can exceed treb damage, but takes much longer than the 1-tapping, so the overall DPS is still inferior. 

    Also, if I remember correctly, isn't the recast on a treb faster than a cata? That would make higher dps on the treb also.

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