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Everything posted by Decinomicon.4619

  1. As it says in the title, one of the new meta bosses got stuck as invulnerable at 33% he is not becoming CCable to get rid of the invulnerability. This renders the meta incompletable.
  2. Soto started off pretty strong, I liked the intrigue of the wizard's tower, and how it felt like there was always something wrong going on with them. It was compelling and made me want to learn more, the problem is we didn't get to learn more we got pushed into the demon realm almost immediately in Act 2. Zoja's ascension? Happened off-screen. Learning to trust Petha, nope we just trust her immediately, and now I am supposed to care about a bunch of demons I've had no time to interact with? This feels like an ice-brood saga kind of deal, it started off so strong, then the writing a nose dive, at least with Icebrood it was understandable. With Soto it feels like yall changed writers mid-expansion and the new writers disregarded most of the first act. IMHO Soto should have focused on the wizards, helping them, learning secrets, understanding Petha, and building trust. The next expansion should have been focused on the demons and pushing into the demon realm to take on the king and starting an uprising with Petha who we would have had time with in Soto. As it is right now the story is falling flat. I have no reason to care about the characters that are with us because I have not been given a reason.
  3. Anet, I have been looking at the feedback that has been left after mine. Yall need to go back to the drawing board with this. THe short bow is a complete miss, while I know you probably won't because there isn't enough dev time before these launch to completely redesign the weapon. Redesign this anet, by someone who actually plays engineer.
  4. Thing is the other new weapons are actually good and have a use. Shortbow just doesn't.
  5. As someone who plays a support engineer a lot, I do not see a reason to run this weapon. It's clunky to use, and it doesn't provide anything new to the table. The actual effects of the canisters (not the visual effects) are underwhelming. It does not excel in damage or support, it is outclassed by every other weapon engineer has, it isn't even a side grade to something. So that begs the question, who was this weapon for? Because it certainly wasn't engineer. What is the point of this weapon? All the other profession weapons have a purpose, I am not seeing one for shortbow.
  6. Hey, you do know there is a thread specifically for feedback made by the devs, yea?
  7. The return ability on sword 5 predicts where the necro is going to be, I feel it should return to where the necro is at the time of casting the return ability
  8. The health costs on the weapon abilities should scale with max health/vitality. Otherwise, it makes the swords particularly difficult to use on harbinger. Sword skill one SHOULD NOT adopt the skin of the legendary being used, it makes it impossible to see how wide the attack is when using a legendary.
  9. You can still take it into those maps you are talking about, you only actually lose about 5 minutes of uptime on them. If it would cause power creep it would already cause it now. Your argument relies on nothing but assumptions.
  10. Since we can take jade bot buffs outside of Cantha, I think it would be nice to have a Jadebot charger and the Protocols in the Thousand Seas Pavilion to maintain the buffs without having to go to a Cantha map.
  11. Why was pistol nerfed? It was in a somewhat decent state. SOTO did not change anything with its power level. So why was it nerfed? Are engineer weapons not supposed to ever be viable?
  12. The problem is people feel they wont even listen to feedback if we give it, considering they didnt listen to it with the last balance patch.
  13. I will gladly give feedback on the necro weapons when scourge is fixed
  14. Something needs to be done about holosmith sword and heat, as long as it has the heat mechanics on other specs its going to be useless outside of holosmith
  15. You said you were listening, you got over 300 pages of feedback about the patch, said you implemented the feedback, but actually didn't. I don't understand why you feel the need to lie, nor do I want to know why. I just want you to do better. I don't want this game to die off into obscurity. I hope for the game's sake, the July patch fixes the issues with the one today. Also, implement a public test realm of some kind so the player base can test major patches before they release and give feedback. Its a year away, but I am already dreading next June.
  16. What about rev hammer? That has been horrible for years. Guardian Scepter? Mesmer Scepter? I never see a warrior use mace.
  17. No, just no, the way quickness scrapper is has a good flow, this would interrupt that flow. Getting quickness from superspeed feels good, being forced to interact with combo fields as part of normal gameplay does not, that's why I avoid elementalist. Just don't do this change please. Everything else in this patch with the exception of this and sand shade duration is fine.
  18. I was experimenting with the bug from today's patch, the tablet phases through objects until it makes it to where ever the "floor" is. I tested it on the gazebos in cantha, the tablet phases through everything until it hits ground.
  19. Being in a area where your level fluctuates because of scaling breaks tomes, the buttons change, and it locks you to one page until you mount then dismount,
  20. As the title stated, the NPC that lets you change Caladbolg forms is missing from my home instance. I had already followed the steps provided by support to no avail, and was asked to make a bug report. I am on the character that originally crafted Caladbolg (No I havent stat changed it). I have talked to the pale tree, Caladbolg is in my characters inventory, and I waited a reset to make sure before filing this report.
  21. Why? You wanted to make them better, but nerf the range. Why?
  22. No its that game dev said they buffed staff on mirage because they hated axe, or how they are going to keep making mace and signets better on mechanist so kits arent viable because they dont like kits, or that they never played ranger so they are using the wiki to see what abilities do before they decide how to balance them. It is not just "A dev said a mean thing"
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