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Everything posted by bladezero.9470

  1. I'm getting kind of annoyed of having to manually delete these ascended mats over the years. Can we get a junk button?
  2. The official answer here, if I remember correctly, is that the current code can only allow spectators into a match as if that was an ACTUAL player joining the map. This is to say that the spectator is the 11th, or 12th, or 13th player in that PvP map instance (for example). There is no other technical means of a spectator viewing the action at the moment and because Anet can't have 200 people joining one map instance (for example) there is no free and open spectating to the public, only elite special class streamers can do it.
  3. I can't queue. Won't let me click the button. Please help!
  4. Just having a conversation. You know...it's what forums are for. I'm actually reaching out to rev mains here to see if they are changing anything. Yes, it is early. That is also probably why I see the exact same builds being run. People are testing the waters and I'm having a conversation.
  5. Still seems like Best Rev wins as far as Ranked pvp. What still needs addressing?
  6. Ty guys! Nice to see more FBs out there. I use shelter and Renewed Focus mostly to be selfish and sometimes to be aggressive and eat some of the enemy burst. They tend to focus me and I can deny so much with these two abilities. Ever since the FB nerfs, I rarely try to 'out heal' a team fight, which is what turns me off mantras. I'll test them out again though as you ppl seem to be getting results.
  7. Mace, almost always. Maybe sword on Legacy map because of massive middle point. Blinks are pretty sweet.
  8. I tend to link signet in team chat at the start of a match. I ask if there are any questions. It doesn't help...
  9. I'm the only one? Ugh...Fine. I guess I'll have a conversation with myself. I have a few questions (for myself): How do you get the NA playerbase to receive healing signet res? They always blink/step/mist out of range in their downstate?Do you use Mace or prefer Sword with shield?Do you use mantras? Like...do you use any of them? Like...ever?Renewed Focus is OP?Can you justify running anything other than shelter in this bursty meta?What do you open a team fight with?When do you engage the initial team fight?When do you disengage a losing team fight?How do you stop your scourge from roaming solo?How do you stop your scourge from feeding a 1 v 3 at mid?Bonus Questions: Revenants, aren't they cute? How do you support them?
  10. How many of you Firebrands out there support in either solo or duo queue Ranked matches at the Plat+ level?
  11. This sounds good, but what is going to bring the good players back to the game? Only balance and new modes can save us. Oh, and 5 man team queue.
  12. Increase the gold then. PvP players should always get the best rewards in game. It was like this in Gw1 and they have just been wussy about it in Gw2. PvP should reward double the average gold of fractals or raids imo. Only reward winning though. Losers get nothing
  13. Fully agree. Several have tried, but Jaw really brought the commentary to a new level. His speed and access to meta-knowledge of the game was unmatched. Sure, many of us understand what is going on, but few can actually comment live like that. Sad days. Even worse, I have played a lot of FF14 Online. He thinks he is leaving for greener grass, but that game is...just...awful. What do you call 'just awful'? One who put hard work and effort and does its best to keep up with Toxicity by redesigning and reworking potential Toxic designs, mechanics and skills with next expansions and with each professional/job balance updates? One who simply don't give a kitten and allow Toxicity to control its game? (I know you are entitled to your opinion but i urge you to think carefully before you speak ill about Square Enix Final Fantasy 14)It comes down to 2 things that make it awful. 1) leveling 2) Global cooldowns There is really no discussion for me beyond this. Story content is meaningless to me.
  14. The armor is so easy to get for dedicated pvp players that I hadn't even noticed the level 100 requirement... Things are very relative I guess. We are all level 200+ at this point. The armor carries exactly zero prestige in the pvp community. Give it away A-net, we don't care. [edit] P.S. I just bought a full set and I don't even like it very much. Meh, what else am I going to do with my shards and marks? Buy Obsidian weapons!? LOL.
  15. Fully agree. Several have tried, but Jaw really brought the commentary to a new level. His speed and access to meta-knowledge of the game was unmatched. Sure, many of us understand what is going on, but few can actually comment live like that. Sad days. Even worse, I have played a lot of FF14 Online. He thinks he is leaving for greener grass, but that game is...just...awful.
  16. Curious design philosophy. Is it intended to bunker 1 v 3? Any discussion on balance would be appreciated at this point. You have excellent players and community leaders leaving the game mode... See: P.S. Also Rev, lol?
  17. I know of only 1 Dev that plays actively and that is Ben P. He has also answered this type of call before (although a Slightly different challenge). He was asked to climb solo in a ranked season. He climbed silver to plat on a core warrior. The game mode is actually pretty fine. It's you people, the players, who are the problem. The devs are having a hard time fixing you, and I don't blame them.
  18. The algorithm doesn't have to work very hard if the incentive to Smurf is removed. Top players currently Smurf to manipulate the ranking system. Top players may also try hard in unranked to practice teams or new builds (although this now mostly happens in private arenas and private in houses). There would be no incentive for someone to want to Smurf a hypothetical Easy-mode.
  19. This will be controversial, but I'll start out by making following statement and premise: Spvp is well balanced. I truly believe the game is in an excellent state and there are only very small outliers that could be tweaked for some quality of life and a tad bit more build diversity. The only minor problem is Rev and this is only slightly over performing. The real problem is player skill and population. Spvp has an extremely steep learning curve and there simply isn't enough space or time for the vast majority to git gud. My suggestion is to create an ACTUAL division. Spvp needs an Easy-mode where new players can go to learn how to play free from smurfs and try hards. Easy-mode should be an arena setting that remains locked to the top players and it should be strictly protected by some sort of ruleset that ArensNet best determines keeps out the smurfs. There should be recommended meta build templates in Easy-mode and tutorials on rotations in the lobby. Finally, to draw players in, give Easy-mode some decent pve centric rewards that nobody in the top cares about, like the ascended shards and marks that can give legendary armor.
  20. That's weird... I was thinking gw2 PvP has the deepest most skillful combat out of any PvP game, including those outside its genre, like Overwatch and League of Legends. The problem seems to be that gw2 is too difficult for players like yourself to learn. Maybe we need an easy-mode for you.
  21. I really really really would like to encourage you to keep playing and not getting too mixed up in the toxicity. :smile: You are not bad, you are new - and there is nothing wrong with that. Insults in the game are always awful, I hope you are also having good experiences and fun in PVP! Thanks for the encouragement. It's kind of hard tbh.Negative feedback is the best kind of feedback. You probably have alot to learn and need to be berated for being bad. This will make you stronger and help you git gud. Keep trying. Do better.
  22. Not really. There are better strategies than others. Point first mentality is actually never the best way to go in a team fight, whether white, capped or in the enemies possession. I would literally rather see my team mates afk at home than smash their faces onto node at mid.
  23. No. Often you'll see high level teams leaving all nodes uncapped, or even accepting for a short time having 1 less node than the enemy, if it means winning a team-fight and later snowballing the entire map. Actually, that's an important difference between p2+ teams and lower teams, is that p2+ actually have the capacity to properly snowball. Once they have a numbers advantage, 3 good dps can roll around the map 1-shotting people, and keep the enemy totally scattered for an extensive period of time. In gold, dps simply aren't that good. So in this situation, it is less important to win a team-fight, because they aren't good enough to use the momentum from it. It also comes down to the meta; in a bunker meta, like in the past with all druids/tempests/chronos, it was more important to hug the node. But in the present meta there aren't any bunkers that can sustain through 3+ enemy going to town on them. If you interpret "fight on point" in a literal sense of staying physically on a node, then you're just wrong. If you interpret it in the more strategic sense of "fight for a point" then this is better advice. This. Thank you.
  24. Great insight so far. I think it's important to get inside the mind of low to mid level players so we can all get better and have good games. The way I see it, the imperatives are as follows: Always win the team fight wherever that leads.Focus priority targets who will always try to disengage far off the node.Always focus off node.Never fight on point.Obviously dealing in absolutes is a risky business, but I feel like it needs to be said this way for the silver and golds to get better at the game mode. My advice, especially if you are on the opening engagement mid, IGNORE the point. Call targets. Win the fight. This current meta in particular is about winning fights. The nodes will come easily after you gain map dominance.
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