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Everything posted by MatyrGustav.6210

  1. Lol. As far as themes go, i feel Anet hasnt really made a general Arcane Wizard. Elementalist has arcane utilities but thats it, the class is really tied to the elements. I think it would be very interested to how the class would play if there was an spec Called Arcanist, and if there was an Arcane attunment for the spec.
  2. We already have this with the Necromancer and Revenant Necro doesn't really have mana, all spells are on cooldowns, and its spells are basically all conditions and effects.Revenant, has something similar to Mana but is more like stamina, and they don't really have spells.I want a class that feels like a classic mage with dps, with them working a little bit like thiefs initiative but just for utility spells. Maybe give them twice the amount of the initiative (Mana), but it regenerates slower. The weapon strikes could be based off of cooldowns only. Long range utility Dps spells. Yeah, they could do that with either the next Necro or Rev elite. More likely Necro, where instead of going into Shoud, the life force could be used for utility skills instead.That"ll be cool. Though in hoping necro will finally have Bone skills and summon Skeletons traditionally. But either would be cool.
  3. Then cut to the chase : Yu just want Thief to have a Magic spec and have a hocus pocus feel and focus.This is not something new, people have been asking for a "caster thief" for awhile now, just hope Anet is going with that for Cantha expansion. Not really, if a Caster Spec was added, it'll be nice. But Thief as core profession doesnt have the Mage background to really warrant any customization without reverting back to what physical Thief is. I would love a full class with Magic Utility, and specs.
  4. So, Revenant. If anything, we need to move further away from Resource management as a mechanic. The two most problematic Professions in the game when it comes to Skill and Resource balance is Thief and Revenant, all because they have "low or no cooldown" skills but fuel them with Resource. They have been receiving slaps over the years repeatedly or straight up changes which sometimes either broke their gameplay or jettison them into FOTM.I highly doubt Anet will release a third one to add to their balance worries, even if they do have a new Profession released in the future. Hmmm, i can see where there can be balance issues, but i do like the idea that i can spam one type of skill if i choose to. With cooldowns, once you used that skill you have to look for another skill to use or else you wouldnt be doing max dps. Like Elementalist. You have to switch attunments just to use more skills. It feels all over the place. With Revenant its more like stamina since they still have cooldowns associated with everything.But also i do Play Revenant Ventari, and i do love that its straight to the point. Like if I want to heal i can heal, i dont have to click so many different combinations just to get someones health up. I dont like that the weapon strikes use their energy and still has a cooldown, it doesnt make sense to me. I really dont like how Revenant forces you to switch legends if your energy is below half to get more energy. Sometimes i just dont want to switch, thus making it feel like its all ovet the place too I would love to play a simple classic dps caster that uses a system like initiative. Revenants class function isnt the best if added as an Espec.Thief doesnt have magic dps core skills if added, so it would be limited, and class function is still not the best. I do see your point though on balance.
  5. Yes please, i would even love to see musical skills added too. We could have Ballads that heal. Chorus skills for boons, so the more people that join in the more potent the boon is for everyone etc. I would love this.
  6. When revenant was introduced it launched with 1 spec to match what the other professions had / were getting. So if there was a new Profession added it would have all 3 specs like everything else. It was in the same launch the especs were added to the game, every class got 1 espec at the same time, that's not the same situation as what you're describing here. But that aside... Why would it be an "overload" (overkill?)? By what standard exactly?And how would especs beyond the 3rd "set" (I don't know how far into the potential future you're trying to look here, but good luck with that btw) be too much, but a new profession, apparently with 3 new especs wouldn't be almost the same? Especially when your vague idea for a "niche-filling" class is proposing something that's already in the game? Because we cannot equip more than one at a time. At some point i feel they would need to realize hey, we have 3 paths per class, we should add more Utility / weapons for the current 3 E specs. If they keep adding e specs we would just have the same core skills to work with for the new e spec. Class customization would never deepen After the 3rd E spec added id prefer them expanding the core classes and/or E specs for just speaking on the current classes. That aside, i would still love for a new class. I feel like my idea is unique enough, youre just looking at "oh magic & melee Its this. We have that" my idea is much deeper than that.
  7. Dagger/Sword Elementalist : Am I a joke to yu? Wait wait wait. Axe Mirage : Am I a joke to yu? Ah ah ah ah, wait wait wait. Axe Reaper : Am I a joke to yu? No, i mainly think a class that uses Mana just for the utility skills would be neat, and all of their melee weapons would be melee oriented (Standard). Kind of like Thiefs initiative but just for utility skills and not weapon skills. Im not just talking about the flavor, but more of the function.
  8. Some skins not making sense with a polearm playstyle is not really an argument in my opinion..... Look at daredevil, who uses the staff as a bo with martial arts attacks. There are many staff skins which make no sense (or even look absolutely ridiculous) with that playstyle.We have many rifle skins in the game which look like sniper rifles, etc, but engineer has a straight shotgun attack on their rifle kit, which doesn't make sense with a sniper rifle skin. So I think warrior can still use staff in the same fashion like a halberd or even spear (many people are asking for land spear, I doubt that they will make underwater weapons available on land, so this would be one way to satisfy some of these people). Which would also give it a more unique niche between the other staff users in my opinion. I guess its just difference in opinion / artistic choice. A bo staff fighting style still makes sense to me because striking with staves makes sense. Stabbing and using it to pierce makes less sense to me. Most skins just dont look like they can stab. Having a sniper rifle skin with a shotgun blast still makes sense because its a gun. In real life there are plenty shotguns that look like auto rifles, and at that there are also shotgun attachments. Its not farfetched. At the end of the day, Anet cannot make a staff a Spear. It will still be a staff and called a staff. The only thing Anet can do is make them fight as if it was a spear, but its still a staff and will be called a staff. So its still a staff even if they add pokey moves. They cant make it a spear. With revenant and thief its still a staff, the only thing anet can do is change the way you fight with it. They cant change the weapon. If warrior is given a staff it will always be a staff regardless on how they fight with it. It will never be a spear
  9. When revenant was introduced it launched with 1 spec to match what the other professions had / were getting. So if there was a new Profession added it would have all 3 specs like everything else. I'd be fine with no new professions, but do you think anet would keep adding specs past 3 per profession? I feel like anything past 3 would be overload so at some point, i feel it would be realistic to expect a whole new profession especially since they've only added one.
  10. Ok, awesome, i will be looking forward to that. Change is good, especially for Warrior. :)
  11. Yes, im thinking about what can the devs do to future proof the game since its age is starting to show. Gw2 is coming to steam, and might even come to consoles at some point. I want this game to be successful and bring in lots of people.
  12. I guess my idea was a long range strong DPS magic caster with limited spell output, that falls back on Melee strikes when low on Mana like how old games used to be. I really like the idea of Thief being a Caster though, seems cool. Possibly a shadowmancer spec. Great idea. Minstrel would be really cool. It could even have Paragon as a Spec to bring that back.
  13. Hmmm that could work if the new legend was a long range spell caster, but the class function would be different.
  14. The idea of Ele losing two atunments and gaining weapon swap is very interesting since its like specializing. You would have access to like 10 of one type, and 10 of another instead of like 5, 5, 5, 5. I'd be happy with this. Im really feeling warrior will get a healing support spec, but maybe since its Warrior there will be a small aspect of offense to Empower your healing, or have an adrenalin Aoe heal with a Bo Staff weapon. Yes warrior having now 2 of it's most viable builds being heal/support build would truly add to the warrior aesthetic that all warrior mains love lolLol. Is there no good dps builds for spellbreaker? Does everyone us it for support?Dont really know what else to give Warrior besides maybe shortbow / Dual Pistol and have its traits compliment ranged fighting in general. I feel like since berzerker exists i dont really see anet adding another melee powerhouse unless it has some supporty role. Hey maybe its a ranged spec for warrior, could be a pirate like dual pistol spec.
  15. We already have this with the Necromancer and Revenant Necro doesn't really have mana, all spells are on cooldowns, and its spells are basically all conditions and effects.Revenant, has something similar to Mana but is more like stamina, and they don't really have spells.I want a class that feels like a classic mage with dps, with them working a little bit like thiefs initiative but just for utility spells. Maybe give them twice the amount of the initiative (Mana), but it regenerates slower. The weapon strikes could be based off of cooldowns only. Long range utility Dps spells.
  16. Exactly, this is why im hoping for slight optional Shaders. Dx12 is also optional.
  17. DX12 initially improves performance and it allows the developers access to shading and effect filter tools to make the game look and run better without having to redo any graphics. Also ray tracing is a realistic lighting tool. DX12 will make the game look crisper and more up to date.
  18. I want to start off by saying i love this game, but the graphics age is starting to show just a little. I dont think the graphics need to be redone or anything, and i wouldn't want any upgrade that would be too much work for the devs. What would be nice if the game finally ran on DX12, and there was some sort of filter that made the game look more stylized. I think some update is needed so the game can still look up to date for the coming decade or so. I love this game. If the game looked a little bit more like this trailer id be in heaven. What are your thoughts? Should there be any sort of graphics update? ***EDIT 11/29/2020] I was able to use Geforce Freestyle within Geforce Experience to improve how the game looks. There are Coloring options and Filters to use. You can also remove the Dreamy washed out look the game has if you increase Clarity & Reduce Bloom. It basically has edit tools just as if you were editing a photo. It also increased my performance, but that might of been Geforce experience in general. I wanted my game to look more stylized just like the GW2 artwork we see in the loading screens. I would hope Anet would integrate similar tools within the game for better optimization. Here are some images of how my game looks. ***EDIT 12/01/2020] Below i used GeForce Freestyle. You can make it look how you want. I prefer a slight cartoony look since i hate seeing low res textures. Im also getting solid 60 frames
  19. Kind of similar, depends on how you look at it. With Elementalist you have your attunments that swap your abilities completely. With the warlock the Aspects are just added effects attached to your Weapon attacks so your weapon attacks wouldnt change. With Revenant they kind of have a Mana system, but its more like stamina than anything, and when you swap legend it brings it to half. Mana would be a slower version on Thiefs initiative, but instead of initiative being a resource for weapon strikes, Mana would be a resource for your Healing, Utility, and Elite skills, and you would perform physical attacks to gain Mana. Thats just the system though, the abilities should be what sets them apart from other classes, in which i left to the imagination.
  20. I feel that we need a classic magic caster Profession, but with melee capabilities. Warlock Weapon swap : Yes Main Weapons : Sword , Dagger, Mace, Axe , Scepter , PistolOff-Hand Weapons : Sword , Dagger , Mace , Axe , Scepter, Pistol This core Profession would focus on Dual wield combinations.Armor : Medium Armor Utility : Cantrip , Signet , Well , Arcane , Meditation Class Function 1 : Mana Mana regenerates slowly, and is only used for your Healing, Utilitiy, and Elite skills. Weapon attacks are on normal cooldown and grant you Mana upon Successful strikes. Class Function 2 : Aspect of Light F1 & Aspect of Darkness F2 Will imbue magical properties to your weapon strikes. Aspect of Light will grant Healing or Boons on weapon strikes and Aspect of Darkness will grant additional Damage or Conditions on weapon strikes, all of which would be decided through your trait path.Specializations could be more tuned toward a specific playstyle so 2 handed weapons would be introduced. Sorceror = Staff (Magical Dps) Glyph Sage = Longbow (Healer/Support) Concecration Ravager = Greatsword (Melee Dps) Conjure Weapons but like engineers weapon kits. I have a feeling that we would just see 1 more profession added to the game making it the 10th. Let Anet know what you hope to see :)
  21. It seems like no one is satisfied with the Berzerker & Spellbreaker damage output and asking for the 3rd spec to fix the problem. A new Spec that does higher damage than Berzerker wouldnt seem right since its called a Berzerker. Wouldnt it be best if Anet fixed the two specs, or Dps of the berzerker first? At that point would you feel like the 3rd spec needs to still be DPS? Or a proper role that's different than the other specs?
  22. I would like. Priest Spec for Guardian, but i feel like if we were to have a completely new profession, we would need a Sorceror/Warlock type class that uses Mana as its class function with Dark art spells and Melee capability. Or a New profession that swaps from light to dark like Elementalist attunments.
  23. My Predictions •WarriorCorsair (Off-Hand Pistol) Pirate like fighter with Hidden Gun utility skills & could even have some card drawing skills that grant boons. Or Monk (Staff as melee) Monks would have secondary Adrenaline option similar to Spellbreaker that would be an aoe aura Heal over time. They would have access to full support Mantras as utility skills •RangerHunter (Rifle) Classic Hunter in the wild. Would have tracking/reveal like utility skills. •MesmerTerramancer (Hammer) Shift the ground to different Hazardous obstacles with utility skills. •ElementalistMystic (Long Bow) Mystic archer style with Ground targeted Wells with effects that fit the Mysticism theme. •NecromancerTyrant (Shield) The shield can make them invulnerable for a few seconds and grant life force. The shroud is replaced with 1 of 3 options, which are Summon Bone Mage, Bone Warrior, or Bone Archer with F2-F5 pet skills/commands like Ranger. The Tyrant would also gain access to Bone utility skills. •EngineerTechnomancer (Mace) Mech like power Suit for Ranged DPS, similar to Necromancer shroud. For utility skills we would have different totems to lay on the field similar to banners. Some totems that inflict conditions, and some that grant boons. •ThiefShadowmancer (Mainhand Scepter)Magical shadow strikes & Healing. Shadow Form, Healing / Support Shadow magic for utility. •GuardianPriest (OFF-Hand Horn) Easy Aoe heals / cleansing for horn. + Holy offensive magic for utility skills. Or Paragon (Mainhand Horn) Horn can summon Holy Javelins to pierce your enemies . They can use Songs for utility Skills. •RevenantKnight (2H Sword) Melee Teleport strikes, and a Legend thats grants full on DPS Wizard spells
  24. @Kodama.6453 Everytime Anet has given a melee style class a staff it was used as a Bo Staff kinda like Revenant as well. I just cant really see them adding it as a Spear since we already have spears in the game, and most of the staff skins wouldnt look right if one used it as a Spear. Same with banner because most skins wouldn't have a banner on it. I mean they wouldnt need to fight with it in a kung fu martial arts way, but what meant is it should be melee oriented and not magical. Stick fighting basically.
  25. The idea of Ele losing two atunments and gaining weapon swap is very interesting since its like specializing. You would have access to like 10 of one type, and 10 of another instead of like 5, 5, 5, 5. I'd be happy with this. Im really feeling warrior will get a healing support spec, but maybe since its Warrior there will be a small aspect of offense to Empower your healing, or have an adrenalin Aoe heal with a Bo Staff weapon.
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