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Everything posted by MatyrGustav.6210

  1. Yes I feel as though there are enough stealth mechanics to select from in core Thief. I hope if its Assassin that its moveset doesn't involve stealth. I meant that even the Stealth parts of Core Thief get converted into said defensive boon.It ought to be part of the first minor trait.If they make Assassin the next Thief elite specialization, it ought to have no access to Stealth at all.Ohhh. That would be interesting.
  2. That would suck and probably not PvP viable. Depending on how it's added. I envision horn being a main hand Offensive weapon that can summon Holy Javelins to send at your target, you can call the spec Paragon. For the utility skills we could get Musical Ballads / Anthems. One of the new "Virtues" could summon a holy spear from the sky that causes bleeding & prevents movement. One could summon a small angelic being for aid (a light elemental?) The third could infuse light in an area providing boons for those you stand in it. I mean it depends on how you look at it. :)
  3. Yes I feel as though there are enough stealth mechanics to select from in core Thief. I hope if its Assassin that its moveset doesn't involve stealth.
  4. We aren't, both e-spec are favored as support. Berzerker isn't especially high on the DPS side. It's the curse of the warrior, it's support often feel mandatory while it's DPS side is average at best even if the e-specs look and sound like asskickers. Possibly Berserker DPS increase is needed instead of another full DPS spec?
  5. Or the new elite spec could be called the Dualist, using two pistols. Yes, but Anet given two weapons at once on a spec yet. If dual pistols are added, i can see then adding Off-Hand pistol as a core weapon and the mainhand pistol as a spec. Hopefully
  6. Here goes... WarriorCorsair (Off-Hand Pistol)OrMonk (Staff as melee) + Mantras RangerHunter (Rifle) MesmerTerramancer / Trickster ?? (Hammer) Creates Hazardous Ground obstacles. ElementalistMystic (Long Bow) NecromancerTyrant (Shield) shroud replaced with summon Skeleton Mage, Warrior, or Archer. EngineerTechnomancer??? (Mace) Mech like power Suit F5 ThiefShadowmancer (Scepter) Shadow magicorAssassin (Off-Hand Sword) GuardianPriest (OFF-Hand Horn) easy Aoe heals / cleansing for horn. + Holy offensive magic for utility skills. RevenantKnight (2H Sword)
  7. I can envision a Necro shooting a target and a Bone Minion Spawns at their feet allowing you to detonate it at any point.
  8. Could be both. If there was shield skills that may be used at any range. For instance, when successfully blocking any attack the attackee will receive X condition. Also what about a shield skill that makes the Necromancer invulnerable for a few seconds like the Guardian skill but instead of charging virtues it can provide some Life Force? Speaking on whether to keep or replace shroud for a second. I think a classic Necromancer style would be nice. I know ive mentioned it, but to think if we had 3 Skeletons to select from (similar to how Ranger's select pets) with F1 & F2-F5 can be pet commands and abilities. We could have Skeleton Warrior, Skeleton Mage, And Skeleton Archer. I think if shroud was removed a Shield + Sceptor build would be pretty cool to protect yourself. But like I said we would also need Sword as a core necro weapon too.
  9. I want a Summoner spec with a Horn for Guardian. Could have Swiftness with a Horn skill
  10. I know Dual Sword Assassin is basically expected at this point, but what if a magical Thief was implemented? What if it was given A Scepter and was called Shadowmancer with Shadow magic? Or even a Greatsword with teleporting strikes that would be called an Infiltrator? Or even a Mace, with confusion called a Burglar. So many options. We have a melee spec, a ranged spec, but not really a full magic spec. I dunno what are your thoughts?
  11. Yes. Ranger in my opinion needs a spec that makes them more Ranger. Druid makes them magical, Soul Beast makes them more melee oriented, so i feel as though ranger doesn't have a spec that makes them "More Ranger" . I think a specc called Hunter would be ideal. They would have a Rifle and possible tracking skills of sorts
  12. No, no, what I'm saying is that there shouldn't be more "healing burst" packed outside utility skills otherwise tactic is gonna make warrior heal imbalanced. In a full heal setup shouts already heal your allies for 3.6k in PvE and 2.4k in competitive, which is good granted that they are instant and on a relatively low CD (20s per ammunition). On the topic of banner being "laziness", I'd say that they are less "lazy" than the different professions aura that grant raw stats. Raw stat support is probably more significative in the game than boon support or healing support because not every profession can provide such thing. Do not undervalue banner/ extra raw stat points, they allow warrior to break through the limit of support that boons provide and that's invaluable. (Which is mostly why warriors are relegated to being bannerslaves in PvE, it's just to much of an advantage to be ignored) Thematically I don't see a weapon that would have a "support" skill set (outside of the warhorn) fiting the warrior's thematic. It's not that I don't see possibilities for the warrior to get a "support" e-spec, but is this what players really want? Do players just want the next e-spec to give the warrior yet another way to be taken as a support when it's already what the warrior is relegated to? Personnally, when I think "warrior", I picture a DPS or a tank but I don't picture a "support". GW2 is the only game I can think of where the "warrior" is relegated to the support role as the primary option. Are we forgetting Berzerker and Spellbreaker? Im not sure if im missing something, especially with Berzerker being high DPS
  13. My thoughts, word for word. I can see why people would want a warrior e-spec with a special mechanism that's support oriented but right now one must admit that support is already the main job of the warrior in every gamemode so maybe a support e-spec might lead to a bit to much support. "Healbreaker" already do that, capitalizing on traited shouts. The viciousness of the core of the support of this build is that it come directly from core warriors which mean that the prospect of adding more on top of the current healing potential is bound to "break" balance (not that the healing support potential is overwhelming, below 1000 HP/s in PvE while around 700 HP/s in competitive, but it come in the form of significant "instant" bursts making it pretty well adapted to GW2 gameplay). Well you only can equip so many skills. I guess there would just be more options for support build warriors. Also, if its support, it could be a hybrid, meaning not all new abilities are support. For instance if its Monk, that class is already Hybrid. If its not support, i can see a Corsair type class with pistol.
  14. With the current state of dagger a shield would be a horrible elite spec weapon. Only a really well designed shroud (a classic F1 transform with great melee skills and not the buttonmashing fail scourge is) could save such a spec. I would vote for a hammer, but think this would be too close to what reaper already does (the scythe is even coded as a hammer). I see. Yes i feel like we would need Sword as a added base weapon if Shield is the elite spec. Hammer would be awesome, it is close to Reaper so I would see Anet adding it as a magical focus similar to Revenant and how Mesmer uses the Great Sword. Imagine slamming the hammer into the ground to Summon some Skeletons?
  15. If thats the case it might even be the longbow. We will get 5 new weapon skills.
  16. I would love to see one, but specifically The MONK. They could have a Bo Staff (Staff) similar to Thief and Revenant, and be given Mantras in which heal and provide boons. Also area cleansing would be nice. The Bo Staff (Staff) could combine palm strikes, and round house kicks for certain combo attacks. Just my thoughts.
  17. Oh wow> @"Dadnir.5038" said: I mean i would be cool to have a variant to playstyle with the shield kind of like Daredevil to Thief. Also the Bone Bow idea sounds amazing ? i would love that as well. But would love if the Necromancer used its life force to summon a Bone Tyrant to fight with pet attack skills instead of shroud.
  18. @Lily.1935 Yes please. A Vampire Sword spec would be amazing. If its a Shield it see it more as like Diablo 2 Necromancer with Bone armor. It could be a Bone armor Tank.
  19. My vote goes toward The Mace. They should get a Single hand Hammer Skin and would love to see them with a mech like power suit that replaces their tool belt kind of like the necromancer.
  20. I mean a staff would be cool, but not as a spear. I agree that if a spear is added, it should be a spear. I would see it as a BO Staff similar to how the Thief and Revenant use it. I see Mantras being a thing for Warrior for support/Healing thus calling the specialization MONK. I could also see a Pistol/sword wielding pirate like specialization.
  21. yeah i feel like necro really needs Sword now that i think of it.
  22. I think it would be awesome to have shields as a Necro. Also would be amazing to summon Stationary Bone Walls to hide behind. just some thoughts.I also would hope more weapons are being added to the classes outside the elite specs. For Necro I think The Main hand sword as a base weapon would be amazing as well.
  23. https://artstation.com/artwork/46eQ2 Would definitely want some more Classic flowy Wizard / Cleric robes with hoods. as outfits
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