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Everything posted by MedievalThings.5417

  1. This...is brilliant. I used to comment, before WR, that I would gladly leave the map for 50g because of how often certain guilds would complain about people on map needing to clear out so they could get people on. This seems like it should be the norm.
  2. The problem with this, which is a start, is that the people using things like sword 2 to exploit in, are also running the cheat software to just instantly appear at lords room to take things. And Anet apparently can't afford to run anti-cheat software. There are tons of places in the game that just teleport you out if a condition isn't met, the area under silverwastes for example. You can mount over the hedge wall, but the game just loads you outside. It tells me they could do something about the exploits, and even the teleport hacking to lord that happens hourly, they just don't.
  3. Yep. I scouted for years. Built siege, kept it refreshed, backcapped everything, defended camps, killed whatever ran by. Most of the time without even participation. This is the same reason most people don't scout anymore. Can't count the hundreds of times I was told scouts were f'ing useless and to just log out cause I was taking up space (on map not in squad) from someone useful who could be on tag. Even now, I routinely see guilds telling people on certain classes to f... off or roamers of any flavor to do the same so they can get their guild on to ktrain.
  4. I'm not even farming them to sell (cause can't), I just didn't like opening certain boxes despite some of those tracks being more rewarding. SO, I have 2 stacks of them in the bank. The wife has like a stack and a half. I think my 10 year old has like 80 of them. It only takes 4 hours to complete a GoB track with no effort really required (could just do 1 yak every 5 minutes for that time). Compared to exploration which takes on average 20 hours and requires you actually run around doing things. And with low dps could take 30-50 hours. Honestly, I'd like to see all the gifts be sellable, cause that would be interesting to watch.
  5. We can't even get them to turn on anti-cheat software and those things are automated. No chance they put additional time into wvw beyond a few skins in the gem store. Would be great to see, but I'm not gonna hold my breath.
  6. I type slow, this saves me from typing a lot. Nice. And...yep.
  7. The most frequent use I see of golems is just people on alts draining a keep, walking to a castle to feed it to guards, and then repeat. The second most frequent use I see of golems is people making them and testing the effects of gravity on the golems...over and over. Occasionally, I see someone use a golem for golem things. Rarely, I see golems flying across the map or over tower walls to take things. Yep, it do be like that all the time.
  8. Solo flying as well. It's my preferred game mode, I play even when it's bad. First month, couldn't hold anything but had a decent amount of skilled roamers, always had more kills than deaths each week. Second month, pretty much the same thing. Bigger ques because of a certain alliance, still couldn't hold anything (as we plummeted to t4), but with some decent roamers won most of our small skirmishes, ended with a positive kdr each week. Month 3 is looking to be some of the same. Every one else is running 50-60 deep while guilds on my server are 25. Some very good solos on our side this match, have definitely upped my gameplay being outnumbered most of the time. Pretty lopsided time zones this week and the guild everyone knows just exploiting into everything to take them from us to avoid the fight. Testing out a sorting theory to see if I block an entire guild will the sorting algorithm put me in the same world as them. The only problem is with all the worlds, I won't know for a long time to see if it works. If it doesn't I could find out Friday, if it does, I may not actually know cause RNG and all. /shrug
  9. As posted by soo many, thief is top dog, always has been. It is the only class that is low risk high reward. You can get away with roaming on just about every class if you are good, but even skill, the thief will win almost every time or choose to just walk away.
  10. It's not soo much denying it to other players as it doesn't exist. It would make more sense to fix things wrong with the game (bugs, glitches, etc) for 100% of the population than put any development time into making something new for >1% of players.
  11. It's not inept it's bias. When you see the 2 people in charge of balance on guardian every time they log in, you become enlightened as to why "willbender is fine - Anet".
  12. The forums are split between whether no downstate was good or not. Every no downstate week, at least on my previous server, had larger ques the entire time the event was running. That said, we haven't had one in years and it is unlikely we will never see it again. It is a pretty hard counter to blobs. I burst you dead, you respawn (instead of instares by 49 friends), and Anet has spent 5 years making it so large groups don't have to be unhappy. My only issue with downstate is that it existed because the game did not have healers. Now, there are healers everywhere. The reward for making mistakes (as a healer) or being out of position (as anyone) should be a walk back from spawn not instantly back up just because "blob".
  13. Not sure I trust Anet with the implementation, but I would kind of like to see game wide the 50 ish stat sets reduced to like 20-25. I would also like them to remember that people play condition builds too and fix all the things everywhere that are condi immune. While I'm thinking I would like to see them turn on ANY anti-cheat software as well, but I know that will never happen after all the cheaters cried last time ( 8 years ago) claiming it was their grandmother's account and she not only wouldn't cheat but wouldn't know how to. Yeah, nevermind.
  14. It happens to all teleport skills pretty much everywhere, with blink being the worst offender. Places where shadowstep works reliably blink will fail. But yeah, it is affected by the tier of the structure as well. The thief teleports are by far the most reliable of the classes which is saying something considering the thousands of places the game is like "sorry mate, I can't see that spot 10 feet from us, guess you dead".
  15. The 2 people doing balance are playing guardian...and I'm not just making a meme.
  16. I'm not advocating for it to be changed either way. It is celestial food, meaning that with their new patch coming it should not have conc and expertise in wvw but should still have it in pve. I was just commenting with how well they have been managing things, there is a 99.99% chance it will still have both stats in wvw too.
  17. And you won't see nerfs any time soon since the 2 primary people responsible for balance are playing guardian.
  18. If you have watched any of the "devs play" streams you would see that the preferred method of play is farming 5 guys over and over with a group of at least 35-40. Not sure the other statistics matter much to them. Unless of course, it makes it difficult for the 40 to farm the 5...in that case, yeah, it needs to go.
  19. Ascended food like oyster soup will almost certainly still include conc and expertise, because that's how thorough they are.
  20. Wondering if, like everything else, they will forget that ascended food like oyster soup is every stat.
  21. That was what I meant. They start in 2 separate groups and then merge into a single spot, not dodging really until one side wins.
  22. And yet this is what wvw mostly looks like now. It's like watching Idiocracy and thinking it was a parody only to find out it was a documentary.
  23. The problem can not be fixed by changing the map. Most of the exploits are based on a weird behavior in thief sword 2. The only way to fix like 95% of the exploits would be to remove the shadowstep from sword 2 entirely. Anet isn't willing to do that. It's like the guards just inside the front gate at lowlands keep. Do you know why they don't exist? It's because you can use them to scorpion wire into lowlands. Instead of fixing the skill behavior, they just removed the guards. People keep asking/hoping Anet will fix the exploits...they won't. They aren't looking at it, it's not on their list of things to eventually tackle. It's like asking them to turn on cheat detection software, it's never going to happen. They did it once 8 years ago and cheaters cried endlessly about how it was their grandmother's account and she would never cheat so they just don't bother.
  24. When the videos first came out from China of two groups standing in nice little piles next to each other, than moving to stand in one spot to see which one would live, we laughed. Cause they would just stand in 1 spot, no dodging until 1 side died. Now look at NA. Usually its just blobs farming pugs, but occasionally it's just 2 blobs standing in 1 spot until whoever had more wins.
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