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Posts posted by MedievalThings.5417

  1. There was a time when I would say TC, but I think those days are behind us.  While there are a decent group that would fit that entire description, I don't think we are what you would be looking for.  Half the server desperately tries to avoid mag, and even if it isn't mag, refuses to play when we are in tier 1.  And, while once a source of pride (?), I see just as many people teleport/speed hacking on our side as I do the others nowadays.  Most people on the server prioritize using the best tactics for structures, but since our server is home to everyone's alts, and half the games' trolls, we usually end up with crap tactics that the only way to get changed is to let it flip.  The callouts are pretty good, except it's getting rarer and rarer for guilds/groups to respond.  Either "they can't fit", or "X guild/server isn't a challenge", or "I'm tired of fighting X".  Mostly, it seems the guilds would rather fight doors and not bother with defending if it means a difficult fight.  This is not all, as we do have some tags that will desperately try and hold anything of value regardless of the attacker, but clearly not all.  And then we have the tags that will trade a t3 keep for a paper camp, when they could have easily defended the keep...they just prefer to backcap.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    What is the estimated time to complete a reward track with all boosters now averaged across Wood through Diamond Completion at T6 participation?

    The fastest a reward track can be completed is 3 hours 45 minutes, assuming every available booster, amulet and guild buff, and the wxp buff from the rare event when it happens.  Otherwise, it's around 4 hours 30 minutes with all the other buffs/boosters.

  3. 14 hours ago, cyndelaq.7148 said:

    Not being able to earn pips because I'm, "not yet considered a citizen," of the world I joined is just stupid! I transfered so I could play with a guild I just joined only to find out that I'm basically being punished for doing so! And why is it 2 weeks!? 2 Days? Sure, but 2 weeks!? Come on...

    It takes an entire match before you start to earn pips.  So, depending on when you transfer, it can be more than a week.  This is why all the bandwagoners and stackers transfer Friday, usually when relinks are announced.  So, they will only miss out on a couple hours of tickets before relink (if they weren't already done) and the entire next match.

  4. 3 hours ago, jul.7602 said:

    Completely false, unless you are talking about some time period 5+ years ago that I'm not aware of. Maguuma barely has any commanders as it is, besides myself, obsession, and recently Cake. I play nearly all timezones, probably one of the most active players on Maguuma. Trust me, there is no Grouch tag, and he is not claiming anything of note.

    Yes, I am talking about years ago, which is why I said they "would".  I also pointed out that it wasn't an issue.  Wasn't then, wouldn't be now if they did.

  5. 4 minutes ago, Chaba.5410 said:

    To be fair, if you see Dr. Stephen in WvW, he is usually there because he IS testing something.  He's one of the original programmers - one of the guys behind why you don't have to log out if the game updates.  Was it Dr. Stephen in that video?

    It wasn't.  At least, not in the one I'm referring to.

  6. 2 hours ago, jul.7602 said:

    No it's just BG. I've never seen or recall Anet claim any structure that Maguuma owns. I would certainly know because I play this game everyday and our objectives don't flip that often.

    Grouch would regularly tag for maguuma.  Not that that is an issue.  Honestly, the only thing that always bugged me about devs in wvw was when they would use dev tools to get around normal game mechanics.  Like the video of the lords room fight where the dev dies, self resses right in lords, to continue fighting.  They later claimed they were just running lag tests.  The problem with that, is we see that stuff all the time.  Players ressing themselves from fully dead, blocking for 30 seconds straight, etc, etc.  All of those things are server side meaning the player doing it would have to be an employee not running their tag.

    • Confused 1
  7. Yeah, I really wouldn't be surprised if alliances has been tabled to put resources into the legendary relic.  Where they decided to take something earned by players away from them, the community rightfully called them on it, and now they are desperately scrambling to deliver something they never considered short term.

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  8. 5 hours ago, Pifil.5193 said:

    Maybe I missed the announcement and sorry if that's so but I couldn't find anything on the forums or in the news for the past few months.

    Now that Floyd Grubbs has gone to Blizzard (since May, according to his LinkedIn profile) who's in charge of WvW? Is there still a WvW team? Are Alliances still being actively developed?

    Edit: here's his LinkedIn profile https://www.linkedin.com/in/floyd-grubb-sr-designer/

    The short answer is probably yes, but the reality is probably no.  Not that it will matter anyway.  Alliances will LITERALLY be the exact same thing we have now, except that instead of logging into wvw as "current server name" it will be "new server name".  Alliances do NOT address any of the stacking, timezone population imbalances, guilds not fighting each other, etc that wvw has become.  Transfers will still be allowed and will break any semblence of balance the exact same way it does now.

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  9. 52 minutes ago, Chaba.5410 said:

    You know Roy is a true WvW player when he invokes a community meme instead of saying weird stuff like WvW players are really PvE players. Victory nodes are the real endgame.

    For WvW players that seem to be out of the loop, Roy was first an Anet Partner that made a lot of WvW streaming content before he got a job there.


    We still deserve better than memes and jokes from Anet.

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  10. On 8/7/2023 at 4:30 AM, Ferus.3165 said:

    from 10 sec duration and 10 man target cap and completely denying the application of new boons and removing one boon every .5 seconds to the sad state this skill is in now... it was the perfect skill against boonblobs and the skill was practically useless everywhere else in the game. And now it's just a useless skill. Standing inside it during the short duration makes no difference. This skill was overnerfed three "nerfes" ago.

    All because Anet does not want people defending.  You're not supposed to fight back against the boonblob.  You're supposed to get your own and ktrain another map while patiently waiting to backcap what their boonblob was ktraining.

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  11. 20 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

    Basically, Warrior always had extremely limitid options in Wvw and most of them got nerfed so hard into the ground that dedicated Warriors needed to get creative. 

    The last remaining hope was the Longbow Primal Burst. And because Warrior isn't allowed to have nice things, that got nerfed too. But Warrior is out of options at this point so Warriors just stuck with it. 

    Just visualize it for a moment. Warriors best Wvw build is reliant on a Condi Projectile weapon. 

    Insanity. 🔥


    Warriors best build has a skill with a 25 target cap, which is why you see zergs of 30 with 10 of them (sure not all, but 5-10 is not uncommon).

    • Like 1
  12. 4 minutes ago, iKeostuKen.2738 said:

    Just want to have fun in this game mode again. Tired of always coming back to fighting players that never leave their mom's basement. What's a casual server bracket to switch too?

    There isn't.  There are several servers that are more than full.  They tend to stay in different tiers, usually because the "original hibernating to stack" server likes to avoid the "currently has hibernated twice this year" to stack server.  The bottom tiers are filled with map que guilds who don't like fighting full servers, so they hide in the lower tiers to do the same thing the previously mentioned servers do.  Unless you are on EU, and then I really don't know the situation there.

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  13. 7 hours ago, raykor.6723 said:

    According to the wiki, these shrooms only drop when you have certain legendary collections unlocked. But even when you complete the collections, they keep dropping...FOREVER!

    Is there any way to make it stop?

    I just stopped harvesting ANY mushrooms, like 7 years ago.  Cause, yeah, it got to be annoying after a while.

    • Like 1
  14. 48 minutes ago, CoffeePlease.3082 said:

    I see what you're trying to say, but that doesn't make any sense. If you are only playing 10 hours a week vs 10 hours a day, you are already earning less than someone playing 10 hours a day. You're also definitely earning significantly less than someone who knows how to farm optimally, unless you spend your 10 hours a week exclusively doing that.

    It's a horizontal progression game that gives you rewards for time investment, so if you are not investing as much time as someone else of course you wont earn as much. What incentive would someone who wants to play 10 hours a day have to play if their rewards were chopped to match someone who just logged in for 10 hours a week?

    The difference here is the rewards have goal posts and you can work towards them at your own pace, vs other similar systems where you are either there or you miss out completely.   

    They are saying that 10 hours of play should equal 10 hours a play.  It shouldn't matter whether that is 10 hours in a single day, or 1 hour a day for 10 days.  But, games keep trying to pad their stats of how many players log in each day.  So, for those of us with jobs, families, who may only get 1 day a week to play all day the rewards are NOT the same as a person who gets to play a single hour every single day.

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  15. 49 minutes ago, Dapper Shark.4958 said:

    we don't have a lot of information to go on about other rewards, laurels, mystic coins, and clovers were probably the main benefits of the current system, the new system puts you into active gameplay to gain those rewards back. That isn't nesicerly a loss to alt account users if they don't mind active gameplay, but, for folks like myself that dont always want to be active or participate in non casual (raids, stirkes ect) gameplay its a loss.

    Yeah. It kind of seems like this is intended to hamper things like Mighty Teapot showed in his video.  Where he just logs 40 accounts in every day and makes 2k gold a month passively.  This "new" system basically takes passive income away from alt accounts, or so it would seem.

    • Sad 1
  16. Yes, but instead of ANY news about alliances (which will be identical to what we have now anyway), we get the "scorched earth" meta.  Where 1/3rd of zergs are now all running berserker cause, you now, the 25 targets it hits is "balanced".

  17. 32 minutes ago, Lunarwolf.5698 said:

    Its okay not to like a game mode. Everyone seems to forget this simple truth. I don't see the appeal in wvw and only here because I am weary of hearing left right and center about how great wvw is and I simply don't see it at all. The maps are lack luster, the structures look like kitten, the zergs have a scrubbing bubbles commercial aesthetic that also induces lag spikes, the sheer amount of time one wastes just traversing the map with so little engagement adds to the sense of boredom unlike pve where theres always something to engage with that isn't some lopsided group there just to send you back where you came from.

    I've learned enough getting my warclaw to know wvw is not for everyone's taste including mine. Someone once said spend 1500 hours in wvw in order to find out where the fun is. It would be like me to accuse MMORPG players of not playing long enough in FPS games to truly grasp why they're fun in my eyes. It shouldn't take 1500 hours to figure out if you hate a mode or like it period.

    Yep.  Personally, wvw is my preferred game mode.  The concept was taken from Dark Age of Camelot (at least for GW2 ).  That said, it really isn't for everyone.  Not everyone likes other aspects of the game.  Sometimes it depends on where people are in life too.  Try something a bunch, realize they don't like it.  Than, try it again 10 years later to discover that they do enjoy the content.  It is what it is.

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  18. 19 hours ago, holloko.2570 said:

    Trailer final scene: The figure silhouetted in front of Sauron the rift and riftstalker is a Charr.

    Compare: Branded charr

    I mean, you're not wrong that the figure is a charr.  We are looking at the back of a charr, the stance is a dead giveaway.  My guess would be the figure is Rytlock, and they are standing facing whatever the Eye (Sauron) is.  Not sure that helps us know who the villain is.  Could also be the figure is the PC, and just happens to be a charr in this case.


    Edit:  So, near we have a charr figure with their back to us, not sure why they appear to be missing a head or have their head down maybe.

    The mid is 2 statues or buildings (or the like) on either side of the eye structure.  It's possible they may be holding the eye up.  The statues on either side resemble dragons.

    The far is the Eye (Sauron) thing.  Either a portal (rift), or an actual villain...who knows.

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