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Posts posted by MedievalThings.5417

  1. Sadly, I wish this was an isolated incident, but it isn't.  This is the type of stuff we have been talking about for years, that tons of people say we aren't seeing.  I literally see stuff like this every single day, and I play wvw 7 days a week.

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  2. The engineer that was enemy didn't spawn the friendly turrets.  There is also a HOPE guild engi from your team doing the exact same thing as the enemy one.  Which is why, near the end of the video, you see 2 teleport hackers briefly.  Probably the same person controlling both accounts though.


    Now we patiently wait for the experts to chime in with "the guy was just using rocket boots".

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  3. To be fair, Anet is still trying to tackle the trainwreck they created for themselves by adding Relics to the next expansion.  You know, Relics, the thing we already have and grinded for in making legendary runes, but now they moved part of it to a new place so they could sell an expansion by claiming the game now has relics.  So, yeah, no surprise they can't get back to us on this yet.

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  4. Wait till they get bored and start down the Stargate SG-1 path for content.  "Guys, some new monsters appeared through this "rift/gate", we're gonna send a team back through it to see what's causing it."

  5. 1 hour ago, Sleepwalker.1398 said:

    Maybe Anet wants ppl to stop playing WvW by nerfing boon removal and go kill Soo Won cos hardly ppl do that dumb meta.

    When it fails, ppl say needed quickness and alac..

    So Anet is hellbent on shoving those 2 boons down everyones throat at any cost so that every noob that presses 1 1 1 1 1 in there is somewhat useful.

    Those 2 boons are literally destroying every game mode.

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  6. This is about defending and how Anet wants people to play wvw.  They do NOT want people defending.  They do NOT want giant comped boonballs fighting each other.  They want giant comped boonballs winning every "fight" so that everyone is happy.  You too would be happy if you would just stop defending and join 60 other people pressing 1 for easy loot and ranks.  It's ok to chase down and kill the roamers you see, because it's their fault for roaming.  If you see another giant comped boonball, you're supposed to find another map and ktrain that one, respectfully waiting to backcap the map the other was already on.  An endless, door fighting, ktrain of happiness.  No one ever loses.

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  7. 2 hours ago, Riba.3271 said:

    Well to me objective auras are just fun killer. It is akin to random tengu spawning in middle of fair 1 vs 1 to one shot one player. Why is it in the game? It is such a ridiculous idea that isn't fun for anyone.

    Also whining is relative, maybe I am just trying to drive necessary change. Maybe what you're doing is whining about someone driving necessary change?

    You spelled it wrong.  It's spelled "downstate" and you're right, it shouldn't be in a competitive game mode.

  8. Anet has nerfed everything in favor of attackers.  Wall health, siege, supply.  They even added shield gens so that attackers can avoid defensive siege.  Then they nerfed the only good tactic an outnumbered server had, which is now siege dampener.  For those who don't already know, it's completely useless as it adds maybe 5 whole seconds of defense.  All these giant blobs rolling around unhappy that it takes ANY effort to take something is kind of sad.  You can take a T3 tower in 25 seconds from siege drop to lord dead (maybe 30 if a dampener is used).  A T3 keep can be taken (depending on which keep) in as little as 50 seconds.

    And, your suggestion is that defenders have it too easy?  You want keep buffs removed...fine.  As long as Anet removes bloodlust, downstate and target caps at the same time.  Standing next to 49 other people should not be an "I win" button like it is now.  But sure, let's blame failed keep takes on the keep buff.

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  9. Anet does need to do a quality check on them at least.  1200 range pull, pulls you from 2000.  600 radius pull, pulls you from nearly 1200.  This stuff happens regularly.  They should at least look at them to fix things that are doing what they shouldn't occasionally.

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  10. 1 hour ago, Pie.2167 said:

    I’ve got nothing against eles, but I agree with OP in regards to Mesmer in WvW.

    It is not very mobile, especially after the master of manipulations nerf.  In a Zerg, it is pretty much relegated to boon strips, and is outclassed by almost every profession in DPS, healing, and boons.  Commanders use it for Veil, and there is the occasional gimmicky portal bomb.

    Also, it is much easier to roam and scout on other professions.

    You're supposed to teleport hack in stealth, like most mesmers seem to.  Unless, Anet gave jaunt a 20 ammo count that I missed.  It is amusing to watch them skip away across the land like a rock on water though.

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  11. 1 minute ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

    Did you see the tapper kill a guard or did they just get aggro?

    Was clearly just guard aggro.  Guard at the top of the stairs that's always shooting at the veteran bog scale was shooting at him as he was going for another keep tap.

  12. Keep seems to complete with little issue.  But yeah, the tower one never moves.  I have all the weekly stuff done, except towers (1/8).  And that one tower defense was me killing a keep tapper halfway between WC and the Lowlands sentry.  Was honestly surprised when I got the defense credit.

  13. 3 hours ago, RisenHowl.2419 said:

    Thank you. I'm a fan of the weaponmastery update, opens up a lot of interesting play styles.


    Support soulbeast and CC rangers in general are getting really nice buffs lately, they've got a spot in the meta now for sure. 


    Did you have any favorites from the beta event?

    Not sure about "favorites", but we did learn that sword catalyst and longbow willbender are completely broken.

  14. 2 minutes ago, Endilbiach.4132 said:

    There's a whole lotta angst in here that's ignoring the fact that @Rubi Bayer.8493 posted in this very thread about how they were aware of our concerns and were in the process of developing suitable compensation for us.

    Until we know what that's gonna be, we all needa chill.

    People are still adding to this thread to voice concern about the wording of that post in particular.  People aren't looking for compensation, they are looking for identical function, which is the ability to change the 6th slot bonus any time they want on every character and build (soon to be the relic slot).  There is a very real possibility that Anet could decide 3 XP boosters is compensation, which would be more than a slap in the face.  They could decide to give people 350 gold for every legendary rune they already crafted, which wouldn't restore lost functionality but would at least cover the cost of the runes they just devalued.  People are VERY concerned that they aren't going to stop at taking functionality from legendary runes, but will eventually take things from other legendaries as well.

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  15. 16 hours ago, babana.7521 said:

    This is very simple, I want what I have already worked for.  


    This is also a trust issue, I've pre-purchase every single expansion, including the base game, and also Guild Wars all of those pre purchased, this is the only time I feel betrayed, if you want to break that trust. fine by me. guess who is not pre purchasing next time.

    Everyone in my house plays; me, the wife, the kids.  We have pre-ordered every expansion, the game at launch, even got Guild Wars so the littlest one could get some Hall of Monuments stuff done.  This expansion we haven't pre-ordered yet.  This relic change is the reason.  You're right, it's completely a trust issue.  Relics take away functionality we spent time/energy and money completing, and it just seems wrong.  Maybe next time, they change how stats on armor or weapons work.  Anet may not stop with the 6th slot bonus.  Maybe they divide stats into primary and secondary, and, only primary stats (like power, condition, healing) can go on the armor slots we have now, and they add underwear, t-shirts and socks as places to put secondary stats (like prec, ferocity, conc, expertise, vitality).  Once again taking away functionality from legendary armor (or weapons) that people have put time/energy and money into.

    How they handle this really does and will affect how I choose to spend my extra time and money.  I am hoping they will do right by players and give us equal functionality to what I already spent the time grinding and earned.  Guess we will see how they handle it.


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  16. On 7/1/2023 at 9:00 AM, MysteryDude.1572 said:

    So you say , my time escorting dollies , protecting them from enemies , guarding the camp where the come from ,dying for them,  should NOT reward my time investing for the realm with a brand new upgraded structure?????

    So , what do I get out of it then????????

    Isn't the purpose of dollies->better structure -> higher tick->more rewards????????????????

    If not , the what ??????????¿???????????????

    And while my friends and family are getting SLAYED in that tower , I'm out there trying to provide with more supplies for them and in the end all I should get is "gg you tried" ? 


    supply runner's efforts MATTER !!¡!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And they would matter more if people actually needed supply to repair/rebuild the things they broke.

    While this would probably just benefit the ktrain boon-blob, I really do think they should look at a system like this, even if it was just for a random event every now and again.  It would absolutely make supply and supply chain management more important.  Instead of just run around blobbing everything down and then kitten-jamming the 5 guys trying to recap, over and over.

  17. On 6/27/2023 at 2:38 PM, Crazy.6029 said:

    Here is the thing, where is the counter play and balance to this boonball abomination? Are we supposed to bring 25 necros and another 15 warrs and maybe 10 mesmers for a total of 50 in squad just to boon corrupt or rip this mess? Of course not, or you would see it as a counter right now. The only counter is boon ball up to the max with higher numbers. That is it, that is all, just stack boons and then run back and forth over each other in 2-3 giant groups until someone stands in red circles for too long and dies. That is not counter play, that is not balance. The boons should be a CD basis not permanent so that aegis and vigor and regen and res and everything else is always up, so no worries about death, just make sure boon is up, don't even dodge, you won't need it.

    The boons need to be able to be stripped or corrupted, right now there is WAY too much output of boons compared to boon removal. Give us please more removal so once that happens the big boon ball has to use their brains and move, dodge, pop damage mitigators or escapes, you know, whatever they want but at least it is back and forth, as in COUNTERPLAY, But that WON'T happen with this perma boon ball meta. What the hec is everyone thinking? Is it just let's all pretend that we are awesome and just PVE boss rush everything? 

    Please Anet look at your balance approach, this is just insulting to anyone that actually enjoys COUNTERPLAY, not mindless zerg carry me BOONSBALL meta with no counterplay but more of the same.


    That's just it, Anet doesn't want you fighting the boonball.  They want you in your own boonball doing the same thing the enemy one is doing...PvE on WvW maps.  You're supposed to fight doors, and NPC's and map hop if an enemy accidentally rotates on to your map.  You are free to kill randoms and pugs with your full squad, but your not supposed to be defending.

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  18. 13 hours ago, Scorcher.6428 said:

    Aren't you forgetting that now you don't need 6 of the same rune? You can have any combination of runes now. And on top of that choose any of the 6th rune 'wild card' effects via the relic.

    How is no one realising this?

    The stats are NOT the reason people made legendary runes.  The ability to change the 6th slot bonus ANY time they wanted is the reason people made legendary runes.  Relics remove the functionality the runes were made for.  It goes against the principle the game is designed around.

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  19. 5 hours ago, Endilbiach.4132 said:

    @Nightara.1804 and @QueenKeriti.5176 I see where you're coming from.  And if they do nothing for those of us with 7 leggie runes I'll be moderately upset as well.  I am excited at the prospect of greater flexibility coming down the road, but I agree that we should get something.

    And no, before anyone says it: the Relic selection box at launch doesn't count, everyone's getting that.

    The only thing Anet can do for those with 6-7 legendary runes is give us identical functionality for compensation.  Guessing that would be in the form of a legendary relic.  Nothing else is "compensation", it's just a middle finger.

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