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Everything posted by MedievalThings.5417

  1. And they would matter more if people actually needed supply to repair/rebuild the things they broke. While this would probably just benefit the ktrain boon-blob, I really do think they should look at a system like this, even if it was just for a random event every now and again. It would absolutely make supply and supply chain management more important. Instead of just run around blobbing everything down and then kitten-jamming the 5 guys trying to recap, over and over.
  2. That's just it, Anet doesn't want you fighting the boonball. They want you in your own boonball doing the same thing the enemy one is doing...PvE on WvW maps. You're supposed to fight doors, and NPC's and map hop if an enemy accidentally rotates on to your map. You are free to kill randoms and pugs with your full squad, but your not supposed to be defending.
  3. The stats are NOT the reason people made legendary runes. The ability to change the 6th slot bonus ANY time they wanted is the reason people made legendary runes. Relics remove the functionality the runes were made for. It goes against the principle the game is designed around.
  4. The only thing Anet can do for those with 6-7 legendary runes is give us identical functionality for compensation. Guessing that would be in the form of a legendary relic. Nothing else is "compensation", it's just a middle finger.
  5. Yep. The ONLY reason to make legendary runes was the 6th slot bonus, since soo many runes have almost the exact same primary stats. This is absolutely taking time/money from players just so they can claim they are adding a "new" feature.
  6. And, 6 hours after they posted it to twitter, the traits were still working in wvw.
  7. And yet, despite entire groups of these things running around exploiting, no one will be banned.
  8. And these exploiters are everywhere right now. @Anet, how about disable the trait till you fix it?
  9. TC on NA. We were T4 on relinks, T4 when the beta started, and (huh, how odd) T1 after beta. We aren't even a host world for beta, our server is a link (renamed obviously) during the beta weeks. Good Ol' Anet.
  10. I haven't done much pve the last few years, so that's good to know. I still find it an odd direction for the game to be moving, but thanks for the info. Wonder what is driving the push to make them all account bound on use?
  11. That has been me, on my main acct (this one), every beta up to now. Somehow my guild ended up on a new server this go around and it's not been too bad.
  12. Every cool infusion in the game can be equipped, unequipped and resold after removing...except the wvw one. I get that we are the kitten game mode, but it's kind of annoying how they treat wvw players.
  13. The problem with daredevil is 3 dodges. And because people refuse to accept that extra dodges should require sigils, like every other spec, everything else gets looked at, adjusted, nerfed to compensate. Thief in general would be in a better place if Anet would figure that out.
  14. There are a lot of things that need fixed. Celestial should have never been buffed, but, since they added the 2 stats, they should have reduced the values of every stat. Daredevil should have to spend sigils to get extra dodges, not just be given 3 because memes. It doesn't "need" 3 any more than any other build that is melee range. Sure, there are many other things that need looked at, like why willbender has heavy armor but thief mobility, but that fight is for another day.
  15. Is the point of this to track a ktrain contest? I guess I don't get it. Claiming the most things per week seems like it would just show who doesn't defend, fights the most doors, or only zergs when no one else is on. I mean, data points are cool and all, but I must be missing the point. On a side note, I find it interesting that I was 18th in claims on my server, and I play solo.
  16. This is 90% what I'm getting from them. The wife got an asc food choice box once though. It has 3 choices.
  17. Not rarely, every time. If it randomizes where they are placed, every login, they will log in and out until their comp is on the same server fighting pugs. It's why open world pvp games are not popular, because this is what some players do.
  18. The only thing that would happen, is comps would all "join to play by themselves" so that their "group of individuals" can just farm pugs.
  19. Let's say that full is 2000 players for a server. That means that 2000 people log in each week for wvw. Every server is above the full threshold as far as potential wvw players, but only a handful of players actually wvw. That said, there are a few servers who have 3000-4000 people log in each week for wvw. That's how you get domination. If you are wondering how that happens, well, people get beat in a fight a couple times then just play an alt acct or another game for 2-3 weeks. Their server opens, tons of people (who play wvw every week) transfer in, and now you have a full server that is twice the active population of most other servers. This is what BG did for years to get super-stacked, this is what Mag has done twice this year so far. Unless they turn off server transfers, it's only going to take maybe 1 match for all the fairweather folks to manage to stack enough that alliances will look exactly like what we have now. It doesn't help that Anet keeps nerfing defense, boon removal, wall health, tactics, etc. At the rate we are going, wvw will just be boonballs fighting npc's, everyone will be on the same team, the structures will just reset every 5 minutes so the ktrain can keep going, and it will look like Drizzlewood.
  20. It's pretty easy to see, Anet does NOT want people to defend. Every "adjustment" is in favor of boonballs and to the detriment of defenders and the game mode in general. So, I am going to translate what Anet has been saying this whole time about boons. "We understand boon application is a problem" - Anet Translation: "We are sorry you have to reapply boons, so we are making them as permanent as we can and removing every strip/corrupt in the game so you don't have to reapply them" - Also Anet
  21. Yep. They said months ago that boon application/removal was a problem, and that boon application needed to be looked at. And literally, that same week nerfed strips. Is anyone surprised they are making boons more of a problem?
  22. It won't matter soon anyway. Apparently, Anet is going to add an infusion that ONLY drops from keep lords (non acct bound version anyway). Anet will finally accomplish the one wvw goal they had...to get people to stop defending.
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