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Everything posted by MedievalThings.5417

  1. If this was true, core would have 3 as well. And their class mechanic is stealth, not dodging.
  2. And daredevil still has 3 dodges for absolutely no reason at all.
  3. The issue is that players drop loot. They shouldn't. Drops should come from objectives and reward tracks, not guilds trading kills. This issue resolves itself once players no longer drop loot mostly. Then, they will just kill trade for ranks.
  4. Yeah, I started submitting bug reports with Path of Fire launch that the oil trait was broken. It didn't get fixed until this year. I don't have high hopes for this.
  5. The short answer to this is no. There is nothing wrong with the current method of acquisition. That said, I would think it would benefit the community to allow gifts (any of them) to be sold on the trading post.
  6. They will give every attacker credit, because Anet wants people to take things. What they do NOT want is people defending. And, it shows. Imagine the uproar if standing in the ring to cap didn't guarantee credit, because you didn't kill a guard or player. That's the issue with defense credit, most aren't getting it no matter what they do.
  7. For defense events, I make sure that I get multiple kills inside the structure. I don't stray further than maybe 10 feet outside whatever needs defending. I only get credit for the defense event maybe 1 out of 10 defenses. We had a keep defense Monday that I probably got 25 kills (more than 5k dmg on each target, some solo kills), killed at least 4 catapults and 1 balista. The fight lasted about 5 minutes (so 2 defense events) and I didn't get credit for either. Yeah, this seriously needs to be addressed.
  8. The damage isn't really the problem, it's the mobility. Although, it is not the only outlier with regards to mobility, looking at you 3 dodge daredevil (which has never made sense in terms of balance).
  9. Except the part where you don't lose, but 3 seconds later they are twice combat range away from you, mounted, and looking for someone else to fight.
  10. Only rams and oil. How would people be building arrow carts? None of the other siege should exist. Kind of like downstate shouldn't exist.
  11. Even with 3 rams, you can take a t3 tower in under 90 seconds from siege drop to lord dead. How does that prevent smallscale?
  12. I second this motion, but it is working exactly as Anet intends. The don't want people to defend or slow down the giant boon-blob ktrain. So, at every turn, they have nerfed or removed anything that encourages defending.
  13. The ONLY siege that should exist is rams and oil. Superblobs should not be able to hide in SMC waiting for some AFK guy on a treb to finish knocking down walls on everything so they can just ride their mounts to the lord. People should be required to fight, face to face, over objectives. As a side note: SMC should not have supply huts. Why do we keep rewarding stacked servers with extra supply just for outnumbering their opponents.
  14. What's funny is there are things that have been around much longer, that are just as broken,, but people just accept them because they have existed the whole time. One example is the 3 dodges on daredevil. I'm sure anet will get around to "adjusting" the others at launch of the next expac.
  15. Culling was a huge problem year one. You could literally have 2 zergs standing on top of each other and their clients couldn't see each other. Lately, I have been wondering if culling was turned back on. Because I am getting in lots of fights, even solo fights, where I am getting hit for a good 5 seconds (not from a stealthed player or attack) where there is no enemy and nothing to fight back against. And then, there is a player, usually after I am downed. Routinely getting dismounted by another mounted player who just doesn't exist. Even after being dismounted, no one around, not stuck in combat. I just mount up and ride off, but weird it keeps happening.
  16. The problem with siege is that it exists. Anet wants people to fight (we know this isn't true, but they say this). If Anet wants people to fight the solution is pretty simple. Remove ALL siege except rams and oil. Limit rams to 3 on a gate. Make the only way into a structure the gate. This prevents stacked servers from just trebbing everything from the safety of siege-capped SMC. If you want to take something, walk your kitten to it and fight for it. This just for starters.
  17. I explored for a few hours yesterday, tried jumping everywhere I thought a hidden entry might be. After I was satisfied that I tried enough, watched a youtube video on it. Sure enough, it was in an area of a waterfall I had tried a few times before. Seeing where the guy in the video jumped through, it still took me about 20 tries to actually get through the space needed. It is VERY picky. I suggest watching a video on youtube and trying a bunch.
  18. Patch notes: Explore two worlds (and one test zone) of excitement, peril, and educational entertainment to earn holographic weapons and a variety of loot. For what Anet considers the least popular event, they may have put time into it.
  19. No company time/money has ever been used to create what SAB we have. Why would we assume they would spend time/money NOW making more SAB?
  20. I didn't say there would never be a world 3 or 4. I said there is no reason to hope for a world 3 or 4 since the employee that created SAB no longer works at the company. Even more so since it was created completely for free on an ex-employees personal time. Would it be nice, sure. But, I'm not holding my breath.
  21. This would be a huge QoL upgrade.
  22. Yeah, I'm not holding my breath.
  23. The dev that made SAB, for free in their own time, does not work at Anet anymore. So, there is no reason to "hope" for new worlds.
  24. This is the best description of how to get credit. I feel like it should be added to the wiki.
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