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Everything posted by MedievalThings.5417

  1. Yeah. I have 2 accts I did the weekly on that still show it as completed. The baby alts that I never really play anymore no longer have the defense ones listed. Guessing Tuesday when they patched out defending, they removed them.
  2. Even without credit for repairing walls, they removed the tower and keep defense entries from the weekly. It's a pretty clear statement of what they have been telling us for years. DO NOT defend. Anet only wants 50 man boon blobs, fighting doors and the occasional group of 5 people who don't know better. They nerf everything that is defense, and buff any and every thing that supports the ktrain style of play. Not sure I'm going to stick around much longer as they are turning wvw into Drizzlewood. Next, all 3 sides will just be on the same team fighting npc's. EDIT 3/23 Looks like the defense credits are still there. Not sure why my alt didn't have them available when I typed that. /shrug
  3. Just a week ago there was tons of fighting around structures. People fighting, repairing, sieging. It would last hours and had tons of interaction from multiple servers. Now, there is minimal fighting, and structures flipping because there is no point in "fighting" over them. "Oh look, I just killed 25 people in WC" = other than some bags, no credit. So, people aren't fighting over the structures, they're just letting everything flip. Instead, large groups do nothing but ktrain or chase smaller groups.
  4. This once again favors numbers and blobs. Low population servers getting ktrained will basically never be able to use siege, even if they manage to build it. Horrible idea.
  5. I've been counting kills per the defense event timers, to see how bad it really is. Repairing = obviously no credit at all. I've gotten gold defense credit for killing 1 person, 4 people, and 15-16 (not really sure if I tagged one or not) in separate events. I've gotten silver/bronze credit for a range of kills from 1 all the way to roughly 20 kills in a single event (the 20 kills where I aoe'd the whole blob over and over) and I got bronze. I have also gotten no credit (multiple times) for kills ranging from 1 to 25, inside the tower, during the single 3 minute defense timer. This is me as glass, staff catalyst, aoe'ing lords room with a blob in it. Our guys push to lord, I spam aoe's all over lords room, tons of bags = 0 credit for defending. It's kind of ridiculous.
  6. That's the secret, we already have alliances. When (if) alliances ever happen, it will look exactly like wvw looks right now. Sure, they are taking our server names and replacing them with new names, but everything else about it will be identical.
  7. Having played a few thousand hours on thief, I still do not understand why daredevil has 3 dodges. But yeah, removing the smoke field from pistol 5 would probably fix all this.
  8. They're gonna own smc 20+ hours a day regardless. Now they can go back to owning all of EB all day long.
  9. The problem, not even related to just this, is that SMC has supply. It shouldn't. They could just remove the supply depots from SMC and this problem goes away. Instead, Anet decides NO ONE should defend anything.,
  10. This patch is basically Anet saying "you guys need to stop defending". Repair = no reward, no credit Kill 10 people = maybe 10% chance of any credit at all Spent all morning defending keeps/towers, getting plenty of kills (as support and dps). Of the 30+ defenses, got tower twice and keep once. This is more of Anet just saying "we only want blobs to ktrain and avoid each other".
  11. The hard way for tons of max players was keep/kill trading in eotm.
  12. I'm still trying to figure out why daredevil needs 3 dodges. Not sure this is an issue.
  13. What's funny is I see MORE people fighting than I ever did before. People both trying to take AND people defending. Repairing, running supply and actually fighting instead watching a 50 man ktrain and backcap after they leave. Anet spent 5 years nerfing defense and now we finally have a weekly that is mostly take and bonus' for defending (which includes repairing, but it is what it is). WvW hasn't looked this healthy in 8 years.
  14. SAB was an Anet employees side project. Not a paid project, but something a dev was doing for fun. That employee left a long time ago, which is why they have done nothing with it since.
  15. No. However many more characters I need to make a post.
  16. I see this all the time. 6 second moa, lasts maybe 1. I have also seen where the portrait shows they were moa'd, but the player never changes or stops using their class skills. Would be nice to make sure this is working correctly.
  17. You seem to get 5 bonus' per day. And for once, people are actually fighting over more things, instead of just the poor guy who tried to stop a zerg by himself. More things are flipping. More skirmishes are taking place. People are not just ktraining maps, that I've seen so far. People are actually fighting, showing up to defend. This is the healthiest wvw has looked in quite a while.
  18. I'm not trying to convince people. Anet has said, and has been using since launch, glicko to determine how they do rankings. It got a little weird with one up one down, where the system speaks for itself, but relinks have stuck with glicko for pairing servers.
  19. https://leaderboards.guildwars2.com/en/na/wvw This is how Mag got KN. First place overall with last place overall, nothing to do with population. https://leaderboards.guildwars2.com/en/eu/wvw
  20. It's not about population. We cover this every time. Links are based on a servers glicko score.
  21. Superspeed should NOT exist. I say that as someone who mained scrapper for the 5 year run from PoF to EoD.
  22. Thief = the only low risk/high reward class in the game. Sure, some people are not very good at it. But, you have to try really hard to die as a thief. Because you can walk away from 99% of fights you should lose whenever you want. And then, Anet gave them near perma-superspeed and portals. Just lmao.
  23. The problem is, at every turn, Anet basically changes the game so that ANY type of defense nets zero credit. Every buff is in favor of larger groups, every nerf is a direct nerf to defense. Anet might as well just make every structure reset to neutral after 5 mins and make all 3 sides the same color. Because, that is what is happening. No fighting, just people map hopping to fight empty buildings for 8g. Edit: well, there is some fighting. Groups of 50 are happy to port back and forth across every map to kill 5 people. I guess, just as Anet intended.
  24. The achievement should give credit for defending, not just taking. I mean, I get it. Anet hates defenders and defending. Nerfs anything that helps defenders or encourages it. But, if they want people to actually fight, people need to try and defend, and be rewarded for doing so.
  25. Even the new weekly discourages defending. Because it's easier to complete by backcapping or taking paper structures. /sigh
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