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Everything posted by MedievalThings.5417

  1. When the videos first came out from China of two groups standing in nice little piles next to each other, than moving to stand in one spot to see which one would live, we laughed. Cause they would just stand in 1 spot, no dodging until 1 side died. Now look at NA. Usually its just blobs farming pugs, but occasionally it's just 2 blobs standing in 1 spot until whoever had more wins.
  2. Anet is the cause of the boonball meta. And, they're only interested in fighting you from their comp with 49 friends while you and 9 pugs die. It's not going to change.
  3. Is this a recent change, because they can actually cap the camp, or at least used to be able to before Janthir Wilds came out. Like with ogres the lowly ones couldn't but the chieftain could.
  4. You're not there to fight the zerg, but you can be a great help by preventing the dead from rejoining the fight (or stragglers). There are a lot of fights where there is no chance of stopping the enemy (SMC for example) but you can absolutely make them earn it. And, if you have a small comp running around they should at least get a few kills which means a returning player for you to kill. 3 way fights in particular give you lots of things to kill as they return. A lot of the time you lose the objective if you're outmanned anyway but even in those fights you can still get 10-30 kills with the other roamers picking apart the edges and stragglers. Get a good enough bunch of solos preventing all returns and getting gates closed and you can win the battle due to attrition. If you don't feel strong trying to pick off people solo with 3-5 others around you can skirt the edges of the enemy fight and pull out anyone who doesn't pay attention or without stability. Shortbow with absorption sigil is a good way to make that happen. Poison fields on downed players to stop signet resses is also super helpful. Even in smaller group fights where the fight could go either way you can get a poison field down in the enemy group and just shadowstep in, dagger storm, shadowstep out. It's amazing how well this actually works. It also depends on who is on your team or what guilds are running around. Because assuming the map isn't qued, it may be more beneficial to the team to just switch to a meta class/build and join the squad. But not everyone likes to play that way. Lately I've just stayed on daredevil and do the things I listed above. If you want to get some good inspiration for how thief can be effective, I recommend https://www.twitch.tv/pnoyshinobi. Absolutely insane thief stuff. I'm on their link this match, so having watched them stream and play near them a lot outnumbered the past couple weeks has definitely improved my play.
  5. Everyone losing over and over to cele is still going to lose to those same players. What stats will they ask to be nerfed next?
  6. Cause "alliances" don't exist but 500 man guilds do. So, the superstacked server can easily fit seven or eight 65-70 man guilds in one. This is what we told Anet would happen, this is what players have always done, and this is what they are doing with what Anet gave them. All of the "best" guilds claim they want good fights but zero of them do. What all of them want is to win all of their fights every time. And will do whatever it takes to make that happen. Recruit, avoid, map hop, chase 10 mans with 50, troll, recruit, ally, spy, you name it. The score is meaningless, the game mode is pointless even with a score. So they are chasing ranks, bags, and titles.
  7. You just don't get them with the shortcut. It's about 1 silver per box.
  8. I feel like you work at Anet, cause this absolutely happened...exactly this way.
  9. Congratulations you have crafted a legendary armor piece and thus are banned from the game. /smh
  10. Yeah, that's fairly expensive, kind of glad I did it the reward track way.
  11. There was a vendor? I just did the track 18 times because what else was I gonna do.
  12. Depends on the map. Not sure if it's intended, but there are quite a few maps where just not moving for 5 minutes kicks you without ever being in combat.
  13. Depending on the map, Anet changed the AFK timer from 1 hour to 5 minutes. So, you que for wvw and your kid says "dad can I have a sandwich" and you come back to character select having been forcibly removed from the game and que.
  14. But if you're stunlocked, moa isn't the reason you died.
  15. You just described stealth as well. Nearly un-counterable allowing you to 100 to 0 your opponent before you ever actually reveal or render, and easily in under 2 seconds...at least in wvw.
  16. Nothing is going to discourage them. Not only do they not care, Anet does not care. If you want something to have tactics, try and claim it and set it to guild only otherwise just forget about it. Nowadays structures rarely have tactics on them anyway because it's not worth using them on anything.
  17. Not really. Anet is the one that said they were only matching play time. I am pointing out that for 3 years now, including the current 3 relinks, they have always placed a superstack, medium and underdog in every tier. Some people had this idea that restructuring was going to fix imbalance, but it doesn't, and 3 years' worth of betas has proven they aren't trying to. I don't know why they wanted to get rid of the old servers/communities, but they really wanted to. It's like trying to explain why Anet really doesn't like people defending.../shrug.
  18. The algorithm isn't "adjusting" based on guild/server performance. They are just matching play hours and NOTHING else. If you have a guild of yak walkers and a supercomp of equal size and play time, the system treats them as equals. The algorithm places a superstack, a medium server and a "stop farming me bro" server in every single tier every reshuffle. This is what it has been programmed to do and what it has been doing since the very first beta. Why, we have no idea. We can only assume it's intended since that is what it has always done, EVERY single beta and reshuffle. You have to remember this was designed by people who stood in a 40-50 man blob farming 5-10 guys over and over and when they said it was fun chat asked if the guys being farmed were having fun too...and they said yes (they also commented if they weren't they could just transfer, but the sentiment shows their thoughts). The world restructuring was never going to make things even, it was never designed to.
  19. Most of the daredevils you see (or don't lol) spam stealth. Not all are running shadow arts but almost all (ab)use stealth regularly. The problem is that stacking stealth stacks everything else...superspeed, prot, blind, regen/cleanse, etc. The problem is less about stealth though, cause while a lot of the forum is unhappy with stealth, almost all of those complaints would vanish if daredevil had 2 dodges, which it should. Mobility isn't inherently a thief problem anymore but Anet managed to give thief a 2nd "get out of jail free" card in portal, which it also shouldn't have. I personally don't find stealth that bad, I would rather they tackle the mobility creep and imbalance in traits/abilities first and that isn't just thief.
  20. Don't get me started on oil. Ele scepter 1 can't hit oil...from anywhere. Out of range, obstructed, out of range, obstructed.
  21. Dude throwing a spear all the way around the planet.
  22. Pretty much what the title says. Probably not soo much a bug as it is an oversight, but it would be nice to get it fixed as it meets the requirement for the achievement. Kamohoali'i Kotaki please fix.
  23. There is no goal. Anet just wants guilds to run around as blobs taking what they want then log out. The next guild logs on and repeats. There is no reason to defend, no point in doing it. The score is completely useless other than gaming the system to move down to fight smaller groups.
  24. They don't want to fight though. Which is why they map hop back and forth as fast as possible to take things before people can defend. And, when they lose a couple times in a row, they just hack straight to lord to avoid the fight.
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