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Everything posted by MedievalThings.5417

  1. Remember, glicko has nothing to do with hours played, population, or coverage. Glicko is it's own rating, and takes into account the entire performance history of the server. It is possible to have only 2 full servers of the 24 servers in NA, AND have glicko pair them together based on their glicko score, not the fact that they have more available players than anyone else. The entire matchmaking system in GW2 is crap, and that's the nicest thing I can say. Glicko ratings are skewed from years ago when some servers were powerhouses, and doesn't take into account all the bandwagon transfers that keep happening. 1 up 1 down is constantly putting stacked servers vs empty ones. The actual scoring/victory conditions wvw uses allow far too much gaming of the system to allow huge populations/guilds to stay in lower tiers to fight no one and doors. Alliances...fix nothing. Not populations. Not bandwagoning. Not gaming of the scoring system. Not coverage disparities. /sigh
  2. Because they don't look at population or coverage. They literally are only looking at glicko scores for relinks. Mag is 1 overall, and KN is 24 (last). https://leaderboards.guildwars2.com/en/na/wvw
  3. Next, they will add a flag option, allowing the giant map que boon blob the ability to turn off pvp, so they can take everything without the hassle of pvp.
  4. At some point they are just going to remove the walls and gates and put a "police line" style tape that stability will allow you to cross. The "direct player vs player" part is where the 50 man boon blob kills the 1 defender who had to take a bio break.
  5. To Anet, it WAS the issue. The gate should not have taken that long. The blob should have already taken your structure and have the gate down on the next.
  6. Anet - "we understand that someone added 1 minute to your keep take, so we are nerfing keep supply too because it should only take 2 mins to take a T3 keep".
  7. Yaks are the same way. Every map NOT desert - escort yak = 5 min refresh Desert - doesn't matter if you escort the yak all the way from north camp to garrison = nothing
  8. QoL change not to be seen anywhere, anytime soon: Fixed the oil trait Ubi has been complaining about, with videos and full text write ups since Path of Fire launched.
  9. Unless they turned this email back on for 2023, this email was disabled. They did not replace it with anything. The ONLY method of reporting to Anet is a customer service ticket submitted with multiple videos. If your submission does not include videos, they will disregard it outright without investigation. If it includes video links, it may or may not be actioned.
  10. Because adding this option to the right click/report list would be an admission that it happens. Despite us seeing players walking through walls, flying in golems, and running faster than a rollerbeetle speedboost daily.
  11. There is no good answer to this. Anet's view of wvw is that ideally no one defends anything. No one slows down the boon blobs as they fight doors and 1-5 pugs on their way to ultimate domination. They have nerfed: defensive siege, wall health, participation defending, boon strips. They have added more access to boons (benefits numbers) and added shield gens under the guise of "both sides can use them". But, it essentially means the blob can't be slowed by defensive siege. Cannons and oil are mostly useless. Even the oil trait, that prevents crowd control to the user, doesn't even work, after 6 years of reporting it making it just a death trap. Even downstate favors the blobs over skill. Best to just backcap things and not feed the blobs loot.
  12. Hell, TC is listed as high and I don't think we should be open at all. If our pve'ers actually played wvw, WE could que every map 24 hours. The metric they use and the system they use, is just making the population problem worse.
  13. Mag was open. Tons of people jumped to an already stacked mag server, who was only open because they were all on alts. Everyone else opened after the bandwagon. At this point, mag has a playing population that dwarfs BG at the height of it's "30% more play time than the second most server". Mag is likely 2 full servers of playing population at this point.
  14. Most servers run as a guild or actually solo. Mag sort of runs as individuals, and is aggressive, but can do so because they know everyone else is doing the same. They want to be pugs, but always play with the same people every day, most are in their alliance guild, and so don't actually meet the definition of a pug. So, where most servers aren't going to run into a 1v5, mag will. Not because they outskill their opponents (which may or may not be true) or are super brave, but because they know 10-15 other people are 5 seconds behind meaning the 1v5 is really a 15v5 in their favor. Mag will push keeps all day, and lose. Over and over, lose. Then, when all your guilds have logged off, they take everything and tier it up. Most guilds will take your stuff and leave because they have already done what they set out to do. Mag tends to overcompensate and tier everything up in off hours and camp under siege to make a statement. People are just tired of fighting this play style.
  15. I see this stuff daily. Same players, report with videos, etc, etc. Years go by, they're still on walking through walls, flying, etc.
  16. What is sad, is TC has guilds that will do exactly this. And not because they have never played wvw. They will ktrain red borderland in particular, knowing red is trying to avoid moving up to tier 1. Then, after they PPT us into a T1 match, the next week...nothing. Nowhere to be seen. After we drop to tier 2 again, "oh look, they're back". And they get super defensive about being called out in chat for their behavior.
  17. People are just tired of fighting mag 1v3 all the time. So, no one logs in to fight them. They own everything meaning they have nothing to do either. So they log on their mains for 5 mins to check things, then play the rest of the week on alts. So, mag opened because they killed their own content forcing them to play elsewhere.
  18. Every beta, except the last one, was the same. Super-dominant server. Controls smc and about everything else 18-20 hours a day. Medium server, who might take smc during a 2 hour window, definitely not competing with the super-stack. One server who was an afterthought, will never take smc, will be lucky to hold their keep 4 hours.
  19. This topic is ridiculous. If Anet gives Mag a link, then Anet thinks Mag needs a link. Period. Mag isn't crushing T1 because they outskill everyone. People are just tired of their playstyle so no one logs in to fight them. Hence, they own everything. With the "math" that this topic is considering, TC would NEVER be open. Because every single server has alts on TC, AND, we know TC has a huge PvE population that only steps into WvW for like 5 mins a year. BUT, if they all tried to play WvW at once, TC could probably que every map with a 100 person que 24 hours a day. To be fair, every server probably could que every map with 100 person ques if everyone that had accounts logged in. Can we stop with the "fighting mag 1v3 under siege is boring" threads. We all already know this, which is why tons of mag are on alts for anything to do.
  20. They need to remove tier 4 for NA. Make NA 3 tiers, which gives people less places for their alts to play and should force people to play or not at all. They also need to limit transfers to 1-2 times per year, AND not allow transfers the 2 weeks before a relink and the 2 weeks after. That would slow down the bandwagoning some. They should also charge substantially more for every transfer in a 12 month period. First transfer maybe 2k gems. Second, 5k gems. If they allowed a third in 12 months, 10k gems. Tired of watching players destroy this game mode because they don't like even odds or want to fight anything challenging.
  21. This is where the catas used to go before they redid the water area, like 5-6 years ago. Used to be small ledges on either side that you could get to by swimming and just climbing onto. Ledges got removed, and Anet just Anet'ted the change. Not sure it still works after the no water siege thing they changed last year though.
  22. I didn't see anything. I was commenting that there is a program tons of players have been using since launch that allows them to play outside the game rules. Good to know that the people flying in golems and the players just appearing at tower/keep lords (in towers/keeps that have never been attacked since reset) is just rocket boots. And that scaling is the reason people regularly see players walk through walls, fly and move faster than rollerbeetles using speed bursts. I'm relieved that it's nothing to be concerned about.
  23. Except it looks like that when we're not linked with Yak's Bend too. To be fair, what is shown is what some consider "properly sieged", and there is nothing wrong with siege. But, this isn't because "Yak's Bend", unless they all have mag alts and are setting up the metric tons of siege we use when they aren't linked to mag.
  24. The program they are using allows them to fly, appear anywhere they want, and walk through wall too. Anet expects us to police this, instead of actually running software to prevent it.
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