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Posts posted by MedievalThings.5417

  1. On 7/3/2024 at 7:50 AM, chripsy.1027 said:

    That is the most game breaking BS I have ever heard..... The devs are on actual crack.

    And while walls no longer work, siege does.  So, you can just juggle your stealth skills and C&D on siege/players to avoid being visi.

  2. On 7/8/2024 at 5:53 AM, Arianth Moonlight.6453 said:

    I just fought a hacker in EBG. Not only is it obvious that he’s cheating, but he also literally doesn’t care and it's basically mocking the devs and every player he kills because he knows ArenaNet will do nothing. Obviously, I reported him for botting, but you know, we’ll probably get a naked skin armor before he faces any consequences.

    The number of diamond rank players I see flying, walking through walls, leaping over walls, teleporting (in a single move) from SMC outer walls to sentry points near towers is absurd.  I hit a guy with a melee skill and he skipped away like a rock on water faster than the rollerbeetle boost makes you move.  Anet really doesn't care.

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  3. On 6/22/2024 at 4:58 AM, Ferus.3165 said:

    guardian spear is so good. You have no sustain, no hard cc, no soft cc, no evade, no blocks, no stealth, no blast or leap finishers and all except one skill are melee. But as a tradeoff it at least doesn't deal a lot of damage. kitten that's good.

    So, you're saying it was meant for willbender who has everything else already?

    • Confused 1
  4. 14 hours ago, Kyon.4810 said:

    The question is for arena net team.

    Could players get killstreak system on wvw mode for proper rewards? For example 10 kills without being downed - reward, 20 kills without your downstate - better reward and so on, including items from game shop on high kill streaks (for example 50 kills, 100 kills, 150 and so on). For improving wvw experience and battle system for all. Ofcourse killstreak system should NOT count kills from siege weapons but also NOT reset current progress when player shoots with siege weapon.

    It is really could improve wvw fights for players who want those fights and maybe even involve players who get in wvw mode "just for gift of battle" (it is about 90% of players suffering in this mode, because they don`t want to play this mode at all).

    All it would do is make players even more selective about fights.  Stack even harder.  Unless Anet finds a way to divide kills so that when the 50 man blob kills a solo, they each get 1/50th of the credit, both for loot and progress towards kill titles, than this is just further degradation of the game mode.  We don't need to continue rewarding people for fighting pugs and doors with map ques.

    • Like 3
  5. Every reshuffle will look just like this one.  And just like every other beta we've had.  Each tier will have a superstack, an average world and a "we're here to be farmed" world.  It will take a month before the matches even remotely get close to being "gud".  Just in time for them to reshuffle and put a superstack, an average world and a "leftovers" world in each tier again so we can repeat a month of lopsided matches (to be reshuffled some more).

    • Like 20
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  6. On 6/20/2024 at 4:41 AM, Cyninja.2954 said:

    Not an issue given the up/down system.

    Better organized players/shards should move to the top (if this is fight alliances or ppt alliances, time will tell. This is where a proper designed scoring system becomes more important compared to the past)., as organization and commitment falls off, shards are placed in middle and lower tiers. The main issue is the first 1-2 weeks after shard creation (similar to how relinks reshuffled this every 8 weeks). The main difference is players can now choose and have it in their control what type of WvW content they seek.

    If everything works out, more engaged/"sweaty" guilds/alliances will start meeting similar opponents, just like more casual and smaller guilds will meet similar opponents.

    Except, they won't.  Because PPK does not compete with PPT.  So, what you get is a world that wins the match on PPT alone, while the world with the 2.0 KDR all week does nothing but sit in SMC farming kills/bags.  Sweaty is rewarded even further by staying in the lower tiers where they are less likely to run into another sweaty.  Sound familiar, it should.  Because this is what people have been doing for years, transfer to lower tiers for easier wins or not bother with PPT accomplishing the same thing.  This describes tier 3 NA for week 1, and it isn't the only example.  And sure, after a week or 2 sweaty might end up winning a match and moving up, because it just happens, but not after a few weeks in lower tiers and by then...worlds reshuffle again.  The only way to get the ultra-organized groups to fight each other is to remove PPT altogether.  But that is never going to happen.  It should, because taking empty buildings when no one is on should not win matches, but, it won't.

    • Like 3
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  7. 20 hours ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

    Doesn't work, it happened to me today again two times, I waited a little, booted back of the line, I waited a little more the second time and still booted out of queue. Don't see the point of a gigantic queue bar. 🤷‍♂️

    It's not based on how quickly or slowly you click it.  It's not where you click on the bar.  It's a server issue.  Sometimes it breaks, sometimes you get lucky and get the map you waited your turn for.  It will never be fixed.

  8. 2 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

    They will all get nicknames soon either way.

    I ended up on Hall of Judgement.  Which, honestly, doesn't seem that bad compared to some of the others names.  I chose to do the first round as a "seat filler", and it's been interesting to say the least.  Already had the chance to fight peeps from my old world.   It is what it is.  Have fun and play...or don't.  /shrug

  9. 3 hours ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

    Sure, the zergs could use free siege damage next.

    WvW seems to be split between 2 sides asking for things.

    The one side, wants things to be balanced.

    The other, wants to press 1, win every fight, have walls magically crumble because their 50 man walked by and the lord commit seppuku because why should they have to wait, fight, or actually siege things to take them.

    Anet seems to be listening to the second.

    • Like 3
  10. 4 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

    a refreshed experience that builds on what we've learned about mounts since first implementing the warclaw.

    Expect nothing then.

    In regards to the spear I for one expect an engineer spear that does random kitten, a thief spear that give them at least 2 smoke fields and a guardian spear where all its skills are teleports.

    I want to laugh, but I fear the accuracy of this post.

    • Confused 2
  11. On 6/3/2024 at 4:47 AM, Gop.8713 said:

    You could use the conveniently created sixth guild slot to all join the same guild and boldly charge into alliances that way, unless you feel the 500v1 might be more than you can manage . . ?

    This is the future. Roamer/solo worlds are actually what you want. Don't let them know, they'll start working against us ; p

    The lack of any comps is only an issue due to game design.  The part that was the problem, was that 18+ hours a day, all 7 days the world was outnumbered on every map.  This happened 4 of the last 5 betas.  The other 2 servers had no shortage of players regularly during the day.  If it only happened once I wouldn't be concerned, but it happened almost every beta.  So much for balancing the populations.

  12. On 5/28/2024 at 1:35 AM, latlat.4516 said:

    Ah yes, the boonball still being meta. 


    Guys, we're slowly entering a time of celestial scourge meta. You will soon understand the reason old timers hate condi gameplay. Brace yourselves, the time of not even being able to play is coming. 

    My current record is 17 seconds.  Feared for 17 seconds without a single chance to use an ability.  That, is with 2 stunbreaks that the instant I hit stunbreak was still already feared.  But, moa is a problem because some thief got kitten someone moa'd them during the .1 second they were visible.

    • Confused 1
  13. This is just a "hey Anet, can we stack a single super-world with every super-comped guild...thanks in advance".  This is the reason we can't have nice things.  Because everyone wants to just ride around the map pressing 1 with no thought or real challenge.  4 of the last 5 betas I got a world with ZERO big guilds.  Roamer/solo world every time.  We had the outnumbered buff 18-20 hours a day all week.  The other 2 worlds in those matches had 25-30 man guild groups most of the day, The new system is going to be bad enough as it is, but allowing people to super-stack even further is NOT needed.

    • Like 3
  14. There are a few things inevitable.

    There will be a couple HUGE guilds that control entire maps for some "worlds".  So much so that their guild drama is essentially world drama.  No one uses their guild chat anymore anyway, everyone is too busy trying to get internet points or simp in team chat as it is.  If a guild doesn't like a particular person/guild, I expect some trolling and mass reporting to be the norm.

    There will be a lot of worlds with a couple BIG guilds, the "always run as 40+" type.  Because there is no point in winning, and guilds like to do the same things, places like EB will just be 40 people running at spawn until it's time for their guild to play.  And, as they don't want to wait or risk the other guild being in their spot, they'll just stay on the map the entire week.

    Then, there will be the world(s) like I have gotten for 4 of the last 5 betas.  No guild bigger than 20, who never have more than 10 in wvw at a time.  Almost all pug/roamers/solos, outnumbered 20 hours a day.  We are the "content" world.  The world Anet intends everyone to just farm endlessly while the 2 larger worlds take their stuff back and forth to make it seem like a lot is going on.

    But they gave us server titles, so I guess we have that going for us.  All of wvw has been changed from competition and pride to...*links bags in chat.

    • Like 1
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  15. On 5/27/2024 at 12:32 PM, SixVoltCar.5248 said:

    That's a good idea. I wish I knew where it was getting in so I could directly counteract that.

    And make it standard practice for my team to refresh that countermeasure.

    They're just teleporting to the lord from their spawn.  Which is where they are teleporting to when their health gets low.  It's not a "they snuck in and have been hiding amazingly all day".  They literally just cheat in and out. 

  16. 9 hours ago, Aldwin.8245 said:

    You guys really need to do something about Virtuoso in PvE.

    It's so staggeringly powerful, consistent, safe, and utility-rich that to say that the entire meta has warped around this one spec is, frankly, an understatement.

    It's shocking and disturbing that this spec has been so powerful for so long (coming on two years now), and not a single change has happened. In fact, you keep buffing it. Absolutely baffling. Virtuoso is so ubiquitous in PvE now that nearly every 1 in 3 DPS players in strikes is playing it. That number will 100% go even higher after this patch's buffs. It needs a serious toning down, not buffs.

    Again, absolutely baffling.

    And yet every meta I go to, I still see mostly rangers, necros, and mechs with a handful of the others thrown in. 

    • Confused 4
  17. The next changes to wvw will consist of them nerfing the supply removal trap (or changing it to something like "takes 0 supply but applies 1 second of slow") along with some "adjustments" to the few boon removal skills we have left cause "defense is still too strong" somwhow.

    • Like 2
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  18. 3 hours ago, bambi.6214 said:

    Hi ANet people (cmc in particular) - I know this might come as a surprise, but engineer has some other turrets skills, except healing turret. Crazy, isn't it? You're probably wondering why they don't show on any lists or statistical analysis - it's because nobody used turrets, for years! Let me give you a hand and list all the useless, underpowered turret skills that you seem to have missed in your patch which was supposed to improve the usability of underpowered skills and utilities:

    Cause only necros are supposed to AFK farm.  This is why we can't have nice things.

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