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Everything posted by MedievalThings.5417

  1. Someone is kitten that a mesmer managed to target them AND start the cast time on moa during the .1 second they weren't perma-stealthed. This is what we get.
  2. Inb4 certain guilds spend all their non-playing times running into walls in EB just to make sure they can always play where they want.
  3. The orbs will never come back. The reason, blatant hacking and Anet running nothing to detect it. Watching people fly endlessly over keep walls to take the orb was a great showcase for how Anet was doing nothing about cheating, which is what got them removed in the first place. No orbs, less fly hacking, people (Anet) can go back to pretending people aren't using third party programs.
  4. With GW2 players, the only thing that player collision would do is instead of enemies running their alts AFK into walls all day, they would just AFK block doors all day preventing actual players from getting into things.
  5. It took them 3 years to nerf holosmith...so we should be getting close.
  6. This will never happen. The reason is that orbs showcased the blatant hacking that was taking place. This was pre-glider and mounts, and people were flying all over the place to get the orbs. It showed how Anet was using ZERO tools to prevent cheating, which is why they got removed. That way Anet could go back to pretending people aren't still using the same cheat program they have been using since launch.
  7. Anet is laughing at you in willbender where everything basically hits 3-5 targets for more damage than most single target skills. But, carry on.
  8. I'm not holding my breath for a positive change when they make things more "guild centered". I mean, we already have people vomiting nonstop in team chat what should be in guild chat, just because they have a need for attention (or whatever their excuse is). So, team chat is just drama, fake drama, or the weird simp-fest that keeps happening in ours. Or, the same 2 people always shitting on or cursing at everyone in chat for not playing the way they want them to. Or the people that spend all their time trying to justify their kitten online behavior is not that they are assholes, they are just RP'ing as one (which is the same thing). Who am I kidding. F... it, nuke the servers.
  9. This is pretty much what they want. Guilds that have "fun" stick together and play more. Players find steamrolling content "fun". Therefore, we can sort of figure out the gameplan. Make sure that guilds don't lose much, design content around guilds just steamrolling what they do...so they have "fun". Sound familiar? Yeah, that's wvw right now. Anet thinks defending is bad, because it interferes with the part where guilds are having "fun" by rolling over everything with no resistance. And, if you are a solo player or in a small guild, Anet wants you to transfer to the winning side, so they make money AND now you too are having "fun". We are about to get the beta all the time and it will look exactly like what we have now. Large blobs, making sure they don't face other large blobs very often. Steamrolling content, like it's Drizzlewood.
  10. It will look exactly like wvw looks today...except the server login name will be different.
  11. Which makes the most sense honestly. It would have been nice for them to just tell us for a change, instead of making people guess though.
  12. Except the part where the next relink wasn't the end of May. We have been doing 4 week matches and the 24th would have been the end of the 4 week pairing. That is why people are confused about whether we are going to get a new pairing next week that is only 3 weeks long, or ride the current one out for 7weeks until they nuke our homes.
  13. They could make ruins more effective by putting them back in pve where they belong.
  14. I think you mean hibernating. Cause, them all just playing their alts to get open doesn't make their server "dead".
  15. Which is the whole point of the change. It is NOT to benefit defenders, just like every change it is being done to make taking things easier. Chilling fog, slows enemies allowing you to pick off slower ones...nope. Now, it does nothing to attackers. Cause, heaven forbid anyone defend.
  16. Been on TC since beta, so guess I would just take that title, whatever it is.
  17. It's not a complaint, it's an observation. Tons of people hate wvw, it's my primary game mode, and the GoB track was, for years, the best way to get memories of battle, which had tons of value before now. So, I literally have hundreds of them. I've done every track hundreds of times. I would love to do giveaways, be able to give some away. Why? Because, despite the "formal announcement" not having happened yet, we do know that GW3 has started development. Keeping everything account bound this late in a game that is sunsetting is kind of silly.
  18. The game has been out 12 years. Anet, for the love of...whatever you love, just let us sell them on the trading post or trade them. There is no reason, knowing a GW3 is almost certainly happening, to continue the status quo. I have 2 stacks of them, I would love to be able to do giveaways or something.
  19. It really doesn't matter. Anet is going to continue to nerf anything that is used by outnumbered servers to defend.
  20. But that is what anet is trying to get rid of. For years they said wvw was just a type of pve. That people that played wvw were pve-enjoyers. And, they are currently on a crusade to nerf anything defense related to get people to stop defending so giant boonblobs can just ktrain entire maps. Yeah, nothing pvp about wvw atm.
  21. Now this would make for one hell of a wvw event. Imagine trying to kill a tower lord who just kept stealthing and one-shotting people anywhere in the tower. Good times.
  22. SoS is known for this. And the excuse is always that they left someone inside during a failed attack. And yet, they will flip T3 structures with watchtower that have never been attacked or opened since reset, just miraculously appear at lord and it flips. They are also not the only server that does this.
  23. I've only ever seen it once since the game launched. It was the walls on Overlook in EB, and we were red. The problem was it was the entire spawn-side wall that was missing, so when the enemy showed up on that side to attack, I couldn't even get to the oil because the client said nothing was there, so I just fell through. Had to change map to get it to load.
  24. So, you mean exactly like it is now. Where one server has a full map que zerg running around while they also have 10 alts running at our spawn to lessen the defenders we have.
  25. This is a reasonable request. Just like getting disconnected. Tons of other games do it, it can be done, really nothing breaking about it. 40 person que at reset, disconnect cause the server lags horribly, if you attempt to reconnect in 30 secs to a minute it should let you back in. Not the players fault the server sucked (in that case). The only mistake the player made was playing GW2.
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