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Everything posted by MedievalThings.5417

  1. The fastest clear is just about 7 hours, but most of us aren't at that level. I've noticed at a casual pace I can finish map completion in roughly 16 hours. I use blish hud, which is an add-on. There is a pathing module which shows the path the speed run people use, I do it at my own pace. Usually, I will put on a movie in a small window over the top of the game, in a corner, and set the media player to "always on top". That way, I can play, do map completion, and watch a show or movie to pass the time. It goes pretty quick if I do that.
  2. Not all of the core maps have heart quests. The 3 Orr maps for example do not. But, in order to get a gift of exploration you have to complete the entire "core" of maps. Which means map completing each of them, which includes the heart quests.
  3. Sadly, the discussion is moot (not between players, just in general). Anet is on the side of attackers/boonblobs/ktrainers. Nerf siege, nerf wall health, nerf tactics, nerf boon strips, buff boons, add shield gens, buff boons more, nerf tactics again, nerf walls again, buff boons again, nerf boon strip further...the pattern is pretty clear. So, there is almost zero chance of another no-downstate event happening. It would be nice to see some balance, changes, ANYTHING. But, we aren't going to get it. The game mode is summed up by 2 devs playing wvw, fighting inside Klovan with a comped group of about 40 farming 5 pugs over and over who just wanted to try and save the tower. And after commenting that they were having fun, someone in chat asked if the 5 were having fun, to which they replied yes. And added, if they weren't having fun, they could always transfer.
  4. I wish this was a sarcastic post (and may have been intended that way) but you know that is exactly what Anet is thinking. Anet has made it VERY clear they do not like people defending.
  5. It should not be guard aggro that triggers contested, except camps. Structures should require siege damage before they contest. This benefits both attackers and defenders. Defenders would still have a waypoint available until siege damage is done (anet hates defending, so we already know that won't change). But, it would also benefit attackers, as they could clear guards and get siege built before a structure ever looks in danger. This would increase the value of scouts as well.
  6. Not sure what everyone else sees during no downstate. Personally, it makes the game more fun. You see blobs afraid to push things. Super-aggressive players now actually pay for mistakes with a walk from spawn. It favors not just coordination but individual skill. Anet has no issue with coordination, but seems to have a huge problem with blobs (guilds) not just taking whatever they want without fail. If you can stop a blob, make some of their guild have to run back, Anet will find a way to nerf or remove however you did it. Honestly, I think that's the reason we haven't seen one in like 2 years or more. Anet would rather babysit guilds than make the game mode balanced. WvW mostly looks like Drizzlewood now. Remember, downstate ONLY exists because the game launched with no trinity, i.e no healers. Now they are everywhere. So why do we still have downstate?
  7. The strongest (skill, numbers, comp - define it how you want) side generally owns SMC. Anet keeps insisting they want people to fight over things. I mean, we all know that is a blatant lie, but let's assume someone thought that for a minute AND worked there. @Anet, where is the nerf to airships? You can get hit by 5 separate strikes of it in under 2 seconds if you have bad RNG. It clearly gives "defenders" a HUGE advantage. Defenders obviously in quotes, because the giant map que boon-comp isn't really on defense or outnumbered, just farming bags. Where is the nerf to cloaking waters? I won't be holding my breath, because all of the complaints that "defense is too strong" is really just an excuse to speed up how fast the dominating blob PvE's the map.
  8. If zergs actually start repairing walls to 100% after every "it got damaged during content" event, Anet will make it so walls can not be repaired until they flip. Obviously, to help "encourage" fights.
  9. Let's just look at this from a boon applied to boon removed scenario...put in simpler terms of tic tac toe. Your opponent places X in the center (applies a boon). You place O in a corner (remove a boon). Your opponent then fills every single remaining square with X in a single turn, because that's the current disparity with boon application and removal. The second game your opponent just starts the game by placing 9 X's on the board because it will still be another game before you get a boonstrip skill back. That's not balance. Your statement isn't wrong, but you can see the issue with the direction the game is taking. The problem some of us have with it. Only stacking players and boons, with the ONLY counter being to stack players and boons. Except, you don't normally see players thirsting for the chance to test their comp vs another comp, you see comps fighting pugs and doors...the path of least resistance. And that is the problem that we have been trying to get through to Anet...one of many. Stop enabling a PvE playstyle in WvW. It literally only takes 25 seconds to flip a T3 tower from siege drop to flip. And, anytime someone finds a way to defend something, Anet removes it, or nerfs it to uselessness.
  10. It had the exact impact Anet intended, fewer players defending. At least before, you could troll a ring some until more defenders showed. Now, you have zero room to stand in, so it is pointless to defend...just as Anet wants.
  11. Guild aura and presence were used for defense. Nerfed to useless. In the process, also making chilling fog useless. Because now you need a comp to fight off a comp, and if you have a comp, you didn't need the other things anyway. Before you could at least pug defend, fast close the wall, trapping/killing a few. Use fog to snare stragglers, kill a few more. Maybe successfully defend. Now, with all the boons, and no counter to them, you just can't make a dent. Things like bloodlust which attackers use..."this is fine" - anet. What Anet says - defending is too strong, we need to make adjustments. What Anet meant - someone is still defending things, we will continue to nerf/remove things until you stop.
  12. Agree. I'm kind of expecting them to F up the implementation and it be a full gear check, stats and all. Guess we'll find out in 45 mins. Or it will not show the stats on the gear, but still say the names "celestial fashion item of the trapper" basically failing at the intended task.
  13. But why...? Fix lag, bugs, exploits, cheating...nah. But allow people to snoop your character cause it might sell a gem store item...absolutely. Anet for ya.
  14. Nah, just didn't want Anet to miss anything in their crusade to make everyone play how they want (and by that I mean only the way Anet intends, by nerfing ANY and EVERY thing that a defender can use).
  15. Dear Anet, We stopped a zerg multiple times last night by prolific use of these things. It was pretty funny. Guess you should add this to your nerf list. We not only slowed their ktrain, we stopped it altogether. Signed, Pugs that defended something.
  16. The "fun" for me at the moment, is to down someone and then chase their teleport hacking downstate body across the map trying to kill them before they just teleport to spawn to avoid death. It's like a mini-game, that I have to play daily because they have no anti-cheat software running.
  17. My fear is that if they actually make a GW3 it will be a mobile game.
  18. Pretty easy when they already said "we have no current plans for a GW3".
  19. We had someone yell at us for defending because they were trying to GvG inside garrison. Ours. The other guild was stacked killing the lord, but sure, that's the best place and time to GvG. We're sorry we interrupted.
  20. Anet does NOT want boon strip to equal boon application. Because if it did, pugs might beat guild groups more often. Losing to pugs consistently kills guilds. Guilds dying equates to people leaving the game. Anet would rather babysit guilds with boon-sharing, instant resses, easy keep/tower takes then to actually balance the game and make skill matter. It's almost certain the boons are what is causing most of the skill lag in big fights, but that's ok as long as guilds can stand in a pile of 50 pressing 1 and boons and auto-win fights.
  21. Sadly, the only thing that will happen is Anet will suddenly realize that the first cannon trait, in ranks and abilities, removes boons. They will in record time rectify that grave oversight, and while telling the players they are buffing the trait, their buff will be "no longer removes boons and does 25% less damage to players". You might ask "where is the buff?", to which Anet will reply "we let you keep cannons".
  22. I wish they would revert this or listen...but ALL of this is intended. They nerfed defensive siege, nerfed wall health, buffed ktrain boons, gave them a shield gen, nerfed repair participation, buffed ktrain boons again, nerfed keep supply and moved it to camps for the ktrain, nerfed invulnerable tactic, nerfed boon strip, buffed ktrain boons a third time, nerfed boon strip again, nerfed disablers. AND, during the 10 years they did this, they didn't remove downstate, which only existed because the game launched without healers. So, they keep adding healers and boons, and buffing them, removing any and all things that make it so boonballs have to actually fight with skill. Yeah, there is no chance they are going to listen because they do NOT want people defending.
  23. Next patches notes: The karma train is still crying that someone made it take them 30 seconds to take a T3 tower, so we have just removed all the walls from anyone who doesn't control SMC.
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