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Everything posted by MedievalThings.5417

  1. Would be useless as a tactic though, since everyone uses alts to spy and troll already.
  2. Yes, signed 50 times. But, since Anet wants perma-every boon and guilds being immune to pugs, this will never happen.
  3. Tournaments will never happen again. Cheating is fairly rampant now, but it was glaringly obvious during the tournament, and it showcased pretty well that anet didn't, and still doesn't, do anything about it. It's kind of why we will never see orbs inside keeps again. Nothing says "we don't run any anti-cheat software" like guys flying over keep walls to grab the orbs.
  4. So a gem store item that changes the default model...interesting. Pretty good idea tbh.
  5. And remember, the meta shifting isn't about something over- or under-performing, it's about Anet pushing players to play how they want us to, not in the interest of actual balance. Anet - "play how you want". Also Anet - "nerf everything (or remove it) if it isn't boonball door fighting". Take the rewards away from everything but one play style isn't "play how you want", but I don't think they care.
  6. Downstate should be removed...permanently. The only reason it existed was because the game launched with no healers. Yeah, it safe to say they had added tons of healing, boons and primary healers. If healers fail to keep you alive, for a variety of reasons that may or may not be their fault, the penalty should be a nice mount ride back from spawn.
  7. This has been happening on and off for at least the last 6 months. But yeah, weird.
  8. Does anyone else remember the like 3-4 day beta we had years ago where we could choose a second profession? The skills from the second class were very limited, but I imagine this is where we will be heading, not sure how soon though. Honestly, the only thing I remember from that beta was that everyone chose the thief skills, not sure what the thieves chose.
  9. Downstate exists because the game did NOT have healers. BUT...Anet has added tons of healers since launch. If healers fail to keep you up the penalty should be a walk back from spawn, not insta-res because you're hiding in a group of 50.
  10. The quote was something along the lines of "there are currently no plans for a GW3". And, that was a few years ago. But, based on stats alone, the game is NOT on life support. It is doing great. Hopefully, they will keep on for a while, because honestly, the few mmo's that are left other than GW2 are crap.
  11. What, you don't think it's "Nice" of them to hack into things to avoid fights?
  12. I...have done this. Moa'd right as a reflect wall went up, knowing it was coming (and out of dodges) I turned and prepared. The 2 people next to me were sacrifices I was willing to make.
  13. I've been permadazed 1v1 (with 2 stunbreaks on my bar) vs several classes, most notably ele, but has happened multiple times. Easily 10 seconds of me with no skill bar, having burned both breaks and instantly re-dazed, waiting for my skills to come back because I was full minstrel and not an easy kill. I've been perma-knocked down by warrior (with 3 stun breaks on my bar). You can't come here saying nothing else can essentially remove your skill bar when this is exactly what basilisk thief can do as well, or any other CC heavy build. If I can't cast any skills during a 3 second fight, how is that any different...it isn't. As for the .5 second window to react, that's all the time most burst builds give you to react. Has nothing to do with moa. Edit - And toss elixir X is 3 seconds.
  14. You've described every build with more than one stun/daze but for thief it's basilisk venom, and while it's not 10 seconds, it wouldn't have to be since you are downed and dead in less than 5 hits, while every skill you use is interrupted. And sure, it plays out mechanically different, but has the exact same result, unable to get skills off, despite having used a stun break, when played against a good thief. The video that was linked isn't some amazing broken OP thing, it's a thief who got caught unaware, reacted slowly, and died because of it.
  15. Your statement implies thief should be removed from the game and that every wvw map should have a 1 person cap. Because what you are describing is a handful of builds on other classes and EVERY build on thief. It's literally what the class was designed to do. But, this thread has some people upset that a non-thief did this to a thief. The power creep is real, despite the blanket nerf a while back. But, being burst down in a second because of lack of awareness is not "this skill is broken". Being stunned and downed by a great setup is not the skills problem. I've had every class do this to me, it's just more common coming from a thief.
  16. Shortbow got nerfed because daredevil gets (gift wrapped by Anet) 3 dodges without sacrificing a sigil to get it. It could be reverted by just taking away the 1 extra dodge they shouldn't have anyway.
  17. Yeah. The spirit is there, but the own shaman Garon is supposed to be standing on the hill next to the heart NPC, except he isn't. I've tried all times of day, night, letting quests fail, making them succeed. Garon vanished from EotN but never moved to his spot in Snwoden.
  18. When you said core engineer and glass build I was worried it was gonna be a video of me...glad to see it wasn't. The moa isn't why people are dying. I do a magnet, crowbar, grenade combo all the time, rarely use moa with it, cause it isn't necessary. On a side note, there is nothing wrong with moa, not on engineer, not on mesmer. Every class has multiple builds that are just as oppressive. Both times, the engi is off your screen with all cds available, the result would be the same with any other class' build built correctly for burst. Your build is just as important as theirs. I'm guessing berserker (maybe marauder) with all of 11-13k health. Thief has access to perma-stealth, perma-blind, perma-superspeed, near perma-prot, if you daredevil you even get 3 dodges for free (cause why not), on top of the higest mobility in the game. You just need to be more aware. Regardless of class, if I instadown someone with a combo, I am going to pick them first in every encounter because I know I can instantly give my side an advantage.
  19. 4 glorious minutes of trolling, not a single bronze rank or higher in the video. This is how people should be introduced to wvw. Here's an upvote.
  20. 1. The same people play, the same hours every day...for years. So, they may be "pugs" but technically aren't because pugs imply random, and they've been playing together every day for years. Most play like bots. Dude logs in, immediately builds a treb, starts trebbing...every day, every time they play, all day. Everyone knows what the players around them are going to do, because they play the exact same way every day. 2. Builds. You generally won't find them playing "this random thing I threw together for pve that I like to press 1 (and only 1) on". 3. They play aggressively. When their 5 willbenders jump into your pile and hit their macros, they don't stand there trying to stomp, they push on to the people running away while the tail finishes downs. 4. Situational awareness...except for that cliff near OW sentry. Despite seeing 10 people die from gravity in the last 3 minutes, they will still run over to the ledge and look.
  21. Name singular? It's in the thousands if not 10's of thousands. From people flying in golems to being marked and downed next to a sentry and just porting to their spawn to avoid dying. Or, magically appearing in the lords room in a tower with both watchtower AND that has never been broken into since reset. Always funny to down a zergling on their way to the blob, and then watching them downstate teleport 50 times straight to their blob so they can get ressed. WvW has turned into 75% PvE and 25% people exploiting or using third party tools.
  22. I have talked to Owl Shaman Garon in Eye of the North, The second step says to go to the Owl lodge in Snowden Drift. I know where the NPC is supposed to be standing, but they are not there. Tried all times of day and night...nothing. I went back to EotN and he isn't there anymore. So, I am stuck on this mastery point because it says I am on step 2, but the NPC got lost in transit.
  23. Skill should win the fight. If you have an organized group that sucks, and an equal size pug group that is very good, the skill should determine the outcome. Right now, the outcome is determined by Anet, who is literally babysitting boonblobs, by giving them perma-every boon with no way to remove them and downstate. The game has healers now, they need to do their jobs. If they fail at healing, they shouldn't get a free pass because 49 other people are standing over them. But, as it stands right now, you can apply a boon 10x over for every strip in the game because Anet doesn't want people to feel bad they have to walk back from spawn. That's PvE, not a competitive game mode that is supposed to be mass pvp.
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