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Weert Gilders.6823

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  1. Hello, -Your assigned team: Giant's Rise -your original home shard: Fissure of Woe -The name of the WvW guild selected: Pierre Union (PU) (done before deadline) -A description of the issue: Placed on Giant's Rise instead of Griffonfall
  2. New wvw map is not useless, people like to fight in a different space other than the same keep/the same spots everytime. Also i would suggest getting one more open field like place since that is most wanted for fighting. People are really getting bored fighting for example on the same bridge in the same hill keep every time. Like you said graphics don't really matter as everyone has to put it on the lowest settings because the servers are already so bad (not changed either) , but fresh spots to fight do matter This is the worst perspective of view you can give. You simply don't care about the game mode. Again i made the point that the people have been carrying this content for so many years even though anet has not helped them at all, by saying "you can do a king of the hill event with your guild" it only goes to show that the people again have to carry anets content in wvw. Also, you can't do that just with your guild as it makes no sense. There is no motivation to hold a tower for a long time and when you dont make an event for such a "king of the hill" event people will simply not care as much which decreases fighting quality. Then for the rewards. I would like the reward system to be more based on the player versus player aspect of the game. So for example make a kill event week where the guild that relatively gets the most kills per guild member in one week wins and with that also wins a reward. Doing this people will have a good/ better reason to really play better since it pays off playing better, right now you can just play like a trashcan and it does not matter at all except for maybe 10 more lootbags (yey).
  3. Why is no one paying any attention to WvW. The only content WvW gets is a balance patch every once in a while and the rest has been absolutely the same for years. Why instead of making a new pve map there is no room to make a WvW map that can be way smaller in size. Why has there not been added something new such as a king of the hill event, alliance system, different rewarding, a REASON to be willing to win a matchup or fights. People are struggeling for so long to keep it enjoyable but its getting harder as they have been doing it for so long. I would like to ask you to reconsider making an alliance system or adding a new kind of gamemode implemented into WvW. (with new content i do not mean a "call to war" with a video with some new armor sets that you can obtain after 1 day of playing the game. I mean actual gameplay content, just ask the WvW community what they want :+1: )
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