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Everything posted by Amineo.8951

  1. Anet made sure you can "buy" KP and LI meaning players with zero (or worse than zero) experience with the content can apply for groups that require experience. Is it good to ask for high amounts of LI/KP? Of course not, in fact it's dumb, but without asking for high values it's impossible to separate those with actual experience from those that bought "proof". The whole idea of using an external item as "proof" of experience is dumb but the game doesn't have anything else that can be used, if there was, I'm sure those LFG listings wouldn't be there I'm curious, can you die at the entrance and wait for the team to finish the encounter like you can do in Guild Wars 2? Is such an activity heavily promoted there like it is in GW2?You can't as there are mechanics that needs all players to be alive in some encounters and you will need DPS unless your teammates are Gold Parse and master everything perfectly, and even then it's super strict, the DPS loss is really a huge issue in that game even if people can get revived (with penalties and there's no downstate, if your hp reaches 0 you die and Healers gotta waste 1/5 of their MP to revive you) during the fights. There are runs you can buy but you actually can't just hop in and afk, so the guy who wanna gets carried cannot put his brain offline, he actually has to know the mechanics or it'll cause a party wipe.
  2. I played FFXIV, you do the Raid Floor once and it's done, you don't need to link Killproofs at all to join any groups again. There are people who ask for parsers just to see your DPS in the Raid encounter but it's a minority and a very very small portion of the playerbase compared to what I see every day in GW2 LFG asking for LIs and an obscene amount of KPs for W5/W6/W7 (aka PoF Raids). This is just asinine to recommend Raid Trainings again for people who already cleared the content once. What about those who gets unlucky and get less KPs than usual all the time? They gotta re-run the Wings 15 times to get in a "Normal" group? Just stop it people... Granted it's definitely the game designers fault for such unbalanced combat and community behaviour as a whole who suffers from it in both sides. You can criticize other MMOs all you want but they do a far better job at educating players with builds, encounters etc... By just playing through the game. I really think raids should have never existed in this game, it was obviously not intended when they made the core game especially when you look at the skills and how they had changed them updates after updates.
  3. Because this isn't the only time this happened? This is perhaps at the very least 1/3 or maybe 1/4 of the endgame community being like this guy, even though it's below 50% that's still a lot. Maybe it's unrelated but you would think people would stop being jerks with a pandemic going on worldwide, but they still manage to be dumb fools even years later, this is the main reason why humanity cannot evolve and is bound to vanish as things gets worse and worse every day. So you have an issue with continually running into the same problem, with different players on the other side of the issue, with you as the one common denominator, yet you see no reason to question how you are approaching this? Don't join LFG with requirements you don't meet. Problem solved. There are far more "free for all" LFGs daily than there are LI/KP ones. They simply fill faster and thus drop out of the LFG pane more quickly. If you have to wait more than 1-3 minutes for a "free fo all" LFG for strikes, you are in the wrong tab (or way off peak hours). @mindcircus.1506 said: While I am not going to make any assumptions about you and what you do when you join squads I will say two things.I make my own squads/groups set my own restrictions and word my LFG's carefully as to set the tone of my group. I say "ALL WELCOME" and frequently tell people to bring whatever build they want in my LFGs. This sets a certain expectation that people do not expect a meta comp and leaves a fair amount of the performance shaming power-gamers to pass over my team. There is zero reason you cannot do this yourself. Your squad, your rules.If you feel that the constant may be you, and you are on NA, add me as a friend and send me a message in game. We can definitely fire up a squad and run a few missions to see if you are doing something that is triggering the jerks.I talked about Fractals and Raids mainly, Strikes usually doesn't have these issues and I consider these easier than Dungeons pre-HoT. I just think it's legit to talk about these since TC was inserting LIs as a way to select people in content that has nothing to do with Raids. Also that statement about being more groups not asking for KP is absolutely false, in EU that is because that's where I play, the pages are filled with people asking KP in Raids and Fractals. It's especially bad in Raids for Path of Fire Wings (aka W5/W6/W7) because people don't ask LIs but specifically KPs from each Wings which furthers push players aside, this is one of the reasons why ArenaNet gave up with Raids, since there are obviously much less people playing these Wings than the HoT ones (aka W1/W2/W3/W4). Strikes works better in that case because people cannot put dumb requirements like this so there are more "friendlier" groups being formed than in Fractals & Raids.
  4. Because this isn't the only time this happened? This is perhaps at the very least 1/3 or maybe 1/4 of the endgame community being like this guy, even though it's below 50% that's still a lot. Maybe it's unrelated but you would think people would stop being jerks with a pandemic going on worldwide, but they still manage to be dumb fools even years later, this is the main reason why humanity cannot evolve and is bound to vanish as things gets worse and worse every day.
  5. The game feels difficult for what you describe as casual players because it does a poor job at explaining mechanics and builds unlike other MMOs, I played other ones during my hiatus and it's the first thing that came to my mind, they just do a better a job accompanying the player through the whole game and you don't have to be an internet copycat to experience the harder content aside watching a guide. Granted GW2 have better build variety and customization but what's the point when everyone's praising Snow Crows like actual divinities or higher entities? People are just insane... Just now I did a full Fractal run + CMs with very kind people, even one guy who had a lot of experience was telling tips to others. Then at the last fractal, someone joins and starts being an ass at my build even though I've ran with the other 3 that were still in the team without any issues at all. Guess what? Dude was praising SC like a mad man and told me to not bother with endgame content anymore. I'm not hating speedrunners or top tier guilds, I'm not the best player and I'm a human being with flaws, but this kind of behaviour is not making me want to come back making me wanna continue playing other games and I'm sure there are dozens of people out there who think the same, just my 2 cents.
  6. You said it, Fractals are burst fights, Warrior still has decent burst and sustained DPS. The changes made to banners are irrelevant, in fact it's better because in a realistic scenario, you have better uptime than before, the only downside is that the stats gain is weaker but it's not a big deal really since your buffs last longer.
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