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Posts posted by Phibes.4128

  1. Here's how to kill 100 bandits in about 5 minutes.  Go to fractals and set it to the lowest Cliffside fractal, currently number 6.  You don't need any Agony Resistance.  I do it solo.   Enter the fractal and kill the "fanatic" mobs around the hammer.   All fanatics are bandits.   Ignore the hammer.   Go up the scaffold to the first level with the 2 seals.   Just stand there and fanatic waves will come at you alternating from left and from right.   You will be done in about 5 minutes.   

    • Like 3
    • Sad 1
  2. Quote

    *--> Crash <--*
    Assertion: bgfxUniformsCount == shader.constantsCount + shader.samplersCount
    File: D:\Perforce\Live\NAEU\v2\Code\Arena\Engine\Gr\Bgfx\BgfxShader.cpp(191)
    App: Gw2-64.exe 
    Pid: 1584
    BaseAddr: 00007FF64FF40000
    ProgramId: 101
    Build: 152100
    When: 2023-09-28T00:10:33Z 2023-09-27T20:10:33-04:00
    Uptime:   0 days  0:01:09
    Flags: 0
    DumpFile: Crash.dmp

    repeated crashes in this shader code^ playing rifts in a squad of reasonable size

  3. The only people that were "adversely affected" by this were those who used many accounts to login and quickly get that 2g which, combined over many accounts, was a nice haul each and every day.   Now you get an account bound currency that is not as fungible as gold.

    • Like 4
    • Confused 1
  4. What I am seeing is a weird conversion and reversion to and from account bound items with these legendary collections.   For example all of them require ecto and all of the ecto is grayed out as needed within the collections.   Now I remove a stack of ecto from my bank and right click on it to select 'Add to collection'.  The stack of ecto becomes account bound and dings on all of the collections.   Then I deposit the stack back into my bank and it becomes non-account bound again.   Also the Eternity collection does not complete if you equip it, although the Sunrise and Twilight collections did complete.   

  5. I wholeheartedly agree with the OP and sorry to necro the thread. The analog would be the charge counters already implemented for temporary finishers, e.g. Mad King finishers. When we get a new skin, we need to unlock it as we do now, but we could also add them to wardrobe and increase the counter by 1 for that skin. Huge bank waste as it is now. I am forced to throw most away after unlocking them which discards the free use and requires a trans charge if I do decide to use it in the future.

  6. I don't like the character-based nature of the build and equipment unlocks (or the bag slots for that matter). At 300 and 500 gems each, it costs 2900 gems to unlock all 6 build and 6 equipment slots per character. If a player wants to re-roll a character, you lose the entire investment. I would like to have a way to recover the bag, build and equipment slots if I re-roll a character. Ideally they should be account-based, i.e. adding a bag, equipment or build slot extends the item by one for all characters -- that is more customer friendly. The character upgrades could also be slot-based, i.e. the upgrade is for the slot in which the character sits, not the character itself, so that a re-roll on that slot leaves the upgrades intact. In summary, the fact that there is no way to recover the investment for these things makes me reluctant to upgrade any individual character.

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