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  1. Why are u 2 talking about personal might generation like it's the most important for a "ZERG" weaver staff build, especially now that PP is dead in fire-line?Please If ppl aren't knowledgeable about something and only think u know part of something, then please don't, cause that's how fake information gets spread out quickly and it doesn't improve the playerbase of GW2 that way. U know in a zerg u are in a squad, which consist of atleast revs, scrappers and fb's, which consistently shares might and converts might to allies...So already there, u 2 are showing lack of common WvW knowledge. Especially when one of u says DH should be played over Core Guard, Core Guard is literally the only viable dps build from the guardian class currently in a zerg/squad comp. We talking about Zerging here not roaming, smallscale or guildcomp, so have that in mind as context. If u are on a server that have zergs/squad with no fb in each pt atleast then please don't assume all servers are like yours. Mine for instance always easily could support me with 15+ might fb (before engage), revs and scrappers kept it up consistently with pulsing + converting (PoP). Ofc eles' could keep it 10+ easily themselves with PP earlier before hard nerf but u can still easily have consistent 20+ might, as i personally do currently (not with this build) and i have no personal might generation either. I personally agree with OP that there is a big lack of weavers among most servers in WvW, especially when it comes to making properly use of those weavers. As most servers have them in their squad but never gives them let's a fb pt and only puts all the weavers together in 1 pt, I seriously don't know what's wrong with players that do that. It's frustrating to see players talk big but when u read everything they're saying it's just lack of knowledge and they still think they are saying something right. It's a big issue ofc in every mode but it happens a lot in WvW. Please if u only think u know, u probably don't, so better off researching first before saying something, as it will most likely be wrong. For instance Steki, when u say a weaver should apply pressure at all times why do u think it's not possible with the kit/build that OP linked? I'm personally seeing a weaver that's pressuring consistently with this build, as it has as title says 100% crit-chance, so i would say u can pressure easily with all the dmg u have from skills+utilities. I would rather have consistent crits with high dmg than non-consistent crits with high dmg. Another lack of knowledge here, arcane wave still hit's hard and it's 5man target and the Glyph OP chose is not only good in chokes, u can easily use it right after a meteor as it's a fast animation. Personally i would never Signet of Fire as u mentioned Steki, especially not on a weaver, I used to use that signet on Core Ele pre-expansions as u didn't have a lot of access to crit-chance then, so it was extra nice to have. So in this instance it's a lot better to have straight out more dmg in the form of Arcane wave and Glyph of Storm. And Steki lastly pls never tell any power dps class to run Assassin's in WvW.... I will though say i will test this build with Scholar variant, I'm guessing here as the might duration isn't the focus here so it's power on both runes but u lose ferocity/crit-dmg out in a non-rng dmg modifer that is 6th effect on Strength rune instead of Scholar's 5% dmg when above 90%. I guess a lot can be skeptical about scholar especially as weaver's deal with retal (it did get nerfed recently but will still be decent amount when u have even more dmg in form of those 2 utilities). I will still test it on Scholar though over Strength, it might be a lot of rng with the dmg modifer but that crit-dmg is always nice to have when u got 100% crit chance, as dmg will then min-max depending on power+ferocity and precision out of the equation. I'm just glad u didn't stack power on top of power on top of power, a lot forget that stats deminish at a certain point, power at 4k for instance and then it depends on precision but as that is 100% u focus on maxing crit-dmg out instead (which is why i will be testing it with Scholar). After all Scholar's ferocity stats gives more increased dmg flat out when compared to Strength, as both have same power stats. Difference is ferocity and might duration and the non-rng modifer of Strength vs the rng modifer of Scholar. Scholar alone with just ferocity + power stats in it can outdo the dmg that comes from the power + dmg modifer of Strength rune. That's why for instance dps revs in zergs run Scholar as well over Strength, they might not have as high of consistent dps similar to staff weavers + core guards currently but they do have the highest burst dmg when sync'd with several revs' hammer3 for instance. TLDR; I will try this build in upcoming days in a zerg/squad setting and see how it fares, i'm curious tbh, as i haven't really played a consistent/very high-consistent 100% crit-chance weaver staff before, as i never really bothered with ppl that said "100% crit-chance" but went ahead and chose Superior Elements and tells u to your face that that is 100% crit-chance, when u are playing heavily with RNG that way. I really wonder what ppl smoke when they pick that trait. It only makes sense in a roaming/smallscale build, when it comes to largescale u might as well take Master's Fortitude there just isn't a better option, don't listen to any1 that tells u otherwise. I'm glad OP didn't take mist as well, dps weavers shouldn't rely on defensive utilities a lot unless u have bad movement/positioning and your fb pt isn't giving u pre-stab, sorry but it's the truth. I'm also glad OP didn't go with Ether Renewing heal, as that shit is shit when u have engi's converting might for u, u don't wanna cleanse it away...Anyway i will test this build for some days and come bk here and give my reply to wheather i found OP's build good or bad personally.
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