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  1. I suggested this back when it was teased and before we could even play it. Respawns having relation to secondary mechanic would add some depth and prevent the clown fiesta right now that basically makes it so you have to be able to spawn camp the opposing team in order to win before timer.
  2. Push is potentially ok in theory, but it suffers really badly from bad match making algorithms. In conquest, the strategic complexity can do a bit more to mask bad match making. In push, it is really boring really fast because it doesn't feel like there's really any individual ability to swing a match. You're just completely at the mercy of the match making algorithm. If you get stuck on the worse team, you lose. If you're on the good team, you win. If they had a good MMR system, this wouldn't be a problem. But match making for conquest was already mediocre at best, and Push just highlights this weakness of GW2 PvP because it's completely dependent on good match making. Please, take whatever resources you're putting into Push and just put them towards making a really good match making system. Push will never be fun until the MMR algorithm is fixed.
  3. Just to make sure we're on the same page, it since like you are taking pvp? I am as well, but that matters. It's not so much that I feel like I'm constantly running out of energy as the fact that the spear mechanic clashes with the class mechanic. You perfectly described how I recommend playing to new rev players. I mainly just think there's a reason no one is using spear in competitive modes, and giving a bit more energy would be a perk to help get there. It wouldn't be a broken enabler, but rather a bump - there's always *something* I could do to be more effective if I had more energy, regardless of build.
  4. The cool down reduction mechanic for spear feels kind of out of place on a class that's largely balanced around the energy mechanic. CD reductions look good on paper, but energy and up limiting usefulness in practice. Maybe add like +1 energy/sec gain for each abyssal raze stack?
  5. I wondered this too. Looking at the zoomed out screen shot at the end though, it appears there are areas on each side where presumably some sort of secondary mechanic will happen. Hopefully those mechanics will be important/engaging/frequent enough to prevent this from just being a permanent 5v5 on mid. Edit: my hope is this mechanic is related to respawning full down teammates or something like that, which would help train people to not overcommit to a lost point and provides a more comeback-oriented (not snowbally) mechanic. It would also prevent feeding (people running 1 at a time into 1v5s off spawn and immediately dying), which is super common for newer players when there's a big team fight environment
  6. I guess this guy has also never been taught about stun breaks yet?
  7. Honestly I think that sword/shield is still the better second set. Replacing sword/shield with spear means you have no defense, and replacing the dagger/pistol offensive set with spear means you have to be in melee and overall feels kind of awkward since Bladesongs have cast times.
  8. Yeah also that mortar scraper build with shredder gyro. Was very meta about 6 months ago. I wrecked a lot of sh** in solo q with that not so long ago.
  9. It's nuts. I threw this thing in the off-weapon slot of what was otherwise pretty much a heal chrono in pvp (heretic ammy, illusions/inspiration) and was still wrecking people. Got top damage and kills.
  10. If honestly rather have the melee damage, but yeah I'd take anything that makes it actually useful. Stunbreak would be nice for opening up a utility slot. And yes, this is entirely a pvp thread. It's fine in pve for exactly what you said. A use for blades that does some damage (and for cvirt decent at stacking bleeds)
  11. This hasn't been brought up in a good year, but with the launch of spear it feels pertinent again. What is the actual point of the skill? The damage is so limp, especially in PvP modes. It has an opportunity to actually be useful now with spear as a contribution to pbaoe damage. As-is, the damage is just so bad it pretty much always feel like a mis-click. Would really like to see strike damage per tick double or could just double the frequency (2x per second) instead of having something with 35 sec CD that requires standing on top of someone for 5 seconds to do about 1/3 the damage that Bladesong Harmony does from 1200 range in 1 second with 12 sec CD.
  12. Yeah it's not true. I run the full offensive traits (illusions instead of inspiration) and it still feels super tanky. I regularly get top healing because new ether feast is insane (heal 9k and cleanse 6 condis with even slightly intelligent usage) and relic of zakiros gets ridiculous value (perma fury for ~98% crit chance, superiority complex for 1.2x crit damage). Combine those with intelligent use of sword/shield set (4s block, good evade, big mobility, projectile destroy, stun, protection uptime) plus inherent virt/mesmer survivability (free blocks every ~5s, nearly 100% regen uptime, about 50% vigor/dodge uptime, 5s distort [x2 with signet of illusions], plenty of invis). Sure, it gets wrecked 1v3+. But it SHOULD. Everything should. But I almost always win 1v1 and I'm not a really great player. I can almost always survive 1v2. It's absolutely not glass. I main Mesmer. I have for a long time. But I can be real about it's state. Honestly I'm not sure if it's out of balance though. There's a lot of insanely strong stuff in the game these days.
  13. Not when running with the new ether feast. It clears 6 condis on a 20s CD. Source: I regularly wreck condi builds running this
  14. Honestly all the people complaining about spies I kinda say it's a war game... Spies are gonna be a thing, and that's ok. The real problem is the account hopping that really kills matchup balance. It is against the terms of service, so anyone caught doing it absolutely could be banned. I agree with the person who said the beat solution is probably just improving their algorithms for detecting abnormal account use and growing those in a way that neutralizes the ability to actually game this system. That and yeah, maybe enforcing some WvW involvement in order to change WvW guild.
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