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Everything posted by Noodica.5428

  1. Sadly still hasn't been fixed and still waiting on a response 😞
  2. Mantra of concentration no longer offers a stunbreak. I am not sure if this is intended however it was not communicated anywhere within the balance patch notes. The tool tip of the skill still says that it breaks stuns, however it does not. Whether this is an unintended bug or it was an intentional nerf to the mantra without updating the tooltip or communicating that the skill will no longer stunbreak, it needs to be updated. Regards
  3. This game is suffering horribly from a lack of population. The other night on my stream, whilst I was at top 30 rating, I kindly asked a team mate on my team what rating he was at just so I could prove a point that the match making system is in such a horrible state. He said "I'm silver lol just here to do dailys". When that is the sort of team mates that high platinum players get on their teams then wth does this say about the ranked mode. Its not the silver players fault either, its all arena nets inability to make ranked actually work. I would much rather a 10 minute queue and a good match than hit or miss with silvers in the mix.
  4. Dumbest thread I've seen in a while.. With all the garbage in the game right now you complain about thief because of its mobility, as if that's not the only thing it brings to the game.
  5. No - the way you handle that is the player who dodges/dc's/leaves still loses rating and also gets dishonor. That gives them literally no reason to dodge. My point is that if a full 5 on each team is not there when the game begins then it should not start.
  6. Title pretty much says it. If it is 3v5 or 4v5 before the match even begins the game should just not begin. Point blank period. It should either end the match or a new fifth should be queued in. Instead everybody just has to waste 10 minutes for that match to end and move on to the next. The players who win don't earn the win, the players who lose don't lose rating so why even start the game? shrug
  7. As somebody who plays plat 2 average, but also plays at plat 3 I couldn't agree with this post more. Early this season, whilst I was in mid plat 3 I was still being matched with like gold 1 players. It doesn't help that the (australian) time zone I play in makes matchmaking bad as it is.. Now that I'm in Plat 2 (from losing like 50 rating a loss yet only gaining like +5 for a win) I still get matched with and against silver players and it is beyond understandable. The ranking system should exist for a reason and it is so frustrating losing insane amounts of rating simply for being matched with players who are new to the game mode and have no clue of what to do or how rotation works. Fix this.
  8. Uhhh...... detected being added on to marked got added WAY after PoF - please for the love of god do research before trying to make somebody look like they don't know what they're talking about. edit: here you go champ - November 2018. Yeah.. clearly before deadeye was released am i right?https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/60248/game-update-notes-november-13-2018#latest
  9. Wouldn't be anything new or surprising, would just be more from them killing the game mode for even more of the community.
  10. Before we go ahead - I would like to mention that I PERSONALLY called for something to combat permastealth deadeyes before marked sentries etc were added to WvW. I made a video on it which blew up and many people agreed. But instead of sorting this out with the deadeye specialization all stealth oriented builds are literally rendered useless a lot of the time. Take roaming in EBG for example - you run past a tower (literally everywhere), marked, boom stealth is practically out of play for 30 seconds bad luck. Add Sentries and Keeps to that - you are literally countered almost anywhere on the map. What are these players to do? Only sit in their half of the map? Marked really needs to be looked at because 30s of no stealthing for long at a time is honestly insanely triggering especially in clutch/intense type situations where that stealth really matters but there is literally nothing you can do. Regular D/P Thieves, Many mesmer builds, Holosmith tool belt, rangers who smoke leap or hunters shot, scrappers with stealth gyro etc - why are literally all of these classes punished because of one overpowered class? In all honesty, as annoying as it was having permastealth deadeyes one shot you from stealth - I would rather see the mode return to how it was BEFORE marked revealed you at every corner of the map. Please look into this, especially now that the potential upcoming WvW changes will implement much more reveal around the board anyway.
  11. Hey man, thanks for sharing my video! The support I got on that video was huge, and now all we can wait on is for arena net to open their eyes..
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