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Everything posted by sdauberman.5130

  1. Can also confirm. Glad I am not the only one.
  2. Its just a visual bug, the counter still works in the background.
  3. I thought it was just me having updated Nvidia drivers the same day. I too get the weird distance issue in WVW. It is, as OP says, as if your viewing distance is halved.
  4. I can also confirm removal of arcDPS does the trick. Thank you all.
  5. Can confirm I have the same issue regardless of character or its location. EDIT: I have a Ranger in Bjora, I can access the game using this one. ADDITIONAL EDIT: Game stable for a few minutes then crash.
  6. Not to mention the abuse and foul language this player spews out on Team Chat.
  7. Fellow Thieves. The the removal of STEALTH after STEAL can be overcome by going STEAL - CLOAK AND DAGGER this will unlock SNEAK ATTACK. Works really well. Sure its an extra keypress. IMHO, long live the Thief.
  8. Couldn't agree more. Without STEALTH on STEAL the Thief is useless.
  9. Reading the posts and loving the feedback from existing members. I would really appreciate the opportunity to join if there is still space.
  10. Patch works, no doubt there. However..... I now get random lockups requiring and END TASK...............
  11. Tried running as Admin. Doing this actually now gives and error report and not just a crash to desktop.
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