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Posts posted by max.4058

  1. I tried for weeks and was never able to get a full group. No one wants to sit online for hour trying to get enough people to do that mission. the most i was able to get was 7 and after a while someone would leave. I was able to finally get the turtle now i have to find someone to ride with me to get an achievement WTH

    • Like 1
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  2. On 2/15/2023 at 1:44 PM, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

    Majority of the items require only Open World PvE. You don't see constant whining from PvP/WvW/Raid/Whatever players when time and time again open world gets the most focus, but you see a lot of whining when something requires you to spend ~15 minutes outside of open world PvE.

    It may take 15minutes if you can find a group of 10 or more people to do the mission. I haven't gotten a group yet. I normally play 3am to 8am. central USA time. When i first started playing this game it was all about PvE now the have add so many things to do to get other type to player to join the game. Maybe the need to stop trying to have crossover mission play and would make me happy  

  3. I have been playing the game for many years now. when I first started playing Guild Wars I played with a group of friends and we had a nice group. Now people have moved, finished school, gotten married and life has happened. I am a solo player now and don't like that we have to do strike missions. I have never done strike missions, hate WvW, Fractals, Raids or PvP those types of play are not fun for me and I think it is unfair to start making the part of PvE achievements. I am not a kid anymore but I still like to play. So please reconsider making us play the side games to get mounts and advance in the PvE part of the game

  4. Please change Waypoint travelI have clicked on a open Waypoint and gotten an message that the waypoint is now being contested. After that then automatically taken to another Waypoint. This happens a lot when I am in the ruins of Orr lvl 80 areas. I do not find this helpful in any way since I am a solo player. Can code be added so i have the option of being taken to a different waypoint or just remaining where i am. I don't like paying to go somewhere I didn't want to be plus sometimes I don't have the extra time it takes to fight my way to where I want to be and complete my goal. This issue has been a thorn in my side for 6 years now maybe if enough people agree they will add a fix.

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