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Everything posted by Xerac.1542

  1. Guess my sarcasm did not convey good enough through text. That would be my fault I guess. Of course they won't.
  2. Somehow I doubt that you read what I wrote carefully enough. I will put the important part of my post in bold and underlined down below: "builds" Like some fancy af heal willbender with mace/sword and full apothecary gear and 4/6 vampirism runes and 2/6 Lich runes. But to make it clear. I really appreciate the people who put together the builds on meta sites. Top DPS, boonsupport with perfectet boonduration and also LI and unkillable OW builds to simply enjoy whacking away at some mobs designed for multiple players. Personally, I like to try them out but since I completed my armor I never started theorycrafting myself. The stuff I could come up with would never be as god as the stuff other people come up with. Rarely do I change armorstats, because there just is no need to do so for me. Berserker/viper/harrier and you are set for maybe 85% of content. Anyways, if people want it that badly, give it to them. Mabey it will rid us of some of these posts and we can go back to why skyscale is way to hard to get and how this game only appeals to the raider fantasy.
  3. Ngl, at this point I would just love Anet for adding a pure OW way to get legendary armor. Development cost and time aside, even give it some nice skin. Take the recipe from PvE (raid) armor and swap LI to something like elegy mosaics. Adjust cost to drop rate. Slap on 2 achievement lines for the precursor armor, make those a trip through various lw metas. Done. I don't care if you get your legendary armor. I am interested in the new posts that would spawn from this and all the new "builds" people create with an unlimited amount of stats. To OP: Dungeon armor won't happen because that would draw attention to a dropped part of the game that would maybe need some touch ups to be that big of a part in this new reward.
  4. Ayyyy, that is kinda cute. Let's take it a step further and say: "Who is the more valuable player? " Everyone, because the game is for all of us
  5. Whoever spent more money on the games and gemshop is the more valuable player I guess. Cy, I like the points you made so far. Just don't feed the troll. I still haven't cleared ht cm and that is fine. Auto lfg wouldn't solve that for me, because I don't want to put in the effort. I think more people should enjoy the game and not always feel excluded just because there is content they don't like/do.
  6. Snipped to save space. Okay, normal strikes only : I still wanna pug them with people who have similar kp amounts to me if I feel like that, or if I got the mood I join groups with Ne requierements because those are sometimes even faster than kp groups or just more fun, because they spark more interaction. I a not going to do guild runs because of my schedule so whatever, not going to dive deeper into that topic. I still see the point in teaching players mechanics or allow them into strikes, but nobody is keeping them out. Does it hurt player A if I list an lfg saying "ibs5+eod 250kp/li"? I can't imagine how, because anyone can put up a lfg. But please explain to my why people who want to play any way they want should be obliged to take somebody not fitting to their group with them? I can't wrap my head around that premise. If we are a hypothetical group of 9 players that cleared, let's say, WoJ 100 times I don't want to waste 9 ppls time to explain all the mechanics again, get screwed by someone running around with their chain, not stacking green or whatever. The outcome in my opinion would be 9 ppl kill the boss, 1 player gets a free kill and is none the wiser than before. Looking forward to more insight from your pov!
  7. Attention sarcasm warning You mean like a raiding guild?! That's an awesome idea. Maybe the next step is to use a second guild slot to start a guild that focuses on teaching newer players the mechanics of raids/strikes/fractals, so they can join this guild to learn in a dedicated environment and gather kp to later join kp groups on lfg if they want to. On serious note: Obviously that's possible. But also there is a lfg tool with a free text to put in whatever you want for a reason. It is actually fun to play with different people each week.
  8. Same goes for normal strikes or any content actually. If I join a 250 LI/kp normal mode strike I don't want to pick up ppl every other second because they stand in/off stack or whatever. I join those groups because I want a quick, clean run and not waste time on multiple pulls. I do see and understand the need to teach new players and if I got the mood and time to do so I join beginner groups. But noone is entitled to get a carry just because it is a normal mode strike. Everyone with kp started as someone without it and made it through.
  9. Yeah, while we are at it. Can we get a gemstore infusion that turns my skin into something that resembles bark and leaves?
  10. At first glance I really hoped this was going to be a nice poem about the reactions usage. After reading, it is just a weird formatting choice and does not contain a single rhyme. Confused emoji/10 Wouldn't read again.
  11. Uhm, alright. Never argued there is a solution to anyone not liking JP's or any other part of the game. I did argue there are ways to make the mandatory JP part, for whatever OP tries to acquire, less of a chore. The obvious solution was already found by the OP I guess: Don't like it, don't play it.
  12. And that's why I explicitly stated chalice as one of the unskipables. But by having another player on mesmer with portals guide you through it's almost like a skip. Just wanted to point out, that it would be possible, but to each their own.
  13. What are you after? What is locked behind a jumping puzzle? While not fun for everyone most, if not all, "mandatory" jumping puzzles can be skipped one way or another. If you talk about chalice of tears, maybe the this could be a good time to bring in the multiplayer part of the game and look for a friendly mesmer.
  14. That is absolutely the intended purpose. Been doing it since 2012. "GoB too hard" - gang rise up!
  15. Almost, it was a gotcha about stat swap being not that high in demand in all game modes (pvp, lol). Point being, there is no need anywhere for leggy armor, it is a prestige item to show you did a thing and got rewarded for it by some QoL. As a result of that point, I see no need to add another PvE way to get it.
  16. Dear Arenanet, it is time to finally remove the requirement of map completion from legendary weapons!!1!1! Too much grind for being able to get two legendary weapons or even just 1 (one) of the newer types?! Many people feel that way, it is too grindy and most of the time people laugh at me running around the map. Also hearts are to hard and sometimes I have to read the text to figure out how to progress it. That's like toxic game design by default. It would also help a lot of people and new players if I was able to get my legandary weapons faster. Many people think that way. Also make mounts not require hearts to be fulfilled. I entered the Pof maps, that should be enough to not be locked out from this content? Cheers
  17. Doesn't have to be ctrl, you can bind any key you want. Side note since you mentioned f5 being far away. Rebinding keys is also possible to reach every skill with less stretching of our delicate and tired hands. You might want to consider a new keybind layout that simply works for you. Enjoy!
  18. You know there are keybind options to set a modifier key in order to snap ground targeted to current target or yourself? For example: set target self as "ctrl" so ctr+skill7 snaps the aoe on you. You can also set wether or not you want to quick cast those skills on button release or on second press. Like.... It is right there.
  19. If you still run around in below exotic gear reaching soo won meta, you can't be helped. You would need to actively avoid gear upgrades, learning about the game, improving during the journey. If it's fun for some people that is fine. But no reason to balance around. Current soo won is fine and doable. Fails mostly do not occur due to low damage but players losing damage uptime due to death or failed mechanics/positioning.
  20. kitten, new player experience failed hard if the latest event boss that requires usually a full squad is supposed to teach the core mechanics of the game
  21. Labyrinth farm legendary armor when Anet? Most players feel this way. Also make skyscale obtainable by using ToT bags... Maybe like 250 bags for skyscale unlock? 3 candy corn cobs per armor piece should keep the farm in line with other ways to obtain legendary armor. Also give all festivals all year around. Gamer gang rise up, post your rotation on reddit to spread awareness. 1111111111
  22. Tell me you did not understand how weapon skills work without telling me you did not understand how weapon skills work. Serious note: you could always rebind them to other keys. But I'll admit, this being global is kinda hard to get a "better" setting per class.
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