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Everything posted by Xerac.1542

  1. Yes, gw2 has so many dedicated guilds to training, people literraly spend like 2 hours just to teach 1 wing to new ppl and wipe -gg- wipe, it says a lot about the dedication Most customers do not want training or to waste two hours a day/week/month learning the ropes.. Honestly they are there to play a game not to do training and homework.This really reads like "give players rewards without having to do anything for it"Already ~95% of the game offers already exactly that. Raids are fundamentally mea t to be the content you need to invest time to learn.That is the fun about it. Learning how to defeat the big bad evil guy at the end.And the community effort done by SC and others has already made it a lot easier.Read half a page - - > try doing it few time - - >success Instead of going in blind and really wiping over and over without knowing how it is possible to defeat the boss.
  2. Okay, let's just try to resolve this by showing you guys the other side.IF YOU ARE ON EUStarting Sunday 18.04.21 9:00 cest we will do W1 over and over until it is done.I will play Hfb/alac/hsc/dps depending on what I feel like. You bring what you feel like.No LI/KP.No skipping mechanics by outheal.No need for discord, if you don't want.Just hit me up in game or in here.Let's see how it goes.
  3. @"Astralporing.1957"Maybe at least indicate you left out something if you are quoting me by adding [...] instead of cherry picking whatever you need.Because the next sentence I wrote reads"This is not a good argument and neither is yours to me but we will simply have to agree to disagree on that." But yeah, you do yo.
  4. 1.I propose tarir meta should reward the same amount of chest even if you only kill one vine. You just need to wait for the timer to run out This is the way I want to do itNah, HoT is try hard contentRabid is op you just don't know. Ranged is the new meta!! 1!!
  5. I fell like we have hit the bottom on this discussion again.Problem is and always will be that it is impossible to make everyone happy while having limited resources. I am not against easy modes of raids, give them obtainable legendary grade armor (with stat swap and all) and make it only usable in raid environment.But I am afraid if easy/normal/whatever difficulty level of raids gets added and it is more successful we won't see another level added. If there was legendary strike armor obtainable by doing Shiverpeaks everyday for 3 months it wouldn't be any more beneficial to new raids/strikes than a new difficulty level of current raids. I know, i know, raiders would prefer to have all of those resources for their modes, and that's why they never wanted to share them with potential easy mode players. In the end, though, a fraction of some amount of resources is still better than a 100% of zero. Look at how FF XIV does that - majority of players play the "nomal" (the easy tier) mode exclusively. Only very limited number of players play the "savage" mode (the real raid tier). Still, the number of people playing normal mode means that devs can justify making it, and then reuse its assets to create savage tier for raiding community. Which, otherwise, would get left with nothing. But for that to work, easy mode does need to have meaningful rewards. Going off from your argument and inverting it would mean: If more people who are positive on "easy" mode would put in time to progress in current raid setting this would inflate the numbers and would justify spending resources on raids, with some of those resources ending up being spent on lower/other difficulty tiers.Right?This is not a good argument and neither is yours to me but we will simply have to agree to disagree on that. After all this time I would be happy if they added any new form of raids even if they are less complicated.It would be a nice experiment to see if this really inflates the amount of players doing raids. Then again I feel like strikes did exactly that and it didn't work because the mindsets of people are different.I go into a raid because I want to play my role and perform well within my group instead of just wanting to be there for the lousy 2 gold reward.
  6. @Fueki.4753I don't quote because the threads are getting long. You are correct. The damage drops as soon as you get people not using well rounded or coherent builds.See, I don't really care if anyone is playing whatever SC is advertising but there is no doubt the got the synergy of traits and stuff down.I don't agree with lowering the bar for any content to the point where doing whatever you want brings profit. (yes, I know that is the big selling point of the pve part of the game)There are enough builds that work.@LadyKitty.6120 brings up so many builds that deal enough damage by just auto attacking and passive healing.I mean if a player is not willing to read the traits they are picking I am positive they neither care about understanding the mechanics of raid bosses. You may be able to get a screw into a wall using a hammer but nobody wants you to help them set up furniture.
  7. The fights don't take that long and there is no bloated HP pool for bosses right now.Cutting it in half would only decrease the time to execute mechanics.If I run with training/low LI/ no req groups I mostly never see them fail due to enrage timer because there was too much HP but because people don't execute the needed mechanics correctly.I am sorry but adding more mechanics into a lower HP Boss would not work, at least I can't figure out how and why.But what I take away from this proposal reads to me as "I want the reward for less time spent"Could you elaborate on how cutting the HP in half would decrease the difficulty an let's say VG?
  8. Okay, after @"Obtena.7952" pointed it out and reading through the posts I see two problems. People doing raids right now simply want new players to adapt to the current state while "new" players want a stepping stone. Fine. First I want to give an example with skyscale:I really wanted it but hate doing story... My options wereA ) sit through story and map grind until I got it since Anet made it that wayB ) not get itC ) try to propose an option to obtain it I like more and hope for it to be implemented I went with A since C will never happen and I really wanted it.Same applies to raids currently. How about this stepping stone for the easy mode to normal mode transition for newcomers without thinking about what exactly has to be adjusted to make it accessible.In easy mode you can not get LI/LD but special tokens like magnetite but instead of ascended gear you can buy legendary grade gear right away. BUT it is only usable in raid environments(easy/normal).People would be able to learn mechanics and get rewards progressing them towards normal raids with the ability to swap and tune builds at a much lower cost/effort to form functional comps. This is the only way I can think of without interfering with other aspects of the game.
  9. Fueki brings up a point, why does it matter to the top end players. I would say that interferes with the pride and joy people feel by accomplishing stuff others have not done (yet).Don't you feel better if you do something well other can't?The same applies to all rewards. There is an easy way to get your LI on easy mode at a reduced rate... It is called Escort. I am not against an easy mode to learn mechanics but I feel like it won't work because there wouldn't be meaningful rewards besides the experience you gain to get into "real" raids and adding an extra step does not motivate players who don't like raids now to suddenly like them more.I would be happy if I and all the other people would be wrong and this easy fix would revive raid development.
  10. I agree with your statement that we have too many different instanced pve stuff...Don't get me wrong I don't want to get rid of it but I guess as a new player it can be overwhelming. Now on topic.I really wish we would get more raids because they are nicely designed and really fun to play but I am afraid no matter what effort anyone puts in the majority of players won't be interested.I pugged all the way from start to legendary to a point I just do raids for fun and don't need any rewards.I even tried getting some complaining guildmates into it by doing training runs with some experienced players filling more critical roles and newcomers joining as dps mostly.The problem I encountered more times than I like to admit about my guildies ist the following:VG:All good, some ports, some pulls on seekers, some fails.Once most people got the mechanics down we got to one of the root problems. Healers dealing ~3% damage - fine.Some DPS dealing ~22% damage - fine.Some DPS dealing ~3% damage - panic! Again guildmates so open conversation."You could bring your numbers up by doing xyz, maybe try swapping to another weapon/build/gearset." "Why would I want to play like that if I don't like it?" That is the problem.People want to raid but don't want to adapt to the encounter/group play style And that is why all effort put in won't revive raids because the people who are down to it will get it done but the majority will just try and leave after not being successful with their approach. I would still buy the expansion if all new stuff it gives is some balance shakeup and 3 new raids tho.
  11. Dungeons and their respective armor are really well designed.Sadly dungeons are part of the content they moved away from. Not much hope on getting any new ones or updates on existing ones.So no updates on vendors and loot either.There is a blue recolor of the purple twilight arbor weapons.
  12. "Help me stepbro, I am stuck in my golem"-Taimi "What are you doing stepbro?"-Roxx
  13. I would simply love to be able to hit anything with the staff attacks...they are so sluggish. I don't mind rotating through attunements to get the utility I would have needed 0.5 seconds ago. I would propose simply speeding up all the projectile speeds by... 25% or something. Ich can almost outrun the fire/air #3 with swiftness....So speed these projectiles and the auto attacks up and maybe even shave off a tiny bit on the other casts. For balancing, if a faster auto attack is too strong they could turn it into an arcane trait so people who want to run staff need to drop a damage traitline.
  14. Well, yes you are right about all you said.And as I stated I am aware of the countless problems it would cause. Just wanted to toss some ideas around how to make the game less melee focused, since I would love to go back to playing staff ele...maybe someday we will get faster projectiles on staff. Of course 10 man do not make it unplayable and sw/d weaver is the most fun I had in melee for a long time. Thanks for your feedback. Really appreciate it. As for wvw.... Nothing can tone down the cluster F that happens there. Then again, one of the reasons I upgraded my pc. P.S. Mechanics don't matter, healers need to adjust.
  15. Hello all, i am aware we will never get that big of a combat rework but just some thoughts. After running a lot of meta events as an elementalist the past days got me thinking about how weird it feels to play ranged classes/specs.I do some pug raids and strikes and can hold my own but i am surely not among the top % of players, but since the melee creep is coming a lot from raids i guess, let me tell you i have seen all raidwings from the inside. Current situation:All(most) players stack at the boss no matter what to get all the boons and healing. This results in best dps but also in a lot of visual clutter and many weapontypes not being favored/used much except for solo play. Suggestion:Change up the mechanics of boonshare and healing to a point at which the players are able to use ranged specs without instantly losing all support.Maybe apply the boons without range restriction IF the user is in a squad or group or just give them 900 range....i noticed it is not easy coming up with a working alternative to the system as it is now. I am also aware of many problems it would cause with current boss mechanics if you have something like a dedicated ranged subgroup standing back because a lot of boss AoE's get put on players by certain range indications.I was just fantasizing about getting back to use a staff as elementalist for that real mage feel.Also a lot of the ranged weapons would need some serious balancing to bring them on par with the currently used sets. What are you thinking about this ?
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