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  1. I personally wouldn't count a temporary event as pvp content. I'd count it as something that's added to the game that anyone can enjoy from that point forward regardless of when you decide to partake.
  2. They wouldn't dare do that, they're banking on the fact that you'll stick around by some false hope and possibly spend money on the gem store. Them admitting that nothing is coming would cost them money.
  3. Guild Wars 3 has been greenlit. Hate to break it to you, but that pretty much means that you'll never see another update to Spvp in specific again, move on.
  4. 1:03 -- StunningStyles would be proud.
  5. I can change that pretty easily, should have it done by the end of the night.
  6. Anyone in the partner program has the ability to view or shoutcast the monthly. However Vallun typically does NA most of the time, there are a few others but they're not consistent.
  7. https://www.bringyourmeta.com/Gw2/ I made a website for gw2 monthly AT finalist builds, it's still under heavily development, but for the time being, this is the page that I will be cataloging monthly automated tournament builds for now on. Granted it's not the best looking site, but it's accomplishing at least what I want from it, for now. Hope you enjoy, if you have any feedback let me know. Appreciate it.
  8. I'd rather que with 2 friends/players who know what they're doing as opposed to being forced to team with and babysit players that are hundreds of rating below my own. 2's and 3's are actually more reflective of most players skill rating since you can actually craft actual comps with people you know and trust to play the role, as opposed to conquest and letting rng decide what bargain bin players you get on your team, among other factors.
  9. The forums are a good science experiment in seeing how long people will remain coped up before they finally realize they got played and quit.
  10. Your post is essentially a general misunderstanding of what you think is strong. Typically when you see posts like this it's always stemming with power block, but the root of the problem in most to all cases is mantra of distraction, which is a instant cast daze with no animation and no travel time. Mantra of distraction is what you should be concerned with, not powerblock. In terms of how to balance mantra of distraction, whether it's giving it some kind of animation, or ground targeted cc under the player that activates the cc after some delay, or "insert idea here", knock yourselves out in terms of ideas. But hopefully that helps you understand in terms of why you're barking up the wrong tree, thanks. Countless
  11. Countless Virtuoso Sidenoder Hopefully you guys enjoy, let me know your thoughts.
  12. Since I've been getting stream sniped for the past week and a half I figured I'd take a few hours and compile some decent games on my way to legend in 2's last season. Hope you guys enjoy.
  13. Getting something back that we used to have isn't a buff, rather a waste of time and resources that could have actually been put to making mesmer better as a whole, Spvp wise that is.
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