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Posts posted by Lucio.4190

  1. @mercury ranique.2170 said:

    @Lucio.4190 said:@"kharmin.7683" Thank you! Those two links pretty much explains everything.If we can guarantee that a new language will give Guild Wars 2 at least 1 million (or some other high number) new active players, that would probably be a reason for implementing the new language. With that said, I don't believe anyone can guarantee that and we will have to do with what we have.

    It is not that simple.There is a huge different between the original implementation of the four languages and implementing additional ones at this point. This is 2 expansions, 4 seasons of living world AND tracking and tracing all fixes to the original game and the addtional content released.

    I doubt they even have a full script of the current game to translate. They made scripts for each release and for each change, but not what is currently in game, This isn't only about story, but also ingame text like battle cries and changes to this.

    A long story short. I think you need a gaming community atleast 3 times as large as the smallest community of the four languages (I would guess this is french, based on the size of the native speakers in this tongue).

    Last of all, I do think there is more to it then just the size of the language, but also how many people do not speak any of the other languages. I'm native dutch and I know there is a very big community of dutch speaking players, but most of us speak english and the lack of a dutch language is no limitation for most gamers in my country. The four languages are the most popular ones for most games and those speaking other languages are more used to playing in e.g. english.

    I'm with you there. I understand there's a lot of work behind and the current decision is "no more languages".If I contacted ANet and said "I've got $50M on the table saying we need this game in Mandarin".Would they say no to that amount of money?

    I totally believe you that there will be lots of audio files to be recorded. That's what I'm saying too and if they need to investigate and rewrite the script for the new language, that will also require some work.Someone also mentioned that jokes are difficult to translate, which may also require understanding of the game and world (can't just pick anyone from the street).But all this job isn't done by the coders. That would be a waste of resources. I believe ANet will need a totally new team for this job, people that knows the new language and learned the game.This may cost a lot of money because I think this is a job that may take at least half a year to complete (my estimate would be a year).

  2. @kharmin.7683 Thank you! Those two links pretty much explains everything.If we can guarantee that a new language will give Guild Wars 2 at least 1 million (or some other high number) new active players, that would probably be a reason for implementing the new language. With that said, I don't believe anyone can guarantee that and we will have to do with what we have.

    I was also opposing the argument that it would require resources from the developers and the team working with expansions and other core functions of the game. I don't think it will, because after the audio files have been recorded they will only need to add a new language and a possible value for the language variable.But, I agree that recording those audio files will require lots of work. It requires lots of time recording all those files and they also need to find good voice actors, which will of course have salary.Implementing a new language will be a financial issue.

    There are also other improvements needed for the game and I think this is where ArenaNet need to invest some money. Parts of the game that will need an upgrade or updated with a more modern solution.This reminds me of the between Sega, Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft. While Microsoft and Sony focused on graphical effects and cool stories, Nintendo tried a different approach and gave us Wii. How would a VR device as an option affect Guild Wars 2?Looking at other RPGs, such as The Witcher, Dragon Age and Skyrim, shows that those mini games are very popular. We have those here in Guild Wars 2, but do we need more alternatives? Someone spotted a certain warband playing some card game. Will we be able to play it in some obscure tavern in a forgotten part of Tyria?Will an AI engine be a good tool to use when monitoring ranked battles? What are the risks for a false positive, or should the AI only help reporting while a real game admin will investigate and make decisions?

    There's so much Guild Wars could do to clean up and improve the game.

  3. There's a discussion in the request for implementing a new language and I thought we should take it here instead of filling it with off-topic arguments, out ot respect of the original poster of that thread.

    Yes, they've told us before that there will not be other languages. I still believe that if enough people would pay, it's possible they can make an exception. But that would possibly require lots of players from that region and a business case presented.

    Regarding the need for patching and balancing the game, the expansion and not taking the resources for other projects, I had some comments about that.

    I believe a sound editor might need to cut the audio files, but if all audio files have the same name as the audio files for the other languages, you only need to create a new folder called pt-br or pt-pt.The rest is handled by linking the dialogues to the variable for Language, which in this case would be pt-br (or pt-pt).Example:US English, use en-US folder for audio files.German, use de-DE folder for audio files.etc.

    If the coders need to add more code than that, if all the audio files have unique names, then they probably did it wrong.

    But yes, I believe there will be lots of hours finding new voice actors. Voices that will add the excitement and passion that Guild Wars wishes to give us.Then there's the recordings. The scripts may need to be rewritten, which will require a translator that understands the game.

    I can't see how this will take focus or resources from an expansion or the core game. Maybe the sound editor, but that could practically be anyone cutting the files to avoid silent parts.

    But I still believe that a long-term improvement would be hiring a group of people that will at least investigate what new features would add value to the game.Discussions on this forum shows there's some interest in upgrading the engine and the DX version, look at the balance, act against cheaters and bots, add new effects that will enhance the experience (PvE, WvW and PvP?).

    As it is right now, I see discontent in lots of discussions. Some more, some less.This game is still really good, but it will be released in Steam and hopefully lots of new players will install it and join us in different game modes.I say that this is the time to invest in long-term improvements. Having one team for maintaining the game and another that improves it. Making sure it always will be a modern game with innovative solutions and features.

  4. @Woltarion.6829 said:

    @Gilderin.4763 said:Can we plz have OLD HoT Chrono back!? i want my main class back. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

    Lol did you just dig up a thread that was abandonned 1 and half year ago ? Chrono won't change bc the developper are working on the new expansion.

    Well.. there's about 7 months left on the prediction by @"Vague Memory.2817"Let's see if everything will be restored to normal again in July, with the message "We just had a bug in the Central Nervous System".

  5. Naah... I'm waiting for the NerveGear.

    Virtual Reality has been the talk for decades now and we've just been waiting for the hardware to be able to deliver the graphics. The hardware is here now and we need the coders to catch up.

    Lately, I've seen some discussions about Augmented Reality and my first reaction was "Forget about VR, I want AR!"

    But the feeling of acting inside the game would probably attract some players. Having it as an optional gaming device, I would like that.

    Adding AI to the game may be the last piece of the puzzle. I don't think AI should add to the game difficulty, but if it's used for how the NPC acts in some situations and making them more "alive".I was thinking if @"Akethon.5108" spent several hours a day for a couple of months at Traveler's Dale in Gendarran Fields, helping other players, killing monsters and helping out at events. The character should be treated as the local hero, they should be telling stories and the children should say things like "Let's play Akethon against Risen! This time, I want to be Akethon!"I've seen similar behaviour now, but that was connected to the current player in Living World. I still like how the NPC is used in Guild Wars 2 to give us that extra experience of a living world. That experience would definitely add value to a VRMMO.

  6. Remember to have a look at the map for Hero Challenges (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Hero_challenge) and Mastery Insights (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Category:Mastery_icons).There are also some Achievements you can complete, by killing a certain Champion or maybe succeeding a mission. You can find all Achievements for your Hero by pressing H, then select the Achievements tab (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Hero_panel_achievements.jpg). Select Heart of Thorns and then the name of the map, where you currently are. You'll find all Achievements for that map.The Achievements that has the sun icon (Mastery Insights) will give you the Mastery Skill Points you need to unlock the Mastery Skill (in this case, the Gliding).

    @AHITCZ.5694 summarized it nicely, that's exactly what you need to do. On your way to Level 80, gather lots of Mastery Skill Points and try to unlock the Gliding skills, at least the Advanced Gliding will be needed and you'll be very greatful to have it when you reach Verdant Brink. That will take you through the whole map with the glider using the updrafts and spare you some frustration.To complete the story, you'll probably also need to unlock some other Masteries as well, such as the Exalted, Itzel and Nuhoch tracks.

    I hope this will give you a push back on track. Welcome back to Tyria, Commander! A lot has changed and the world is once again in dire need of a hero.

  7. When I used dual monitors, my mouse sometimes "jumped" out of the game window by accident. This always caused the game window to minimize.I haven't tried playing in Windowed mode, though. Not sure if that would work. But you will not be able to switch window without using Alt+Tab.That's my experience of using dual monitors.

  8. @Healix.5819 said:

    @TheHomeButton.4196 said:While I'm here, just curious, I'm an Asia player playing the NA servers and my ping is about 150-180 ish, but I don't really notice it while playing. But it does bother me a little bit, would moving to a Europe server help?

    If you want an idea of what your ping would be like, ping these to compare NA and EU:


    @Lucio.4190 said:Also found an old thread using assetcdn instead of origincdn

    For future reference, assetcdn is your closest patch server mirror and is what the game uses, while origincdn is the primary US patch server. The problem is, the assetcdn servers don't verify their own files, so if they're interrupted while initially caching them, they'll end up hosting partially downloaded files. When the game downloads these files, the checksum will always fail, so it gets stuck infinitely retrying.

    Thanks! Very useful information.Is there somekind of a Knowledge Base with all this information?

  9. So.. re-introducing Cantha, but no Asia servers. Isn't that awkward? ;)I've searched through some discussions and this topic has been up a couple of times, even at WoW and Elder Scrolls it seems.https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/458671/which-server-is-best-for-australianshttps://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/2tpypn/which_server_should_i_choose_if_i_play_from_se/https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/107985/sea-server-for-heavens-sakeLooks like using the NA Server is slightly better than EU, but still over 200 ms for most players. If you get 150-180 on NA, I guess that's "good".An Asian server could mean more players to Guild Wars 2, but at the same time risk losing many players from NA and EU? The agreement with Steam may be the perfect time to add an Asian server.

    Don't forget to remove that row in the host file (or your could just add a # in front of it)."# assetcdn.101.arenanetworks.com"That will make Windows ignore the redirection. If this problem appear again in future, you could just remove the # again.Recommendation is not to use custom redirections if not needed.

  10. I might have been wrong, assuming that the puzzle was impossible with one hand. Awsome solutions and it seems like practise makes perfect. Watching how you guys have described how to make the puzzle with one hand made me think about some gaming keyboards that I've seen. I've found a couple of links:https://pgfoundry.org/best-one-handed-gaming-keyboard/https://www.amazon.com/AULA-Progammable-Handed-Merchanical-Keyboard/dp/B0728P6DR5

    Does anyone have experience with these kinds of keyboards? Are they useful or do you prefer the ordinary keyboards?

  11. @Ninja Ferret.6790 said:

    @"Veprovina.4876" said:This is a troll thread, it's obvious now... :tired_face:"Any change is good, even the bad ones..."Like, come on...yes, I am sure any patch should have some troll and sarcastic components. Why ? it produce some reaction and feeling "oh, we have changes!?"
    • short bow 5 inciate increase in spvp for theif is good example for mesmers. Do I like that change? No, it kill some understandign of rolen in spvp, ,but on other it give some fun and produce queston "ok .. now what? how?"So same changes now ideal for mesmer. I summarize many post and have describe it on first post.

    @"AshkyLicious.4729" said:Cant the moderators just delete posts like these...? mind numbing...let him/her also have opinion. Don't produce democratic one opinion pattern to our friendly community. Ok, some person not agree. And say "obvious now." is easy. You should try it too sometimes, to put off stress after office work. Opposite - press Like, and feel what you know properly way.

    Oh. So, you WERE being serious? In that case, I apologize. I'm really sorry for accusing you for being a troll.You say change is good and I agree. I've had some thoughts about some changes for the Mesmer, I hope you like them.

    I'm thinking of the Chronos as the time/space manipulation wizard, someone that sees into the future and manipulates time and space. I can't see other professions, except the necro, having a portal. I can accept the argument that the necro uses the underworld as a tunnel, similar to a wormhole.I believe the Chronos shouldn't have a lot of Vitality or be tanky, but should be very fast and mobile.I believe the Chronos should be the perfect companion for support and healing, making the team a lot better and giving lots of boons.I also believe that more Mesmers in the team, up to a certain limit, would add to the boons.

    With that in mind, I think the Chronos should be able to:
    • Use a Signet that prolongs the activation time of all skills with Expertise x 0.03, allies within the vicinity should get their activation time x1.6 instead.
    • Alacrity should be doubled and possible to share with allies, they get 65% of the Chronos current Alacrity.
    • The Continuum Split should also make the Chronos very hard to hit, giving x3 chance to evade all attacks.
    • Tides of Time should randomly steal 1-2 boons from each enemy, then share them randomly to the Chronos and allies.
    • Well of Eternity should be restoring all Health to the Chronos and their allies. If the team has three Chronos that throws Well of Eternity together it will make everyone in the team Invulnerable for 10 seconds.
    • Well of Precognition should do as the name suggests. All enemies within a certain radius should be Paralyzed for Expertise/300 seconds.
    • Gravity Well should also slow down the enemies. The closer they get to the Chronos, the harder it should be to move. It should last for Expertise/200 seconds and the enemies should feel like they're walking through maple syrup.
    • Bonus from Time Marches On should be 60%.

    The Mirage should more of a master illusionist. I can imagine that a couple of traits and skills here could have something similar for the thief and hunter, such as stealth and blink. Other than that, similar skills on other professions than the Mirage should be removed from the game.With that in mind, I think the Mirage should be able to:
    • Have up to 5 clones, instead of being limited to 3.
    • The Phantasmal Defender should have 80% HP of Mesmer's original.
    • the Mirage should be able to conjure 3 Phantasmal Defenders.
    • Resurrect by a Mirage should be instant, but that's an illusion. If the resurrected ally succeeds in healing or surviving 5 seconds without being hit, the illusion will turn real and Health will become 80% of its current value.
    • Mirage should be able to dodge 3 times before the cool down starts counting.
    • Mirage should have a skill that doubles Vitality and Toughness for 5 seconds. Hard as Stone.
    • Stealth should be active for Expertise x 0.03 seconds.
    • Mirage should be able to jump/teleport between all clones/illusions/phantasms and switch places with them.
    • Skills like Wave of Panic and Chaos Vortex should shock the target and make it flee from the battle in fear, unable to defend itself from additional attacks.
    • Clones should have 60% of the caster's Health, but be able to do full damage. Otherwise it's not a clone?

    Well... (pun, not intended) that's what I've been thinking of as an improvement of the game, which will give another dimension to the fights and make the Mesmer fun to play with, other than pretty accessory that some Warriors may bring to a fight as a trophy.Any comments on those suggestions? Maybe I forgot some change that might be good for the game?

    Like this yes. But jesus that makes mesmer so boosted

    I was actually never serious with any suggestion, it was just posted as a counter to show how much i didn't agree with OP. ;)Still there was a point with that list, I was hoping to how Mesmers have already been bashed and punished hard through the years. I was also trying to show how I looked at a Mesmer and what kind of skills I thought needs to be looked at.I agree with you, I might have exaggerated... a "little". But that was my intention. =)

  12. This may not be the answer you're looking for, but I I'll post a link anyway. As an alternative.https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Rich_Orichalcum_Vein

    I'd search for the Ore and mine them, but I'm cheap and stubborn. Is it 500-1000 you need or more like 5000-10000?Meta Events will give you lots of chests. I used to make at least 500 in 2 days when I needed them.The mining pick and salvage kit would cost some silver... and the value of my time.Farming can be fun, but it can also be a pain depending on how you get the material. ;)

  13. I partly agree. It is a game and it's okay that some parts are extra hard, such as jumping puzzles or some challenge that requires you to be fast with all twelve fingers and toes.But I also think that some events could be planned with an alternative challenge, especially if it contains some chain events and you get an extra hard jumping puzzle somewhere at the end of the chain. That alternative could be available for all players.Choose the easy way, get the promised treasure.Choose the hard way, get the exclusive.

    I'm just trying trying to find a compromise. If a celebration challenge doesn't offer a sporting chance to some players, it'll be like playing a Mesmer in PvP. With the elite skills disabled.The doors are shut, the keys are hanging 20 foot above the door... and you are an Asuran.

  14. To make it possible to run the game as it is now, it wouldn't require much... or maybe we'd be satisfied as it is.But if we want the game to survive for another 10 years, some changes are needed. I'm thinking a big patch that will give the developers a bigger toolbox and larger playroom. Otherwise, the material and experience will be "same thing as before, nothing different... still bored".

    What if, three (or five) years from now, you would be able to play some underwater missions or air battles, in VR?"This expansion will cost $350, but you will receive a complete VR set with matching gauntlets delivered to your door."This engine will not support it and maybe there are no such plans for the future, but without an upgrade we will never know how that would feel.

    I love GW2 as it is now. I don't want a GW3.But with an upgrade we could avoid a new game, instead this game will have a new life and we would be able to keep all our achievements. And playing a Tengu in VR? ;)

  15. @sorudo.9054 said:

    @Mouse.7382 said:Denied. I want any and all able time/resources spent on xpac/balance/etc.

    I don't have any insight, but will one exclude the other, except for financially?I imagine that recording all audio files in a new language shouldn't load the developers other than adding a new language and link. The voice actors might cause an additional cost though. Is there something else that I haven't thought about?

    the entire game till now needs that treatment, it would mean that they have to translate and record millions of lines just to get the core game ready.no seriously, it takes more resources to completely re-record and translate every single line than to add a new chapter.

    Yes, so far I'm with you. But that is a lot of time that will require voice actors, not developers.The developers working with balance and other coding shouldn't even be involved with that project.My only concern is if they have enough money to finance a new language and if that investment will payoff?

  16. I agree it's not possible to think about all situations and have a general solution that works for everyone, but in some way to make it possible to select in the game options. Such as:

    • I can kill off 50 Ettin without sweat (0-10)
    • I can finish off the jp Not So Secret (0-10)
    • I can complete a Mount Race (0-10)

    Or something like that, with maybe 5 different options. It would make it possible for some challenges to be replaced, if.. in this case, the Jumping Puzzle, doesn't seem to be a proper challenge.Not sure if that will be an improvement?

  17. I'm not greedy. I would be satisfied with just the following:

    • Rebalancing of all professions and make Mesmers great... again.
    • Great story that will make me feel like Cantha is home.
    • New skill set for all classes.
    • Rebuild of Guild Wars for DX12.
    • New build for Linux.
    • Guild Wars 2 AR/VR.
    • My own house at home site.
    • New set of Legendary gear.

    As I said, I don't ask for much. Just some minor changes and addons.

  18. @Mouse.7382 said:Denied. I want any and all able time/resources spent on xpac/balance/etc.

    I don't have any insight, but will one exclude the other, except for financially?I imagine that recording all audio files in a new language shouldn't load the developers other than adding a new language and link. The voice actors might cause an additional cost though. Is there something else that I haven't thought about?

  19. I'm usually against nerfing, no matter class.I always start by asking, have I tried all possible combinations yet? Have I tried other builds? Have I tried other weapons, other runes on my weapons? Is this build for offense or defense?If I can't beat him, it's probably me. How can I become better?

    With the history of nerfing, what would happen if I find a build as a Mesmer where I will be able to beat a Revenant or Guardian 8 times out of 10? Will probably the last possible build for a competitive Mesmer be nerfed again, or will those Revenants and Guardians start investigating a new build?Looking back at history, there will probably be some whining on the forums and then the Mesmer will be nerfed again.

    Nerfing should be the last possible solution, when nothing else works. If we restored all classes to their original prime and glory, I believe the game would have been more balanced than it is now after all that nerfing and "rebalancing" that's been going on during these years.

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