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Posts posted by Lucio.4190

  1. @TheHomeButton.4196 said:For my internet, I'm using an optical ethernet cable. With the asset thingy, I did have a space between them. For the gw2setup-64.exe -assetsrv, does that mean that I'll put the line in the GW2 setup instead of the .exe shortcut that it installs during the installation?

    Not sure here, actually. Has it already installed it before, and you've been able to run the game at least once? If you haven't been able to run the game at all yet, I would try to reinstall the game from step 1 again. Running the setup file.Sorry for the confusion, I haven't used the -assetsrv parameter yet and now @Healix.5819 says it's been broken for some months.

    So, how about this?

    • Go to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc and edit the file hosts

    • In that file, just add the row IP-ADDRESS Named-Address. Any of the following examples should work: origincdn.101.arenanetworks.com52.204.88.58 origincdn.101.arenanetworks.com65.9.54.63 assetcdn.101.arenanetworks.com65.9.54.160 assetcdn.101.arenanetworks.com65.9.54.6 assetcdn.101.arenanetworks.com65.9.54.167 assetcdn.101.arenanetworks.com

    • Then we could try and run the gw2setup-64.exe to reinstall the game.

    • If everything works fine, you could remove that extra row in the host file (or just add a # on the left, to comment it).

    I would like to add a short explanation of that file.This file is used to inform the computer (Windows) on how to find a certain address. Every row that starts with a # is like a comment (or a description/instruction) to us. The computer will not use the information on that row.A row that does not start with # is used as an instruction on how to find a certain address.If you add the row: origincdn.101.arenanetworks.com (without any # to the left) it means that if you want to reach the IP Address ( it possible to use the named address (origincdn.101.arenanetworks.com).So if someone uses origincd... in some context, it will be redirected to that certain IP Address.

  2. @"Danikat.8537" said:Unfortunately a mesmer can't help because everyone's skills are locked when they enter the puzzle so there's no way to create portals. Teleport to Friend won't work either because it's inside an instance. :(

    In that case, I stand corrected. Sorry for my assertion.They really thought of everything, and still didn't think further. Accessibility should be added on their "To-Do" list.

  3. Then I guess the disk is not full. ;)Still not sure if the disk has a damaged sector. The exe downloads 15-20 GB in total and if the disk has a damaged sector, it is possible that one piece of any of those downloaded files may want to be saved on that sector.

    I was also thinking if someone else knows of a parameter that only downloads the files, without starting to install anything. To be able to install the game offline?Are you on WiFi or connected with a network cable? Do you use a wireless internet connection or a cable (optical or copper)?

    When you tried to add -assetsrv origincdn.101.arenanetworks.com, did you have a space between the exe and -assetsrv?Example: gw2setup-64.exe -assetsrv origincdn.101.arenanetworks.com

    I made an nslookup on origincdn.101.arenanetworks.com and found the IP:

    You could try using: gw2setup-64.exe -assetsrv found an old thread using assetcdn instead of origincdn, and that gave me the following IP-addresses:

    You could try any of those, see if it works better?Another suggestion I found was using: -log -image -assetsrv -patchconnections 1Example: gw2setup-64.exe -log -image -assetsrv -patchconnections 1

  4. Actually.. a Mesmer would be able to help here.Teleporting short distances will get @Wolf.2596 closer each time. Don't need to teleport directly to the chest.I had a similar situation with a jumping puzzle and the diving in Not So Secret. It took an hour and a half, but we both made it to the end and did the diving at the same time.Teleport to Friend might work as well.

  5. That is not easy to troubleshoot without more information. Let's try and get more information. ?What happens if you try to install it on another drive? The information I try to get here is, if the disk might have damaged sectors (or the disk is full?).

    I can't remember if the process is "download everything first, then install" or "download and install at the same time".Don't have my computer in front of me, how much space does the setup require?

  6. I like them all, the whole team has a part and contribute to the story in their own way.I like how all races are represented in a Lord of the Rings complicated way that makes it work, without everyone going all mushy on each other... too much.Everyone also have something they think they need to compensate for and they do it by being awsome.When Taimi says "Why do I have to be so damn good at my job", and I look at our world where everyone has to be humble and are not allowed to mention how good they are, it's kind of liberating watching her having that attitude and that energy.Rytlock is more of a Charr and they are grumpy by nature. But he is also that traditional epic hero all parties need to get things done.I think the mix of these people has made the story so good replacing someone will need a d*mn good reason.

  7. Age of Conan had two different versions of DX at the same time and let the player choose at startup.GW2 could do the same thing during a beta period.

    I think an upgrade with the latest DX version would be a great way to keep the engine updated and future proof. That would make it possible to give us lots of new features and another dimension to future expansions.It would also allow the developers to be more creative and give us a better experience from the game.I like this idea.

    Still, I'm pretty curious of how an i9 gen 10 and an rtx3090 would give you 20fps? Have you installed the drivers for your chipset?I'm running a gt730 on i5 gen 9. It works great on PvE when I play the Meta on Dragons Stand, also participated in a farm train outside Tarir. Saying we were at least 80 players there on each is not an exaggaration.

  8. @"Veprovina.4876" said:I don't know why you posted 2 threads but i'll post here what i posted in your other thread as well:

    Wait till you get to Tangled Depths if you still haven't lol.I'm assuming you're in Verdant Brink right? Too lazy to google the story part right now.If so, only Verdant brink is really vertical, Auric Basin, Tangled Depths and Dragon's Stand are more tame.

    They're purpusefully designed that way for gliding, to make use of it.LW3 is kinda like that but only on Bloodstone Fen. The rest are more plain.

    I also recomment getting the raptor and the springer if you hate getting around HoT, but even with mounts, it's still very involved as far as traversal is concerned. Only core tyria maps are more level, everything after that requires at least some platforming.

    Totally agree. Getting the mounts from Path of Fire will make some things easier, also upgrade them. The Springer has a skill that will make it jump higher, which is very useful. The raptor can jump pretty far with the upgraded skill.The Glider should also be upgraded, at least to Advanced Gliding. That will help you glide very far, take you over the whole map if you find the right updrafts. I'm adding a link that gives you an idea.

  9. I figured that buying a chapter at a time is more expensive than buying the whole LW package. You'll save about 200 gems.The gems could be acquired by paying some real money, or farming gold and then convert the gold to gems (as @Mungo Zen.9364 suggests).Living World are a great addon to the story and I really loved them, but they will also help you farm some really rare materials.The stories in general will also help you rearrange your gear and skills to adapt your character evolve into something better. The original story is very easy compared to HoT, huge step there.

    What new goals to set from here? I guess you could try out crafting, levelling up your character to be able to create the gear you want. I think you'll recognise that process from WoW, with all the farming and stuff. I reached Level 500 for Armorsmithing pretty fast, and when being able to create Exotics, you can start making money if you get your hands on specific recipes. ;)

    Someone also mentioned the collections. There's always a collection you could try and complete, getting some valuable reward.I've finished a couple of collections, but at first been focusing on map completion with all the Mastery Insights, to get all the Master Points needed for the Mastery Skills.The Meta Events are perfect for gathering lots of chests with materials and the local currency.

    What I loved with GW2 and especially PvE, are all the friendly players and the casual attitude. Lots of times that I've seen people taking a break from the ritual grinding, jump down from their mounts and help me with a Hero Challenge.

    Anyhow.. Warm welcome to GW2 and I hope we'll be able to make you feel like this is home.

  10. @TheQuickFox.3826 said:

    @Lucio.4190 said:Are trying to buy lots of gems?I think there's a limit of 2000 (or is it 4000?) gems each purchase.

    I don't think so. In the past I purchased 8000 gems in one transaction (In-game shop, PayPal) with no problem. The shop would not offer 8000 gems for sale if the transaction would not support it.

    Could it have changed? I tried buying 8000, and received the same message. Then I can't remember if I tried 4000 or 2000, but it was enough to buy all Living World Seasons. That worked.It was a couple of months ago.

  11. @Danikat.8537 said:The rules against macro use shouldn't be an issue here. The short version is rebinding controls is ok as long as it's 1 key press = 1 action. So if you press 1 key on your keyboard and it triggers one skill that's ok, the problem is if it triggers several skills in a row.

    Players who use mice with extra buttons, keypads and other special controls have to re-bind the controls to use them and that's allowed, it's just a problem if you're automating the game play.

    Nice! Even playing the instruments could get me banned for cheating, if I bind the whole song to a specific key, another song to another key... sounds fair. ?Thanks for the info!

    Knowing that it's possible and also permitted made me really glad.

  12. @AliamRationem.5172 said:

    @"Gorkus.7496" said:May I suggest Weaver. The thing is, it is the most complicated class to play. At least that's what everyone says. It may be due to the fact that the weaver class has more skills than any other, 26! For me, the (sword/dagger) weaver (human female, light armour) is the most aesthetically pleasing of all the classes. Everything she does is done with flair and a lot of colorful special effects. Her sustain is unreal. And though she doesn't do max dps, she ends up resurrecting many zerg players who do. To me, the advantage is that as a Weaver, you are a melee magic user. How cool is that? Then when necessary, switch to staff and have the biggest dps in the game. Another aesthetically pleasing class is the Holosmith. They do lots of dps and armed with a rifle, can be deadly both in close combat and at range. It's an ideal killing machine. My build is all out attack, so I need a friendly weaver to res me once in a while.

    I'll second weaver! It sounds like it's been giving you some trouble, so it may be a bad fit or maybe you need a different build? If you want something that has a really good balance of damage and sustain, try condi weaver with fire/earth sword/focus and trailblazer stats. Switch to Viper for raid/fractal. Swap earth for arcane for PvP/roaming. Firebrand is probably the better pick, but if you like weaver it's hard to find anything that feels quite like it!

    Here's a clip of my Asuran female weaver battling the champion avatar of Balthazar in Auric Basin. She's looking fierce and futuristic (not to mention cute!) while she goes toe-to-toe with the big guy and shows him who the God of Fire
    is! I'm using a PvP-style fire/arcane variant that's just my personal preference, but if you want something more forgiving try fire/earth with trailblazer stats. It's stronger on passive sustain and damage. You can adapt this build with different stats/traits/utilities to any game mode, although it is not meta for fractals (it still works fine by most player standards, though!).

    Dude! 14k-15k?!? You pulverized that avatar in less than 1 minute? I'm really impressed!I have to struggle to get anything close to 4500 on a critical hit.. I must be doing something wrong with my mesmer.

  13. @Linken.6345 said:

    @Lucio.4190 said:Actually, nothing really requires real money in this game. But they save lots of time.You can buy gems with gold from the game if you're very active. Those gems will buy you everything you need, think you need and never thought you'll ever need.But using real money may save you a year or two.

    The expansions do, no way to buy with ingame gold.

    True! Forgot about that. Thanks for correcting me.

  14. I was like swimming in Nonmoa lake and there I encountered a female krait, thought at first it was a mermaid that made a mess around the wreckage... she wasn't all too happy when I called her Mess-mermaid. ;)

  15. Thinking about if all classes should be able to have a support, attack and defense role. That could be core roles for all.Then depending on specialization, some may have scouting and others may be better at tanking, defending or adding support and buffs to the team.Also, depending on playstyle you get different kinds of attacking with high damage etc.Is that the kind of roles you are asking for?

  16. Otherwise, you could check at the map if you search for the shiny baubles. They show the event reward for each map section.Join a meta or event train and you'll hear your self shout like a skritt as you see how those shinies will drop in. =)

    That one at Pale Reaver is of course very popular, lots of players there, you get that lizard fast and they respawn pretty fast. I think it's every four weeks for the Shiny Baubles.

  17. Aesthetically, I would definitely say Sylvari Mesmer. You design the look and colours to match the type of gear you plan to have.I've fallen in love with the Axe/Pistol at the moment and will probably get the Astralaria (curses on the designer that planned all requirements for that axe).

    Yes, it's difficult with the mesmer, after all the punishment it's suffered through the years, but with a lot of imagination and hard work you will find a way to play with it at least. It works on PvE and I've gone through all expansions and Living Worlds after some rearranging of gear and only exotics so far. Had to admit defeat and get help in the last fight against Mordremoth (HoT) and I couldn't kill the Mushroom King and Queen to get the Mastery Insight, without someone else getting their full attention.

    I hope to be able make some noise on PvP or WvW next.I'm stubborn and will try to build a really fast Mirage and maybe I'll succeed or I'll fail. They say it can't be done anymore.

    That's all I can say about my experience so far.

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