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Everything posted by ccccc.4963

  1. It's not but the vocal peanut gallery on forums only speak in extremes where every class is on the wire atm and one change that isn't a direct buff???? guts my class bro!!!!!
  2. This is where the player vs player element comes in of class MU and knowing your fights 🙀 Dps (most important player(s) in lobby) / node anchor (loser training golem holding fullcap/contesting decaps in TF or the home/far 1v1) / support (waterboy resetting teamfight dps) Perfect world you have 3 dps that synergize well with eachother for the task of 4v4 teamfights and general +1 roaming, Node slave who doesn't instantly die in a 1v1 & a low T support (merp) using CDs to mitigate the other teams wincondition/burst go's
  3. Is this you trying to dressup some dogwater 0 pressure build?
  4. Weird you're creating these fantasy arguments in your head
  5. lots of trolls on do nothing builds feeling entitled to 'team members' who play around their rlly niche do nothing roleplay build
  6. You're not saying anything of meaning -- You agreed with my initial post acknowledging frustration is real what else is there to say or discuss? I don't know which player you're using as your example in this exaggerated post so I'm not engaging in it? Did trauma dumping on the forums make you feel better or what? More projection 😁
  7. Yeah the rating # goes down when you lose The deep hatred you're implying exists, Were you annoyed when you wrote up this awful rhetorical?
  8. Its not my fault you're choosing to not play the game
  9. That's not a target that's another human being choosing to run it down mid (not my issue)
  10. 70yr old men complaining about prefiring its a protractor meta study up flunkie
  11. Throw games when you match with anyone playing ladder >>> the game So wacky being a soloq player who matches with p2 duo vs p2 duo and you low roll the duo that plays for 16hrs a day farming +2s and orbiting narus twitch
  12. They're a known troll on eu apparently-- some do nothing tablet vindi player
  13. Yeah the rock paper scissors answer to duelist is to win the map before it ever gets to a relevant duel for them? You win mid and snowball your teamfight to whatever highvalue player(s) the other team has -- bonus point is to avoid playing 3 nodes if they have more mobile roamers than your team Why cap your ceiling on a do nothing 1v1 for 2min build when you can moonwalk the map on superspeed 100-0ing go's?
  14. The post is framed from the pov of a support player (in ranked too) ...1v1 a warrior on support? You're just pivoting from being a dependant/useless role (support) to another equally dependant role
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