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Everything posted by ccccc.4963

  1. Support isn't a real role unless you're actively communicating your cds with a dps Log power roamer win first teamfight find your quickest matchups and spam push them until map state is home/mid safe with your 5 contesting far/spawn ->mid path
  2. This games too old for people so passionate about "game balance" to not fathom map awareness
  3. Against all odds condi/support slaves will find a way to make any power build look cwazy
  4. Forum post >>>> messaging the person Wacky
  5. The pugs you get are varied and each team you will have a new selection of holes that sink your boat. There's a 'meta' for getting the title/ranked qs (only blame anet) and it's entirely different than an AT (controlled 5/5 party) If you want to solely do 'big damage' and roam you will be faced with unavoidable losses or really uphill battles where your win condition is playing the 'big damage roamer' role in a suboptimal way that skews your win con/MU -- This applies to every role but if you're playing to win ranked the best role to fill is a map bully class that snowballs and controls how 9 people play your game. Yeah sidenode/support players are NPCs who need to take the training wheels off when it comes to any complaint they have about the state of ranked.
  6. were so close to calling out support players with this post I can just feel it
  7. You're saying this like the balls in anets court to "fix" the issue of people being bad
  8. lot of players in this thread with low fov and it shows
  9. how do you deep dive hypotheticals like this and still play how you do
  10. Is it a running joke to talk about anyone except rodrigo/brazilian goldfarmers for thrown games on the forums?
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