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Everything posted by Alaya.8765

  1. I already answered like this in another wvw cele post but I am happy to share my pov again. If you were to compare stats on ascended gear and for this thought experiment assume you only use the exact same stat for everything : 3 stat gear: 1 x major stat 1381 and 2 x minor stat 961 each total of 3303 4 stat gear: 2 x major stat 1173 and 2 x minor stat 633 each total of 3612 so 4 stat gear has 9.36% more stats than 3 stat gear of the same quality and people are up in arms about it already 9 stat gear. 9 x major stat 639 each total of 5721 so 9 stat gear has 73.21% more stats than 3 stat gear and 58.39% more stats than 4 stat gear. Before the May 11, 2021 patch that gave celestial expertise and concentration the stat total was already 4473 which was a stat advantage over 3 stats of 35.42% and for 4 stats of 23.84%. Now if we just compare for example berserk to celestial: Berserk has 1381 power 961 precision and 961 ferocity. Celestial has 639 of each of them + other stats. So one might think: "Oh yes glass canon does soo much more dmg look at the numbers" But consider that pretty much every celestial build can keep 25 stacks of might (+750 power and condi dmg) up permanently and has a lot of other boons that the typical glass canon build will not have or will have for very short amounts of time or only with a certain setup process. So the buffed up Cele build runs with 1.389 power which is even higher than the stats berserk gives by itself. Yes yes berserk still has more crit chance and a higher modifier but I assure you the cele build will still hit harder than the berserk build since the cele build not only has more hp and more toughness but also longer lasting boons like protection in case. If we would take a look at Trailblazer for arguments sake. Trailblazer has 1173 toughness and 1173 condition damage and 633 vitality and 633 expertise. Celestial has 639 of each of them + other stats. Once again if we were to crunch numbers a bit with 25 stacks of might (+750 power and condi dmg) up permanently we are at 1.389 condition damage which is higher yet once again. So the argument for trailblazer would be 534 extra toughness in comparison to 639 healing power, concentration, power, precision and ferocity. Celestial has an insane number of stat points it provides like I said above. 73.21% more stats than 3 stat gear and 58.39% more stats than 4 stat gear. So the situation is simple. If you have certain specs that profit from having different stats they will profit immensely from this very situation. You could probably reduce the total stats of celestial by 20-25% and not break it but just bring it more in line with other gear options in wvw at least. If the gear would have been stat adjusted to consider the 2 added stats in the May 11, 2021 patch it would be 497 per stat and 4473 total which would still give it a stat advantage over 3 stat gear of 35.42% and for 4 stats of 23.84% just like before the patch. If you now slot those numbers in my comparisons above the total power in the berserker comparison would still come close to it and the total condition damage would still be higher in the fully buffed situation. Expertise and concentration each give 1% duration for 15 points so the current stats give 42,6% of both without any traits or runes / sigils in the equation. The reduced numbers would be 33,134%. If you disagree with anything I said be my guest the only thing I want to point out in this situation is simply that the celestial gear has an insane stat advantage and that even a number adjustment (in case for wvw only) would not even kill the builds. If we would look at the pre February 26, 2020 patch days there might be an argument you could make that you would just fall over like a piece of paper if you were to meet a full glass canon 1 shot build but nowadays I do not think that even the adjusted stats would make you drop like nothing.
  2. If they first remove dual and multi q for ranked and unranked and lock class / skills / everything the second you join a map sure I do not mind no reward on loss.
  3. If you were to compare stats on ascended gear and for this thought experiment assume you only use the exact same stat for everything : 3 stat gear: 1 x major stat 1381 and 2 x minor stat 961 each total of 3303 4 stat gear: 2 x major stat 1173 and 2 x minor stat 633 each total of 3612 so 4 stat gear has 9.36% more stats than 3 stat gear of the same quality and people are up in arms about it already 9 stat gear. 9 x major stat 639 each total of 5721 so 9 stat gear has 73.21% more stats than 3 stat gear and 58.39% more stats than 4 stat gear. Before the May 11, 2021 patch that gave celestial expertise and concentration the stat total was already 4473 which was a stat advantage over 3 stats of 35.42% and for 4 stats of 23.84%. Now if we just compare for example berserk to celestial: Berserk has 1381 power 961 precision and 961 ferocity. Celestial has 639 of each of them + other stats. So one might think: "Oh yes glass canon does soo much more dmg look at the numbers" But consider that pretty much every celestial build can keep 25 stacks of might (+750 power and condi dmg) up permanently and has a lot of other boons that the typical glass canon build will not have or will have for very short amounts of time or only with a certain setup process. So the buffed up Cele build runs with 1.389 power which is even higher than the stats berserk gives by itself. Yes yes berserk still has more crit chance and a higher modifier but I assure you the cele build will still hit harder than the berserk build since the cele build not only has more hp and more toughness but also longer lasting boons like protection in case. If we would take a look at Trailblazer for arguments sake. Trailblazer has 1173 toughness and 1173 condition damage and 633 vitality and 633 expertise. Celestial has 639 of each of them + other stats. Once again if we were to crunch numbers a bit with 25 stacks of might (+750 power and condi dmg) up permanently we are at 1.389 condition damage which is higher yet once again. So the argument for trailblazer would be 534 extra toughness in comparison to 639 healing power, concentration, power, precision and ferocity. Celestial has an insane number of stat points it provides like I said above. 73.21% more stats than 3 stat gear and 58.39% more stats than 4 stat gear. So the situation is simple. If you have certain specs that profit from having different stats they will profit immensely from this very situation. You could probably reduce the total stats of celestial by 20-25% and not break it but just bring it more in line with other gear options in wvw at least. If the gear would have been stat adjusted to consider the 2 added stats in the May 11, 2021 patch it would be 497 per stat and 4473 total which would still give it a stat advantage over 3 stat gear of 35.42% and for 4 stats of 23.84% just like before the patch. If you now slot those numbers in my comparisons above the total power in the berserker comparison would still come close to it and the total condition damage would still be higher in the fully buffed situation. Expertise and concentration each give 1% duration for 15 points so the current stats give 42,6% of both without any traits or runes / sigils in the equation. The reduced numbers would be 33,134%. If you disagree with anything I said be my guest the only thing I want to point out in this situation is simply that the celestial gear has an insane stat advantage and that even a number adjustment (in case for wvw only) would not even kill the builds. If we would look at the pre February 26, 2020 patch days there might be an argument you could make that you would just fall over like a piece of paper if you were to meet a full glass canon 1 shot build but nowadays I do not think that even the adjusted stats would make you drop like nothing.
  4. It does? Why did the patch notes not state it though?
  5. Not even that. If they want to keep the Instability as it is there is one simple fix to make it actually relevant. ADD RESOLUTION TO NPNG Forces everyone to either boonstrip or deal with lower damage across the board.
  6. I know people are still fighting about the turtle acquisition problems but please leave those and similar topics aside while in this post. The thing I want to bring into the room to discuss and in case for others to tell me if I am wrong about is the dye channels of the turtles skins in the new 5 pack. Luminous Bastion and Deepwater Barbshell DO HAVE dye channels for the golden parts of the jade tech construction that is attached to the turtle. Southern Terrapin DOES HAVE half a dye channel for those parts since the pieces that are attached to the shell outside of the boosters the canons and the seat so to speak the straps and the dragon head and tail parts do have a dye channel but not the aforementioned boosters, canons and the seat. Magmaback Snapper and Painted River DO NOT HAVE any dye channel tied to the jade tech parts that are bolted to the turtle so they are always golden. The fact that the green is not a dye channel is totally ok since it is THE JADE after all. BUT the fact that the golden pieces are not dyable on 2 and a half of the 5 new skins kind of gets below my skin. I think EVERY turtle skin should have 1 dye channel dedicated to the jade tech parts that are bolted to the turtle. What do you all think?
  7. Yes there is no key bind currently which would be very useful.
  8. Like the title already mentions I am looking for a few others to try to get Spirit Watch wins and Stronghold wins with a nice and easy 5 man premade group. If you are interested comment here or PM me. Edit: forgot to add I am EU
  9. A small guild a few friends started together which is being upgraded currently. The only real content we provide is guild missions once a week. Which is exactly the one thing I am going to advertise here. If you have a free guild slot and always wanted to just have a guild without any obligations or need to fit in which is doing weekly no nonsense guild missions for your commendations you found the correct guild. We offer PVE guild missions which will be a thing for the foreseeable future without any other obligations. The slot will be either Saturday or Sunday evening not sure about the concrete time yet. If you are interested PM me here.
  10. I already mentioned it above but downstate by itself is fine and we will not get rid of it either way. The biggest problem is that there is no Downed penalty in PvP.You often down people and they get simply rezzed and then healed to full.And what do you get out of it?You have skills on cooldown and the downed person had skills recharge while downed ... If we would have the Downed penalty from PVE or even a different one it would feel a lot better overall I assume. Also the other 2 problems were mentioned a lot already so I won't flesh them out again. Rally a whole team with one killDowned Abilities being totally unbalanced
  11. They do not even have to remove the Downstate. It would already improve the whole experience a ton if we could get Downed penalty in PvP.
  12. @"Ayrilana.1396" "Yes as the check is done when equipping weapons to the build templates. Reapplying the infusions after the weapon has been equipped will cause them to remain there although it’s a less efficient use of the infusion." This is the part I do have problems with my friend.Because I have tired that and the game does not allow me to do that.So I simply do not understand how to do just that I might simply be dumb but oh well. I mean If I do exactly as you say.The game does not allow me to put more infusions in the template.I did try multiple times exactly what you told me and:It simply did not allow me to put infusions from my inventory in the weapon. The game insists on using Infusions that are already present in the template in another tab and does not allow me to put more in there.As in:No matter what I tried as long as I have any legendary weapon with Infusions equipped in my second template it does not allow me under any circumstances to put any infusions but those the game can share from my second template in weapons from the first template.I tried for a long time and for the love of all that is holy I could not get it to work the way you described it to me. Until I figure out how to do that I will simply not put weapons in my other template tabs and before i switch template un equip the weapons.Then I won't face that problem it is clunky and stupid but works.
  13. In case you wanted context to the above: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/91220/solved-legendary-upgrades-duplicated-due-to-pvp-equipment-bug#latest That is about LEGENDARY RUNES AND SIGILLS.If you only use legendary weapons and armor without any piece of ascended in between with a full set of 6 Runes and 4 Sigills this might be useful. BUTI do neither have legendary Runes nor Sigills. So I put Eternity with 2 +7 Infusions in template 1.Then I put Kudzu with 2 +7 Infusions in template 2.It will kick out the 2 Infusions in Kudzu.Then I change Kudzu to any Ascended 2 handed weapon .It will kick a Infusion less Kudzu into my inventory.ANDIf I re equip it will not even automatically put the 2 infusions that are apparently forcefully shared out of Eternity in Kudzu since guess what? The game sees me put in an Infusion less Kudzu and assumes it is not supposed to have any or what?So I will have a infusion less Kudzu equipped and if I want them back in there I MANUALLY have to do it. That is more work than if i would just equip all my equipment out of my inventory.At least I would not have to play Infusion Bingo every time. Also since they made the Infusions and Sigills removable since October 30th 2018 according to the wiki they would have no problem to give the legendary weapons a option to lock them. We already have that fancy screen where we can choose the stat combinations etc.They can just add a small check box on the left side where you can choose to lock or unlock Sigills and Infusions. Heck I am not a programmer but I just can't imagine that giving the option to lock or unlock would break the code or give them a headache since the small checkbox would only make the legendary behave like a ascended weapon while it is checked and like a legendary if unchecked. Well my fix might be dumb but it would work and logic tells me there should be no problem but what do you all say? Notice how I said “along the same lines”? All upgrades function exactly the same way on legendary gear as legendary runes/sigils in regards to equipment templates. Paying attention to what’s going on makes this fairly obvious instead of going “it’s not working like I think it should so it’s bugged”. I also suggest looking at what the infinite symbol means for build templates. If you absolutely must have similar upgrades not shared, you can just reapply them and they’ll remain. The check to have only the minimum number of upgrades occurs when initially adding the weapon, or armor, to a build template. I have no idea what that bloody infinity symbol means since i know there is some post where they explained a few things about it but I can't find that for the life of mine any more since I assume it is not pinned. Also I literary have no idea what you are talking about so please explain that in a more expansive way. What do you mean with reapplying it for them to stay? If you try to put in an infusion from your inventory while weapon is equipped it will take one from another equipped legendary.If you swap that weapon out and put the infusions back in while it is in your inventory they get kicked out when you swap weapon back in.If you swap it out and and swap in back in without infusions it still won't let you pick em like you want. So you say you got it to stop kicking out infusions?Then please explain how exactly you did that since "you can just reapply them and they’ll remain" makes no sense to me at all.
  14. In case you wanted context to the above: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/91220/solved-legendary-upgrades-duplicated-due-to-pvp-equipment-bug#latest That is about LEGENDARY RUNES AND SIGILLS.If you only use legendary weapons and armor without any piece of ascended in between with a full set of 6 Runes and 4 Sigills this might be useful. BUTI do neither have legendary Runes nor Sigills. So I put Eternity with 2 +7 Infusions in template 1.Then I put Kudzu with 2 +7 Infusions in template 2.It will kick out the 2 Infusions in Kudzu.Then I change Kudzu to any Ascended 2 handed weapon .It will kick a Infusion less Kudzu into my inventory.ANDIf I re equip it will not even automatically put the 2 infusions that are apparently forcefully shared out of Eternity in Kudzu since guess what? The game sees me put in an Infusion less Kudzu and assumes it is not supposed to have any or what?So I will have a infusion less Kudzu equipped and if I want them back in there I MANUALLY have to do it. That is more work than if i would just equip all my equipment out of my inventory.At least I would not have to play Infusion Bingo every time. Also since they made the Infusions and Sigills removable since October 30th 2018 according to the wiki they would have no problem to give the legendary weapons a option to lock them. We already have that fancy screen where we can choose the stat combinations etc.They can just add a small check box on the left side where you can choose to lock or unlock Sigills and Infusions. Heck I am not a programmer but I just can't imagine that giving the option to lock or unlock would break the code or give them a headache since the small checkbox would only make the legendary behave like a ascended weapon while it is checked and like a legendary if unchecked. Well my fix might be dumb but it would work and logic tells me there should be no problem but what do you all say?
  15. No.I am pretty sure I made myself clear but to clarify.Every weapon of mine has its own infusions AND THE GAME USES the same infusions across all templates it can and throws out the infusions I had in my weapons. To make an easy example: You have 6 legendary 2 handed weapons.Every one of those weapons has 2 +7 infusions for a grand total of 12 infusions. You spread those 6 weapons across 3 templates. The game will use the same 4 infusions you have in the first template you put the weapons in for the other 4 weapons in the remaining 2 templates. So it throws 8 +7 infusions in your inventory. It sounds good on paper since you free up 8 infusions but it forces you to put infusions back in every time you change any weapons in your layout. While it might be fine if you have enough legendaries equipped so you can just reassign infusions back but IT STILL FORCES YOU TO GO INTO THE MENU AND LOOK IF THERE ARE ONES IN OR NOT AND YOU HAVE TO ASSIGN IT BY HAND and that is exactly what those templates should stop you from doing. They should not create the same amount of work for you just in a different way then if you would just swap equipment out from your inventory.
  16. When you use different legendary weapons across more than 1 template it forces out the Infusions. Example:Use legendary greatsword in template 1 with 2 +7 Infusions.Use legendary shortbow in template 2 with 2 +7 Infusions. If you put in the greatsword in template 1 first and then put in the shortbow in template 2 it FORCES THE 2 +7 Infusions OUT OF YOUR BOW.They will be in your inventory since the game FORCES the 2 +7 Infusions of the greatsword into the bow. If you then want to change the shortbow to whatever other (non legendary) weapon you will have a Infusion-less shortbow in your inventory.If you change the greatsword to whatever other (non legendary) weapon then that one will magically have no Infusions since the game forces Infusions to stay in the last equipped legendary in whichever template. If you use ascended gear you do not have that problem. WHY IS THE GAME FORCING INFUSIONS OUT OF MY WEAPON?AND WHY WON'T IT LET ME PUT THEM BACK IN? If you even try to put the Infusions in your inventory back in it will simply take the greatsword Infusion even tough you clicked on the the one in your inventory. So if you only use ascended stuff with the template you have 0 problems. But why does it make problems with a MUCH MORE EXPENSIVE legendary? You can argue whatever you want.IT IS NOT PRACTICAL for me at the very least. I read in another post that it even kicks out legendary Sigills. For the love of god please fix this it is driving me crazy. And in all honesty if this problem will get the same disregard as the problem with the Perfected Envoy Jerkin on a Female Human I am done with this game. For reference that bug is :"If you use Perfected Envoy Jerkin on a Female Human together with a Infusion that changes the skin it also changes a part of the armor that it is not supposed to do." https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/342187#Comment_342187 I was told ALMOST 2 YEARS ago that they are aware of the problem but do not have a fix.How hard can it be to change the texture of 1 part of one piece of LEGENDARY ARMOR ....
  17. Well I do not know about normal T4 toxic elitists but if you look at the way everyone behaves online it is easy to see that the less information a LFG gives you the higher the randomness of said LFG group can be. If a group says "T4 Daily Meta only" you can expect a kick for anything not core meta since ppl want it that way even if it mostly can be nonsense but the LFG said so. If a group says "chill run" , "fun run", "no meta" etc you can assume it is going to be exactly as it was advertised. Well you can still get someone annoying who does not shut up about build, dmg or whatever who either joins just so he can flame and has fun annoying ppl or whatever reason you could have but well even in real life you have ppl buying a slice of pumpkin pie and complaining about it tasting like pumpkin so what do we even expect here. If the group says "CMs+ T4" and has a kp requirement and wants specific classes it is because the ppl making the group have enough of new players who have no idea about mechanics etc and are just doing it the way it works. Naturally a fancy build you had no idea existed can work out well but the emphasis lies in "CAN" so most ppl just do not care to try since it can fail just as much. (well if a friend of mine whom I do know off that the build works joins it is a different story but not pugs ^^) Also most of them are farming it just for the gold etc like I do myself. I rather wait 10 minutes in lfg while doing something different on my second monitor or watching TV than carrying someone failing mechanics or doing not enough (I do not care about benchmark dps myself but if the weaver has a hard dps race against the chrono well I am not even going to discuss it) dps. Well even here we have ppl faking kp with chatlinks but you sometimes think well lets just try him even tough he faked if he does good fine if not we can kick either way and also it cuts the waiting time. Here we also have the famous ppl leaving after either of the CMs or whenever but this is a different problem. If a group only flags "T4 Daily" you can expect a healthy mix of either saying nothing, having a "T4 Daily Meta only" feel, a "chill run" feel or a "CM" run feel since the LFG did not specify anything. I may have been a bit long winded but well it is just to show my point that in my opinion a longer LFG text restricts the kind of player that joins a group but if you only have a bland "T4 daily" everything can swarm in from elitist to noob. So it honestly is less of a raid elitism happening in fractals but more of a you get what you are looking for kinda situation.As if in you a LFG without any extra mentions it is a lucky draw with your 4 members and it can go from nice to "I so hate that one guy".A lot of ppl do not care about how they behave online since "why should I care not like anyone can do anything either way as long as I do not overstep my bounds" and a lot of ppl find enjoyment in pissing others off when they can do nothing against it. So there are 2 options one can picka) Deal with the group you get from a bland "T4 daily" LFG as in go along with the elite crying one, ignore him or kick him and move on.b) Make a longer LFG text that sorts out ppl or join a group with the requirements you like. In the Internet the moment you show any kind of reaction to a troll (or in our case someone crying about skills classes or dps in a bland "T4 daily" group) as in answering or starting a discussion or calling him out on his mistake you lose. While all of the groups I mentioned can have exceptions most of them won't. You naturally can get a super skilled person to carry the whole group all the way without any kind of dissatisfied voice of said person. You can also get the exact opposite. tl;dr : Join a group with specific requirement even if it is "chill run" and resolutely boot anyone complaining about said requirement and never ever start to discuss the content of said requirement since the moment you do you lose.
  18. Item: Perfected Envoy Jerkin + any Infusion that changes the skinRace: HumanGender: FemaleClass: Ranger (any Medium armor class)Description:If you use Perfected Envoy Jerkin on a Female Human together with a Infusion that changes the skin it also changes a part of the armor that it is not supposed to do.It is the part at the abdomen that goes around the whole character up to the spine.If you use a Winter's Heart Infusion it becomes an ugly grey and if you use a Celestial Infusion (Red) it changes the texture completely.If you combine both, the skin Including the described part of the armor has the Winter's Heart texture, that apparently always goes above the one from the Celestial Infusion (Red).You can see that the Celestial Infusion (Red) with its high opacity changes the texture of the armor part in the same way it does to the skin while the lower opacity Winter's Heart Infusion does not completely change it to the color of the skin and only in the combined picture it does since the base color is now the same.(I only own these 2 so i could only post these Screenshots but I have seen other Screenshots from Phospholuminescent Infusion with the same Problem) Without Infusion: With Winter's Heart Infusion: With Celestial Infusion (Red): With Both:
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