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Everything posted by Mell.4873

  1. It is but I know for a fact people do it for Willbenders all the time.
  2. A good tip would be to macro the Ambush mechanic on repeat then just go about clicking the other skills. I do this sometimes in PvE if I don't want to get really bad carpal tunnel.
  3. I mean all he did was longbow on a Druid, if he wanted to camp longbow he should have atleast played Soulbeast. Dying means nothing in this gamemode, pushing the node is the point and they also did a good job. It was really the dead weight that was this Longbow Druid that let them down
  4. Its not that bad I have been doing great on my Untamed Hammer plus Mace/Mace build. I end up chasing squashly Willbenders around.
  5. Yeah I agree, or could just let the spirit stick around and recasting the skills just replaces them. Let them pulse a few boons would probably be okay.
  6. It is a bit tedious to play but it is here to stay for the most part. Over all this explains most Ranger Elites they are all a little fiddly, the main reason people like Soulbeast so much is becouse I removes mechanics if you never unmerge which for a PvE setting is fine. Otherwise is you like to use the pet and use the flipping mechanic then Untamed is the best Elite. I find it very versatile and some of the pets become even stronger.
  7. Seem like all I see is Willbenders for offense, Dragonhunters for defense and Firebrands for support. Even roaming Thief's are slowly being replaced by Willbenders.
  8. You are really asking for to much. Many classes have issues and are not perfect but I would say that is the point. Giving Necromancer access to stability would just dilute what makes other classes like Guardian or Mesmer unique. I think all they need to do is move the transfusion downed pull to another skill, for example a utility.
  9. I don't think everyone needs stability to be viable as a healer. If transfusion doesn't pull players any more then maybe another skill should have a pull mechanic.
  10. Another pro is it is pretty easy to vote to forfeit per say because you can just fight off node and stop wasting time trying to contest a losing battle. For example if it's right at your spawn.
  11. Well I don't think anyone would be against diminishing returns on chain CC. That would probably solve alot of issues. That or you are immune to another cc after you stun break for like 3 seconds. Most people live with the fact that CC is a problem. At the same time this is a problem for your enemies too. The worse part of CC is being interrupted especially during a channeled heal.
  12. Honestly it not that bad. You can stun break after they throw all their cc on you. You can even wait out some cc, things like fear keep you moving so they can often get you out of danger.
  13. I think it's fine, its a bit vague on what the map collectable do. The buff that helps you push while contested is a great one but it's need more explanation. Over all I am having a blast in this game mode.
  14. My problem with Engineer is that most of its rotations even the simple kind tend to be very stationary. I like classes with more mobility and interactive elements. Throwing grenade or using a flamethrower isn't really engaging as Mirage Axe per say. Even if you swap kits alot I find the gameplay very campy.
  15. I think it's more down to the weapons. Most of our mobility comes from utilities while other classes it cones from weapons or their class mechanic like in the case of Willbender or Soulbeast. If they gave us more mobility weapons, which spear is a great start it will be better.
  16. You should be fine, the Power DPS numbers on Chronomancer are not great just make sure you have 100% critical chance. I use Phantasmal Defender instead of more boon duration, that and have food on hand to help.
  17. Naa I would prefer it to be always Ranged for primary attack at least. Maybe move the melee combo to skill 2 since that seems very redundant at the moment.
  18. Yeah but unlike WoW GW2 profession system has alot more tied to the individual class. If you get really good at a particular playstyle let's say Guardian then it's very easy to fill any required slot. I don't think Guardians should only be support classes. I often see players complain about trying a new class on not instantly being able to do the Snowcrows DPS. I think the real way to play GW2 is to focus on a few classes and truly master them.
  19. I think there is a difference between class diversity and make a class viable. An example of good design is a having every class being able to preform every role, boon support, boon dps and pure dps. An example of bad design is having a unique buff on your class like spotter which leads to your only purpose for joining a 10 man group being that trait.
  20. I will say in WvW it is often better to not play there game than to try compete. Most of my Willbender and Deadeye kills are from stacking condition damage on them from a Carrion armor set. They don't have time to react or leave if they are dead. Reverse element of surprise.
  21. An offhand axe would also work too. Not to sure what it could add but maybe a personal recall like Thief. It could also have extra effects based on the number of clones you have active.
  22. You can give it two charges if you use Mimic this is what I do in PvE. But I do get everyone's point it is very hard to catch people now days.
  23. I find access to stealth is more powerful that mobility. When I chase Mesmer's I can keep up but they can hide very easily due to stealth. Even if Willbender has alot of Speed there are ways to catch up and kill them since I can alway see them.
  24. By improving some of the underutilised skills they having directly buffed any playstyle so that is over all a good thing.
  25. Roamers can harass and down players who are trying to reach the point. You can then let them bleed out since most player will be to busy defending the point to resurrect them.
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