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Everything posted by Mell.4873

  1. They told us this for a while I don't know why you are supised. Every 10 person boon application got changed to 5.
  2. And here I am to say that I really enjoy Virtuoso and most of a my guild like it to. It plays so different than the other two elites, I mean without illusions for defence you spend most of your time managing aegis to prevent damage. It takes some time to get used to but it is amazing when it all comes together.
  3. Well I guess I would beg to differ but we will have to wait and see. I mean it took me a good year to learn chrono after several attempts at trying, the f4 and f5 merge helped a lot with that.
  4. I'm loving it way more than I should, being able to line up a bunch of enemy and then shooting the Bladesong Harmony though them is so satisfying. The gameplay reminds me of Mirage with the Mirage Cloak where you can avoid damage with well timed dodges, in this case its well time Bladesongs and Bladeturn Refrain trait. I just cant get over how easy it is to manipulate the fight from ranged with all of your skills.
  5. Haven't i made that point too??? I'm so confused about what everyone is arguing here. This is the exact reason i made this topic: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/108427-the-inevitable-disappointment-of-new-elite-specialisations/
  6. I still think its good and am pulling similar numbers to my chrono in most pve events. Hmm I don't think I make that many about Virtuoso I normally do topics in the profession category in general. PS: you know what i will make a Virtuoso topic right now.
  7. Run off hand sword and use Fencer's Finesse, I also run more defensive traits along the top of Virtuoso but that could change.
  8. I guess, I'm mostly just reacting to people flaming me in the replies. I still want virtuoso to be good, I will give it a go in fractals.
  9. Yeah I did find that one a bit weird, it's not like barrior is healing you.
  10. Sigh same day and same complaint about golem numbers. Let's just wait and see what they do, most PoF classes launched in a sorry state too. I mean I remember some stuff straight up didn't work like deadeye.
  11. I can't speak for FFXIV but ESO is probably the easier game on the planet. The power creap and general nerfing of pve content was so disheartening. I mean I remember that game being so difficult with Veteran Ranks. Sigh and the nerfs they saw just straight up removed mechanics from the game like removing the life steal off siphoning strikes, replacing it with a slow heavy attack version.
  12. I will agree with the boons, I think the first buff should be to give Virtuoso some better access to boons. Buffing core Bountiful Disillusionment would help, maybe remove stability and add a self quickness per shattered clone/blade.
  13. All of this is true for Virtuoso to so if anything it is equivalent damage
  14. The torment rune nerfed mirage lot to
  15. Isn't that the same thing, if necro and guardian are over preforming why buff everyone and risk power creep rather than nerfing the problem.
  16. I don't want to preform a crazy rotation during pve and most of time I don't Time Split since my target dies to fast so half the rotation is dead. In terms of just pure weapon damage, all those same weapons are on virtuoso the only thing I could maybe see is that you lose a little bit of critical chance from Danger Time. Getting clones up is a non-starter for most pve fights not to mention chrono has no damage utilities only really an ultimate on a long cooldown. (90 vs 60)
  17. Exactly, people claim don't play Mesmer but I play it to much. Trying to find the vet or champ in an enemy group so my phantasm don't disappear when I Continuum Split can be such a pain in the but. Some fight i can pull 15k (pve open world) dps while other is can barely do over 3k if my phantasms die. I hope to bridge the gap and consistently preform 10k dps.
  18. Just wait and see what they do, I suggested the 5 or 10 boon standardization along time ago and they finally implemented it which is nice. The sustain runes or traits where a little bit broken since you could avoid bringing any healing or damage reduction and just focus on damage.
  19. Well I can always switch back if I don't like it, die or don't do enough damage. For now I will play it and try work in focus to group up enemies to blow them up, I'm playing a inspiration build which work surprisingly well since stocking blades can heal allies.
  20. I'm one of them and I will still play it, its way easier to stock blades than clones so for pve its just fine. I want to see buffs to some of the core traits especially around boon application from Bountiful Disillusionment, it should be a per shatter buff.
  21. I use Tormenting runes on my mirage and it was pretty broken. I meant I could solo low level fractals and carry my guild through them and honestly it isn't much of a nerf since the biggest problem I had was dying when not being able to heal. Now I can shatter at distance and regen for 3 seconds.
  22. It will be tricky, a mix of marauders and dragons will probably be the way to go. Trying to get that critical chance to 100% and then go from there. I normally run pack runes for pve so that will help me get the 100% critical chance.
  23. Hmm yeah that will pretty much what I will do. I mean currently with my Chrono can keep up with the king of dps, Scourge which is about to get a nerf. In pve battles that roughly equities to 13 to 15k dps without raid buffs just self buffs. It might have a burst element to it but still. There is also potental for Virtouso to have higher numbers over time even if the shatter is worse due to how fast you can stock blades. Dragon armor is perfect for virtouso too, or even potentially grieving armor with Bleed since it all synergieses. I will have a play with it on launch and see.
  24. Yeah I can your point but i'm mostly hear to say I just like it. It is a shatter focused spec and it does have worse damage numbers than Chrono my main but I like it non the less.
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