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Everything posted by Mell.4873

  1. Yeah Im a bit puzzled by this too, ranger has one of the best core trait lines and you can see this since some pvp builds only use core ranger. I mean not many classes run core, maybe like guardian or engineer
  2. Staff maybe is the only ranged alternative that can get close to axes damage but you have no quickness application and it will be even less likely at range. But chrono is much better open world class since it is power based so their is not ramp up even if it less damage per second.
  3. It does not need to be functional in every part of the game, I mean I main mesmer but I won't bring it into pvp. Play the mesmer in pvp is not functional for me. For open world I prefer my ranger since it is more mindless and an easier rotation than try to play chrono where most of damage comes from duel swords. I am liable to die alot during any world boss but with my Longbow ranger I can sit back and enjoy the fight. My hope is the new spec will completely replace my Longbow ranger.
  4. My point I still valid maybe should have said that mesmer won't be affected like I did with necro.
  5. The only valid thing I see if the fractal modifier that lowers the health by a percentage is to punishing on low health classes. I small bumb on low health classes would be fine by me, it would not directly buff necro with it also being a light armor class but instead buff Elementalist and Thief. The problem will be guardian but a small health increase won't make it op since most of there defence comes from aegis.
  6. I 100% agree and regularly duel bounties with my mirage but it is not great for certain PVE bosses or mechanics. I mean trying to stay in melee while fight something like a Champion Arrowhead (auric basin) is so much work. Might as well sit back and relax with ranged specialization like chronomancer greatsword.
  7. Hmmm most classes have a open word pve spec in them, even ele with weaver can play just fine open world. The general recommendation is that you use offensive gear but defensive skills and traits. That means at least one stun break, one escape and one burst skill/utility/trait. Some strategies can be hands down broken, for one aoe stuns or cc conditions.
  8. I haven't tested it with my full berserkers gear so I can't say, when I played it during beta I was able to pull 10k on group fights as a pose to my chrono that could only pull 7-8k. Only mirage could pull better numbers, close to 15k but they are pure melee so they have a much higher chance of dying.
  9. Okay, I guess I just like the new elite specialisations especially ranger and mesmer ones. I guess I'm in the minority, I could see the number issue being justification for why they don't like it.
  10. I play a condition soulbeast it is amazing. The mobility and immobilisation I have is crazy. I can lock people down while a run circles around them.
  11. Yeah I can see your point, I mostly come here to voice my support of the new elite specialisations. I mean I don't want them to redesign them like many people have asked for. They just need to tweak and buff them where needed. There is not much point in arguing semantics since I have been all over the mesmer forum where they talk about virtouso, some of the post are me again so I get it. Alot of people are happy about the no-clone spec especially Elementalist players who wanted a ranged caster.
  12. Rather than making the fight harder by requiring stun breaks just provide more opportunity's to stun break. Maybe a minor defiance bar that does not generate exposure debuff rather just interrupts their attack animations could work. A good example is with Sorrowful Spellcaster since she can only be interrupt once per phase, but if she is casting a long animation why can't we interrupt that?
  13. Yeah I agree they will most likely nerf the other elites, at least the ones that are over preforming like Firebrand, renegade and scourge stated in blog post. It honestly is a good thing since the standardisation of boons will make the game easier not harder, power creap is a real problem in MMOs.
  14. Yeah I agree for the most part but don't you think they will buff the shatter damage. The whole virtuoso argument mostly revolves around this. Most people even don't care about the lack of clones. It seems like the whole problem does boil down to you cant please everyone when a new specialisation is introduced especially when we already have 2. I mean I want to play virtouso since I no longer need to deal with clones in open world pve. For fractals I will probably use the old elites specialisations.
  15. Yeah I agree, but they should give arena net some time to balance everything.
  16. Well there are raid bosses in pve. I mean most bounties are mini raid bosses even if they don't have as large of a hit boxes classes like the Virtuoso will still be valuable since they are ranged. Untamed will be valuable in terms of distracting veterans and bounties alike. I use chrono for that exact reason with its shield phantasm.
  17. I read alot of threads of saying people won't play the new elite specialisation because in terms of numbers the old ones are better. I would say what do you expect, the power creap would be too real if they where to up the numbers. I mean nothing will beat chronomancer 3 clone shatter on a golem but give virtuoso shatter a raid boss or aoe fight and they do more damage. Same thing with untamed, I mean people wanted a no pet class but that is literally soulbeast where there is no point in using the pet since command skills become OP when merged. Untamed provides a stronger pet where you can avoid the messy AI by teleporting the pet into battle. Edit: Not to bad of a response all things considering.
  18. My gosh this thread is a lost cause, all these walls of text. What do you expect every expansion that the new elite specialisation are better than the last two at every game mode. Damage numbers are not everything in pve and pvp.
  19. Oh I did have it wrong, I guess the second phantasm counts as a clone for the trait
  20. Okay so spawning a phantasm and when they are destroyed you get the quickness application. When chronophantasma trait is equipped it goes phantasm phantasm then clone, but you still get the double might. The best way to run the Greatsword is to actually not use bountiful blades but rather the dueling trait fencer's finesse. Then by opening with Sword off hand you can get some extra ferocity, not to mention the extra fury application from phantasmal fury.
  21. The mirage trait line is fine I would reword some of the stealth and shatter focused traits from core since if you are not relying on either they are dead weight.
  22. True but that is a more a direct buff for warriors and thiefs since both have many break bar options. Elementalist doe have quite a few debuff conditions so it will help them a little, especially using earth.
  23. Just change aura's to be on-enemy-hit. This would fix the majority of its problems. The only time the current auras are useful are in WvW but I feel like its more a problem since I leads to stronger zerg stacks.
  24. Hmm maybe but I think it's fine as a well, I mean chrono is a not a front line melee class even if it want to be with Sword. I guess you could make them have no caste time so they don't interrupt the shield block. That would make a sort of tank/support, this is essentially how I play it anyway when I support.
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