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Posts posted by Mell.4873

  1. On 1/18/2022 at 2:52 AM, anduriell.6280 said:


    Ranger is very unbalanced as a matter of fact. I has a couple of meme builds which works just because Anet's pity to not to nerf that skill that pull the whole build. 

    It has a GS with a full set of utilities and then we have the off-hands which provides nothing of value. Path of Scars still does 0 damage in both hits when the CC is on the second one.  Players still trying to make use of dagger off hand because nostalgia are fewer less everyday. 

    I've been saying this for the longest: Ranger needs a while rework. The fact that core is so underwhelming reflects in the untamed state.

    Yeah Im a bit puzzled by this too, ranger has one of the best core trait lines and you can see this since some pvp builds only use core ranger. 

    I mean not many classes run core, maybe like guardian or engineer

  2. 12 hours ago, Dadnir.5038 said:

    You're not forced to play melee as a mirage thought... There is this thing, you know, we call this "weapon swap".

    Staff maybe is the only ranged alternative that can get close to axes damage but you have no quickness application and it will be even less likely at range.

    But chrono is much better open world class since it is power based so their is not ramp up even if it less damage per second. 

  3. 51 minutes ago, Xenesis.6389 said:


    The problem here is you think virtuoso is fine because you play it in open world, which you can use practically any class or spec in and it really doesn't matter. When you take classes into different areas like hard content or pvp, it becomes a different matter. Many mesmers don't mind a cloneless spec, many asked for it including me, just as I'm sure many rangers didn't mind getting a pet less spec option with soulbeast.

    It's the way they handled it that is bothersome and requires changes for them to function properly in places like wvw, it's perfectly fine in open world where you're fight ai that barely even moves, not so much when you enter wvw and you have to deal with a whole host of bubbles and reflects and targets moving quickly in and out of cover and around you, suddenly your front facing cast time target required projectile bladesongs might be worthless than non los insta cast clone shatters in fights. Not to mention for all the main aoes you need to give up all your utilities which are usually very important on mesmer, and then they get handed a dagger with another two projectile based aoes....

    It's great you love the new elites, but keep in mind classes need to function in like 5 different areas of the game (open world, wvw, spvp, fractals, raids), there are going to be people who are not happy with it's performances in one of them, especially since a lot of the new specs don't even resemble their core class or mechanics. Even you are going to stick to old specs for fractals, that should say something. 🤷‍♂️

    It does not need to be functional in every part of the game, I mean I main mesmer but I won't bring it into pvp. Play the mesmer in pvp is not functional for me. 

    For open world I prefer my ranger since it is more mindless and an easier rotation than try to play chrono where most of damage comes from duel swords. I am liable to die alot during any world boss but with my Longbow ranger I can sit back and enjoy the fight. My hope is the new spec will completely replace my Longbow ranger.

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  4. 4 hours ago, The Boz.2038 said:

    Low health != low armor. This is specifically aimed at low health classes, and would not affect a necromancer.
    Low health is elementalist (light armor), thief (medium armor) and guardian (heavy armor).

    Also, for context, the differences between Defense values on armors at level 80, ascended quality is 967, 1118, 1271, which is a 15,6 and 13,7% difference.

    My point I still valid maybe should have said that mesmer won't be affected like I did with necro. 

  5. 3 hours ago, The Boz.2038 said:

    I wish they'd expand on the way current breakbars are in the game, just to communicate their meaning better. Examples:
    Expose bar - The current one on most of the bosses. Breaking it makes the target exposed, greatly increasing damage taken. Blue.
    Interrupt bar - Like the one on Ry/Bra in Dragonstorm - break it to interrupt an action and stun the target for a while. Yellow.


    Great idea A+

  6. The only valid thing I see if the fractal modifier that lowers the health by a percentage is to punishing on low health classes. I small bumb on low health classes would be fine by me, it would not directly buff necro with it also being a light armor class but instead buff Elementalist and Thief. The problem will be guardian but a small health increase won't make it op since most of there defence comes from aegis. 

    • Confused 1
  7. 9 hours ago, taara.3217 said:

    Mirage has one of the highest survival rate in game.

    I 100% agree and regularly duel bounties with my mirage but it is not great for certain PVE bosses or mechanics. 

    I mean trying to stay in melee while fight something like a Champion Arrowhead (auric basin) is so much work. Might as well sit back and relax with ranged specialization like chronomancer greatsword.

    • Confused 2
  8. Hmmm most classes have a open word pve spec in them, even ele with weaver can play just fine open world. 

    The general recommendation is that you use offensive gear but defensive skills and traits.

    That means at least one stun break, one escape and  one burst skill/utility/trait. Some strategies can be hands down broken, for one aoe stuns or cc conditions. 

    • Sad 1
  9. 10 hours ago, Levetty.1279 said:

    Virtuoso shatters do less damage, have less aoe and take longer to cast.


    You also seem to be confusing what people thought Untamed would be based on the teaser for what Untamed actually is.

    I haven't tested it with my full berserkers gear so I can't say, when I played it during beta I was able to pull 10k on group fights as a pose to my chrono that could only pull 7-8k. 

    Only mirage could pull better numbers, close to 15k but they are pure melee so they have a much higher chance of dying. 

    • Confused 1
  10. 48 minutes ago, Mesket.5728 said:

    Numbers are meaningless. We all know they go up and down with every balance patch. What matters is that they are weird. Most mechanics are odd and dont go well with the current pace of combat. Whats bad about it is that mumbers will never fix some of them. For some players like me, at this point, that's a deal breaker.

    Okay, I guess I just like the new elite specialisations especially ranger and mesmer ones. I guess I'm in the minority, I could see the number issue being justification for why they don't like it. 

  11. 8 minutes ago, Hirosama Nadasaki.6792 said:


    I don't. Arena Net has a very big habit of mucking things up and leaving them mucked for years on end. I'm taking things on a "I'll believe it when I see it" basis.



    It doesn't. At all. There are a myriad of complaints about it on several fronts, many completely unrelated to its damage output. Go browse the mesmer forum a bit and you'll find them in no time.



    A no-clone e-spec isn't inherently bad, in fact it's something people have been asking for a long time. The problem is Virtuoso takes away clones and gives nothing in return.



    There's a real big gap between "pleasing everyone" and the immense backlash Virtuoso is getting. And if anything having 2 previous e-specs should've helped the third one since that's 2 rounds of experience and feedback Anet has gotten on mesmer especializations.



    And that's fine. If you like Virtuoso and want to play it, go right ahead, enjoy yourself. Just don't try to come here and say people who complain about Virtuoso aren't valid while ignoring the vast majority of what they're saying in the first place. If anything, complaints about it will only help you, as they'll serve to make Virtuoso a better, more polished e-spec.

    Yeah I can see your point, I mostly come here to voice my support of the new elite specialisations. I mean I don't want them to redesign them like many people have asked for. They just need to tweak and buff them where needed. 

    There is not much point in arguing semantics since I have been all over the mesmer forum where they talk about virtouso, some of the post are me again so I get it. 

    Alot of people are happy about the no-clone spec especially Elementalist players who wanted a ranged caster. 

  12. 18 hours ago, zaswer.5246 said:

    i think it would end up being more of a bother than anything, i suppose youre talki g about raids fractals etc so ill answer based on those places.

    the combos in this game are already pretty good, a druid gor example makes use of them for healing, thing is everyone explodes them so on a boss you might see lots of light combos cause of dh and guards and are mostly random, to sum up, theyre good but most of them are combos made at random.

    for cc, well, i dont want to be in a boss for half an hour because it has 20 cc bars to break, also the more cc bars the more punished will be clases like warr and rev as theyre the main cc breakers, also those cc like headbut revs staff 5 and thief basilisk poison have cool downs that would make pretty difficult to do cc after cc too much, also little people know of care about cc, for example on sama, youll see the rev, warr or thief destroying the defiamce bar but then it'll decrease paingully slow because people are blinded by dps, also most degiance bars are do or die, on sama if you dont cc an ally dies, on vg not cc means caos and destruction, yeah maybe not all cc are that relevant but making cc more prevalent would be too much problem and solve nothing at the end.

    if you want to mske combos more relevant i think it could be good, even though now they are already a huge help if you know what youre doing, but cc bars are already importsnt enought, as far as high end pve goes, of course if youre in open world that doesnt matter at all, i mean most open world only players dont even know their own cc nor combos, nor even care to learn.

    as for making ele and warrior better.... warrior is already good enought, come on bladesworn is just fanservice because they cant give it more than it already has with berserk, spellbreaker is weaker in pve and i think should get a couple changes there but its not a priority, as for ele, well tempest is a good healer that except for alac and quickness gives good boons auras and heals and weaver is a good dps, maybe a bit more dmg, health or smth like that but it is not bad at all an with druid spirits changes i hope to see much more tempest so dunno.

    Rather than making the fight harder by requiring stun breaks just provide more opportunity's to stun break. Maybe a minor defiance bar that does not generate exposure debuff rather just interrupts their attack animations could work. 

    A good example is with Sorrowful Spellcaster since she can only be interrupt once per phase, but if she is casting a long animation why can't we interrupt that? 

  13. 1 minute ago, Daddy.8125 said:


    That's a problem with the fact they delayed core and current elite proffession changes to summer patch and have only done some minor ones around mainly PvP for EoDs launch. 

    They have started they intend to turn PoF and HoTs elite back to EoD elites power level. But yes it's a huge concern that this games about to launch a expansion where every new elite is effectively useless until potientally a patch several months after. 

    Yeah I agree they will most likely nerf the other elites, at least the ones that are over preforming like Firebrand, renegade and scourge stated in blog post. 

    It honestly is a good thing since the standardisation of boons will make the game easier not harder, power creap is a real problem in MMOs. 

  14. 2 hours ago, Hirosama Nadasaki.6792 said:


    Making the new elite specs intentionally weaker than older ones does not solve power creep, it just makes them dead on arrival while leaving the old power crept specializations still on top.

    Regarding Chrono/Virtuoso, a power chrono deals either equal or more damage than virtuoso regardless of raidboss or golem, and most importantly, it does so while still having big party utility. Virtuoso does nothing except damage, and it doesn't even bring enough damage to justify that.

    But the worst part is, all this benchmarking, damage values discussions isn't even the biggest complaint, the biggest gripe people have with virtuoso is that it removes a mechanic (clones) while not adding anything in return. Blades are nothing more than glorified stack counters, and you lose any utility that clones might have such as directing enemy damage and applying condis; and no, keeping blades after the target dies is barely a trade-off.

    On top of that, the virtuoso shatters do exactly the same thing core, chrono, and mirage shatters do, except worse because you can dodge them by side stepping, they have cast times, they lose the aoe, they require you to be facing the target (deadly difference in pvp), and they are susceptible to projectile hate; all on top of the F4 shatter being worse than distortion in every conceivable way.

    All in all, people are hating on Virtuoso because it brings nothing new, takes away much of the old, and is overall just a significantly worse version of core mesmer.

    All of this isn't to convince you to hate virtuoso aswell or to change your mind about it, I'm saying this so you can maybe understand why people aren't happy with some of the elite specs, and that even though you might not feel the same way as them, their views are still valid.

    Yeah I agree for the most part but don't you think they will buff the shatter damage. The whole virtuoso argument mostly revolves around this. Most people even don't care about the lack of clones. 

    It seems like the whole problem does boil down to you cant please everyone when a new specialisation is introduced especially when we already have 2. I mean I want to play virtouso since I no longer need to deal with clones in open world pve.

    For fractals I will probably use the old elites specialisations. 

    • Confused 1
  15. 2 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

    I think they are aware of the underwhelming response from community--it will be interesting to see how much manpower is dedicated to a rework of some of these.  

    A lot of this is misery is also tied to the nerfs they keep doing to core classes; and also things like CC not having any damage, a lot of skills still useless due to 300s CD, etc.  

    Since Untamed was mentioned in the OP and I really only play ranger, I'll just say the most exciting prospect is ability to control everything pets do.  With pet swap it makes it different than Soulbeast as you actually have a lot more variety, the downside is it isn't personal variety and hinging everything on a pet teleport is tenuous. They'd need to seriously buff core ranger in some way and also probably give some damage back on CC for hammer to be taken. 

    Knowing their line of thought to nerf the last e-spec to get people to play the current-- I think Soulbeast is in a good place with its one pet tradeoff, so I wouldn't want to see any nerfs to it.  

    Yeah I agree, but they should give arena net some time to balance everything. 

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  16. 5 hours ago, Jski.6180 said:

    They are just pve raid aimed and most ppl who pve are open world where being over specialized is bad for you. So you get dislike from most pve players and spvp/wvw. Raids are such a small population that any thing for it is seen as a waist of time by anet.

    I only have problems with them because how of they are passing over the older elite spec with quickness and alacrity anet thinking some how that not going to mess up the balancing.

    Well there are raid bosses in pve. I mean most bounties are mini raid bosses even if they don't have as large of a hit boxes classes like the Virtuoso will still be valuable since they are ranged. 

    Untamed will be valuable in terms of distracting veterans and bounties alike. I use chrono for that exact reason with its shield phantasm. 

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  17. I read alot of threads of saying people won't play the new elite specialisation because in terms of numbers the old ones are better. 

    I would say what do you expect, the power creap would be too real if they where to up the numbers. I mean nothing will beat chronomancer 3 clone shatter on a golem but give virtuoso shatter a raid boss or aoe fight and they do more damage.

    Same thing with untamed, I mean people wanted a no pet class but that is literally soulbeast where there is no point in using the pet since command skills become OP when merged. Untamed provides a stronger pet where you can avoid the messy AI by teleporting the pet into battle.


    Edit: Not to bad of a response all things considering. 


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  18. 5 hours ago, Noodle Ant.1605 said:

    the might from phantasmal force does double up/proc twice with chronophantasma because the phantasm “respawning” is triggered by it becoming a clone for the first time

    Oh I did have it wrong, I guess the second phantasm counts as a clone for the trait

    • Confused 1
  19. On 2/3/2022 at 8:34 AM, Sebrent.3625 said:

    For context, I'm aware of the builds posted for each game mode (Snow Crows, metabattle, etc.). Despite those, I still like to play around with builds.


    Playing around a bit with Chrono I was noticing a synergy between Domination, Illusions, and Chronomancer with Mesmer Greatsword



    1. Bountiful Blades ... Phantasmal Berserker summons an additional Berserker (phantasm)
    2. Compounding Power ... Creating an illusion increases your outgoing damage and gives increased condition damage (+2% Damage, +30 Condition Damage for 8s ... max stack 5)
    3. Phantasmal Haste ... Phantasms spawn with quickness. Gain quickness when you create a phantasm (1s)
    4. Phantasmal Force ... Phantasms deal increased strike damage for each stack of might you have. Gain might when your phantasms become clones.
    5. Chronophantasma ... The first time a Phantasm would become a clone, it instead resummons itself and attacks again.


    So when I cast just Phantasmal Berserker on my greatsword ...


    ... initially

    1. 2 phantasmal power
    2. 2s of quickness


    ... when they resummon theirselves

    1. 4 phantasmal power (+2 from previous)
    2. 2s of quickenss again
    3. 4 stacks of might


    ... when they become clones

    1. 5 phantasmal power (+2 from previous but caps at 5)
    2. 8 stacks of might (+4 from previous)
    3. 2 clones ready to shatter


    Anyone else use this for any game modes? Why or why not? Honestly, I'm just curious about others' experiences.

    Okay so spawning a phantasm and when they are destroyed you get the quickness application. When chronophantasma trait is equipped it goes phantasm phantasm then clone, but you still get the double might. 

    The best way to run the Greatsword is to actually not use bountiful blades but  rather the dueling trait fencer's finesse. Then by opening with Sword off hand you can get some extra ferocity, not to mention the extra fury application from phantasmal fury. 

    • Confused 1
  20. On 2/13/2022 at 2:29 AM, Avatara.1042 said:

    Eles have the worst break-bar options in the game, though.

    True but that is a more a direct buff for warriors and thiefs since both have many break bar options. 

    Elementalist doe have quite a few debuff conditions so it will help them a little, especially using earth. 

  21. On 2/17/2022 at 11:55 PM, Astralporing.1957 said:

    Make them apply boons on each pulse, not just on the last one. And add a trait in Chronomancer traitline that if selected will allow chrono to "drag" the wells along (changing them from ground targeted AoE into a pulsing aura around chrono).

    Hmm maybe but I think it's fine as a well, I mean chrono is a not a front line melee class even if it want to be with Sword. I guess you could make them have no caste time so they don't interrupt the shield block.

    That would make a sort of tank/support, this is essentially how I play it anyway when I support.

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