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Posts posted by Mell.4873

  1. 4 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    Well, no. That's not true but the point here is that your take is weird because whatever Anet does to banner is unlikely to 'fix' Berserker, in solo or team situations. 

    Well either way I will probably play it again especially with the bladesworn. I could see a full support spellbreaker being very strong in wvw. 

  2. 9 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    Dual Strike.
    Burst of Aggression.
    Heightened Focus.

    https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Quickness would have been a great place to do that double checking. But hey Dual Strike can almost perma upkeep quickness on its own if you max duration and take Axe Mastery in PvE. Counting the ways to apply only goes so far if you don't also look at duration versus CD. In WvW you'd need the two sigils to perma upkeep it, but that is entirely to do with how they neutered the quickness on Dual Strike in Competitive play.

    The axe skill its pretty limited but I guess. Look at chrono you can spawn a few phantasms and youcan maintain quickness. Soulbeast can maintain quickness even on a long bow.

    Hopefull with the banner changed you can maintain it without much boon duration. 

    • Like 1
  3. 5 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    This is weird ... because Berserker doesn't need this change to help them, in any PVE content. 

    1. Warrior/berserker is already desirable in team because of it's unique ability to buff stats with banners. 

    2. The boon warrior is likely to get put in the quickness role (because it's more thematically aligned to Warrior than Alacrity). Berserkers already have significant quickness to the point where they can perma self it. 

    I actually see any change to banners as ... concerning ... because banners already provide that 'desirable' situation for warriors that teams want and a banner application is an awkward path to self buffing. 


    What are you talking about warriors have one quickness application with a stance and that's it. 

    I even double checked, there is no other way except with gear. I mean even Elementalist has a few ways of achieving permanent quickness even if they don't have a delebrate skill for it.

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  4. 14 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

    Yeah, honestly, as long as there are alternatives to chrono, I don't think it's necessarily problematic to have quickness and alacrity coming from chrono as long as it isn't also doing massive DPS and providing all the other support that the party needs. Chrono was problematic because in its heyday it was literally the only way to get permanent quickness and alacrity, and as much as some people claim they shouldn't be, the endgame bosses are calibrated on having pretty high uptimes of those boons. In the current environment, pre-nerf chrono would probably be fine - it'd be an option when combined with a healer that provides might like druid or tempest, but so would firebrigade, and a bunch of other combinations post-EoD.

    Yeah they should revert some of the chrono changes, just making the Wells play similar to specter. Boons when to collapse them. 

    Right now even 100% quickness uptime is very hard on chrono even with 100% boon duration due to the need to keep clones alive long enough to shatter them. Mirage doesn't suffer this problem with alacrity since you can ambush anytime. 

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  5. 13 hours ago, Tails.9372 said:

    No it's stupid because it shows that A-Net doesn't seem understand the core of the issue. Players don't just play classes, they play builds to which the class is just one factor. Groups also don't just ask for general classes, they ask for specific builds that "fit the bill". To illustrate the issue:

    A player wants to play "A" on class "X".
    A group asks for a player with "B" on class "Y".

    Now A-Net sees this and wants to equalize the factor "class" so that the group only asks for "B" and the player can play on class "X". But here is the issue: the player wants to play ""A" on class "X"" and not ""B" on class "X"". Or to illustrate it even further: someone who wants to go around "guns blazin'" on a purely offensive Harbinger build is not going to care (at all) about the other more support oriented options the necromancer class offers while on the other hand a group asking for a specific support role is not going to care about someone who wants to play a build that doesn't offer what they want regardless of whether or not the class that person is playing could.

    The only real way how "Bring the player" could realistically work is by properly balancing how much selfish / selfless builds bring to the table which would require some heavy nerfs / penalties to things that focus on group support (which in turn would upset a lot of players) or some heavy buffs to the inherently selfish options (which is something A-Net doesn't seem to want) so that in the end:

    what a support build brings to the table = what a hybrid build brings to the table = what a selfish build brings to the table

    at least roughly holds true.

    The only reason I don't play warrior is because he has no party boons, that kind of defeats your point. 

    • Confused 2
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  6. 3 hours ago, Daddy.8125 said:

    Doesn't need to? May I ask did you look at gw2 profit margin from the quaterly by any chance. 

    Here's a hint it's barely visible on the graph. 

    This games dying unlike every other mmorpg so maybe just maybe it's not a case of they don't need to.... More a case of stupid enough not to. 

    Games on the break of a profit loss by NCSofts quaterly reports and you over there acting as if what they're doing is fine and people are ok with it 😂😂

    My god how dead does the game need to be before you aknowledge a problem. 

    Player perception isn't the problem. The problem is the disparity between choices. Your actively stating players should just be bad at the game to solve a solution. 

    It's very simple to balance with less disparity Anet just don't do it. 

    The game isn't dying its fine the problem it's facing are due to the lack of hard end game team content. This change will help since it provides assigned rolls to a group. 

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  7. 13 hours ago, Daddy.8125 said:

    It is bad though. 

    In terms of mirage it needed absolute gutting to sort out, so did chrono it left both in pretty sad states of gameplay to prevent how oppressive they got. 

    To stack, these aren't huge wait times correct. 

    But the fact they've left other metas in tact for 4 years kinda is horrific. No one meta should be ruling for 4 years. 

    Anet are extremely slow to react to alot of things sadly. 

    There are select proffessions (mesmer being one) who get dealt with quite quickly. But things like guardian get left broken for years. 


    Guardian had a slow climb to the top, appose to mirage and chrono which both needed nerfs right out of the gate.

    Even Firebrand ia only broken because of the boons, give everyone else the boons and they don't really need a nerf. 

    I am also a mesmer main too. 

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  8. 13 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    Maybe ... but I'm still correct. See, that's the point ... Anet doesn't need to balance tighter like other MMO's. Here is what is going to happen:


    Anet is going to allow all this boon sharing over many classes ... and things will just continue as they did before with some groups wanting specific things and others not ... and people complaining that groups wanting specific things don't allow them to play how they want so Anet needs to fix that. I mean, this thread is already on that path ... it's sad to see but the fact is that Anet can't fix players' perceptions.


    There is essentially no fix outside of what we got in the base game which was 0 boon share. 

    This problem still won't go away since content will always favour a particular class or style.  A Trinity is the only way around this, which is what they want to implement. 

    I mean base game warriors was the only classes allowed to go into dungeon speedruns, shall we return to that? 

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  9. 37 minutes ago, Daddy.8125 said:


    No MMORPG Balances to a "Meta Standard". however Every other MMORPG Gets their balance 100x tighter then Anet does, stop acting as if this a "individualist trait to anet" Because it simply is not. you arent Right.

    your not Right, you simply blame everything on "meta pushing" and Attempt to invalidate good critism based on false accusations of this mindset you blame anything anyone says critically on the game on some "oh well anet cant balanace meta" Anet have not done "Exactly what people have been asking them to do for months" not by a absolute mile.

    - No game balances based on meta. it doesnt exist, what games do is make Changes, Nerfs and Buffs to classes (or whatever system they run this on) to decrease the disparity by as much as possible to ensure "Sub optimal" Choices do not feel like direct "Wrong choices".

    - Anets balancing is one of the worst of the Genre, and their metas tend to stick around ALOT longer then its competitors, its a Area requiring improvement

    - you try to state they dont aknowledge roles as part of the game, yet their latest post quite litterally stats the absolute opposite.

    - you try to Circle around the whole "Elites are to provide a new playstyle and not a direct upgrade" but name a Elite that is not "A Direct upgrade to core", because if u cant locate it, its because the game Never put those words into actual action. they simply stated it and did the absolute opposite.

    - you try to say "More regular balancing Wont improve the situation" yet ignore the fact the vast majority of critic made towards the company by both the players, outside players and players who've quit is quite litterally because of how long things remain meta.

    "meta standard balancing" DOesnt exist. Anet just do some of the worst balancing avaliable in the genre. thats just factual, they're also terrible at reworking and revamping Old Weapon sets which have lost value over the years which pushs the game into more and more "Correct and Incorrect choices".

    I'd love to know what u think anet have done that the playerbase as asked for continosuly. because i've seen nothing but not meeting the Demand realistically.

    it is Clownshow balancing. in no MMORPG i've ever played have i seen a company lack the competence to not have a Singular Meta build exist for 4 years, yes every game has metas. no matter what u nerf there will always be a "meta" but u just seem to be happy to accept Sub-Standard Products. your not right. U simply just blame everything on "meta pushing mindsets" and Never actually respond to the fact most are commenting on the disparity in proffessions and not "Nerfing meta" most players are aware u cant "Remove meta". they just dont want the Meta be as strict as it currently has in regards to good and bad choices.

    how can Anet themselves admit they've failed at a part of the game faster then u can..... im pretty certain your litterally paid by anet to come on the forums and push these views.


    I have the complete opposite opinion I believe most other MMO devs react to quickly and harshly with their nerf. This is especially true of the other similar game ESO which guted all of the unique powerful aspects to a class. 

    I mean it took ArenaNet untill all most of the platinum ranked matches being filled with mesmer to nerf the dodge down to one. 


    We have had the current meta of for a little over a year and honestly I don't think it is as bad as people make it out. The main issue is that FB can provide quickness reliably and heal while chrono is really hard to provide quickness and Scrapper is bad at healing small groups. 

    • Like 3
  10. I feel like most of the new specs are more geared towards pve and potentially strikes since that is content they are pushing. 

    Untamed just add way more option unlike soulbeast which arguably removed your pet in favour of better stats and self buffs. 


    With the extra options untamed can remove potential problems or help allies. With the changes comming to spirits they could become a really interesting support.

    • Like 2
  11. 11 hours ago, Dadnir.5038 said:

    The "most effectives" at giving those boons will get the spots, having the these boons don't necessarily make one effective in the role of providing these boons. When you have an unique buff, you're automatically the most effective at providing it making your "value" soar. This is how vicious the concept of "meta" is.

    For example, If you look at raid popularity over the years, warrior have been steady with around 10% popularity for many years simply due to it's banner unique buffs. If the change were implemented in the current game, the warrior would just be kicked out of it's niche in raids, probably in favor of ranger due to spotter (which is, at least, in an offensive traitline).

    No that's never the case aslong as you can bring the buff you can fill the slot. People are not that fussy since more time spent looking for the correct class could be spent playing the content.

    This is especially true for fractals and strikes, raid I could see more of argument for being more strict. 

    For example people are happy for me to bring alac mirage even if I have less cc I make up with it with extra aegis applications. 

  12. 31 minutes ago, Dadnir.5038 said:

    Unfortunately, it seem that the devs would rather remove the warrior's banners and ranger's spirits unique buff in favor of boons that are already overflowing in game than do this "unique buff" favor to the elementalist.


    Yeah true, but its not all bad atleast we have more options for alac and quickness 

    • Sad 1
  13. Well the obvious choice is for spirits to provide quickness and banners to provide alacrity. This would give another healer who can do quickness and might. 

    Alacrity on a berserker would be amazing and we'll worth it since utilities don't add much. 

    Gunblade kind of need their utilities but spellbreaker on the other hand could be a full support boon stripper. 

  14. On 1/28/2022 at 4:42 AM, Isshagal.3016 said:

    Most of the elementalist skills are user focused or even user exclusive, with cooldowns not really reflecting that.

    While other classes either very fast recharge on better skill (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Blink vs https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Summon_Flesh_Wurm vs https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lightning_Flash  ) or have it as group utility (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sand_Swell and https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shadow_Portal), or classes that apply party-wide effects to everyone in radius, we get to pop Armor of Earth or Cleansing Fire just for ourselves.


    As a mobile (weapon evade skills, easy swiftness, somewhat superspeed), light armored, low hp profession we're required to never or almost never get hit.

    Yet the main thing we've been given is aurashare, which relies on being hit to produce effect.

    What's more, every traitline has something in that regard, splitting aurashare to multiple lines.

    What I'd love to see, is both moving aura support tighter together and giving us Elementalists option to support our group.


    Changes to weapon summons and elemental glyphs i won't touch, because they've been discussed to death already. (Sadly, to little effect)


    >Let me trait my signets or glyphs to affect the whole party, instead of being always there passively.

    >Make auras to produce effect on-hit instead of on-being-hit.

    > Give Eles passive party-wide effect. Instead letting me dual attune just for me, give the trait benefit to group, maybe reducing full effect. 5x100 power is much better than 1x150 power

    (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Elemental_Polyphony or https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Empowering_Flame)


    Any other suggestions?

    On 1/29/2022 at 9:13 AM, Dadnir.5038 said:

    The elementalist share a lot, so the answer is probably bad share.

    - The "value" of the boons the elementalist share have droped simply because those very boons have been spread on all professions over the years.

    - Auras, while interesting in niche PvP situation, have little real value as support.

    - Conjured weapons have long lost their shine.

    - Arcane power was nerfed shortly after it started to be exploited.

    - Overload air's static charge is anecdotic.

    - The elementalist have decent party cleanse yet is far outclassed by the leader in the cleansing business (engineer).

    However, the elementalist healing output is one of the best in game.


    Personally, I think that changing fire aura's "might when struck" to a flat 150 power or a flat +5% strike damage when under the effect of the aura would be of great help to the elementalist.

    Extending the base duration of fire aura and frost aura could help as well. It's understandable for shocking aura and magnetic aura to have short duration due to their effect, but fire aura could very well be permanently up and it wouldn't affect balance in any way granted how weak it is.

    Arcane power could have a change of fonctionality, having a damage component that would carry elemental surge's effect while the party ferocity bonus would become a long lasting effect that wouldn't last 2-4 hits.


    Fire aura granting 100-150 power and Arcane power granting 100-150 ferocity would be enough to complement the elementalist kit and put him in a pretty good spot as a support. (it would be equivalent to giving elementalist banners that don't need to be picked up and instead are integrated into the damage rotation)

    I like that change, that would bring auras in line with things like banners. I would also allow combo field stacking since the EoD spec could really be strong if you could. 

    Imagine a fire field and water field combo keeping everyone with 25 might and healed without needing those roles in a group. 


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