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Posts posted by Mell.4873

  1. 18 minutes ago, Daddy.8125 said:

    Or in spvp core shatter mesmer, although it gets memed on alot, its burst isn't complicated and it does do pretty well. 

    Been using it alot at gold 2 and had pretty good success with it as basically you just +1 fights with the burst and use its mobility to decap 

    Yess it is very strong, you can even catch a theif off guard and down him very quickly. 

    Its a higher damage hit and run class compared to theif. The only downside it trying to team fight when you are outnumbered. 

  2. Mesmer is not for everyone your best bet it to take mirage or chrono into pvp and try preform some of the more basic rotations. 

    Mesmer is a very situational fighter especially for chrono, you need to commit more resources on hard to kill enemies or you just Bleed them slowly. 


    I love it since I can create diversions with shield phantasm with Chrono or dodge all attacks with mirage. Again it comes back to how you spend your resources. 

  3. 6 hours ago, DragonMoon.6098 said:

    I struggle with rotations in general, because while you can remember a rotation, and they totally work on an enemy that doesn't move or doesn't have friends, all bets are off (at least for me) when you're in a dynamic event rather than static. 

    I guess I would shorten the rotation alot in pve. For general pve sick-me into maul then weapon swap and use Longbow barrage. For a boss I would do one wolf pack into rapid fire and then barrage. 

    The weapon trait quick draw can be amazing since you could Greatsword leap twice in quick succession, or maul into leap into maul into hilt bash into maul. 

    • Like 1
  4. Just now, anduriell.6280 said:

    Well you are correct, but when tagging mobs in Openworld trains "long" CDs can be an issue. 

    In WvW the important part is the extra utility from the ambushes. But untamed has a different issues set when talking about WvW mainly focus in on the pet survival and the lack of team utilities. In WvW zerging the damage itself is not that important. 

    So in openworld the untamed has not enough cleave and damage to quickly tag mobs and in WvW/team play it  hasn't enough utility and pets are a hindrance most of the time. 

    Okay well we shall see when it comes out, I'm sure if it is underperforming they will buff it. 

    • Like 1
  5. On 2/11/2022 at 11:58 PM, anduriell.6280 said:

    Ambushes are not what you think they are. They are not big damage, they practically land the same damage as the autos in the same span of time. 

    They bring cleave but again if it's cleave what you are looking for, one random attack every 15 seconds is not enough. 

    Untamed feels like a downgrade from core in many aspects.  And cantrips are a downgrade in many aspects to core utilities. 

    More access to aoe and cleave is good, and long cooldowns mean nothing in open world pve and WvW

    • Like 1
  6. 3 hours ago, DragonMoon.6098 said:

    Yes, I'm finding that with the Sic'Em Soulbeast I've been trying out, that if I don't kill everything after that first combo, I really struggle, especially if there is a dog pile of mobs. One big mob, then ok but for those events where you just get dog piled, or if there is so much going on where you really can't even see what is happening, I have an easier time sustaining with the Condi Druid. Like I just ran the Drakkar meta and when you're up there wailing away at Drakkar's foot, you legit cannot see what is happening. I don't think I would have done nearly so well with the Sic'Em Soulbeast for that event...compared to running it with the Condi Druid. 

    I've been trying to get as good as I can with the Ranger because that particular character is my main roleplay-wise, so I play her the most. But once I get caught up on story content, and I'm just farming achievements, I can think of other classes that are more fun for me to play (such as the Chill Power Reaper...sooooo fun!)

    Yup sounds about right. I used to play exclusively condi soulbeast with shortbow and axe/dagger, torch. Which I still do for pvp but I switched since I wanted more damage and not to die in berserkers gear.


    The answer I found was to use dueling type classes with lots of evades like mirage, or if I needed range power chrono.

    Now that is my main but its not for everyone since there is no set rotation with mesmer rather everything is situation with trade offs.

  7. Open world content is ultimately a mixed bag since every encounter can favor melee, ranged or aoe. The best ranger builds for pve are ones with a melee and ranged weapon, and some trap aoe.

    The best bet is greatsword and longbow for power and shortbow and axe, torch for condi.


    When I played the bursty soulbeast I would always risk dying if I didn't finish the target first since soulbeast is not great at dueling, distracting or stunning large groups or breaking defiance bars. 

    To be perfectly honest for me there are better open world classes. 

    • Like 1
  8. 10 hours ago, Urphen.2857 said:

    Are you even playing this game? 

    Chrono good healer but problems with enough shatters? 

    Pls tell me how can chrono have problems with shatters for quickness?

    Rly I see you claiming every time wat a good and experienced mesmer player you are an than there is every time coming something like this, chrono can't Heal consistently enough to be a healer and scrapper what you calling inconsistent is in reality a good healer + giving quickness is easy.


    For real at this point it's seems to be pure trolling or the lack of basic understanding of classes

    Well I find it hard to get enough clones up to shatter them, enemies die or the clones die before I can get 3.

    This is very true in fractals where I most play. 


    Mantra chrono can provide alot of burst heals but very little in the way of consistent healing, while Scrapper is the opposite your primary burst heal is bandage blast and vital burst but you have endless med blaster spam.

  9. 7 minutes ago, Daddy.8125 said:

    the problem is. this game slowly falls into "micro balancing"

    because its Spreading Layers of more and more accessibility to boons.. so its no longer "looking for Quickness" its "Looking for a Quickness that can also provide aegis and stab I.E Firebrand"...

    and with every new launch they gonna have to bundle that alittle higher to change the meta, til u eventually arrive at between 2 players they stack all the boons.

    Boons are kinda Long term faling system where this is considered because its effectively the biggest role suppression wins, instead of bringing players who bring different roles.

    Honestly I only really see that with firebrand and that is mostly because the other two quickness healer are so hard to play. 

    This is from personal experience, chronomancer has very good heals with mantras but getting enough shatters off to get 100% quickness uptime is really hard. 

    Scrapper is a little better off with quickness but the heals are to inconsistent and the barrier application is not strong enough to justify it being taken.


    If they made the boon application more consistent in those other two specs you would see more role diversity. 

    • Confused 1
  10. Both Warrior and Elementalist have been left behind with the boon heavy meta with bother having very few ways to self or party boon (besides new ele)

    What would help is providing a better system for breaking defiance bars, maybe they recharge quicker allowing them to be interrupted more, providing  warrior with a much needed buff. 

    Combo fields and auras by extension should be reworked, my recommendation is that combo fields should stack which would be an amazing boost to Elementalist. Auras should not be on-self-hit but on-enemy-hit. 

  11. 14 hours ago, Daddy.8125 said:

    You can disagree with any part you want, it's statistically proven. 

    Quaterly reports are released by NCsoft showing this games earning and popularity. 

    Wingman and more track all fractals and raids being done + the teams that do them. 

    The content? I'm not asking for content. I'm asking for balance which does more then allow 3 proffessions to tower over the rest. 


    I agree there needs to be some balance around the top three professions since I have on many occasions complained about them too. 

    The best reason why balance in this game is self defeating is that there will always be the top professions. I believe this game does a good job of making classes who have a broken mechanic still feel good, most other MMO nerf the unique and op part of classes into the ground like what happened in ESO. 


    The true way out is stick to the implementation of their new classes and don't back down even if the player numbers suffer. They need a true trinity to survive, one that content can be created around. 


    • Confused 1
  12. 19 hours ago, Daddy.8125 said:

    you equate, the fact 3 of 9 Proffessions are spammed in 87% Of Group and Raid Content by current statistics.

    To stack ontop of a lack of versatility and diversity.

    Ontop of a huge power creep which is plaguing PvE and Removing any challange it remotely has.

    Should not be changed? Like are u a Arena net employee undercover or what?... GW2 is bleeding in popularity. Its almost non-existant on the Quaterly charts provided by NCSoft and is by far at its Absolute Lowest how Much more does the game need to die before you understand that could potientally be a problem.

    The Playerbase are hemorraging and theres no new players joining. this game Does need to change. the Meta Does need to change, and Improvements are absolutely vital right now if you want this game to live beyond 6 months of EoDs launch, because right now this games falling down a hole realistically.

    PvE Content is a Joke. its Widly imbalanced and everyones bored of the same 3 proffessions being spammed.

    PvP Content is completely imbalanced and the Meta is one of the most boring things that could exist.

    WvWvW has been abandoned for years

    Dungeons Still exist yet have no purpose. Fractals have been sat getting stale with no rejurvanation, DRMs were a major failing point and Strikes got a tiny bit of Popularity but didnt exist for long,

    Raid mechanics Need dynamic, Stack and Slap meta is boring AF. stop locking groups into blobs with boon requirements and create Real mechanics to create a Need for both ranged and Melee options.

    Open world content has become mind numbingly easy to the drastic levels where its common to just now AFK World bosses and leech the rewards.

    and your sat here seriously saying "nothing needs to change" Sometimes i'm so grateful anet do ignore us, and this thread is a Perfect example of those moments.

    Hmm I would agree with some of this but I would just stay stop playing and come back when the content you want comes out. It seems now days the most successful/popular MMOs have to stick around long enough for the content to become relevant. 


    The meta is never set in stone I mean I play alac mirage and that is technically not best in slot. I even play it different by trying to spam short duration aegis which makes fractals very easy when it works. 

    • Confused 1
  13. On 1/29/2022 at 8:04 AM, DeceiverX.8361 said:

    The lack of trinity is the reason why an overwhelming majority of people joined GW2 in the first place in 2012.

    Trinity play is a boiled-down and oversimplified version of the required skill for players across the board to succeed, creates toxic environments where one player failing can bring down groups and waste a lot of time, and drastically reduces an overwhelming majority of the tactics and strategy available in the PvP modes.

    The patch frequency and balance isn't even close to being tight enough to make this gameplay compelling, either, and specifically boons do not have healthy counters since overabundance of corrupts/strips negates build diversity even out of their desired context.

    Boons were always intended to be short-term power gains.  Look no further than For Great Justice being considered a good utility years ago, and a total of 10% boon duration being worth sacrificing your runes in the case of ZvZ for a lot of people.

    Honestly, I'd rather no boons at all than what we have right now.

    I believe it does provide alot of wiggle room since not every class can provide the same boons and in the same way. I mean mirage alac can only provide a 100% uptime during combat but is more consistent while renegade is a one time skill with a long duration so very inconsistent if you miss the aoe. 

    • Confused 1
  14. 2 hours ago, phokus.8934 said:

    You can ignore what he says about Virtuoso and Mesmer in general.  His posting history on the subject is severely lacking critical thought and submendoza line gameplay.

    Virtuoso in its current iteration is just inferior to Chrono and Mirage in every way possible and that's not up for debate.  It's true whether you believe it or not.

    That a horrible thing to say about me. I am giving honest feedback to the original poster. 

    That's how I played it during the beta whether is better than a chrono main is up for debate untill in launches. Probably not though since chrono is melee

  15. 2 hours ago, Kondor.2904 said:

    You do realise that a fully charged f1 bladesong is almost equal in dmg to a 1 clone chrono f1 shatter but has a cast time ? What ramp up you're talking about ?

    The rest is also applicable to any mesmer spec, which can all shatter from 1200 range too and do not need enemies to be in a line for aoe dmg to occur...

    Not sure what advantage you're talking about, virtuoso is definitely going to have an advantage over pchrono in PvE but hardly because of its regressive shatters.  

    There is way more involved to get 3 clones to stay like long enough to shatter with Chrono. Virtuoso does not have that problem pve

  16. Don't listen to the negative comments.

    The main advantage virtuoso has is that the clone(blades) are pre stocked so there is no ramp up for damage.

    Put focus one offhand and group the enemies together and nuke them. Chrono can do something similar but not from range which can make them very micro intentive in open world pve.


    My rotation when playing was to focus 4(group up), weapons swap to sword offhand. Phantasm on 5 for ferocity and then hit F1 to nuke the group.

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  17. 4 hours ago, Daddy.8125 said:

    Another idea I'd like to see in PvE is the exposed bar change.

    Change the system to being centred around a massive attack which you must CC down to stun the opponent to prevent the attack. 

    These attacks could be different depending on which boss your fighting to keep thematic with the fight. But could defintly be Boon rip or corruption mechanics as a physical punishment for not achieving 

    Also if they'd make boons raid wide instead of small radius wide I'm be a big fan of that, if the gameplay wasn't so stack requiring it could open up its raids to having larger mechanics which require ranged options to run out and do these mechanics outside the fight. 

    Be a really good way to make ranged builds have a purpose without requiring number balancing to achieve. 


    Yes yes, I was going to suggest this in my original post but I didn't want to overwhelm the reader.


    Allonf with your idea would be to reduce the defence bar recharge time. 

    All of this would create the fourth archetype, a sort of stunning brawler with warrior, revenent, thief being the most used. 


    I think the mutation system from bounties should just be applied game wide since that has what you described, with some mutations forcing you into ranged or melee. 

    • Thanks 1
    • Confused 1
  18. 6 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    A boon heavy meta can only exist in a healthy manner as long as there is an equally impactful boon rip/steal meta in all game modes.

    Make the raid/strike/fotm bosses rip/corrupt boons, as in all boons on all targets in range on certain attacks. Dodge it and you'll be fine (kekeke "Just Dodge It")

    Increase the amount of boon rip on Spellbreaker and Mesmer (increase all boons removed on each skill/trait by 1). Add a means of persistent boon denial like the effect from Winds of Disenchantment to those two, as in put into a GM trait that ripping a boon denials reapplication of boons for 1s. Duration does not stack, just refreshes.

    Add to Leeching Venoms so that venoms also steal a boon per strike. Thieves might get a spot in squads that way.

    I would agree with pvp and the new elite specialisations hopefull will help with boon ripping. 

    In terms of pve content I think its fine if bosses don't have boon rip, just make the fight hard enough so that a support class might die. 

    • Thanks 1
  19. 7 hours ago, Daddy.8125 said:

    Heavy boon meta isn't creating trinity. It's unbalancing PvE content while power creeping proffessions insanely. 

    Raids have trinity via having a tank system and healers existing effectively. A DPS providing a boo. (I.E Condi Firebrand) doesn't create a trinity if anything just bolsters the quantity of damage your spamming. 

     A trinity boon wise would be to go back and make this game alike FFXIVs role creation. 

    You would have proffessions that are generally focused on mainly support capabilities and their elites generally change its way of supporting. That do low DPS but hold alot of the raid DPS in. 

    Due to how elites work tho this won't exist, so you end up with these builds that do all the damage, provide all the boons, and are spammed in content excluding others. 

    Heavy boon meta, is responsible for PvE unbalancing, power creep making PvE difficulty a absolute joke, and alienating certain proffessions. 

    What goods a trinity system if the game at its hardest equalises with WoWs LFR function lol. 

    Tanks don't work outside raids and even within raids you only have one true option, mesmer

    Tanking In this game boils down to how many invulnerable abilities you have


    I much prefer the boon heavy meta in fractals. 

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  20. I have seen alot of people calling for it but I really like it since it provides a true holy trinity.

    DPS provide might and minor buffs like swiftness and fury: ele, warrior, ranger

    Healers normally provide quickness and sometimes regen, aegis, protection and stability: guard, mesmer, engi

    Boon support provide alacrity, protection, stability, aegis, resolution: mesmer and revenant


    With the advent of EoD, we will have another alacrity support with engineer and another healer with theif. 

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  21. 4 hours ago, Hirosama Nadasaki.6792 said:



    You start up saying Mirage is really strong in pvp, and the mirage dodge is great for dealing damage while also evading, then afterwards you say that the damage gain on mirage dodge is useless, and that Mirage can't do anything well in conquest.


    Please, pick one of these stances, but only one.

    It is my observation that it is really strong in pvp but I don't play it since i can't do well with it in pvp. 

    • Confused 7
  22. I do not know much about warrior but I believe if you buffed the core advantage underperformed classes like Elementalist have then you would fix the problem. 

    Elementalist for example had combo fields and auras, buff those and you will balance the core class. 

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