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Posts posted by Mell.4873

  1. On 12/18/2021 at 7:20 AM, FrownyClown.8402 said:

    Ele isnt the only profession with out of date mechanics. The entire game needs to be scrubbed and updated

    Most other classes don't have a core mechanic like combo fields or aura's behind an outdated system. I mean some of mesmer weapons are a bit clunky like no leap on sword 2 but it still usable since the core mechanic that being clones is fine. 

    The most I can think of clunky weapons or skills, maybe some of Thief class can be a bit redundant at times but they have a use in group play if you know what you are doing. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Hannelore.8153 said:

    They already fixed this, starting with the first class beta a while back you now prioritise your own combo fields over anyone else's. it was a bit buggy for a while, but it seems they ironed it out.


    The irony is this change was made for Catalyst in particular.

    Well that is good to hear, I still think they need some sort of group buff. It would give some of lesser used weapons on Guardian to shine like the hammer and buff Elementalist alot. 

  3. 4 hours ago, Jski.6180 said:

    If you control the field you combo in that field if its not still bugged.

    Combos dont do strong effect effects is what it comes down to. There needs to be a real look at the blast boons and leap cc for all fields. If the effects are the same for leap and blast then that is a waist of an effect.

    Ice field Blast should be a boon (Resolution maybe) or even a barrier frost aura should stay with leap only OR we make the leap a ice burst from the sigil effect.

    Ethereal field should be a boon (Alacrity) on blast OR the leap needs to be needs to be a displacement and or gravity effect.

    Lighting field should be a Quickness on blast not swiftness (truth be told i think swiftness needs to be cycled out of the boons and +33% should be given to everyone all of the time.) The leap seems fine.

    Poison field should be fury on blast. The leap being weakness fits well.

    Smoke field the leap needs to be a reveal and a root. Blasting stealth is fine.

    Water field the leap needs to be a daze. Blasting water for a aoe heal is fine.


    Love this idea, I also thought maybe the fields could combine to provide these boons but I'm sure that would be hard to implement.

  4. 6 hours ago, BunjiKugashira.9754 said:

    I would go for comboing with every type of field once. That way people can't overwrite your fire field with a poison one, but you also can't get instant 25 might from stacking 9 fire fields. For combo fields of the same kind it doesn't matter with which one you combo. Stats and traits are always taken from the player doing the finisher. Also this would incentivize having different combo fields out, which could increase class and build diversity.

    "Only 5 unique combatants can combo with a given combo field." This is another rule I would abolish. The availability of combos has long since been balanced through the availability of combo finishers. Or at least scale this up to 10 players for raids and other 10 man content.

    I think by allowing only one type of field to stack would be fine, that way each class would have a unique application. Like Thief providing smoke or mesmer providing chaos fields.

  5. 11 hours ago, Demented Yak.6105 said:

    Comboing with all fields seems way over the top. I can't imagine the ridiculous amount of burning people would get from projectiles on 100 fire fields. Comboing with up to 3 fields or all fields from your party sounds good though.

    Aura suggestion is great.

    It might sound op but would be another boon support playstyle where elite squads would try keep up applicants of fields, it would also be much harder since they are stationary buffs unlike boons.

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  6. 12 hours ago, Sunshine.5014 said:

    +1 on both.

    Combo fields used to be the selling point of GW2. When the game was first released, being able to combo or not is what set apart players. No fire field blasting? No might for you. No water field blasting? WvW zerg die. Nowadays, it contributes so little to the overall effectiveness that most people don't even care to combo. I don't even remember the last time a commander ask for a water field or blast. They ask for "engi bubble" instead.

    Combo fields need a big buff.

    Very true and believe if they were buffed it would provide a meaningful buff to Elementalist. Right now the whole class seems lost in meta of gw2 with no defining role. 

  7. The real problem with combo fields is that they don't stack which mean someones dps rotation can place the wrong combo field for you. The simple fix is to have all combo fields stack and apply all the buffs or conditions.


    The next change is the aura skills since most a useless in groups, being hit to achieve a boon it very unrealistic. Why not just provide a boon or condition when attacking much like spirits do for ranger.

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  8. My main thing I don't like is the thing that makes Elementalist unique is just not strong. This would be combo fields and auras. Maybe in the past they ment something but the system is not well explained so no one uses it.

    I could see a reword around these two systems being a major improvement, maybe stacking combo fields results in stack buffs or damage and aura could be effected by boon duration and receive a buff. 

  9. On 12/12/2021 at 5:50 AM, Twilightmage.8309 said:

    As it says, I think the new elite spec looked interesting to me and was thinking of making a mesmer now to get used to them and lvl up, but was curious if the greatsword or other power weps were ranged or not. I saw they have beams and stuff but I also see a lot of mesmers in melee range so I wasn't sure. I tend to like ranged playsteyles so figured it would be good to ask since its hard to tell what's going on with all the clones from videos.

    People claim ranged is bad on mesmer but I guess they never play it open world or for legendary bounties where melee is a death sentence. 

    Mesmer is amazing ranged, especially chrono with Greatsword or mirage staff. The main reason they are amazing is you can self-buff with quickness or alac 25might and fury. 

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  10. On 12/11/2021 at 4:30 PM, Daddy.8125 said:

    This post is over 2 years old.. 

    And your absymally wrong. Being a edgelord (dark) is one of the most popular themes in the gaming culture.. high hp with no active defense is balanced. 

    No. Lol you say this while darker themed classes in multitudes of mmorpgs are top picks. Young adults wanna be edgelords.

    Stop thinking people role proffessions because "high hp" or mechanics.  Numbers are skewed because litterally I have 60 characters! You have people with 80 accounts! Ontop of this bots in both pve and PvP! 

    No ones playing necro cause of "high health". Shroud requires build up ontop of that majority of reapers DMG comes from shroud they would get no where using reapers shroud as a litteral second hp bar 

    And stop reviving threads from over 2 years ago, necro got its spvp nerfs lol. 


    I know and that's why I responded to the guy the guy who posted at the 3rd of December??? 

    Lots of people sight them liking necro since it had high health, I mean people hated it at launch since they didnt understand shroud and it was clunky. 

  11. 14 hours ago, mortrialus.3062 said:

    PvP viability should be an important facet of design.  Yes, new elite specs should be competitive with core and other elite specializations. 

    I've seen enough. Anyone who has spent time with Virtuoso in PvP agrees; it is among the absolute weakest things to have ever existed in the game.  It's not a matter of broken mechanics, it has no advantages it is capable of leveling against other professions and builds period.

    The core weapons are fundamentally unviable on Virtuoso as their dps is tied to clones attacking and doing condition damage. They've left scepter and staff with 50% reduced damage output on condi.  Without clones their damage output is the absolute lowest in the game.

    There have been times when things like Condi Reaper, Condi Chrono, Power Mirage, and others have found various uses and places in the game, especially in PvP.  This happens because the elite spec doesn't fundamentally nerf core weapons and traits of the profession, and their trait choices are beneficial in multiple ways not just one specific damage type. It's overall good design that offers a lot of interesting build craft even if the thesis statement of the elite spec wasn't inline with those builds.

    Virtuoso very uniquely, unlike all other professions and elite specs in the game, gimps core mesmer condition weapons and the only thing it tries to offer is to brute force dagger, and only dagger, into a condi role with traits that benefit the dagger and the dagger alone.  It's the exact opposite way the game should be allowing for the idea of condi virtuoso.  That is why people hate the condition traits on Virtuoso.  Even if the condition traits on Virtuoso somehow made dagger an incredibly potent condi weapon, it still leaves the build with no functional alternative options and synergies. 

    Honestly we don't really know how it will preform in PVP since we have only had betas to test it.


    In terms of the condition line you can always run hybrid builds since they exist on end game Soulbeast builds. I think you are reading into this to much just play it or don't. People have been wanted a no clone spec for a while and they are getting one, I'm happy with that.

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  12. The large majority of players don't play pvp, fractals, strikes, raids etc. What makes a spec fun is a austetic role.

    People play guardian because they like a more traditional role, same with rangers. Hese why they are number 1 class and number 3 respectfully. 


    It all serves a fantasy the players wants to create.


    What is problem is classes that are played only because they are good for a certain type of content. Scourge being the primary example, it's a healer but people play it since it has broken torment application, that is bad game design. 

  13. 3 hours ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

    I have more then 10k dps as a healbrand lol
    found it lul, thats an old log I got much better now and optimized my gear more, I can pull off closer to ~13-15k as a healer now and im not even good at FB

    I never said fractals I said open world pve. Most fights you cant even pull off a full rotation since they go invun, you are about to die, or they die to quickly.

  14. 1 minute ago, mortrialus.3062 said:

    Maybe its because ranger's long range weapon kits are actually well designed with multiple tools that actually provides; good damage at any range, ways to keep enemies away from you, options when opponents do close the gap, options for when fights get projectile hate heavy, and all that just on longbow. 

    Virtuoso is not good.  It is without question one of the absolute weakest things that has ever existed in the game.

    Staff Mirage has its uses in both parties as it provides party wide permanent alacrity and 25 might as well as being one of the absolute best and easiest builds for soloing world bosses including legendary bounties.  It's absurdly good at that, but given that you think Mirage Cloak is hard somehow, I don't know what to tell you beyond that.  How the hell is Mirage Cloak "Hard"? 

    Yeah i agree the ranger's ranged weapon are very strong, i use axe and shortbow so not that conventional. I might have some use for Virtuoso if i can mimic that playstyle, i will have to test it more on launch.


    I know about staff mirage buffing, I was just saying mirage in general is melee so you need to avoid a lot of PVE damage. Ranged classes don't especially in groups.

  15. On 12/4/2021 at 2:54 PM, Mage Prime.9417 said:

    Hi there, 

    As the title say, I'm looking for a condition profession like Staff/Staff mirage. 

    In particular, I'm looking for a profession that has the ability to be modified in complexity. 

    Since Staff/Staff mirage has options to be built as a 2-3 button rotation or a more robust one. 



    Dodge off cool down but at 1 second intervals since you will skip the ambush. 

    You want to distort with 3 clones right away so you can use the mirrors for more ambushes. Just don't hit staff two when you build your first 3 clones since that mirror will spawn to far from the group. 


    Run Signet of Inspiration and hit that off cool down but try time it with protection buffs so you have keep that stack going. 


    Staff mirage is amazing and can spam most buffs in the game with tons of aegis. People say ren is better but I disagree. 

  16. 2 minutes ago, mortrialus.3062 said:

    And yet you kept saying it's fine in PvP. 

    How is Mirage cloak "Hard to use due to close range dodging", like what.  Vs.  Virtuoso which has literally no options for avoiding damage. 

    I just don't like to pvp with mesmer in general, I prefer ranger. That doesn't mean it isn't good.

    You have to stay melee with mirage, you don't with virtuoso pretty simple stuff.

    I guess staff mirage is also ranged but I don't see people use that in pve at all. 

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  17. 7 hours ago, Lincolnbeard.1735 said:

    As optimal as you do 10k with Virt, actually is even easier since you have to crit less on core to achieve higher numbers. 

    On a side note no one cares about pve, everything works there hence you like the garbage spec no one will competitively play. 

    I wont play it PVP so i only care about it PVE. and yes it is lot easier to get high dps on Virtuoso since the rotation is simpler since it doesnt require full 3 clones and expert timing with Continuum Split or close range dodging to avoid damage on mirage.

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  18. 14 hours ago, Salt Mode.3780 said:

    Why are you even commenting on PvP if you clearly said you have no experience with it just stop making yourself look like a fool.

    Mesmer and Thief roles are not meant for teamfights but for decap/roaming purposes. The only reason why Mirage had "potential" team fight was because of ambush GS. With IH it allowed massive multi pressure. 

    Just stop.


    Dude I know hense why I don't like it in pvp

    • Confused 4
  19. 26 minutes ago, Lincolnbeard.1735 said:

    First of all - open world - lol. 

    I deal more than 16k and within a small aoe radius with core mesmer. 

    Why the kitten do I want some 5 blade no aoe garbage that deals less 6k, demands more resources and is slower than that?

    16k maybe in the best conditions. I barely see people break 10k in most of my small scale bounties since they die alot. 

    In general most of my fight I'm hitting 10k even less on my chrono sometimes since I run a tank spec so I never die.


    I will find a use for virtouso, when I was play testing it on champion bounties I was normally highest dps at around 8k and that was with the bad gear they give you. 

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  20. On 12/6/2021 at 2:44 PM, Lethion.8745 said:

    I like this idea because Chrono doesn't have real Elite Spec mechanic. Chrono-shatters functions more or less the same as Core shatters and doesn't change how you play apart from Continuum Split. I believe that's a major design flow and goes against whole idea of elite specs. Fast casting might make it at least slightly more unique. 

    All the shatters are different for chrono unlike mirage which doesn't have any changes to shatter.

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